Sternberg, M. ; Golodets, C. ; Gutman, M. ; Perevolotsky, A. ; Kigel, J. ; Henkin, Z. .
No Precipitation Legacy Effects On Above-Ground Net Primary Production And Species Diversity In Grazed Mediterranean Grassland: A 21-Year Experiment.
Journal of Vegetation Science 2017,
28, 260-269.
Publisher's VersionAbstractQuestion: What are the controls on biomass production and species diversity in Mediterranean grasslands? Do medium-term (i.e. inter-annual) precipitation legacy effects on biomass production and diversity occur in these grasslands?. Location: Karei Deshe Experimental Range Station, Upper Galilee, northern Israel. Methods: We used a long-term (21-r) cattle-grazing experiment in a Mediterranean grassland to search for evidence of precipitation legacies on herbaceous above-ground biomass production and species diversity. Biomass production was measured in two seasonal late grazing treatments, in the winter and at peak vegetative production in the spring, while species diversity was determined at peak production. We used ANCOVA to test the effects of residual biomass, previous year's stocking density and previous year's biomass on current biomass production. We ran forward selection and ANCOVA to test for precipitation legacies, using precipitation variables relating to both previous and current year's rainfall. In addition we examined linear regressions of biomass and species diversity on current year's precipitation. Results: Biomass production and species diversity showed weak to negligible relationships with current year's precipitation. Biomass production, and to a lesser extent, diversity, were affected by inter-annual fluctuations in growing conditions. However, evidence of inter-annual precipitation legacies were found only for early season biomass production, and not for peak biomass production or species diversity. We found no effect of grazing on biomass production at the onset of the grazing season, regardless of important differences in previous year's stocking density. Additionally, we found no effect of previous year's biomass production or stocking density on the following year's biomass or diversity, but peak biomass production was strongly related to previous year's residual biomass. Conclusions: The lack of an inter-annual precipitation legacy on peak biomass production contributes to a growing body of evidence showing that Mediterranean ecosystems are unique among semi-arid and sub-humid ecosystems, where precipitation legacies play an integral role. Mediterranean ecosystems are unique in their combined long-term high variability in rainfall and long grazing history. This lack of precipitation legacy led to the development of vegetation that is highly resistant to inter-annual fluctuations in growing conditions. We propose that the high resistance contributes to the lack of inter-annual, or medium-term, precipitation legacies on the studied grassland, and may contribute to its persistence under future projected climate change in the region. © 2016 International Association for Vegetation Science
Kigel, J. ; Galili, G. .
Seed Development And Germination; 2017; pp. 1-853.
Publisher's VersionAbstractThis text is intended for plant physiologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, biotechnologists, geneticists, horticulturalists, agromnomists and botanists, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines. It integrates advances in the diverse and rapidly-expanding field of seed science, from ecological and demographic aspects of seed production, dispersal and germination, to the molecular biology of seed development. The book offers a broad, multidisciplinary approach that covers both theoretical and applied knowledge. © 1995 by Marcel Dekker. All rights reserved.
Kigel, J. .
Seed Germination In Arid And Semiarid Regions; 2017; pp. 645-699.
Publisher's VersionAbstractArid and semiarid regions (i.e., deserts) cover about 30% of the world’s continents (except Europe) (Meigs, 1953). Deserts are frequently considered similar ecosystems, with water being the main limiting factor for their biota. This apparent similarity is, however, deceptive. In fact, deserts are extremely varied environments and differ in their climatic and edaphic conditions as well as in their biotic characteristics. Deserts vary in the amount of incident radiation and temperature [e.g., hot (Sahel) vs. cold (Patagonia) deserts], in the amount, frequency, and seasonal distribution of rainfall (e.g., deserts with winter, summer, biseasonal rains, or without seasonal rains), in the composition and geographic origin of their fauna and flora, and so forth. Despite their physical and biological diversification, all deserts are essentially regions of low and irregular rainfall in which évapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. Conditions favorable for plant growth usually occur in specific and rather scattered sites, during relatively short periods of time and sometimes even once in several years. Under such stringent selection, different adaptive strategies have evolved in desert plants, improving their fitness (i.e., individual survival and offspring production) under extreme conditions. These adaptive strategies are combinations of traits from different levels of biological organization and function (e.g., biochemical, physiological, developmental, genetic, demographic). Each of these traits contributes in a balanced and coordinated way to the fitness of the organism (Solbrig, 1993). On the other hand, plants from diverse taxa vary in their adapative potential to xeric conditions due to differences in morphological and physiological characteristics. Moreover, desert species may differ in their life cycle (annuals vs. perennials), life form (shrubs vs. herbaceous forms), timing of flowering, reproductive effort, seed dispersal, germination behavior, and so forth. It is not surprising, therefore, that diverse adaptive strategies are found in different taxa inhabiting deserts with contrasting environments. © 1995 by Marcel Dekker. All rights reserved.
Schoenbaum, I. ; Kigel, J. ; Ungar, E. D. ; Dolev, A. ; Henkin, Z. .
Spatial And Temporal Activity Of Cattle Grazing In Mediterranean Oak Woodland.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2017,
187, 45-53.
Publisher's VersionAbstractWe examined the temporal and spatial variation patterns of the grazing activity of free-ranging cattle in Mediterranean oak woodland in the Western Galilee, Israel, as affected by seasonal and management factors. The vegetation is dominated by scrub-oak woodland (Quercus calliprinos Webb.), interspersed with patches of semi-dwarf shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. High and moderate animal population densities of 0.55 and 0.33 cow ha−1, respectively, were replicated twice. Cattle behavior was monitored with activity sensors on GPS collars, and pedometers, and spatial data were processed with Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Overall, cattle devoted 9.7 ± 0.7 h/day to grazing, mostly in woodland areas, although they are natural herbaceous grazers. Behavior was associated with seasonal changes in biotic and abiotic factors. Preference for the woody vegetation types was detectable over the annual time scale but large seasonal differences in preference canceled out to a large extent when viewed at that time scale. Cattle under high density spent more time grazing and made more use of woody vegetation and steeper slopes. Thus, relatively high population densities may be required for landscape-oriented management. The present findings should contribute to rational management of cattle grazing in Mediterranean woodlands. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.
Missaoui, A. M. ; Malinowski, D. P. ; Pinchak, W. E. ; Kigel, J. .
Insights Into The Drought And Heat Avoidance Mechanism In Summer-Dormant Mediterranean Tall Fescue. Front Plant Sci 2017,
8, 1971.
AbstractSummer dormancy is an evolutionary response that some perennial cool-season grasses adopted as an avoidance strategy to escape summer drought and heat. It is correlated with superior survival after severe summer droughts in many perennial grass species originating from Mediterranean environments. Understanding the genetic mechanism and environmental determinants of summer dormancy is important for interpreting the evolutionary history of seasonal dormancy and for the development of genomic tools to improve the efficiency of genetic selection for this important trait. The objectives of this research are to assess morphological and biochemical attributes that seem to be specific for the characterization of summer dormancy in tall fescue, and to validate the hypothesis that genes underlying stem determinacy might be involved in the mechanism of summer dormancy. Our results suggest that vernalization is an important requirement in the onset of summer dormancy in tall fescue. Non-vernalized tall fescue plants do not exhibit summer dormancy as vernalized plants do and behave more like summer-active types. This is manifested by continuation of shoot growth and high root activity in water uptake during summer months. Therefore, summer dormancy in tall fescue should be tested only in plants that underwent vernalization and are not subjected to water deficit during summer months. Total phenolic concentration in tiller bases (antioxidants) does not seem to be related to vernalization. It is most likely an environmental response to protect meristems from oxidative stress. Sequence analysis of the homolog gene from tall fescue genotypes belonging to summer-dormant and summer-active tall fescue types showed a unique deletion of three nucleotides specific to the dormant genotypes. Higher tiller bud numbers in dormant plants that were not allowed to flower and complete the reproductive cycle, confirmed that stem determinacy is a major component in the mechanism of summer dormancy. The number of variables identified in these studies as potential players in summer dormancy in tall fescue including vernalization, , water status, and protection from oxidative stress are a further confirmation that summer dormancy is a quantitative trait controlled by several genes with varying effects and prone to genotype by environment interactions.