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Mailing Address:
The Robert H. Smith Institute of
Plant Sciences and Genetics
in Agriculture
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, Israel

Neomi Maimon 
Tel: 972-8-948-9251,
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Secretary of teaching program:
Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Tel: 972-8-9489333

Prof. Naomi Ori
Tel: 972-8-948-9605


Promoting Ethically Responsible Use of Agricultural Biotechnology


Harfouche, A. L. ; Petousi, V. ; Meilan, R. ; Sweet, J. ; Twardowski, T. ; Altman, A. . Promoting Ethically Responsible Use Of Agricultural Biotechnology. TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2021, 26, 546-559.

Date Published:



Growing global demands for food, bioenergy, and specialty products, along with the threat posed by various environmental changes, present substantial challenges for agricultural production. Agricultural biotechnology offers a promising avenue for meeting these challenges; however, ethical and sociocultural concerns must first be addressed, to ensure widespread public trust and uptake. To be effective, we need to develop solutions that are ethically responsible, socially responsive, relevant to people of different cultural and social backgrounds, and conveyed to the public in a convincing and straightforward manner. Here, we highlight how ethical approaches, principled decision-making strategies, citizenstakeholder participation, effective science communication, and bioethics education should be used to guide responsible use of agricultural biotechnology.