
Kliot, A. ; Johnson, R. S. ; MacCoss, M. J. ; Kontsedalov, S. ; Lebedev, G. ; Czosnek, H. ; Heck, M. ; Ghanim, M. . A Proteomic Approach Reveals Possible Molecular Mechanisms And Roles For Endosymbiotic Bacteria In Begomovirus Transmission By Whiteflies. Gigascience 2020, 9. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Many plant viruses are vector-borne and depend on arthropods for transmission between host plants. Begomoviruses, the largest, most damaging and emerging group of plant viruses, infect hundreds of plant species, and new virus species of the group are discovered each year. Begomoviruses are transmitted by members of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci species complex in a persistent-circulative manner. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is one of the most devastating begomoviruses worldwide and causes major losses in tomato crops, as well as in many agriculturally important plant species. Different B. tabaci populations vary in their virus transmission abilities; however, the causes for these variations are attributed among others to genetic differences among vector populations, as well as to differences in the bacterial symbionts housed within B. tabaci.Here, we performed discovery proteomic analyses in 9 whitefly populations from both Middle East Asia Minor I (MEAM1, formerly known as B biotype) and Mediterranean (MED, formerly known as Q biotype) species. We analysed our proteomic results on the basis of the different TYLCV transmission abilities of the various populations included in the study. The results provide the first comprehensive list of candidate insect and bacterial symbiont (mainly Rickettsia) proteins associated with virus transmission.Our data demonstrate that the proteomic signatures of better vector populations differ considerably when compared with less efficient vector populations in the 2 whitefly species tested in this study. While MEAM1 efficient vector populations have a more lenient immune system, the Q efficient vector populations have higher abundance of proteins possibly implicated in virus passage through cells. Both species show a strong link of the facultative symbiont Rickettsia to virus transmission.
Kumar, S. ; Natalio, F. ; Elbaum, R. . Protein-Driven Biomineralization: Comparing Silica Formation In Grass Silica Cells To Other Biomineralization Processes. Journal of Structural Biology 2020, 107665. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Biomineralization is a common strategy adopted by organisms to support their body structure. Plants practice significant silicon and calcium based biomineralization in which silicon is deposited as silica in cell walls and intracellularly in various cell-types, while calcium is deposited mostly as calcium oxalate in vacuoles of specialized cells. In this review, we compare cellular processes leading to protein-dependent mineralization in plants, diatoms and sponges (phylum Porifera). The mechanisms of biomineralization in these organisms are inherently different. The composite silica structure in diatoms forms inside the cytoplasm in a membrane bound vesicle, which after maturation is exocytosed to the cell surface. In sponges, separate vesicles with the mineral precursor (silicic acid), an inorganic template, and organic molecules, fuse together and are extruded out. In plants, calcium oxalate precursors are concentrated in a vacuolar vesicle containing a protein matrix which is never exocytosed. Silica deposition in grass silica cells takes place outside the cell membrane when the cells secrete the mineralizing protein into the apoplasm rich with silicic acid (the mineral precursor molecules). Our review infers that the organism complexity and precursor reactivity (calcium and oxalate versus silicic acid) are main driving forces for the evolution of varied mineralization mechanisms.
Biru, F. N. ; Cazzonelli, C. I. ; Elbaum, R. ; Johnson, S. N. . Contrasting Effects Of Miocene And Anthropocene Levels Of Atmospheric Co2 On Silicon Accumulation In A Model Grass. Biology Letters 2020, 16, 20200608. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Grasses are hyper-accumulators of silicon (Si), which they acquire from the soil and deposit in tissues to resist environmental stresses. Given the high metabolic costs of herbivore defensive chemicals and structural constituents (e.g. cellulose), grasses may substitute Si for these components when carbon is limited. Indeed, high Si uptake grasses evolved in the Miocene when atmospheric CO2 concentration was much lower than present levels. It is, however, unknown how pre-industrial CO2 concentrations affect Si accumulation in grasses. Using Brachypodium distachyon, we hydroponically manipulated Si-supply (0.0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 mM) and grew plants under Miocene (200 ppm) and Anthropocene levels of CO2 comprising ambient (410 ppm) and elevated (640 ppm) CO2 concentrations. We showed that regardless of Si treatments, the Miocene CO2 levels increased foliar Si concentrations by 47% and 56% relative to plants grown under ambient and elevated CO2, respectively. This is owing to higher accumulation overall, but also the reallocation of Si from the roots into the shoots. Our results suggest that grasses may accumulate high Si concentrations in foliage when carbon is less available (i.e. pre-industrial CO2 levels) but this is likely to decline under future climate change scenarios, potentially leaving grasses more susceptible to environmental stresses.
Lew, T. T. S. ; Sarojam, R. ; Jang, I. - C. ; Park, B. S. ; Naqvi, N. I. ; Wong, M. H. ; Singh, G. P. ; Ram, R. J. ; Shoseyov, O. ; Saito, K. ; et al. Species-Independent Analytical Tools For Next-Generation Agriculture. 2020, 6, 1408 - 1417. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Innovative approaches are urgently required to alleviate the growing pressure on agriculture to meet the rising demand for food. A key challenge for plant biology is to bridge the notable knowledge gap between our detailed understanding of model plants grown under laboratory conditions and the agriculturally important crops cultivated in fields or production facilities. This Perspective highlights the recent development of new analytical tools that are rapid and non-destructive and provide tissue-, cell- or organelle-specific information on living plants in real time, with the potential to extend across multiple species in field applications. We evaluate the utility of engineered plant nanosensors and portable Raman spectroscopy to detect biotic and abiotic stresses, monitor plant hormonal signalling as well as characterize the soil, phytobiome and crop health in a non- or minimally invasive manner. We propose leveraging these tools to bridge the aforementioned fundamental gap with new synthesis and integration of expertise from plant biology, engineering and data science. Lastly, we assess the economic potential and discuss implementation strategies that will ensure the acceptance and successful integration of these modern tools in future farming practices in traditional as well as urban agriculture.
Israeli, A. ; Ben-Herzel, O. ; Burko, Y. ; Shwartz, I. ; Ben-Gera, H. ; Harpaz-Saad, S. ; Bar, M. ; Efroni, I. ; Ori, N. . Coordination Of Differentiation Rate And Local Patterning In Compound-Leaf Development. New Phytologist 2020, n/a. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary The variability in leaf form in nature is immense. Leaf patterning occurs by differential growth, taking place during a limited window of morphogenetic activity at the leaf marginal meristem. While many regulators have been implicated in the designation of the morphogenetic window and in leaf patterning, how these effectors interact to generate a particular form is still not well understood. We investigated the interaction among different effectors of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) compound-leaf development, using genetic and molecular analyses. Mutations in the tomato auxin response factor SlARF5/SlMP, which normally promotes leaflet formation, suppressed the increased leaf complexity of mutants with extended morphogenetic window. Impaired activity of the NAC/CUC transcription factor GOBLET (GOB), which specifies leaflet boundaries, also reduced leaf complexity in these backgrounds. Analysis of genetic interactions showed that the patterning factors SlMP, GOB and the MYB transcription factor LYRATE (LYR) coordinately regulate leaf patterning by modulating in parallel different aspects of leaflet formation and shaping, This work places an array of developmental regulators in a morphogenetic context. It reveals how organ-level differentiation rate and local growth are coordinated to sculpture an organ. These concepts are applicable to the coordination of pattering and differentiation in other species and developmental processes.
Nowogrodski, C. ; Simon, I. ; Magdassi, S. ; Shoseyov, O. . Fabrication Of Second Skin From Keratin And Melanin. Polymers 2020, 12. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Second skin is a topically applied, skin-conforming material that mimics human skin properties and bears potential cosmetic and e-skin applications. To successfully integrate with natural skin, characteristics such as color and skin features must be matched. In this work, we prepared bio-based skin-like films from cross-linked keratin/melanin films (KMFs), using a simple fabrication method and non-toxic materials. The films retained their stability in aqueous solutions, showed skin-like mechanical properties, and were homogenous and handleable, with non-granular surfaces and a notable cross-linked structure as determined by attenuated total reflection (ATR). In addition, the combination of keratin and melanin allowed for adjustable tones similar to those of natural human skin. Furthermore, KMFs showed light transmittance and UV-blocking (up to 99%) as a function of melanin content. Finally, keratin/melanin ink (KMI) was used to inkjet-print high-resolution images with natural skin pigmented features. The KMFs and KMI may offer advanced solutions as e-skin or cosmetics platforms.
Teboul, N. ; Gadri, Y. ; Berkovich, Z. ; Reifen, R. ; Peleg, Z. . Genetic Architecture Underpinning Yield Components And Seed Mineral–Nutrients In Sesame. Genes 2020, 11. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Genetic dissection of yield components and seed mineral-nutrient is crucial for understanding plant physiological and biochemical processes and alleviate nutrient malnutrition. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an orphan crop that harbors rich allelic repertoire for seed mineral–nutrients. Here, we harness this wide diversity to study the genetic architecture of yield components and seed mineral–nutrients using a core-collection of worldwide genotypes and segregating mapping population. We also tested the association between these traits and the effect of seed nutrients concentration on their bio-accessibility. Wide genetic diversity for yield components and seed mineral–nutrients was found among the core-collection. A high-density linkage map consisting of 19,309 markers was constructed and used for genetic mapping of 84 QTL associated with yield components and 50 QTL for seed minerals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on mineral–nutrients QTL in sesame. Genomic regions with a cluster of overlapping QTL for several morphological and nutritional traits were identified and considered as genomic hotspots. Candidate gene analysis revealed potential functional associations between QTL and corresponding genes, which offers unique opportunities for synchronous improvement of mineral–nutrients. Our findings shed-light on the genetic architecture of yield components, seed mineral–nutrients and their inter- and intra- relationships, which may facilitate future breeding efforts to develop bio-fortified sesame cultivars.
Fich, E. A. ; Fisher, J. ; Zamir, D. ; Rose, J. K. C. . Transpiration From Tomato Fruit Occurs Primarily Via Trichome-Associated Transcuticular Polar Pores. Plant Physiology 2020, 184, 1840–1852. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Nonstomatal water loss by transpiration through the hydrophobic cuticle is ubiquitous in land plants, but the pathways along which this occurs have not been identified. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) provides an excellent system in which to study this phenomenon, as its fruit are astomatous and a major target for desiccation resistance to enhance shelf life. We screened a tomato core collection of 398 accessions from around the world and selected seven cultivars that collectively exhibited the lowest and highest degrees of transpirational water loss for a more detailed study. The transpirational differences between these lines reflected the permeances of their isolated cuticles, but this did not correlate with various measures of cuticle abundance or composition. Rather, we found that fruit cuticle permeance has a strong dependence on the abundance of microscopic polar pores. We further observed that these transcuticular pores are associated with trichomes and are exposed when the trichomes are dislodged, revealing a previously unreported link between fruit trichome density and transpirational water loss. During postharvest storage, limited self-sealing of the pores was detected for certain cultivars, in contrast with the stem scar, which healed relatively rapidly. The abundance of trichome-associated pores, together with their self-sealing capacity, presents a promising target for breeding or engineering efforts to reduce fruit transpirational water loss.
Sade, N. ; Weng, F. ; Tajima, H. ; Zeron, Y. ; Zhang, L. ; del Rubio Wilhelmi, M. M. ; Day, G. ; Peleg, Z. ; Blumwald, E. . A Cytoplasmic Receptor-Like Kinase Contributes To Salinity Tolerance. Plants 2020, 9. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases (RLCKs) are receptor kinases that lack extracellular ligand-binding domains and have emerged as a major class of signaling proteins that regulate plant cellular activities in response to biotic/abiotic stresses and endogenous extracellular signaling molecules. We have identified a rice RLCK (OsRLCK311) that was significantly higher in transgenic pSARK-IPT rice (Oryza sativa) that exhibited enhanced growth under saline conditions. Overexpression of OsRLCK311 full-length protein (RLCK311FL) and the C-terminus of OsRLCK311 (ΔN) in Arabidopsis confirmed its role in salinity tolerance, both in seedlings and mature plants. Protein interaction assays indicated that OsRLCK311 and ΔN interacted in-vivo with the plasma membrane AQP AtPIP2;1. The RLCK311-PIP2;1 binding led to alterations in the stomata response to ABA, which was characterized by more open stomata of transgenic plants. Moreover, OsRLCK311-ΔN effect in mediating enhanced plant growth under saline conditions was also observed in the perennial grass Brachypodium sylvaticum, confirming its role in both dicots and monocots species. Lastly, OsRLCK311 interacted with the rice OsPIP2;1. We suggest that the rice OsRLCK311 play a role in regulating the plant growth response under saline conditions via the regulation of the stomata response to stress. This role seems to be independent of the RLCK311 kinase activity, since the overexpression of the RLCK311 C-terminus (ΔN), which lacks the kinase full domain, has a similar phenotype to RLCK311FL.
Sun, Y. ; Pri-Tal, O. ; Michaeli, D. ; Mosquna, A. . Evolution Of Abscisic Acid Signaling Module And Its Perception. Frontiers in Plant Science 2020, 11, 934. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We hereby review the perception and responses to the stress hormone Abscisic acid (ABA), along the trajectory of 500M years of plant evolution, whose understanding may resolve how plants acquired this signaling pathway essential for the colonization of land. ABA levels rise in response to abiotic stresses, coordinating physiological and metabolic responses, helping plants survive stressful environments. In land plants, ABA signaling cascade leads to growth arrest and large-scale changes in transcript levels, required for coping with environmental stressors. This response is regulated by a PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE 1-like (PYL)–PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2C (PP2C)–SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2 (SnRK2) module, that initiates phosphor-activation of transcription factors and ion channels. The enzymatic portions of this module (phosphatase and kinase) are functionally conserved from streptophyte algae to angiosperms, whereas the regulatory component –the PYL receptors, putatively evolved in the common ancestor of Zygnematophyceae and embryophyte as a constitutive, ABA-independent protein, further evolving into a ligand-activated receptor at the embryophyta. This evolutionary process peaked with the appearance of the strictly ABA-dependent subfamily III stress-triggered angiosperms' dimeric PYL receptors. The emerging picture is that the ancestor of land plants and its predecessors synthesized ABA, as its biosynthetic pathway is conserved between ancestral and current day algae. Despite this ability, it was only the common ancestor of land plants which acquired the hormonal-modulation of PYL activity by ABA. This raises several questions regarding both ABA's function in ABA-non-responsive organisms, and the evolutionary aspects of the ABA signal transduction pathway.
Tsamir-Rimon, M. ; Ben-Dor, S. ; Feldmesser, E. ; Openheimer- Shaanan, Y. ; David-Schwartz, R. ; Samach, A. ; Klein, T. . Rapid Starch Degradation In The Wood Of Olive Trees Under Heat And Drought Is Permitted By Three Stress-Specific Beta Amylases. New Phytologist 2020, n/a. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Abstract Carbon reserve use is a major drought response in trees, enabling tree survival in conditions prohibiting photosynthesis. However, regulation of starch metabolism under drought at the whole-tree scale is still poorly understood. To this end, we combined measurements of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), tree physiology and gene expression. The experiment was conducted outside on olive trees in pots under 90 days of seasonal spring to summer warming. Half of the trees were also subjected to limited water conditions for 28 days. Photosynthesis decreased in dehydrating trees from 19 to 0.5 µmol m-2 s-1 during the drought period. Starch degradation and mannitol production were a major drought response, with mannitol increasing to 71% and 41% out of total NSC in shoots and roots, respectively. We identified the gene family members potentially relevant either to long-term or stress-induced carbon storage. Partitioning of expression patterns among β amylase and starch synthase family members was observed, with three β amylases possibly facilitating the rapid starch degradation under heat and drought. Our results suggest a group of stress-related, starch metabolism genes, correlated with NSC fluctuations during drought and recovery. The daily starch metabolism gene expression was different from the stress-mode starch metabolism pattern, where some genes are uniquely expressed during the stress-mode response.
Gal, A. ; Hendel, E. ; Peleg, Z. ; Schwartz, N. ; Sade, N. . Measuring The Hydraulic Conductivity Of Grass Root Systems. Current Protocols in Plant Biology 2020, 5, e20110. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Abstract Root-system hydraulic conductivity (RSHC) is an important physiological characteristic that describes the inherent ability of roots to conduct water across a water-potential gradient between the root and the stem xylem. RSHC is commonly used as an indicator of plant functioning and adaptability to a given environment. A simple, fast, and easy-to-use protocol is described for the quantification of RSHC at the seedling stage in two important monocot species grown in hydroponic solution: Setaria viridis, a C4 model plant, and wheat, a C3 crop plant. This protocol can also be easily modified for use with almost any grass species and environmental treatments, such as salinity or hormone treatments. © 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Basic Protocol: Setaria hydrostatic root-system hydraulic conductivity Alternate Protocol: Measuring the root conductivity of young plants with soft stems
Braun, M. ; Sharon, E. ; Unterman, I. ; Miller, M. ; Shtern, A. M. ; Benenson, S. ; Vainstein, A. ; Tabach, Y. . Ace2 Co-Evolutionary Pattern Suggests Targets For Pharmaceutical Intervention In The Covid-19 Pandemic. iScience 2020, 23, 101384. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spillover infection in December 2019 has caused an unprecedented pandemic. SARS-CoV-2, as other coronaviruses, binds its target cells through the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Accordingly, this makes ACE2 research essential for understanding the zoonotic nature of coronaviruses and identifying novel drugs. Here we present a systematic analysis of the ACE2 conservation and co-evolution protein network across 1,671 eukaryotes, revealing an unexpected conservation pattern in specific metazoans, plants, fungi, and protists. We identified the co-evolved protein network and pinpointed a list of drugs that target this network by using data integration from different sources. Our computational analysis found widely used drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vasodilators. These drugs are expected to perturb the ACE2 network affecting infectivity as well as the pathophysiology of the disease.
Matosevich, R. ; Cohen, I. ; Gil-Yarom, N. ; Modrego, A. ; Friedlander-Shani, L. ; Verna, C. ; Scarpella, E. ; Efroni, I. . Local Auxin Biosynthesis Is Required For Root Regeneration After Wounding. Nature Plant 2020, 6, 1020 - 1030. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The root meristem can regenerate following removal of its stem-cell niche by recruitment of remnant cells from the stump. Regeneration is initiated by rapid accumulation of auxin near the injury site but the source of this auxin is unknown. Here, we show that auxin accumulation arises from the activity of multiple auxin biosynthetic sources that are newly specified near the cut site and that their continuous activity is required for the regeneration process. Auxin synthesis is highly localized while PIN-mediated transport is dispensable for auxin accumulation and tip regeneration. Roots lacking the activity of the regeneration competence factor ERF115, or that are dissected at a zone of low regeneration potential, fail to activate local auxin sources. Remarkably, restoring auxin supply is sufficient to confer regeneration capacity to these recalcitrant tissues. We suggest that regeneration competence relies on the ability to specify new local auxin sources in a precise temporal pattern.
Israeli, A. ; Reed, J. W. ; Ori, N. . Genetic Dissection Of The Auxin Response Network. Nature Plant 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The expansion of gene families during evolution, which can generate functional overlap or specialization among their members, is a characteristic feature of signalling pathways in complex organisms. For example, families of transcriptional activators and repressors mediate responses to the plant hormone auxin. Although these regulators were identified more than 20 years ago, their overlapping functions and compensating negative feedbacks have hampered their functional analyses. Studies using loss-of-function approaches in basal land plants and gain-of-function approaches in angiosperms have in part overcome these issues but have still left an incomplete understanding. Here, we propose that renewed emphasis on genetic analysis of multiple mutants and species will shed light on the role of gene families in auxin response. Combining loss-of-function mutations in auxin-response activators and repressors can unravel complex outputs enabled by expanded gene families, such as fine-tuned developmental outcomes and robustness. Similar approaches and concepts may help to analyse other regulatory pathways whose components are also encoded by large gene families.
Tietel, Z. ; Simhon, E. ; Gashu, K. ; Ananth, D. A. ; Schwartz, B. ; Saranga, Y. ; Yermiyahu, U. . Nitrogen Availability And Genotype Affect Major Nutritional Quality Parameters Of Tef Grain Grown Under Irrigation. Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 14339. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Worldwide demand for tef (Eragrostis tef) as a functional food for human consumption is increasing, thanks to its nutritional benefits and gluten-free properties. As a result, tef in now grown outside its native environment in Ethiopia and thus information is required regarding plant nutrition demands in these areas, as well as resulting grain health-related composition. In the current work, two tef genotypes were grown in Israel under irrigation in two platforms, plots in the field and pots in a greenhouse, with four and five nitrogen treatments, respectively. Nutritional and health-related quality traits were analyzed, including mineral content, fatty acid composition, hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidative capacity, total phenolic content and basic polyphenolic profile. Our results show that tef genotypes differ in their nutritional composition, e.g. higher phenolic contents in the brown compared to the white genotype. Additionally, nitrogen availability positively affected grain fatty acid composition and iron levels in both experiments, while negatively affecting total phenolics in the field trials. To conclude, nitrogen fertilization is crucial for crop growth and productivity, however it also implicates nutritional value of the grains as food. These effects should be considered when fertilizing tef with nitrogen, to optimize both crop productivity and nutritional effects.
Dalal, A. ; Shenhar, I. ; Bourstein, R. ; Mayo, A. ; Grunwald, Y. ; Averbuch, N. ; Attia, Z. ; Wallach, R. ; Moshelion, M. . A Telemetric, Gravimetric Platform For Real-Time Physiological Phenotyping Of Plant&Ndash;Environment Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. 2020, e61280. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Food security for the growing global population is a major concern. The data provided by genomic tools far exceeds the supply of phenotypic data, creating a knowledge gap. To meet the challenge of improving crops to feed the growing global population, this gap must be bridged.Physiological traits are considered key functional traits in the context of responsiveness or sensitivity to environmental conditions. Many recently introduced high-throughput (HTP) phenotyping techniques are based on remote sensing or imaging and are capable of directly measuring morphological traits, but measure physiological parameters mainly indirectly. This paper describes a method for direct physiological phenotyping that has several advantages for the functional phenotyping of plant–environment interactions. It helps users overcome the many challenges encountered in the use of load-cell gravimetric systems and pot experiments. The suggested techniques will enable users to distinguish between soil weight, plant weight and soil water content, providing a method for the continuous and simultaneous measurement of dynamic soil, plant and atmosphere conditions, alongside the measurement of key physiological traits. This method allows researchers to closely mimic field stress scenarios while taking into consideration the environment’s effects on the plants’ physiology. This method also minimizes pot effects, which are one of the major problems in pre-field phenotyping. It includes a feed-back fertigation system that enables a truly randomized experimental design at a field-like plant density. This system detects the soil-water-content limiting threshold (θ) and allows for the translation of data into knowledge through the use of a real-time analytic tool and an online statistical resource. This method for the rapid and direct measurement of the physiological responses of multiple plants to a dynamic environment has great potential for use in screening for beneficial traits associated with responses to abiotic stress, in the context of pre-field breeding and crop improvement.
Grah, R. ; Friedlander, T. . The Relation Between Crosstalk And Gene Regulation Form Revisited. PLOS Computational Biology 2020, 16, 1-24. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Author summary Genes differ in the frequency at which they are expressed and in the form of regulation used to control their activity. The basic level of regulation is mediated by different types of DNA-binding proteins, where each type regulates particular gene(s). We distinguish between two basic forms of regulation: positive—if a gene is activated by the binding of its regulatory protein, and negative—if it is active unless bound by its regulatory protein. Due to the multitude of genes and regulators, spurious binding and unbinding events, called “crosstalk”, could occur. How does the form of regulation, positive or negative, affect the extent of regulatory crosstalk? To address this question, we used a mathematical model integrating many genes and many regulators. As intuition suggests, we found that in most of the parameter space, crosstalk increased with the availability of regulators. We propose, that crosstalk is usually reduced when networks are designed such that minimal regulation is needed, which we call the ‘idle’ design. In other words: a frequently needed gene will use negative regulation and conversely, a scarcely needed gene will employ positive regulation. In both cases, the requirement for the regulators is minimized. In addition, we demonstrate how crosstalk can be calculated from available datasets and discuss the technical challenges in such calculation, specifically data incompleteness.
Adiram-Filiba, N. ; Geiger, Y. ; Kumar, S. ; Keinan-Adamsky, K. ; Elbaum, R. ; Goobes, G. . Peptides From Diatoms And Grasses Harness Phosphate Ion Binding To Silica To Help Regulate Biomaterial Structure. Acta Biomaterialia 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Many life forms generate intricate submicron biosilica structures with various important biological functions. The formation of such structures, from the silicic acid in the waters and in the soil, is thought to be regulated by unique proteins with high repeats of specific amino acids and unusual sidechain modifications. Some silicifying proteins are characterized by high prevalence of basic amino acids in their primary structures. Lysine-rich domains are found, for instance, in diatom silaffin proteins and in the sorghum grass siliplant protein. These domains exhibit catalytic activity in silica chain condensation, owing to molecular interactions of the lysine amine groups with the forming mineral. The use of amine chemistry by two very remote organisms has motivated us to seek other molecular biosilicification processes that may be common to the two life forms. In diatom silaffins, domains rich in phosphoserine residues are thought to assist the assembly of silaffin molecules into an organic supra-structure which serves as a template for the silica to precipitate on. This mold, held by salt bridges between serine phosphates and lysine amines, dictates the shape of the silica particles formed. Yet, silica synthesized with the dephosphorylated silaffin in phosphate buffer showed similar morphology to the one prepared with the native protein, suggesting that a defined spatial arrangement of serine phosphates is not required to generate silica with the desired shape. Concurrently, free phosphates enhanced the activity of siliplant1 in silica formation. It is therefore beneficial to characterize the involvement of these anions as co-factors in regulated silicification by functional peptides from the two proteins and to understand whether they play similar molecular role in the mechanism of mineralization. Here we analyze the molecular interactions of free phosphate ions with silica and the silaffin peptide PL12 and separately with silica and siliplant1 peptide SLP1 in the two biomimetic silica products generated by the two peptides. MAS NMR measurements show that the phosphate ions interact with the peptides and at the same time may be forming bonds with the silica mineral. This bridging capability may add another avenue by which the structure of the silica material is influenced. A model for the molecular/ionic interactions at the bio-inorganic interface is described, which may have bearings for the role of phosphorylated residues beyond the function as intermolecular cross linkers or free phosphate ions as co-factors in regulation of silicification.
Hodson, M. J. ; Song, Z. ; Ball, T. B. ; Elbaum, R. ; Struyf, E. . Editorial: Frontiers In Phytolith Research. Frontiers in Plant Science 2020, 11, 454. Publisher's Version