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Müller, N. A. ; Wijnen, C. L. ; Srinivasan, A. ; Ryngajllo, M. ; Ofner, I. ; Lin, T. ; Ranjan, A. ; West, D. ; Maloof, J. N. ; Sinha, N. R. ; et al. Domestication Selected For Deceleration Of The Circadian Clock In Cultivated Tomato. Nature Genetics 2015, 48, 89-93. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The circadian clock is a critical regulator of plant physiology and development, controlling key agricultural traits in crop plants. In addition, natural variation in circadian rhythms is important for local adaptation. However, quantitative modulation of circadian rhythms due to artificial selection has not yet been reported. Here we show that the circadian clock of cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) has slowed during domestication. Allelic variation of the tomato homolog of the Arabidopsis gene EID1 is responsible for a phase delay. Notably, the genomic region harboring EID1 shows signatures of a selective sweep. We find that the EID1 allele in cultivated tomatoes enhances plant performance specifically under long day photoperiods, suggesting that humans selected slower circadian rhythms to adapt the cultivated species to the long summer days it encountered as it was moved away from the equator. © 2016 Nature America, Inc.
Alseekh, S. ; Tohge, T. ; Wendenberg, R. ; Scossa, F. ; Omranian, N. ; Li, J. ; Kleessen, S. ; Giavalisco, P. ; Pleban, T. ; Mueller-Roeber, B. ; et al. Identification And Mode Of Inheritance Of Quantitative Trait Loci For Secondary Metabolite Abundance In Tomato. Plant Cell 2015, 27, 485-512. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A large-scale metabolic quantitative trait loci (mQTL) analysis was performed on the well-characterized Solanum pennellii introgression lines to investigate the genomic regions associated with secondary metabolism in tomato fruit pericarp. In total, 679 mQTLs were detected across the 76 introgression lines. Heritability analyses revealed that mQTLs of secondary metabolism were less affected by environment than mQTLs of primary metabolism. Network analysis allowed us to assess the interconnectivity of primary and secondary metabolism as well as to compare and contrast their respective associations with morphological traits. Additionally, we applied a recently established real-time quantitative PCR platform to gain insight into transcriptional control mechanisms of a subset of the mQTLs, including those for hydroxycinnamates, acyl-sugar, naringenin chalcone, and a range of glycoalkaloids. Intriguingly, many of these compounds displayed a dominant-negative mode of inheritance, which is contrary to the conventional wisdom that secondary metabolite contents decreased on domestication. We additionally performed an exemplary evaluation of two candidate genes for glycolalkaloid mQTLs via the use of virus-induced gene silencing. The combined data of this study were compared with previous results on primary metabolism obtained from the same material and to other studies of natural variance of secondary metabolism. © 2015 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
Foucher, F. ; Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L. ; Hamama, L. ; Sakr, S. ; Baudino, S. ; Caissard, J. P. ; Smulder, J. M. S. ; Debener, T. ; De Riek, J. ; Torres, A. ; et al. Towards The Rose Genome Sequence And Its Use In Research And Breeding. Acta Horticulturae 2015, 1064, 167-175. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Rose is one of the most economically important ornamental crops worldwide. Rosa sp. can become a model for woody ornamentals. Its genome size is relatively small (560 Mb), its genetic history with ploïdy events is well documented, and rose has a short life for a woody plant. Furthermore, different tools are available, including transcriptomic tools, genetic maps and genetic transformation protocols. Rose represents an original model for studying some ornamental traits that cannot be addressed in other model plant species such as Arabidopsis. Some of these traits, such recurrent blooming, flower morphogenesis or scent production and emission, are of economic interest. Different groups involved in rose genetics and genomics gathered to form the 'Rose Genome Sequence Initiative'. Our objective is to obtain a high quality rose genome sequence of the diploid R. chinensis 'Old Blush'. One important issue is the high level of heterozygosity of roses. To tackle this issue, different strategies are proposed: production of a haploid and development a high density genetic map to anchor the genome. This genetic map will be developed from a cross between 'Old Blush' and R. wichurana. The genotype R. chinensis 'Old Blush' will be sequenced using NGS technologies. The data will be assembled and arranged using the high-density map. In order to increase ESTs and to facilitate genome annotation, we have recently produced ESTs from various tissues of 'Old Blush' under different conditions. Digital expression (RNA Seq) was obtained from the different tissues and data are available on the following web site ( The rose genome sequence will be a great step to help identifying the molecular basis of ornamental traits and also to study genetic diversity and genome evolution in the genus Rosa and in the Rosaceae family. © 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.
Ma, J. ; Aloni, R. ; Villordon, A. ; Labonte, D. ; Kfir, Y. ; Zemach, H. ; Schwartz, A. ; Althan, L. ; Firon, N. . Adventitious Root Primordia Formation And Development In Stem Nodes Of ‘Georgia Jet’ Sweetpotato, Ipomoea Batatas. American Journal of Botany 2015, 102, 1040-1049. Publisher's VersionAbstract
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Yield in sweetpotato is determined by the number of storage roots produced per plant. Storage roots develop from adventitious roots (ARs) present in stem cuttings that serve as propagation material. Data on the origin of sweetpotato ARs and the effect of nodal position on AR establishment and further development are limited. METHODS: We anatomically described root primordium initiation using stem sections and measured number of root primordia formed at different nodal positions using light microscopy and correlated nodal positions with AR number and length 14 d after planting (DAP). KEY RESULTS: Primordia for ARs initiate at the junction of the stem pith ray and the cambium, on both sides of the leaf gap, and they are well developed before emerging from the stem. The number of ARs that develop from isolated stem nodes 14 DAP corresponded to the number of AR primordia detected inside the stem. The total length of established roots at nodes 9-13 from the apex is about 2-fold longer than at nodes 5-8. CONCLUSIONS: Nodal position (age) has a significant effect on the developmental status and number of root primordia inside the stem, determining the number and length of ARs that have developed by 14 DAP. Adventitious roots originating from nodes 9-13 possess similar AR systems and develop better than those originating from younger nodes 3-8. The mechanism regulating AR initiation in nodes is discussed. This system can serve for studying the effect of environmental conditions on AR initiation, development, and capacity to form storage roots. © 2015 Botanical Society of America.
Sperling, O. ; Shapira, O. ; Schwartz, A. ; Lazarovitch, N. . Direct In Vivo Evidence Of Immense Stem Water Exploitation In Irrigated Date Palms. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 66, 333-338. Publisher's VersionAbstract
During the summer, evaporative demand at midday often exceeds the transport capacity of most desert plants. However, date palms maintain their ecological dominance with sustained and uniquely high rates of transpiration. This high rate of flow cannot be attributed to soil water supply alone. In order to quantify intra-plant water allocation in irrigated date palms, three water-sensing techniques have been incorporated: heat dissipation, gravimetric sampling, and time domain reflectrometry. Each of these methods has known limitations but their integration resulted in a quantitative in vivo accounting of the date palm diurnal and seasonal water mass balance. By incorporating these methods it was possible to determine that date palms substantially rely on the exploitation and recharge of the stem reservoir in their water budget. The stem of mature date palms can hold up to 1 m3 of water and supply 25% of daily transpiration (i.e. 5000 l of water in 100 d of summer). The internal stem water reservoir is consistently recharged by over 50 l per night which allows for successive daytime reuse throughout the entire growing season. More broadly, these findings suggest that internal water allocation and night-time soil-water availability could provide useful information for improving date palm irrigation practices. © The Author 2014.
Gerzon, E. ; Biton, I. ; Yaniv, Y. ; Zemach, H. ; Netzer, Y. ; Schwartz, A. ; Fait, A. ; Ben-Ari, G. . Grapevine Anatomy As A Possible Determinant Of Isohydric Or Anisohydric Behavior. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 2015, 66, 340-347. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Isohydric plants maintain constant water potential through rapid stomatal closure, whereas anisohydric plants only close their stomata at very low water potentials. However, distinctions between isohydric and anisohydric behaviors among different cultivars of the same species are unclear. This study compared the physiological response to prolonged drought stress in the isohydric Grenache and the anisohydric Shiraz cultivars of the Vitis vinifera species. Plants were exposed to 60-day periods of deficit irrigation (25% of plant water consumption under well-watered conditions) during the summers of 2011 and 2012. Physiological measurements, water potential, leaf gas exchange, canopy area, leaf senescence, stem characteristics, and morphological characteristics were analyzed. Stomatal conductance was consistently lower in Grenache than in Shiraz at all values of midday stem and predawn leaf water potentials, respectively. The Shiraz plants exhibited greater vegetative growth and less defoliation than the Grenache plants in response to water deficit. Anatomical architecture analyses revealed that Grenache plants had greater xylem vessel diameter, hydraulic conductivity, and stomatal density than the Shiraz plants. These results suggest isohydric and anisohydric behaviors may be well-defined, time-regulated responses rather than distinct mechanisms that plants use to cope with drought stress. The rapid response to water deficit exhibited by isohydric plants may be because they are more vulnerable to fatal xylem embolisms than anisohydric plants. Thus, the accelerated response allows isohydric plants to avoid drought stress and minimize risk of xylem cavitation, but may lower the plant’s ability to survive moderate stress of prolonged drought. © 2015 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture. All rights reserved.
Erel, R. ; Yermiyahu, U. ; Ben-Gal, A. ; Dag, A. ; Shapira, O. ; Schwartz, A. . Modification Of Non-Stomatal Limitation And Photoprotection Due To K And Na Nutrition Of Olive Trees. Journal of Plant Physiology 2015, 177, 1-10. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Potassium (K) is an essential macronutrient shown to play a fundamental role in photosynthetic processes and may facilitate photoinhibition resistance. In some plant species, sodium (Na) can partially substitute for K. Although photosynthetic enhancement has been well established, the mechanisms by which K or Na affects photosynthesis are not fully understood. Olive (Olea europaea L.) trees were previously shown to benefit from Na nutrition when K is limiting. In order to study the effect of K and Na on photosynthetic performance, we measured gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in young olive trees supplied with either K, Na or no fertilizer, and subjected to manipulated levels of CO2, O2 and radiation. Light and CO2 response curves indicate substantially superior photosynthetic capacity of K-sufficient trees, while Na substitution generated intermediate results. The enhanced performance of K, and to a lesser extent, Na-supplied trees was found to be related mainly to modification of non-stomatal limitation. This indicates that K deficiency promotes inhibition of enzymatic-photochemical processes. Results indicate lower chlorophyll content and altered Rubisco activity as probable causes of photosynthetic impairment. Potassium deficiency was found to diminish photoprotection mechanisms due to reduced photosynthetic and photorespiratory capacity. The lower CO2 and O2 assimilation rate in K-deficient trees caused elevated levels of exited energy. Consequently, non-photochemical quenching, an alternative energy dispersion pathway, was increased. Nonetheless, K-deficient trees were shown to suffer from photodamage to photosystem-II. Sodium replacement considerably diminished the negative effect of K deficiency on photoprotection mechanisms. The overall impact of K and Na nutrition plays down any indirect effect on stomatal limitation and rather demonstrates the centrality of these elements in photochemical processes of photosynthesis and photoprotection. © 2015 Elsevier GmbH.
Sundaresan, S. ; Philosoph-Hadas, S. ; Riov, J. ; Belausov, E. ; Kochanek, B. ; Tucker, M. L. ; Meir, S. . Abscission Of Flowers And Floral Organs Is Closely Associated With Alkalization Of The Cytosol In Abscission Zone Cells. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 66, 1355-1368. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In vivo changes in the cytosolic pH of abscission zone (AZ) cells were visualized using confocal microscopic detection of the fluorescent pH-sensitive and intracellularly trapped dye, 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF), driven by its acetoxymethyl ester. A specific and gradual increase in the cytosolic pH of AZ cells was observed during natural abscission of flower organs in Arabidopsis thaliana and wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia), and during flower pedicel abscission induced by flower removal in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill). The alkalization pattern in the first two species paralleled the acceleration or inhibition of flower organ abscission induced by ethylene or its inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), respectively. Similarly, 1-MCP pre-treatment of tomato inflorescence explants abolished the pH increase in AZ cells and pedicel abscission induced by flower removal. Examination of the pH changes in the AZ cells of Arabidopsis mutants defective in both ethylene-induced (ctr1, ein2, eto4) and ethylene-independent (ida, nev7, dab5) abscission pathways confirmed these results. The data indicate that the pH changes in the AZ cells are part of both the ethylene-sensitive and -insensitive abscission pathways, and occur concomitantly with the execution of organ abscission. pH can affect enzymatic activities and/or act as a signal for gene expression. Changes in pH during abscission could occur via regulation of transporters in AZ cells, which might affect cytosolic pH. Indeed, four genes associated with pH regulation, vacuolar H+-ATPase, putative high-affinity nitrate transporter, and two GTP-binding proteins, were specifically up-regulated in tomato flower AZ following abscission induction, and 1-MCP reduced or abolished the increased expression. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.
Shtein, I. ; Meir, S. ; Shahar-Ivanov, Y. ; Perzelan, Y. ; Philosoph-Hadas, S. ; Riov, J. . Ethylene Extends The Vase Life Of Dodonaea 'Dana' Cut Branches: Possible Mechanisms. Acta Horticulturae 2015, 1104, 279-286. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Dodonaea 'Dana' is an Israeli hybrid of Dodonaea viscosa L. 'Purpurea' and Dodonaea lobulata (Sapindaceae), characterized by purple tinted decorative foliage and fruits. Cut Dodonaea branches showed seasonal variations in vase life longevity, wilting after one week in winter, and having a vase life of three weeks in summer. The wilting phenomenon resulted from improper water conductance, caused by temperature-induced seasonal anatomical changes. Exposure of cut branches to ethylene (0.5-10 μL L-1, 24 h) improved their longevity in a concentration-dependent manner, expressed in the absence of leaf wilting and a significant increase in fresh weight (FW) during 12 days. Application of the ethylene inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) (0.05-0.2 μL L-1, 4 h) resulted in opposite effects. Ethylene improved water uptake of cut branches but did not affect the transpiration rate or the leaf relative water content (RWC), suggesting that the increased FW might have resulted from new growth. Indeed, a significant ethylene-enhanced increase in both elongation and widening dimensions was observed only in immature leaves (3-to 5.5-cm-long), but not in mature leaves (7.5-to 11-cm-long). The aquaporin inhibitor, phloretin, which reduced the branch FW and leaf size, completely abolished the ethylene-induced increase in branch FW and leaf size, suggesting that the positive response of the cut branches and young leaves to ethylene might involve phloretinsensitive aquaporins. The data suggest that the ethylene-induced increase in FW of cut Dodonaea branches is related to young leaf growth and water flow, which seem to be mediated by the activity of aquaporins.
Meir, S. ; Sundaresan, S. ; Riov, J. ; Agarwal, I. ; Philosoph-Hadas, S. . Role Of Auxin Depletion In Abscission Control. Stewart Postharvest Review 2015, 11. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Purpose of review: Abscission is a programmed developmental process initiated by auxin depletion. This review summarizes the mechanisms leading to auxin depletion in the abscission zone (AZ), evaluates the methods for estimation of the spatio-temporal auxin levels, demonstrates how auxin depletion occurs during natural, stressinduced, and artificially-induced organ abscission, and presents new evidence for early and late events resulting from auxin depletion which lead to organ abscission. Findings: Auxin depletion occurs during natural developmental processes which end in organ abscission (leaf and flower senescence, fruit ripening, and self-pruning) and stress-induced abscission, and following artificial organ removal in the tomato model system. Stress-induced auxin depletion is mediated by increased ethylene and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and carbohydrate starvation. Similar changes in auxin-related genes occurred in both flower AZ (FAZ) and leaf AZ (LAZ) following flower or leaf removal, respectively, suggesting a similar regulation of the abscission process of these organs. Auxin depletion resulted from decreased indole-3- acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis and transport, as well as from enhanced IAA transport autoinhibition (ATA), conjugation and oxidative IAA catabolism. Functional analyses of several target genes delaying abscission, such as Knotted- Like Homeobox Protein1 (KD1), Tomato Proline Rich Protein (TPRP), Ethylene Responsive Factor52 (ERF52), and Ribonuclease LX (LX), shed light on various events operating in response to auxin depletion in tomato FAZ and/or LAZ. The information gained allows a better understanding of the abscission process driven by auxin depletion, and might lead to development of improved methods for abscission control in horticultural crops. Direction for future research: A better understanding of abscission regulation as it pertains to auxin depletion will require advanced molecular tools such as microarrays, new generation sequencing (NGS), transcriptomic, functional, and proteomic analyses of target genes and proteins found to operate in the abscission process. © 2015 SPS (UK) Ltd.
Moran, N. . Rhythmic Leaf Movements: Physiological And Molecular Aspects; 2015; pp. 57-95. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Daily periodic plant leaf movements, known since antiquity, are dramatic manifestations of “osmotic motors” regulated by the endogenous biological clock and by light, perceived by phytochrome and, possibly, by phototropins. Both the reversible movements and their regulation usually occur in specialized motor leaf organs, pulvini. The movements result from opposing volume changes in two oppositely positioned parts of the pulvinus. Water fluxes into the motor cells in the swelling part and out of the motor cells in the concomitantly shrinking part are powered by ion fluxes into and out of these cells, and all of these fluxes occur through tightly regulated membranal proteins: Pumps, carriers, and ion and water channels. This chapter attempts to piece together those findings and insights about this mechanism which have accumulated during the past two and a half decades. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2006, 2015.
Abramovitch, I. ; Hoter, N. ; Levy, H. ; Gedanken, A. ; Wolf, A. ; Eitan, A. ; Fine, T. ; Elmaleh, L. ; Shalev, I. ; Cohen, G. ; et al. Effects Of The 3D Sizing Of Polyacrylonitrile Fabric With Carbon Nanotube–Sp1 Protein Complex On The Interfacial Properties Of Polyacrylonitrile/Phenolic Composites. Journal of Composite MaterialsJournal of Composite Materials 2015, 50, 1031 - 1036. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Polyacrylonitrile?phenolic composites display excellent in-plane properties but perform poorly when out-of-plane, through-thickness properties are considered. Composite architectures with carbon nanotubes, either dispersed within the matrix or bound to a fabric, in traditional composites have the potential to alleviate this weakness. However, effective reinforcement of composites using carbon nanotubes is difficult, due to poor dispersion and interfacial stress transfer and has thus far been met with limited success and at high costs. This paper describes an innovative and cost-effective technology to improve these inferior mechanical properties by using an exceptionally stable protein, SP1, for CNT attachment to PAN fabric, forming a three-dimensional nano-reinforced structure. This work confirms remarkable improvements in interlaminar shear strength and through-thickness tensile strength of SP1/CNT-reinforced polyacrylonitrile composites.
Landau, U. ; Asis, L. ; Eshed Williams, L. . The Erecta, Clavata And Class Iii Hd-Zip Pathways Display Synergistic Interactions In Regulating Floral Meristem Activities. PLoS One 2015, 10, e0125408.Abstract
In angiosperms, the production of flowers marks the beginning of the reproductive phase. At the emergence of flower primordia on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem, the WUSCHEL (WUS) gene, which encodes a homeodomain transcription factor starts to be expressed and establishes de novo stem cell population, founder of the floral meristem (FM). Similarly to the shoot apical meristem a precise spatial and temporal expression pattern of WUS is required and maintained through strict regulation by multiple regulatory inputs to maintain stem cell homeostasis. However, following the formation of a genetically determined fixed number of floral organs, this homeostasis is shifted towards organogenesis and the FM is terminated. In here we performed a genetic study to test how a reduction in ERECTA, CLAVATA and class III HD-ZIP pathways affects floral meristem activity and flower development. We revealed strong synergistic phenotypes of extra flower number, supernumerary whorls, total loss of determinacy and extreme enlargement of the meristem as compared to any double mutant combination indicating that the three pathways, CLV3, ER and HD-ZIPIII distinctively regulate meristem activity and that they act in parallel. Our findings yield several new insights into stem cell-driven development. We demonstrate the crucial requirement for coupling floral meristem termination with carpel formation to ensure successful reproduction in plants. We also show how regulation of meristem size and alternation in spatial structure of the meristem serve as a mechanism to determine flower organogenesis. We propose that the loss of FM determinacy due to the reduction in CLV3, ER and HD-ZIPIII activity is genetically separable from the AGAMOUS core mechanism of meristem termination.
Cna'ani, A. ; Mühlemann, J. K. ; Ravid, J. ; Masci, T. ; Klempien, A. ; Nguyen, T. T. H. ; Dudareva, N. ; Pichersky, E. ; Vainstein, A. . Petunia × Hybrida Floral Scent Production Is Negatively Affected By High-Temperature Growth Conditions. Plant Cell Environ 2015, 38, 1333-46.Abstract
Increasing temperatures due to changing global climate are interfering with plant-pollinator mutualism, an interaction facilitated mainly by floral colour and scent. Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy analyses revealed that increasing ambient temperature leads to a decrease in phenylpropanoid-based floral scent production in two Petunia × hybrida varieties, P720 and Blue Spark, acclimated at 22/16 or 28/22 °C (day/night). This decrease could be attributed to down-regulation of scent-related structural gene expression from both phenylpropanoid and shikimate pathways, and up-regulation of a negative regulator of scent production, emission of benzenoids V (EOBV). To test whether the negative effect of increased temperature on scent production can be reduced in flowers with enhanced metabolic flow in the phenylpropanoid pathway, we analysed floral volatile production by transgenic 'Blue Spark' plants overexpressing CaMV 35S-driven Arabidopsis thaliana production of anthocyanin pigments 1 (PAP1) under elevated versus standard temperature conditions. Flowers of 35S:PAP1 transgenic plants produced the same or even higher levels of volatiles when exposed to a long-term high-temperature regime. This phenotype was also evident when analysing relevant gene expression as inferred from sequencing the transcriptome of 35S:PAP1 transgenic flowers under the two temperature regimes. Thus, up-regulation of transcription might negate the adverse effects of temperature on scent production.
Bar, M. ; Ben-Herzel, O. ; Kohay, H. ; Shtein, I. ; Ori, N. . Clausa Restricts Tomato Leaf Morphogenesis And Goblet Expression. Plant J 2015, 83, 888-902.Abstract
Leaf morphogenesis and differentiation are highly flexible processes. The development of compound leaves is characterized by an extended morphogenesis stage compared with that of simple leaves. The tomato mutant clausa (clau) possesses extremely elaborate compound leaves. Here we show that this elaboration is generated by further extension of the morphogenetic window, partly via the activity of ectopic meristems present on clau leaves. Further, we propose that CLAU might negatively affect expression of the NAM/CUC gene GOBLET (GOB), an important modulator of compound-leaf development, as GOB expression is elevated in clau mutants and reducing GOB expression suppresses the clau phenotype. Expression of GOB is also elevated in the compound leaf mutant lyrate (lyr), and the remarkable enhancement of the clau phenotype by lyr suggests that clau and lyr affect leaf development and GOB in different pathways.
Shemer, O. ; Landau, U. ; Candela, H. ; Zemach, A. ; Eshed Williams, L. . Competency For Shoot Regeneration From Arabidopsis Root Explants Is Regulated By Dna Methylation. Plant Sci 2015, 238, 251-61.Abstract
Plants exhibit high capacity to regenerate in three alternative pathways: tissue repair, somatic embryogenesis and de novo organogenesis. For most plants, de novo organ initiation can be easily achieved in tissue culture by exposing explants to auxin and/or cytokinin, yet the competence to regenerate varies among species and within tissues from the same plant. In Arabidopsis, root explants incubated directly on cytokinin-rich shoot inducing medium (SIM-direct), are incapable of regenerating shoots, and a pre-incubation step on auxin-rich callus inducing medium (CIM) is required to acquire competency to regenerate on the SIM. However the mechanism underlying competency acquisition still remains elusive. Here we show that the chromomethylase 3 (cmt3) mutant which exhibits significant reduction in CHG methylation, shows high capacity to regenerate on SIM-direct and that regeneration occurs via direct organogenesis. In WT, WUSCHEL (WUS) promoter, an essential gene for shoot formation, is highly methylated, and its expression on SIM requires pre-incubation on CIM. However, in cmt3, WUS expression induced by SIM-direct. We propose that pre-incubation on CIM is required for the re-activation of cell division. Following the transfer of roots to SIM, the intensive cell division activity continues, and in the presence of cytokinin leads to a dilution in DNA methylation that allows certain genes required for shoot regeneration to respond to SIM, thereby advancing shoot formation.
Amram, A. ; Fadida-Myers, A. ; Golan, G. ; Nashef, K. ; Ben-David, R. ; Peleg, Z. . Effect Of Ga-Sensitivity On Wheat Early Vigor And Yield Components Under Deep Sowing. Front Plant Sci 2015, 6, 487.Abstract
Establishment of seedlings is a key factor in achievement of uniform field stands and, consequently, stable yields. Under Mediterranean conditions, soil moisture in the upper layer is limited and seedlings may be exposed to frequent dehydration events. The presence of the Reduced height (Rht)-B1b and Rht-D1b semi-dominant dwarfing alleles results in insensitivity to gibberellin (GAI) and, hence, poor emergence from deep sowing. Introduction of alternative dwarfing genes and, thereby, preservation of the gibberellin response (GAR) and coleoptile length, contributes to better emergence from deep sowing. Initially 47 wheat cultivars carrying different Rht alleles were screened for their ability to emerge from deep sowing, and then 17 of them were selected for detailed physiological characterization in the field. The modern wheat lines containing GAI alleles showed significantly lower percentages of emergence from deep sowing than the GAR lines, i.e., 52 and 74%, respectively. Differences in early developmental stages were associated with grain yield, as indicated by a reduction of 37.3% in the modern GAI cultivars. Our results demonstrate the potential of alternative dwarfing genes for improving seedling establishment and grain yields in Mediterranean-like environments.
van Oss, R. ; Abbo, S. ; Eshed, R. ; Sherman, A. ; Coyne, C. J. ; Vandemark, G. J. ; Zhang, H. - B. ; Peleg, Z. . Genetic Relationship In Cicer Sp. Expose Evidence For Geneflow Between The Cultigen And Its Wild Progenitor. PLoS One 2015, 10, e0139789.Abstract
There is a debate concerning mono- or poly-phyletic origins of the Near Eastern crops. In parallel, some authors claim that domestication was not possible within the natural range of the wild progenitors due to wild alleles flow into the nascent crops. Here we address both, the mono- or poly-phyletic origins and the domestications within or without the natural range of the progenitor, debates in order to understand the relationship between domesticated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and its wild progenitor (C. reticulatum Ladizinsky) with special emphasis on its domestication centre in southeastern Turkey. A set of 103 chickpea cultivars and landraces from the major growing regions alongside wild accessions (C. reticulatum, C. echinospermum P.H Davis and C. bijugum K.H. Rech) sampled across the natural distribution range in eastern Turkey were genotyped with 194 SNPs markers. The genetic affinities between and within the studied taxa were assessed. The analysis suggests a mono-phyletic origin of the cultigen, with several wild accession as likely members of the wild stock of the cultigen. Clear separation between the wild and domesticated germplasm was apparent, with negligible level of admixture. A single C. reticulatum accession shows morphological and allelic signatures of admixture, a likely result of introgression. No evidence of geneflow from the wild into domesticated germplasm was found. The traditional farming systems of southeaster Turkey are characterized by occurrence of sympatric wild progenitor-domesticated forms of chickpea (and likewise cereals and other grain legumes). Therefore, both the authentic crop landraces and the wild populations native to the area are a unique genetic resource. Our results grant support to the notion of domestication within the natural distribution range of the wild progenitor, suggesting that the Neolithic domesticators were fully capable of selecting the desired phenotypes even when facing rare wild-domesticated introgression events.
Gur, A. ; Zamir, D. . Mendelizing All Components Of A Pyramid Of Three Yield Qtl In Tomato. Front Plant Sci 2015, 6, 1096.Abstract
Molecular markers allowed breeders to mendelize quantitative trait loci (QTL) providing another demonstration that quantitative traits are governed by the same principles as single qualitative genes. This research extends the QTL analysis to two and three QTL and tests our ability to mendelize an oligogenic trait. In tomato, agricultural yield is determined by the weight of the fruits harvested per unit area and the total soluble solids (% Brix)-sugars and acids. The current study explores the segregation of multiple independent yield-related QTL that were identified and mapped using introgression lines (IL) of Solanum pennellii in cultivated processing tomato (S. lycopersicum). We screened 45 different double and triple IL-QTL combinations for agricultural yield, to identify QTL pyramids that behaved in an additive manner and were suitable substrate for mendelizing an oligogenic trait. A pyramid of three independent QTL that significantly improved Brix(∗)Yield (BXY - the soluble solids output per unit area) compared to M82 was selected. In the progenies of the tri-hybrid we bred using markers a nearly isogenic 'immortalized F2.' While the common mode of QTL-QTL interactions across the 45 IL-QTLs combinations was less than additive, the three QTLs in the selected triple-stack performed in an additive manner which made it an exceptional material for breeding. This study demonstrates that using the phenotypic effect of all 27 possible QTL-alleles combinations it is possible to make reliable predictions about the genotypes that will maximize the yield.
Manela, N. ; Oliva, M. ; Ovadia, R. ; Sikron-Persi, N. ; Ayenew, B. ; Fait, A. ; Galili, G. ; Perl, A. ; Weiss, D. ; Oren-Shamir, M. . Phenylalanine And Tyrosine Levels Are Rate-Limiting Factors In Production Of Health Promoting Metabolites In Vitis Vinifera Cv. Gamay Red Cell Suspension. Front Plant Sci 2015, 6, 538.Abstract
Environmental stresses such as high light intensity and temperature cause induction of the shikimate pathway, aromatic amino acids (AAA) pathways, and of pathways downstream from AAAs. The induction leads to production of specialized metabolites that protect the cells from oxidative damage. The regulation of the diverse AAA derived pathways is still not well understood. To gain insight on that regulation, we increased AAA production in red grape Vitis vinifera cv. Gamay Red cell suspension, without inducing external stress on the cells, and characterized the metabolic effect of this induction. Increased AAA production was achieved by expressing a feedback-insensitive bacterial form of 3-deoxy- D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase enzyme (AroG (*)) of the shikimate pathway under a constitutive promoter. The presence of AroG(*) protein led to elevated levels of primary metabolites in the shikimate and AAA pathways including phenylalanine and tyrosine, and to a dramatic increase in phenylpropanoids. The AroG (*) transformed lines accumulated up to 20 and 150 fold higher levels of resveratrol and dihydroquercetin, respectively. Quercetin, formed from dihydroquercetin, and resveratrol, are health promoting metabolites that are induced due to environmental stresses. Testing the expression level of key genes along the stilbenoids, benzenoids, and phenylpropanoid pathways showed that transcription was not affected by AroG (*). This suggests that concentrations of AAAs, and of phenylalanine in particular, are rate-limiting in production of these metabolites. In contrast, increased phenylalanine production did not lead to elevated concentrations of anthocyanins, even though they are also phenylpropanoid metabolites. This suggests a control mechanism of this pathway that is independent of AAA concentration. Interestingly, total anthocyanin concentrations were slightly lower in AroG(*) cells, and the relative frequencies of the different anthocyanins changed as well.