
Grunwald, Y. ; Gosa, S. C. ; Torne-Srivastava, T. ; Moran, N. ; Moshelion, M. . Out Of The Blue: Phototropins Of The Leaf Vascular Bundle Sheath Mediate The Regulation Of Leaf Hydraulic Conductance By Blue Light. Plant Cell 2022, koac089. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaf veins bundle-sheath cells (BSCs)—a selective barrier to water and solutes entering the mesophyll—increase the leaf radial hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) by acidifying the xylem sap by their plasma membrane H+-ATPase, AHA2. Based on this and on the BSCs’ expression of phototropins PHOT1 and PHOT2, and the known blue light (BL)-induced Kleaf increase, we hypothesized that, resembling the guard cells, BL perception by the BSCs’ phots activates its H+-ATPase, which, consequently, upregulates Kleaf. Indeed, under BL, the Kleaf of the knockout mutant lines phot1-5, phot2-1, phot1-5 phot2-1, and aha2-4 was lower than that of the wild-type (WT). BSC-only-directed complementation of phot1-5 or aha2-4 by PHOT1 or AHA2, respectively, restored the BL-induced Kleaf increase. BSC-specific silencing of PHOT1 or PHOT2 prevented such Kleaf increase. A xylem-fed kinase inhibitor (tyrphostin 9) replicated this also in WT plants. White light—ineffective in the phot1-5 mutant—acidified the xylem sap (relative to darkness) in WT and in the PHOT1-complemented phot1-5. These results, supported by BL increase of BSC protoplasts’ water permeability and cytosolic pH and their hyperpolarization by BL, identify the BSCs as a second phot-controlled water conductance element in leaves, in series with stomatal conductance. Through both, BL regulates the leaf water balance.
Gosa, S. C. ; Koch, A. ; Shenhar, I. ; Hirschberg, J. ; Zamir, D. ; Moshelion, M. . The Potential Of Dynamic Physiological Traits In Young Tomato Plants To Predict Field-Yield Performance. 2022, 315, 111122. Publisher's VersionAbstract
To address the challenge of predicting tomato yields in the field, we used whole-plant functional phenotyping to evaluate water relations under well-irrigated and drought conditions. The genotypes tested are known to exhibit variability in their yields in wet and dry fields. The examined lines included two lines with recessive mutations that affect carotenoid biosynthesis, zeta z2083 and tangerine t3406, both isogenic to the processing tomato variety M82. The two mutant lines were reciprocally grafted onto M82, and multiple physiological characteristics were measured continuously, before, during and after drought treatment in the greenhouse. A comparative analysis of greenhouse and field yields showed that the whole-canopy stomatal conductance (gsc) in the morning and cumulative transpiration (CT) were strongly correlated with field measurements of total yield (TY: r2 = 0.9 and 0.77, respectively) and plant vegetative weight (PW: r2 = 0.6 and 0.94, respectively). Furthermore, the minimum CT during drought and the rate of recovery when irrigation was resumed were both found to predict resilience.
Tzohar, D. ; Moshelion, M. ; Ben-Gal, A. . Compensatory Hydraulic Uptake Of Water By Tomato Due To Variable Root-Zone Salinity. VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL 2021, 20.Abstract
Plant root systems are exposed to spatial and temporal heterogeneity regarding water availability. In the long-term, compensation, increased uptake by roots in areas with favorable conditions in response to decreased uptake in areas under stress, is driven by root growth and distribution. In the short-term (hours-days), compensative processes are less understood. We hypothesized hydraulic compensation where local lowered water availability is accompanied by increased uptake from areas where water remains available. Our objective was to quantify instantaneous hydraulic root uptake under conditions of differential water availability. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants were grown in split-root weighing-drainage lysimeters in which each half of the roots could alternatively be exposed to short-term conditions of salinity. Uptake was quantified from each of the two root zone compartments. One-sided exposure to salinity immediately led to less uptake from the salt-affected compartment and increased uptake from the nontreated compartment. Compensation occurred at salinity, caused by NaCl solution of 4 dS m(-1), that did not decrease uptake in plants with entire root systems exposed. At higher salinity, 6.44 dS m(-1), transpiration decreased by similar to 50% when the total root system was exposed. When only half of the roots were exposed, total uptake was maintained at levels of nonstressed plants with as much as 85% occurring from the nontreated compartment. The extent of compensation was not absolute and apparently a function of salinity, atmospheric demand, and duration of exposure. As long as there is no hydraulic restriction in other areas, temporary reduction in water availability in some parts of a tomato's root zone will not affect plant-scale transpiration.
Weksler, S. ; Rozenstein, O. ; Haish, N. ; Moshelion, M. ; Wallach, R. ; Ben-Dor, E. . Pepper Plants Leaf Spectral Reflectance Changes As A Result Of Root Rot Damage. REMOTE SENSING 2021, 13.Abstract
Symptoms of root stress are hard to detect using non-invasive tools. This study reveals proof of concept for vegetation indices' ability, usually used to sense canopy status, to detect root stress, and performance status. Pepper plants were grown under controlled greenhouse conditions under different potassium and salinity treatments. The plants' spectral reflectance was measured on the last day of the experiment when more than half of the plants were already naturally infected by root disease. Vegetation indices were calculated for testing the capability to distinguish between healthy and root-damaged plants using spectral measurements. While no visible symptoms were observed in the leaves, the vegetation indices and red-edge position showed clear differences between the healthy and the root-infected plants. These results were achieved after a growth period of 32 days, indicating the ability to monitor root damage at an early growing stage using leaf spectral reflectance.
Shteinberg, M. ; Mishra, R. ; Anfoka, G. ; Altaleb, M. ; Brotman, Y. ; Moshelion, M. ; Gorovits, R. ; Czosnek, H. . Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (Tylcv) Promotes Plant Tolerance To Drought. Cells 2021, 10. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A growing body of research points to a positive interplay between viruses and plants. Tomato yellow curl virus (TYLCV) is able to protect tomato host plants against extreme drought. To envisage the use of virus protective capacity in agriculture, TYLCV-resistant tomato lines have to be infected first with the virus before planting. Such virus-resistant tomato plants contain virus amounts that do not cause disease symptoms, growth inhibition, or yield loss, but are sufficient to modify the metabolism of the plant, resulting in improved tolerance to drought. This phenomenon is based on the TYLCV-dependent stabilization of amounts of key osmoprotectants induced by drought (soluble sugars, amino acids, and proteins). Although in infected TYLCV-susceptible tomatoes, stress markers also show an enhanced stability, in infected TYLCV-resistant plants, water balance and osmolyte homeostasis reach particularly high levels. These tomato plants survive long periods of time during water withholding. However, after recovery to normal irrigation, they produce fruits which are not exposed to drought, similarly to the control plants. Using these features, it might be possible to cultivate TYLCV-resistant plants during seasons characterized by water scarcity.
Grunwald, Y. ; Wigoda, N. ; Sade, N. ; Yaaran, A. ; Torne, T. ; Gosa, S. C. ; Moran, N. ; Moshelion, M. . Arabidopsis Leaf Hydraulic Conductance Is Regulated By Xylem Sap Ph, Controlled, In Turn, By A P-Type H+-Atpase Of Vascular Bundle Sheath Cells. The Plant Journal 2021, 106, 301-313. Publisher's VersionAbstract
SUMMARY The leaf vascular bundle sheath cells (BSCs) that tightly envelop the leaf veins, are a selective and dynamic barrier to xylem sap water and solutes radially entering the mesophyll cells. Under normal conditions, xylem sap pH below 6 is presumably important for driving and regulating the transmembranal solute transport. Having discovered recently a differentially high expression of a BSC proton pump, AHA2, we now test the hypothesis that it regulates the xylem sap pH and leaf radial water fluxes. We monitored the xylem sap pH in the veins of detached leaves of wild-type Arabidopsis, AHA mutants and aha2 mutants complemented with AHA2 gene solely in BSCs. We tested an AHA inhibitor (vanadate) and stimulator (fusicoccin), and different pH buffers. We monitored their impact on the xylem sap pH and the leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf), and the effect of pH on the water osmotic permeability (Pf) of isolated BSCs protoplasts. We found that AHA2 is necessary for xylem sap acidification, and in turn, for elevating Kleaf. Conversely, AHA2 knockdown, which alkalinized the xylem sap, or, buffering its pH to 7.5, reduced Kleaf, and elevating external pH to 7.5 decreased the BSCs Pf. All these showed a causative link between AHA2 activity in BSCs and leaf radial hydraulic water conductance.
Pandey, A. K. ; Jiang, L. ; Moshelion, M. ; Gosa, S. C. ; Sun, T. ; Lin, Q. ; Wu, R. ; Xu, P. . Functional Physiological Phenotyping With Functional Mapping: A General Framework To Bridge The Phenotype-Genotype Gap In Plant Physiology. iScience 2021, 24, 102846. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary The recent years have witnessed the emergence of high-throughput phenotyping techniques. In particular, these techniques can characterize a comprehensive landscape of physiological traits of plants responding to dynamic changes in the environment. These innovations, along with the next-generation genomic technologies, have brought plant science into the big-data era. However, a general framework that links multifaceted physiological traits to DNA variants is still lacking. Here, we developed a general framework that integrates functional physiological phenotyping (FPP) with functional mapping (FM). This integration, implemented with high-dimensional statistical reasoning, can aid in our understanding of how genotype is translated toward phenotype. As a demonstration of method, we implemented the transpiration and soil-plant-atmosphere measurements of a tomato introgression line population into the FPP-FM framework, facilitating the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that mediate the spatiotemporal change of transpiration rate and the test of how these QTLs control, through their interaction networks, phenotypic plasticity under drought stress.
Weksler, S. ; Rozenstein, O. ; Haish, N. ; Moshelion, M. ; Wallach, R. ; Ben-Dor, E. . Detection Of Potassium Deficiency And Momentary Transpiration Rate Estimation At Early Growth Stages Using Proximal Hyperspectral Imaging And Extreme Gradient Boosting. Sensors 2021, 21. Publisher's VersionAbstract
{Potassium is a macro element in plants that is typically supplied to crops in excess throughout the season to avoid a deficit leading to reduced crop yield. Transpiration rate is a momentary physiological attribute that is indicative of soil water content, the plant’s water requirements, and abiotic stress factors. In this study, two systems were combined to create a hyperspectral–physiological plant database for classification of potassium treatments (low, medium, and high) and estimation of momentary transpiration rate from hyperspectral images. PlantArray 3.0 was used to control fertigation, log ambient conditions, and calculate transpiration rates. In addition, a semi-automated platform carrying a hyperspectral camera was triggered every hour to capture images of a large array of pepper plants. The combined attributes and spectral information on an hourly basis were used to classify plants into their given potassium treatments (average accuracy = 80%) and to estimate transpiration rate (RMSE = 0.025 g/min
Weksler, S. ; Rozenstein, O. ; Haish, N. ; Moshelion, M. ; Walach, R. ; Ben-Dor, E. . A Hyperspectral-Physiological Phenomics System: Measuring Diurnal Transpiration Rates And Diurnal Reflectance. REMOTE SENSING 2020, 12.Abstract
A novel hyperspectral-physiological system that monitors plants dynamic response to abiotic alterations was developed. The system is a sensor-to-plant platform which can determine the optimal time of day during which physiological traits can be successfully identified via spectral means. The directly measured traits include momentary and daily transpiration rates throughout the daytime and daily and periodical plant weight loss and gain. The system monitored and evaluated pepper plants response to varying levels of potassium fertilization. Significant momentary transpiration rates differences were found between the treatments during 07:00-10:00 and 14:00-17:00. The simultaneous frequently measured high-resolution spectral data provided the means to correlate the two measured data sets. Significant correlation coefficients between the spectra and momentary transpiration rates resulted with a selection of three bands (rho 523, rho 697 and rho 818nm) that were used to capture transpiration rate differences using a normalized difference formula during the morning, noon and the afternoon. These differences also indicated that the best results are not always obtained when spectral (remote or proximal) measurements are typically preformed around noon (when solar illumination is the highest). Valuable information can be obtained when the spectral measurements are timed according to the plants' dynamic physiological status throughout the day, which may vary among plant species and should be considered when planning remote sensing data acquisition.
Jerszurki, D. ; Sperling, O. ; Parthasarathi, T. ; Lichston, J. E. ; Yaaran, A. ; Moshelion, M. ; Rachmilevitch, S. ; Lazarovitch, N. . Wide Vessels Sustain Marginal Transpiration Flux And Do Not Optimize Inefficient Gas Exchange Activity Under Impaired Hydraulic Control And Salinity. PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2020, 170, 60-74.Abstract
Plants optimize water use and carbon assimilation via transient regulation of stomata resistance and by limiting hydraulic conductivity in a long-term response of xylem anatomy. We postulated that without effective hydraulic regulation plants would permanently restrain water loss and photosynthetic productivity under salt stress conditions. We compared wild-type tomatoes to a transgenic type (TT) with impaired stomatal control. Gas exchange activity, biomass, starch content, leaf area and root traits, mineral composition and main stems xylem anatomy and hydraulic conductivity were analyzed in plants exposed to salinities of 1 and 4 dS m(-1) over 60 days. As the xylem cannot easily readjust to different environmental conditions, shifts in its anatomy and the permanent effect on plant hydraulic conductivity kept transpiration at lower levels under unstressed conditions and maintained it under salt-stress, while sustaining higher but inefficient assimilation rates, leading to starch accumulation and decreased plant biomass, leaf and root area and root length. Narrow conduits in unstressed TT plants were related to permanent restrain of hydraulic conductivity and plant transpiration. Under salinity, TT plants followed the atmospheric water demand, sustained similar transpiration rate from unstressed to salt-stressed conditions and possibly maintained hydraulic integrity, due to likely impaired hydraulic regulation, wider conduits and higher hydraulic conductivity. The accumulation of salts and starch in the TT plants was a strong evidence of salinity tolerance via osmotic regulation, also thought to help to maintain the assimilation rates and transpiration flux under salinity, although it was not translated into higher growth.
Moshelion, M. . The Dichotomy Of Yield And Drought Resistance Translation Challenges From Basic Research To Crop Adaptation To Climate Change. EMBO REPORTS 2020, 21.Abstract
Global climate change and the increasing human population require crop varieties with higher yield and draught resistance. But meeting both goals is not an easy task for breeders and plant science.
Attia, Z. ; Dalal, A. ; Moshelion, M. . Vascular Bundle Sheath And Mesophyll Cells Modulate Leaf Water Balance In Response To Chitin. The Plant JournalThe Plant JournalPlant J 2020, 101, 1368 - 1377. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary Plants can detect pathogen invasion by sensing microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). This sensing process leads to the induction of defense responses. Numerous MAMP mechanisms of action have been described in and outside the guard cells. Here, we describe the effects of chitin, a MAMP found in fungal cell walls and insects, on the cellular osmotic water permeability (Pf) of the leaf vascular bundle-sheath (BS) and mesophyll cells (MCs), and its subsequent effect on leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf). BS is a parenchymatic tissue that tightly encases the vascular system. BS cells (BSCs) have been shown to influence Kleaf through changes in their Pf, for example, after sensing the abiotic stress response-regulating hormone abscisic acid. It was recently reported that, in Arabidopsis, the chitin receptors-like kinases, chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 (CERK1) and LYSINE MOTIF RECEPTOR KINASE 5 (LYK5) are highly expressed in the BS as well as the neighboring mesophyll. Therefore, we studied the possible impact of chitin on these cells. Our results revealed that BSCs and MCs exhibit a sharp decrease in Pf in response to chitin treatment. In addition, xylem-fed chitin decreased Kleaf and led to stomatal closure. However, Atlyk5 mutant showed none of these responses. Complementing AtLYK5 in the BSCs (using the SCARECROW promoter) resulted in the response to chitin that was similar to that observed in the wild-type. These results suggest that BS play a role in the perception of apoplastic chitin and in initiating chitin-triggered immunity.
Negin, B. ; Moshelion, M. . Remember Where You Came From: Aba Insensitivity Is Epigenetically Inherited In Mesophyll, But Not Seeds. Food Security under Climate Change 2020, 295, 110455. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Plants transmit their experiences of environmental conditions to their progeny through epigenetic inheritance, improving their progeny’s fitness under prevailing conditions. Though ABA is known to regulate epigenetic-modification genes, no strong phenotypic link between those genes and intergenerational “memory” has been shown. Previously, we demonstrated that mesophyll insensitivity to ABA (FBPase::abi1-1{fa} transgenic plants) results in a range of developmental phenotypes, including early growth vigor and early flowering (i.e., stress-escape behavior). Here, we show that null plants, used as controls (segregates of FBPase::abi1 that are homozygote descendants of a heterozygous transgenic plant, but do not contain the transformed abi1-1 gene) phenotypically resembled their FBPase::abi1-1 parents. However, in germination and early seedling development assays, null segregants resembled WT plants. These FBPase::abi1-1 null segregants mesophyll-related phenotypes were reproducible and stable for at least three generations. These results suggest that the heritability of stress response is linked to ABA’s epigenetic regulatory effect through ABI1 and mesophyll-related traits. The discrepancy between the epigenetic heritability of seed and mesophyll-related traits is an example of the complexity of epigenetic regulation, which is both gene and process-specific, and may be attributed to the fine-tuning of tradeoffs between flowering time, growth rate and levels of risk that allow annual plants to optimize their fitness in uncertain environments.
Dalal, A. ; Shenhar, I. ; Bourstein, R. ; Mayo, A. ; Grunwald, Y. ; Averbuch, N. ; Attia, Z. ; Wallach, R. ; Moshelion, M. . A Telemetric, Gravimetric Platform For Real-Time Physiological Phenotyping Of Plant&Ndash;Environment Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. 2020, e61280. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Food security for the growing global population is a major concern. The data provided by genomic tools far exceeds the supply of phenotypic data, creating a knowledge gap. To meet the challenge of improving crops to feed the growing global population, this gap must be bridged.Physiological traits are considered key functional traits in the context of responsiveness or sensitivity to environmental conditions. Many recently introduced high-throughput (HTP) phenotyping techniques are based on remote sensing or imaging and are capable of directly measuring morphological traits, but measure physiological parameters mainly indirectly. This paper describes a method for direct physiological phenotyping that has several advantages for the functional phenotyping of plant–environment interactions. It helps users overcome the many challenges encountered in the use of load-cell gravimetric systems and pot experiments. The suggested techniques will enable users to distinguish between soil weight, plant weight and soil water content, providing a method for the continuous and simultaneous measurement of dynamic soil, plant and atmosphere conditions, alongside the measurement of key physiological traits. This method allows researchers to closely mimic field stress scenarios while taking into consideration the environment’s effects on the plants’ physiology. This method also minimizes pot effects, which are one of the major problems in pre-field phenotyping. It includes a feed-back fertigation system that enables a truly randomized experimental design at a field-like plant density. This system detects the soil-water-content limiting threshold (θ) and allows for the translation of data into knowledge through the use of a real-time analytic tool and an online statistical resource. This method for the rapid and direct measurement of the physiological responses of multiple plants to a dynamic environment has great potential for use in screening for beneficial traits associated with responses to abiotic stress, in the context of pre-field breeding and crop improvement.
Kelly, G. ; Egbaria, A. ; Khamaisi, B. ; Lugassi, N. ; Attia, Z. ; Moshelion, M. ; Granot, D. . Guard-Cell Hexokinase Increases Water-Use Efficiency Under Normal And Drought Conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 2019, 10. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Water is a limiting resource for many land plants. Most of the water taken up by plants is lost to the atmosphere through the stomata, which are adjustable pores on the leaf surface that allow for gas exchange between the plant and the atmosphere. Modulating stomatal activity might be an effective way to reduce plants’ water consumption and enhance their productivity under normal, as well as water-limiting conditions. Our recent discovery of stomatal regulation by sugars that is mediated by guard-cell hexokinase (HXK), a sugar-sensing enzyme, has raised the possibility that HXK might be used to increase plant water-use efficiency (WUE; i.e., carbon gain per unit of water). We show here that transgenic tomato and Arabidopsis plants with increased expression of HXK in their guard cells (GCHXK plants) exhibit reduced transpiration and higher WUE without any negative effects on growth under normal conditions, as well as drought avoidance and improved photosynthesis and growth under limited-water conditions. Our results demonstrate that exclusive expression of HXK in guard cells is an effective tool for improving WUE, and plant performance under drought. © Copyright © 2019 Kelly, Egbaria, Khamaisi, Lugassi, Attia, Moshelion and Granot.
Attia, Z. ; Dalal, A. ; Moshelion, M. . Vascular Bundle Sheath And Mesophyll Cells Modulate Leaf Water Balance In Response To Chitin. Plant Journal 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Plants can detect pathogen invasion by sensing microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). This sensing process leads to the induction of defense responses. Numerous MAMP mechanisms of action have been described in and outside the guard cells. Here, we describe the effects of chitin, a MAMP found in fungal cell walls and insects, on the cellular osmotic water permeability (Pf) of the leaf vascular bundle-sheath (BS) and mesophyll cells (MCs), and its subsequent effect on leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf). BS is a parenchymatic tissue that tightly encases the vascular system. BS cells (BSCs) have been shown to influence Kleaf through changes in their Pf, for example, after sensing the abiotic stress response-regulating hormone abscisic acid. It was recently reported that, in Arabidopsis, the chitin receptors-like kinases, chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 (CERK1) and LYSINE MOTIF RECEPTOR KINASE 5 (LYK5) are highly expressed in the BS as well as the neighboring mesophyll. Therefore, we studied the possible impact of chitin on these cells. Our results revealed that BSCs and MCs exhibit a sharp decrease in Pf in response to chitin treatment. In addition, xylem-fed chitin decreased Kleaf and led to stomatal closure. However, Atlyk5 mutant showed none of these responses. Complementing AtLYK5 in the BSCs (using the SCARECROW promoter) resulted in the response to chitin that was similar to that observed in the wild-type. These results suggest that BS play a role in the perception of apoplastic chitin and in initiating chitin-triggered immunity. © 2019 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Gosa, S. C. ; Lupo, Y. ; Moshelion, M. . Quantitative And Comparative Analysis Of Whole-Plant Performance For Functional Physiological Traits Phenotyping: New Tools To Support Pre-Breeding And Plant Stress Physiology Studies. Plant Science 2019, 282, 49 - 59. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Plants are autotrophic organisms in which there are linear relationships between the rate at which organic biomass is accumulated and many ambient parameters such as water, nutrients, CO2 and solar radiation. These linear relationships are the result of good feedback regulation between a plants sensing of the environment and the optimization of its performance response. In this review, we suggest that continuous monitoring of the plant physiological profile in response to changing ambient conditions could be a useful new phenotyping tool, allowing the characterization and comparison of different levels of functional phenotypes and productivity. This functional physiological phenotyping (FPP) approach can be integrated into breeding programs, which are facing difficulties in selecting plants that perform well under abiotic stress. Moreover, high-throughput FPP will increase the efficiency of the selection of traits that are closely related to environmental interactions (such as plant water status, water-use efficiency, stomatal conductance, etc.) thanks to its high resolution and dynamic measurements. One of the important advantages of FPP is, its simplicity and effectiveness and compatibility with experimental methods that use load-cell lysimeters and ambient sensors. In the future, this platform could help with phenotyping of complex physiological traits, beneficial for yield gain to enhance functional breeding approaches and guide in crop modeling.
Dalal, A. ; Bourstein, R. ; Haish, N. ; Shenhar, I. ; Wallach, R. ; Moshelion, M. . Dynamic Physiological Phenotyping Of Drought-Stressed Pepper Plants Treated With "Productivity-Enhancing" And "Survivability-Enhancing" Biostimulants. Front Plant Sci 2019, 10, 905.Abstract
The improvement of crop productivity under abiotic stress is one of the biggest challenges faced by the agricultural scientific community. Despite extensive research, the research-to-commercial transfer rate of abiotic stress-resistant crops remains very low. This is mainly due to the complexity of genotype × environment interactions and in particular, the ability to quantify the dynamic plant physiological response profile to a dynamic environment. Most existing phenotyping facilities collect information using robotics and automated image acquisition and analysis. However, their ability to directly measure the physiological properties of the whole plant is limited. We demonstrate a high-throughput functional phenotyping system (HFPS) that enables comparing plants' dynamic responses to different ambient conditions in dynamic environments due to its direct and simultaneous measurement of yield-related physiological traits of plants under several treatments. The system is designed as one-to-one (1:1) plant-[sensors+controller] units, i.e., each individual plant has its own personalized sensor, controller and irrigation valves that enable (i) monitoring water-relation kinetics of each plant-environment response throughout the plant's life cycle with high spatiotemporal resolution, (ii) a truly randomized experimental design due to multiple independent treatment scenarios for every plant, and (iii) reduction of artificial ambient perturbations due to the immobility of the plants or other objects. In addition, we propose two new resilience-quantifying-related traits that can also be phenotyped using the HFPS: transpiration recovery rate and night water reabsorption. We use the HFPS to screen the effects of two commercial biostimulants (a seaweed extract -ICL-SW, and a metabolite formula - ICL-NewFo1) on under different irrigation regimes. Biostimulants are considered an alternative approach to improving crop productivity. However, their complex mode of action necessitates cost-effective pre-field phenotyping. The combination of two types of treatment (biostimulants and drought) enabled us to evaluate the precision and resolution of the system in investigating the effect of biostimulants on drought tolerance. We analyze and discuss plant behavior at different stages, and assess the penalty and trade-off between productivity and resilience. In this test case, we suggest a protocol for the screening of biostimulants' physiological mechanisms of action.
Harfouche, A. L. ; Jacobson, D. A. ; Kainer, D. ; Romero, J. C. ; Harfouche, A. H. ; Scarascia Mugnozza, G. ; Moshelion, M. ; Tuskan, G. A. ; Keurentjes, J. J. B. ; Altman, A. . Accelerating Climate Resilient Plant Breeding By Applying Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence. Trends Biotechnol 2019.Abstract
Breeding crops for high yield and superior adaptability to new and variable climates is imperative to ensure continued food security, biomass production, and ecosystem services. Advances in genomics and phenomics are delivering insights into the complex biological mechanisms that underlie plant functions in response to environmental perturbations. However, linking genotype to phenotype remains a huge challenge and is hampering the optimal application of high-throughput genomics and phenomics to advanced breeding. Critical to success is the need to assimilate large amounts of data into biologically meaningful interpretations. Here, we present the current state of genomics and field phenomics, explore emerging approaches and challenges for multiomics big data integration by means of next-generation (Next-Gen) artificial intelligence (AI), and propose a workable path to improvement.
Domec, J. - C. ; Berghoff, H. ; Way, D. ; Moshelion, M. ; Palmroth, S. ; Kets, K. ; Huang, C. - W. ; Oren, R. . Mechanisms For Minimizing Height-Related Stomatal Conductance Declines In Tall Vines. Plant Cell Environ 2019.