
Zexer, N. ; Elbaum, R. . Hydrogen Peroxide Modulates Silica Deposits In Sorghum Roots. J Exp Bot 2022, 73, 1450 - 1463. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Hydrated silica (SiO2·nH2O) aggregates in the root endodermis of grasses. Application of soluble silicates (Si) to roots is associated with variations in the balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increased tolerance to a broad range of stresses affecting ROS concentrations, and early lignin deposition. In sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), silica aggregation is patterned in an active silicification zone (ASZ) by a special type of aromatic material forming a spotted pattern. The deposition has a signature typical of lignin. Since lignin polymerization is mediated by ROS, we studied the formation of root lignin and silica controlled by ROS via modulating hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations in the growth medium. Sorghum seedlings were grown hydroponically and supplemented with Si, H2O2, and KI, an ionic compound that catalyses H2O2 decomposition. Lignin and silica deposits in the endodermis were studied by histology, scanning electron and Raman microscopies. Cell wall composition was quantified by thermal gravimetric analysis. Endodermal H2O2 concentration correlated to the extent of lignin-like deposition along the root, but did not affect its patterning in spots. Our results show that the ASZ spots were necessary for root silica aggregation, and suggest that silicification is intensified under oxidative stress as a result of increased ASZ lignin-like deposition.
Shivaraj, S. M. ; Mandlik, R. ; Bhat, J. A. ; Raturi, G. ; Elbaum, R. ; Alexander, L. ; Tripathi, D. K. ; Deshmukh, R. ; Sonah, H. . Outstanding Questions On The Beneficial Role Of Silicon In Crop Plants. Plant and Cell Physiology 2021, 63, 4-18. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Silicon (Si) is widely accepted as a beneficial element for plants. Despite the substantial progress made in understanding Si transport mechanisms and modes of action in plants, several questions remain unanswered. In this review, we discuss such outstanding questions and issues commonly encountered by biologists studying the role of Si in plants in relation to Si bioavailability. In recent years, advances in our understanding of the role of Si-solubilizing bacteria and the efficacy of Si nanoparticles have been made. However, there are many unknown aspects associated with structural and functional features of Si transporters, Si loading into the xylem, and the role of specialized cells like silica cells and compounds preventing Si polymerization in plant tissues. In addition, despite several 1,000 reports showing the positive effects of Si in high as well as low Si-accumulating plant species, the exact roles of Si at the molecular level are yet to be understood. Some evidence suggests that Si regulates hormonal pathways and nutrient uptake, thereby explaining various observed benefits of Si uptake. However, how Si modulates hormonal pathways or improves nutrient uptake remains to be explained. Finally, we summarize the knowledge gaps that will provide a roadmap for further research on plant silicon biology, leading to an exploration of the benefits of Si uptake to enhance crop production.
Biru, F. N. ; Islam, T. ; Cibils-Stewart, X. ; Cazzonelli, C. I. ; Elbaum, R. ; Johnson, S. N. . Anti-Herbivore Silicon Defences In A Model Grass Are Greatest Under Miocene Levels Of Atmospheric Co2. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 2021, 27, 2959-2969.Abstract
Silicon (Si) has an important role in mitigating diverse biotic and abiotic stresses in plants, mainly via the silicification of plant tissues. Environmental changes such as atmospheric CO2 concentrations may affect grass Si concentrations which, in turn, can alter herbivore performance. We recently demonstrated that pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 increased Si accumulation in Brachypodium distachyon grass, yet the patterns of Si deposition in leaves and whether this affects insect herbivore performance remains unknown. Moreover, it is unclear whether CO2-driven changes in Si accumulation are linked to changes in gas exchange (e.g. transpiration rates). We therefore investigated how pre-industrial (reduced; rCO(2), 200 ppm), ambient (aCO(2), 410 ppm) and elevated (eCO(2), 640 ppm) CO2 concentrations, in combination with Si-treatment (Si+ or Si-), affected Si accumulation in B. distachyon and its subsequent effect on the performance of the global insect pest, Helicoverpa armigera. rCO(2) increased Si concentrations by 29% and 36% compared to aCO(2) and eCO(2) respectively. These changes were not related to observed changes in gas exchange under different CO2 regimes, however. The increased Si accumulation under rCO(2) decreased herbivore relative growth rate (RGR) by 120% relative to eCO(2,) whereas rCO(2) caused herbivore RGR to decrease by 26% compared to eCO(2). Si supplementation also increased the density of macrohairs, silica and prickle cells, which was associated with reduced herbivore performance. There was a negative correlation among macrohair density, silica cell density, prickle cell density and herbivore RGR under rCO(2) suggesting that these changes in leaf surface morphology were linked to reduced performance under this CO2 regime. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that increased Si accumulation under pre-industrial CO2 reduces insect herbivore performance. Contrastingly, we found reduced Si accumulation under higher CO2, which suggests that some grasses may become more susceptible to insect herbivores under projected climate change scenarios.
Kumar, S. ; Adiram-Filiba, N. ; Blum, S. ; Sanchez-Lopez, J. A. ; Tzfadia, O. ; Omid, A. ; Volpin, H. ; Heifetz, Y. ; Goobes, G. ; Elbaum, R. . Corrigendum To: Siliplant1 Protein Precipitates Silica In Sorghum Silica Cells. J Exp Bot 2021, 72, 6672 - 6672. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 71, Issue 21, 2 December 2020, Pages 6830–6843, the original publication of this article, in the penultimate sentence of the legend to Fig 3, there were errors in identifying coloured lines. These should read: “Direct polarization (blue line) samples all the Si atoms in the sample, while 1H-cross-polarization (black line) samples Si atoms in proximity to protons.” instead of “: “Direct polarization (black line) samples all the Si atoms in the sample, while 1H-cross-polarization (blue line) samples Si atoms in proximity to protons.” This error has now been corrected online.
Zexer, N. ; Elbaum, R. . Hydrogen Peroxide Modulates Silica Deposits In Sorghum Roots. Journal of Experimental Botany 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Hydrated silica (SiO2·nH2O) aggregates in the root endodermis of grasses. Application of soluble silicates (Si) to roots is associated with variations in the balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increased tolerance to a broad range of stresses affecting ROS levels, and early lignin deposition. In sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), silica aggregation is patterned in an active silicification zone (ASZ) by a special type of aromatic material with a signature typical to lignin. Since lignin polymerization is mediated by ROS, we studied the formation of root lignin and silica under varied conditions of ROS by modulating hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration in the growth medium. Sorghum seedlings were grown hydroponically and supplemented with Si, H2O2, and KI, a salt that catalyzes H2O2 decomposition. Lignin and silica deposits in the endodermis were studied by histology, scanning electron and Raman microscopies. Cell wall composition was quantified by thermal gravimetric analysis. The endodermal H2O2 concentration correlated to the extent of the aromatic polymer deposition along the root, but did not affect its patterning in spots. Our results show that the ASZ spots were necessary for root silica aggregation, and suggest that silicification is intensified under oxidative stress as a result of increased ASZ lignin-like deposition.
Lindtner, T. ; Uzan, A. Y. ; Eder, M. ; Bar-On, B. ; Elbaum, R. . Repetitive Hygroscopic Snapping Movements In Awns Of Wild Oats. 2021, 135, 483-492. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Wild oat (Avena sterilis) is a very common annual plant species. Successful seed dispersion support its wide distribution in Africa, Asia and Europe. The seed dispersal units are made of two elongated stiff awns that are attached to a pointy compartment containing two seeds. The awns bend and twist with changes in humidity, pushing the seeds along and into the soil. The present work reveals the material structure of the awns, and models their functionality as two-link robotic arms. Based on nano-to-micro structure analyses the bending and twisting hygroscopic movements are explained. The coordinated movements of two sister awns attached to one dispersal unit were followed. Our work shows that sister awns intersect typically twice every wetting-drying cycle. Once the awns cross each other, epidermal silica hairs are suggested to lock subsequent movements, resulting in stress accumulation. Sudden release of the interlocked awns induces jumps of the dispersal unit and changes in its movement direction. Our findings propose a new role to epidermis silica hairs and a new facet of wild oat seed dispersion. Reversible jumping mechanism in multiple-awn seed dispersal units may serve as a blueprint for reversibly jumping robotic systems.Statement of significance The seed dispersal unit of wild oats carries two elongated stiff awns covered by unidirectional silica hairs. The awns bend and twist with changes in humidity, pushing the seed capsule along and into the ground. We studied structures constructing the movement mechanism and modeled the awn as a two-link robotic arm. We show that sister awns, attached to the same seed capsule, intersect twice every drying cycle. Once the awns cross each other, the epidermal silica hairs are suggested to lock any subsequent movements, causing stress accumulation. Sudden release of the interlocked awns may cause the dispersal unit to jump and change its direction. Our findings suggest a new role to silica hairs and a new dispersal mechanism in multiple-awn seed dispersal units.
Shivaraj, S. M. ; Mandlik, R. ; Bhat, J. A. ; Raturi, G. ; Elbaum, R. ; Alexander, L. ; Tripathi, D. K. ; Deshmukh, R. ; Sonah, H. . Outstanding Questions On The Beneficial Role Of Silicon In Crop Plants. Plant Cell Physiol 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Silicon (Si) is widely accepted as a beneficial element for plants. Despite the substantial progress made in understanding Si transport mechanisms and modes of action in plants, several questions remain unanswered. In this review, we discuss such outstanding questions and issues commonly encountered by biologists studying the role of Si in plants in relation to Si bioavailability. In recent years, advances in our understanding of the role of Si-solubilizing bacteria and the efficacy of Si-nanoparticles have been made. However, there are many unknown aspects associated with structural and functional features of Si transporters, Si loading into the xylem, and the role of specialized cells like silica cells and compounds preventing Si polymerization in plant tissues. In addition, despite several thousand reports showing the positive effects of Si in high as well as low Si-accumulating plant species, the exact roles of Si at the molecular level are yet to be understood. Some evidence suggests that Si regulates hormonal pathways and nutrient uptake, thereby explaining various observed benefits of Si uptake. However, how Si modulates hormonal pathways or improves nutrient uptake remains to be explained. Finally, we summarize the knowledge gaps that will provide a roadmap for further research on plant silicon biology, leading to an exploration of the benefits of Si uptake to enhance crop production.
Elbaum, R. ; Elbaum, M. . A Tough 3D Puzzle In The Walnut Shell. J Exp Bot 2021, 72, 4593 - 4595. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Plant organs initiate as a group of tiny meristematic cells. After expansion, three basic shapes of organs may be defined: cylindrical, laminar, and spherical (Trinh et al., 2021). The development of a lamina can be followed by various surface and subsurface microscopy methods. However, organs shaped as opaque spheres are most conveniently studied in sections.Antreich et al. (2021) applied 3D reconstructions based on optical and scanning electron microscopy to study the development of cells building the walnut shell. Restricted by cellulose, the growing cells bulge and interdigitate with neighboring cells, leaving gaps at the regions of high curvature. Examining the cell interfaces with Raman microspectroscopy, they show that these gaps are lined with pectin.
Soukup, M. ; Zancajo, V. M. R. ; Kneipp, J. ; Elbaum, R. . Formation Of Root Silica Aggregates In Sorghum Is An Active Process Of The Endodermis. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2020, 71, 6807-6817.Abstract
Silica deposition in plants is a common phenomenon that correlates with plant tolerance to various stresses. Deposition occurs mostly in cell walls, but its mechanism is unclear. Here we show that metabolic processes control the formation of silica aggregates in roots of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), a model plant for silicification. Silica formation was followed in intact roots and root segments of seedlings. Root segments were treated to enhance or suppress cell wall biosynthesis. The composition of endodermal cell walls was analysed by Raman microspectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Our results were compared with in vitro reactions simulating lignin and silica polymerization. Silica aggregates formed only in live endodermal cells that were metabolically active. Silicic acid was deposited in vitro as silica onto freshly polymerized coniferyl alcohol, simulating G-lignin, but not onto coniferyl alcohol or ferulic acid monomers. Our results show that root silica aggregates form under tight regulation by endodermal cells, independently of the transpiration stream. We raise the hypothesis that the location and extent of silicification are primed by the chemistry and structure of polymerizing lignin as it cross-links to the wall.
Kumar, S. ; Adiram-Filiba, N. ; Blum, S. ; Sanchez-Lopez, J. A. ; Tzfadia, O. ; Omid, A. ; Volpin, H. ; Heifetz, Y. ; Goobes, G. ; Elbaum, R. . Siliplant1 Protein Precipitates Silica In Sorghum Silica Cells. J Exp Bot 2020, 71, 6830 - 6843. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Silicon is absorbed by plant roots as silicic acid. The acid moves with the transpiration stream to the shoot, and mineralizes as silica. In grasses, leaf epidermal cells called silica cells deposit silica in most of their volume using an unknown biological factor. Using bioinformatics tools, we identified a previously uncharacterized protein in Sorghum bicolor, which we named Siliplant1 (Slp1). Slp1 is a basic protein with seven repeat units rich in proline, lysine, and glutamic acid. We found Slp1 RNA in sorghum immature leaf and immature inflorescence. In leaves, transcription was highest just before the active silicification zone (ASZ). There, Slp1 was localized specifically to developing silica cells, packed inside vesicles and scattered throughout the cytoplasm or near the cell boundary. These vesicles fused with the membrane, releasing their content in the apoplastic space. A short peptide that is repeated five times in Slp1 precipitated silica in vitro at a biologically relevant silicic acid concentration. Transient overexpression of Slp1 in sorghum resulted in ectopic silica deposition in all leaf epidermal cell types. Our results show that Slp1 precipitates silica in sorghum silica cells.
Zexer, N. ; Elbaum, R. . Unique Lignin Modifications Pattern The Nucleation Of Silica In Sorghum Endodermis. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2020, 71, 6818-6829.Abstract
Silicon dioxide in the form of hydrated silica is a component of plant tissues that can constitute several percent by dry weight in certain taxa. Nonetheless, the mechanism of plant silica formation is mostly unknown. Silicon (Si) is taken up from the soil by roots in the form of monosilicic acid molecules. The silicic acid is carried in the xylem and subsequently polymerizes in target sites to silica. In roots of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), silica aggregates form in an orderly pattern along the inner tangential cell walls of endodermis cells. Using Raman microspectroscopy, autofluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy, we investigated the structure and composition of developing aggregates in roots of sorghum seedlings. Putative silica aggregation loci were identified in roots grown under Si starvation. These micrometer-scale spots were constructed of tightly packed modified lignin, and nucleated trace concentrations of silicic acid. Substantial variation in cell wall autofluorescence between Si+ and Si-roots demonstrated the impact of Si on cell wall chemistry. We propose that in Si-roots, the modified lignin cross-linked into the cell wall and lost its ability to nucleate silica. In Si+ roots, silica polymerized on the modified lignin and altered its structure. Our work demonstrates a high degree of control over lignin and silica deposition in cell walls.
Zancajo, V. M. R. ; Lindtner, T. ; Eisele, M. ; Huber, A. J. ; Elbaum, R. ; Kneipp, J. . Ftir Nanospectroscopy Shows Molecular Structures Of Plant Biominerals And Cell Walls. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92, 13694 - 13701. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Plant tissues are complex composite structures of organic and inorganic components whose function relies on molecular heterogeneity at the nanometer scale. Scattering-type near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) in the mid-infrared (IR) region is used here to collect IR nanospectra from both fixed and native plant samples. We compared structures of chemically extracted silica bodies (phytoliths) to silicified and nonsilicified cell walls prepared as a flat block of epoxy-embedded awns of wheat (Triticum turgidum), thin sections of native epidermis cells from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) comprising silica phytoliths, and isolated cells from awns of oats (Avena sterilis). The correlation of the scanning-probe IR images and the mechanical phase image enables a combined probing of mechanical material properties together with the chemical composition and structure of both the cell walls and the phytolith structures. The data reveal a structural heterogeneity of the different silica bodies in situ, as well as different compositions and crystallinities of cell wall components. In conclusion, IR nanospectroscopy is suggested as an ideal tool for studies of native plant materials of varied origins and preparations and could be applied to other inorganic–organic hybrid materials.Plant tissues are complex composite structures of organic and inorganic components whose function relies on molecular heterogeneity at the nanometer scale. Scattering-type near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) in the mid-infrared (IR) region is used here to collect IR nanospectra from both fixed and native plant samples. We compared structures of chemically extracted silica bodies (phytoliths) to silicified and nonsilicified cell walls prepared as a flat block of epoxy-embedded awns of wheat (Triticum turgidum), thin sections of native epidermis cells from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) comprising silica phytoliths, and isolated cells from awns of oats (Avena sterilis). The correlation of the scanning-probe IR images and the mechanical phase image enables a combined probing of mechanical material properties together with the chemical composition and structure of both the cell walls and the phytolith structures. The data reveal a structural heterogeneity of the different silica bodies in situ, as well as different compositions and crystallinities of cell wall components. In conclusion, IR nanospectroscopy is suggested as an ideal tool for studies of native plant materials of varied origins and preparations and could be applied to other inorganic–organic hybrid materials.
Kumar, S. ; Natalio, F. ; Elbaum, R. . Protein-Driven Biomineralization: Comparing Silica Formation In Grass Silica Cells To Other Biomineralization Processes. Journal of Structural Biology 2020, 107665. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Biomineralization is a common strategy adopted by organisms to support their body structure. Plants practice significant silicon and calcium based biomineralization in which silicon is deposited as silica in cell walls and intracellularly in various cell-types, while calcium is deposited mostly as calcium oxalate in vacuoles of specialized cells. In this review, we compare cellular processes leading to protein-dependent mineralization in plants, diatoms and sponges (phylum Porifera). The mechanisms of biomineralization in these organisms are inherently different. The composite silica structure in diatoms forms inside the cytoplasm in a membrane bound vesicle, which after maturation is exocytosed to the cell surface. In sponges, separate vesicles with the mineral precursor (silicic acid), an inorganic template, and organic molecules, fuse together and are extruded out. In plants, calcium oxalate precursors are concentrated in a vacuolar vesicle containing a protein matrix which is never exocytosed. Silica deposition in grass silica cells takes place outside the cell membrane when the cells secrete the mineralizing protein into the apoplasm rich with silicic acid (the mineral precursor molecules). Our review infers that the organism complexity and precursor reactivity (calcium and oxalate versus silicic acid) are main driving forces for the evolution of varied mineralization mechanisms.
Biru, F. N. ; Cazzonelli, C. I. ; Elbaum, R. ; Johnson, S. N. . Contrasting Effects Of Miocene And Anthropocene Levels Of Atmospheric Co2 On Silicon Accumulation In A Model Grass. Biology Letters 2020, 16, 20200608. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Grasses are hyper-accumulators of silicon (Si), which they acquire from the soil and deposit in tissues to resist environmental stresses. Given the high metabolic costs of herbivore defensive chemicals and structural constituents (e.g. cellulose), grasses may substitute Si for these components when carbon is limited. Indeed, high Si uptake grasses evolved in the Miocene when atmospheric CO2 concentration was much lower than present levels. It is, however, unknown how pre-industrial CO2 concentrations affect Si accumulation in grasses. Using Brachypodium distachyon, we hydroponically manipulated Si-supply (0.0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 mM) and grew plants under Miocene (200 ppm) and Anthropocene levels of CO2 comprising ambient (410 ppm) and elevated (640 ppm) CO2 concentrations. We showed that regardless of Si treatments, the Miocene CO2 levels increased foliar Si concentrations by 47% and 56% relative to plants grown under ambient and elevated CO2, respectively. This is owing to higher accumulation overall, but also the reallocation of Si from the roots into the shoots. Our results suggest that grasses may accumulate high Si concentrations in foliage when carbon is less available (i.e. pre-industrial CO2 levels) but this is likely to decline under future climate change scenarios, potentially leaving grasses more susceptible to environmental stresses.
Adiram-Filiba, N. ; Geiger, Y. ; Kumar, S. ; Keinan-Adamsky, K. ; Elbaum, R. ; Goobes, G. . Peptides From Diatoms And Grasses Harness Phosphate Ion Binding To Silica To Help Regulate Biomaterial Structure. Acta Biomaterialia 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Many life forms generate intricate submicron biosilica structures with various important biological functions. The formation of such structures, from the silicic acid in the waters and in the soil, is thought to be regulated by unique proteins with high repeats of specific amino acids and unusual sidechain modifications. Some silicifying proteins are characterized by high prevalence of basic amino acids in their primary structures. Lysine-rich domains are found, for instance, in diatom silaffin proteins and in the sorghum grass siliplant protein. These domains exhibit catalytic activity in silica chain condensation, owing to molecular interactions of the lysine amine groups with the forming mineral. The use of amine chemistry by two very remote organisms has motivated us to seek other molecular biosilicification processes that may be common to the two life forms. In diatom silaffins, domains rich in phosphoserine residues are thought to assist the assembly of silaffin molecules into an organic supra-structure which serves as a template for the silica to precipitate on. This mold, held by salt bridges between serine phosphates and lysine amines, dictates the shape of the silica particles formed. Yet, silica synthesized with the dephosphorylated silaffin in phosphate buffer showed similar morphology to the one prepared with the native protein, suggesting that a defined spatial arrangement of serine phosphates is not required to generate silica with the desired shape. Concurrently, free phosphates enhanced the activity of siliplant1 in silica formation. It is therefore beneficial to characterize the involvement of these anions as co-factors in regulated silicification by functional peptides from the two proteins and to understand whether they play similar molecular role in the mechanism of mineralization. Here we analyze the molecular interactions of free phosphate ions with silica and the silaffin peptide PL12 and separately with silica and siliplant1 peptide SLP1 in the two biomimetic silica products generated by the two peptides. MAS NMR measurements show that the phosphate ions interact with the peptides and at the same time may be forming bonds with the silica mineral. This bridging capability may add another avenue by which the structure of the silica material is influenced. A model for the molecular/ionic interactions at the bio-inorganic interface is described, which may have bearings for the role of phosphorylated residues beyond the function as intermolecular cross linkers or free phosphate ions as co-factors in regulation of silicification.
Hodson, M. J. ; Song, Z. ; Ball, T. B. ; Elbaum, R. ; Struyf, E. . Editorial: Frontiers In Phytolith Research. Frontiers in Plant Science 2020, 11, 454. Publisher's Version
Zancajo, V. M. R. ; Diehn, S. ; Filiba, N. ; Goobes, G. ; Kneipp, J. ; Elbaum, R. . Spectroscopic Discrimination Of Sorghum Silica Phytoliths. Front Plant Sci 2019, 10, 1571.Abstract
Grasses accumulate silicon in the form of silicic acid, which is precipitated as amorphous silica in microscopic particles termed phytoliths. These particles comprise a variety of morphologies according to the cell type in which the silica was deposited. Despite the evident morphological differences, phytolith chemistry has mostly been analysed in bulk samples, neglecting differences between the varied types formed in the same species. In this work, we extracted leaf phytoliths from mature plants of (L.) Moench. Using solid state NMR and thermogravimetric analysis, we show that the extraction methods alter greatly the silica molecular structure, its condensation degree and the trapped organic matter. Measurements of individual phytoliths by Raman and synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopies in combination with multivariate analysis separated bilobate silica cells from prickles and long cells, based on the silica molecular structures and the fraction and composition of occluded organic matter. The variations in structure and composition of sorghum phytoliths suggest that the biological pathways leading to silica deposition vary between these cell types.
Nissan, H. ; Blum, S. ; Shimoni, E. ; Elbaum, R. . Characterization Of Silicon Accumulation In Maize Cell Suspension Cultures. Silicon 2019, 11, 2377-2383. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Purpose: Silicon (Si) is an abundant element in the earth’s crust and is available to plants as silicic acid. Silicon uptake by plants is correlated with increased tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses. However, cellular mechanisms responsible for its beneficial effects are still unknown. Even its cellular import mechanisms are not well understood. We thus aimed to characterize silicon localization within minimally differentiated Zea mays (Black Mexican Sweet) cells in suspension. Methods: Cells were grown in a medium containing silicon, and the mRNA levels of silicon transporters were measured by real-time PCR. Cells were separated into an insoluble (mainly walls and starch) and a cytoplasmic fraction. Soluble and total silicon was measured by inductively-coupled-plasma – atomic-emission-spectroscopy. Silicon distribution was assessed by transmission electron microscopy. The cell walls were analyzed chemically, and by Raman micro-spectroscopy and thermal gravimetric analysis. Results: Silicon treatment reduced the levels of silicon transporters transcripts, without affecting cell proliferation. About 70 % of the silicon was localized in the cytoplasm, mostly in vesicles. We found indications that silicon affected the secondary structure of proteins and thermally stabilized starch. Silicon was loosely bound, and diffused out of the cells within 24 hours. Conclusions: Our results show that silicon binds spontaneously to cell walls/starch and accumulates in cytoplasm vesicles. These processes allow the cells to accumulate silicon against its concentration gradient in solution. However, cellular intake acts against reversible diffusion processes, probably through the aquaporin silicon channels (Lsi1, Lsi6) that exchange the cellular silicon with the surrounding medium. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Heiner, Z. ; Zeise, I. ; Elbaum, R. ; Kneipp, J. . Insight Into Plant Cell Wall Chemistry And Structure By Combination Of Multiphoton Microscopy With Raman Imaging. Journal of Biophotonics 2018, 11, e201700164. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Spontaneous Raman scattering microspectroscopy, second harmonic generation (SHG) and 2-photon excited fluorescence (2PF) were used in combination to characterize the morphology together with the chemical composition of the cell wall in native plant tissues. As the data obtained with unstained sections of Sorghum bicolor root and leaf tissues illustrate, nonresonant as well as pre-resonant Raman microscopy in combination with hyperspectral analysis reveals details about the distribution and composition of the major cell wall constituents. Multivariate analysis of the Raman data allows separation of different tissue regions, specifically the endodermis, xylem and lumen. The orientation of cellulose microfibrils is obtained from polarization-resolved SHG signals. Furthermore, 2-photon autofluorescence images can be used to image lignification. The combined compositional, morphological and orientational information in the proposed coupling of SHG, Raman imaging and 2PF presents an extension of existing vibrational microspectroscopic imaging and multiphoton microscopic approaches not only for plant tissues.
Elbaum, R. . Structural Principles In The Design Of Hygroscopically Moving Plant Cells. In Plant Biomechanics: From Structure to Function at Multiple Scales; Geitmann, A. ; Gril, J., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: Cham, 2018; pp. 235–246. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Plants do not have mineralized skeletons. Instead, each of the plant's cells has an envelope of a cellulose-based wall, which provides a mechanical support to the organism. This stiff wall enables plants to assume flexible body shapes. However, the wall interferes with proteinous muscle-like movements of cells and organs because it is too stiff to yield to forces generated by motor proteins. Nevertheless, plants move constantly. The movements rely on water translocations, which result in the swelling (or growth) of cells located strategically. Water may swell protoplasts in movements that require live cells, like tip growth, tropism, and gas exchange. Other movements are initiated by the swelling of cell walls. These occur in dead tissues that can afford drying. The hygroscopically based movement is very common in seed dispersal mechanisms. The seed that detaches from the mother plant is carried by a cellulosic device. This device was synthesized by the plant and programmed to do some mechanical work, like jumping, crawling, and sowing, in order to deliver the seed to a germination location. This nonliving device provides the seed with means to move away from its mother and siblings. The movement may utilize several types of cells, which differ in the arrangement of cell wall cellulose microfibrils. I present here three types of contracting cells that, together with stiff fiber cells resisting any contraction, create a variety of hygroscopic movements.