
Steiner, E. ; Triana, M. R. ; Kubasi, S. ; Blum, S. ; Paz-Ares, J. ; Rubio, V. ; Weiss, D. . Kiss Me Deadly F-Box Proteins Modulate Cytokinin Responses By Targeting The Transcription Factor Tcp14 For Degradation. Plant Physiology 2021, 185, 1495-1499. Publisher's VersionAbstract
 TCPs are basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has 24 TCPs, 13 belong to Class I, and 11 to Class II (Martín-Trillo and Cubas, 2010). Class I TCPs promote, and Class II restrict, cell proliferation (Efroni et al., 2008). Previously, we showed that two Class I TCPs, TCP14 and TCP15 interact with the O-fucosyltransferase (OFT) SPINDLY (SPY) to promote cytokinin (CK) responses in young leaves and flowers (Steiner et al., 2012). SPY activity is required for TCP14 stability; the loss of SPY stimulates TCP14 proteolysis by the 26S proteasome and inhibits CK responses in flowers and leaves (Steiner et al., 2016). This is reversed by mutation in CULLIN1 (CUL1), suggesting a role for Skp, CUL1, F-box E3 ubiquitin ligase (SCF) complex in TCP14 proteolysis. OFT modify target proteins by transferring mono-fucose to serine and threonine residues (Holdener and Haltiwanger, 2019). SPY modifies the DELLA protein REPRESSOR OF ga1-3 (RGA) and increases its activity (Zentella et al., 2017). SPY also modifies PSEUDO RESPONSE REGULATOR5 (PRR5) and facilitates its proteolysis (Wang et al., 2020). Since mutation in the putative OFT catalytic domain of SPY (spy-3) is sufficient to reduce TCP14 stability, we suggested that O-fucosylation by SPY stabilizes TCP14. Here, we bring evidence that TCP14 interacts with the F-box proteins KISS ME DEADLY1 (KMD1), KMD2, and KMD4 (Kim et al., 2013) and this interaction promotes its degradation in the spy background. KMDs are negative regulators of CK signaling; they interact and destabilize the CK signaling components Type B RESPONSE REGULATOR (RR). Zhang et al. (2013) found that KMDs also target PHENYLALANINE AMMONIA LYASE (PAL) for degradation. Thus, although F-box proteins have high substrate specificity, KMDs seem to target several unrelated proteins.
Shohat, H. ; Cheriker, H. ; Kilambi, H. V. ; Illouz Eliaz, N. ; Blum, S. ; Amsellem, Z. ; Tarkowská, D. ; Aharoni, A. ; Eshed, Y. ; Weiss, D. . Inhibition Of Gibberellin Accumulation By Water Deficiency Promotes Fast And Long-Term ‘Drought Avoidance’ Responses In Tomato. New Phytologist 2021, 232, 1985-1998. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary Plants reduce transpiration to avoid dehydration during drought episodes by stomatal closure and inhibition of canopy growth. Previous studies have suggested that low gibberellin (GA) activity promotes these ‘drought avoidance’ responses. Using genome editing, molecular, physiological and hormone analyses, we examined if drought regulates GA metabolism in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) guard cells and leaves, and studied how this affects water loss. Water deficiency inhibited the expression of the GA biosynthesis genes GA20 oxidase1 (GA20ox1) and GA20ox2 and induced the GA deactivating gene GA2ox7 in guard cells and leaf tissue, resulting in reduced levels of bioactive GAs. These effects were mediated by abscisic acid-dependent and abscisic acid-independent pathways, and by the transcription factor TINY1. The loss of GA2ox7 attenuated stomatal response to water deficiency and during soil dehydration, ga2ox7 plants closed their stomata later, and wilted faster than wild-type (WT) M82 cv. Mutations in GA20ox1 and GA20ox2, had no effect on stomatal closure, but reduced water loss due to the mutants’ smaller canopy areas. The results suggested that drought-induced GA deactivation in guard cells, contributes to stomatal closure at the early stages of soil dehydration, whereas inhibition of GA synthesis in leaves suppresses canopy growth and restricts transpiration area.
Ramon, U. ; Weiss, D. ; Illouz-Eliaz, N. . Underground Gibberellin Activity: Differential Gibberellin Response In Tomato Shoots And Roots. New Phytologist 2021, 229, 1196-1200. Publisher's Version
Prerna, D. I. ; Govindaraju, K. ; Tamilselvan, S. ; Kannan, M. ; Vasantharaja, R. ; Chaturvedi, S. ; Shkolnik, D. . Influence Of Nanoscale Micro-Nutrient Α-Fe2O3 On Seed Germination, Seedling Growth, Translocation, Physiological Effects And Yield Of Rice (Oryza Sativa) And Maize (Zea Mays). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2021, 162, 564-580. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In the present study, nanoscale micronutrient iron (α-Fe2O3) has been prepared via co-precipitation using marine macro alga Turbinaria ornata. The nanoscale micronutrient iron has been used as priming agent for enhancing seed germination, seed quality, uptake, translocation, physiological effects and yield level of rice and maize crops. The physico-chemical characterization techniques results showed the successful preparation of nanoscale micronutrient iron. Seeds primed with nanoscale micronutrient iron at 25 mg/L significantly enhanced the seed germination and seedling parameters in comparison with conventional hydro-priming. ROS production in germinating nano-primed seeds of rice and maize enhanced the seed germination better than the conventional hydro-priming. Uptake and distribution of nanoscale micronutrient iron in rice and maize seedlings were studied using HR-SEM & ICP-MS analysis. Foliar application of low concentration (10 mg/L) nanoscale micronutrient iron under field conditions significantly increased the chlorophyll content, yield attributes of rice and maize crops.
Shivaraj, S. M. ; Mandlik, R. ; Bhat, J. A. ; Raturi, G. ; Elbaum, R. ; Alexander, L. ; Tripathi, D. K. ; Deshmukh, R. ; Sonah, H. . Outstanding Questions On The Beneficial Role Of Silicon In Crop Plants. Plant and Cell Physiology 2021, 63, 4-18. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Silicon (Si) is widely accepted as a beneficial element for plants. Despite the substantial progress made in understanding Si transport mechanisms and modes of action in plants, several questions remain unanswered. In this review, we discuss such outstanding questions and issues commonly encountered by biologists studying the role of Si in plants in relation to Si bioavailability. In recent years, advances in our understanding of the role of Si-solubilizing bacteria and the efficacy of Si nanoparticles have been made. However, there are many unknown aspects associated with structural and functional features of Si transporters, Si loading into the xylem, and the role of specialized cells like silica cells and compounds preventing Si polymerization in plant tissues. In addition, despite several 1,000 reports showing the positive effects of Si in high as well as low Si-accumulating plant species, the exact roles of Si at the molecular level are yet to be understood. Some evidence suggests that Si regulates hormonal pathways and nutrient uptake, thereby explaining various observed benefits of Si uptake. However, how Si modulates hormonal pathways or improves nutrient uptake remains to be explained. Finally, we summarize the knowledge gaps that will provide a roadmap for further research on plant silicon biology, leading to an exploration of the benefits of Si uptake to enhance crop production.
Teboul, N. ; Magder, A. ; Zilberberg, M. ; Peleg, Z. . Elucidating The Pleiotropic Effects Of Sesame Kanadi1 Locus On Leaf And Capsule Development. The Plant JournalThe Plant JournalPlant J 2021, n/a. Publisher's VersionAbstract
SUMMARY Autonomous seed dispersal is a critical trait for wild plants in natural ecosystems; however, for domesticated crop-plants it can lead to significant yield losses. While seed shattering was a major selection target during the initial domestication of many crops, this trait is still targeted in breeding programs, especially in ?orphan crops? such as sesame, whose capsules dehisce upon ripening. Here we used a mapping population derived from a cross between wild-type (dehiscent)???indehiscent lines to test the hypothesis that the selection against indehiscent alleles in sesame is a consequence of complex genetic interactions associated with yield reduction. We identified a major pleiotropic locus, SiKANADI1, associated with abnormal hyponastic leaf and indehiscent capsule, and genetically dissected its underlying mechanism using a set of near-isogenic lines. Transcriptional, anatomical and physiological information shed light, for the first time, on the polar regulatory gene network in sesame. The pleiotropic effect of SiKANADI1 on leaf and capsule structure and its influence on photosynthetic capacity and final yield are thoroughly characterized. Overall, our results provide new insights on the genetic and morphological mechanisms regulating capsule indehiscence in sesame, and discuss their evolutionary consequences and potential for future sesame breeding.
Vaidya, A. S. ; Peterson, F. C. ; Eckhardt, J. ; Xing, Z. ; Park, S. - Y. ; Dejonghe, W. ; Takeuchi, J. ; Pri-Tal, O. ; Faria, J. ; Elzinga, D. ; et al. Click-To-Lead Design Of A Picomolar Aba Receptor Antagonist With Potent Activity In Vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2021, 118. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a phytohormone that plants utilize to coordinate responses to abiotic stress, modulate seed dormancy, and is central to plant development in several contexts. Chemicals that activate or block ABA signaling are useful as research tools and as potential agrochemical leads. Many successes have been reported for ABA activators (agonists), but existing ABA blockers (antagonists) are limited by modest in vivo activity. Here we report antabactin (ANT), a potent ABA blocker developed using “click chemistry”–based diversification of a known ABA activator. Structural studies reveal, ANT disrupts signaling by stabilizing ABA receptors in an unproductive form. ANT can accelerate seed germination in multiple species, making it a chemical tool for improving germination.Abscisic acid (ABA) is a key plant hormone that mediates both plant biotic and abiotic stress responses and many other developmental processes. ABA receptor antagonists are useful for dissecting and manipulating ABA’s physiological roles in vivo. We set out to design antagonists that block receptor–PP2C interactions by modifying the agonist opabactin (OP), a synthetically accessible, high-affinity scaffold. Click chemistry was used to create an \~4,000-member library of C4-diversified opabactin derivatives that were screened for receptor antagonism in vitro. This revealed a peptidotriazole motif shared among hits, which we optimized to yield antabactin (ANT), a pan-receptor antagonist. An X-ray crystal structure of an ANT–PYL10 complex (1.86 Å) reveals that ANT’s peptidotriazole headgroup is positioned to sterically block receptor–PP2C interactions in the 4' tunnel and stabilizes a noncanonical closed-gate receptor conformer that partially opens to accommodate ANT binding. To facilitate binding-affinity studies using fluorescence polarization, we synthesized TAMRA–ANT. Equilibrium dissociation constants for TAMRA–ANT binding to Arabidopsis receptors range from \~400 to 1,700 pM. ANT displays improved activity in vivo and disrupts ABA-mediated processes in multiple species. ANT is able to accelerate seed germination in Arabidopsis, tomato, and barley, suggesting that it could be useful as a germination stimulant in species where endogenous ABA signaling limits seed germination. Thus, click-based diversification of a synthetic agonist scaffold allowed us to rapidly develop a high-affinity probe of ABA–receptor function for dissecting and manipulating ABA signaling.The atomic coordinates and structure factors reported in this article have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, [PDB ID codes 7MLC (45) and 7MLD (46)].
Shohat, H. ; Cheriker, H. ; Kilambi, H. V. ; Illouz Eliaz, N. ; Blum, S. ; Amsellem, Z. ; Tarkowská, D. ; Aharoni, A. ; Eshed, Y. ; Weiss, D. . Inhibition Of Gibberellin Accumulation By Water Deficiency Promotes Fast And Long-Term ‘Drought Avoidance’ Responses In Tomato. New PhytologistNew PhytologistNew Phytol 2021, 232, 1985 - 1998. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary Plants reduce transpiration to avoid dehydration during drought episodes by stomatal closure and inhibition of canopy growth. Previous studies have suggested that low gibberellin (GA) activity promotes these ?drought avoidance? responses. Using genome editing, molecular, physiological and hormone analyses, we examined if drought regulates GA metabolism in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) guard cells and leaves, and studied how this affects water loss. Water deficiency inhibited the expression of the GA biosynthesis genes GA20 oxidase1 (GA20ox1) and GA20ox2 and induced the GA deactivating gene GA2ox7 in guard cells and leaf tissue, resulting in reduced levels of bioactive GAs. These effects were mediated by abscisic acid-dependent and abscisic acid-independent pathways, and by the transcription factor TINY1. The loss of GA2ox7 attenuated stomatal response to water deficiency and during soil dehydration, ga2ox7 plants closed their stomata later, and wilted faster than wild-type (WT) M82 cv. Mutations in GA20ox1 and GA20ox2, had no effect on stomatal closure, but reduced water loss due to the mutants? smaller canopy areas. The results suggested that drought-induced GA deactivation in guard cells, contributes to stomatal closure at the early stages of soil dehydration, whereas inhibition of GA synthesis in leaves suppresses canopy growth and restricts transpiration area.
Bacher, H. ; Sharaby, Y. ; Walia, H. ; Peleg, Z. . Modifying Root-To-Shoot Ratio Improves Root Water Influxes In Wheat Under Drought Stress. J Exp Bot 2021, erab500. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Drought intensity as experienced by plants depends upon soil moisture status and atmospheric variables such as temperature, radiation, and air vapour pressure deficit. Although the role of shoot architecture with these edaphic and atmospheric factors is well characterized, the extent to which shoot and root dynamic interactions as a continuum are controlled by genotypic variation is less well known. Here, we targeted these interactions using a wild emmer wheat introgression line (IL20) with a distinct drought-induced shift in the shoot-to-root ratio and its drought-sensitive recurrent parent Svevo. Using a gravimetric platform, we show that IL20 maintained higher root water influx and gas exchange under drought stress, which supported a greater growth. Interestingly, the advantage of IL20 in root water influx and transpiration was expressed earlier during the daily diurnal cycle under lower vapour pressure deficit and therefore supported higher transpiration efficiency. Application of a structural equation model indicates that under drought, vapour pressure deficit and radiation are antagonistic to transpiration rate, whereas the root water influx operates as a feedback for the higher atmospheric responsiveness of leaves. Collectively, our results suggest that a drought-induced shift in root-to-shoot ratio can improve plant water uptake potential in a short preferable time window during early morning when vapour pressure deficit is low and the light intensity is not a limiting factor for assimilation.
Frankin, S. ; Roychowdhury, R. ; Nashef, K. ; Abbo, S. ; Bonfil, D. J. ; Ben-David, R. . In-Field Comparative Study Of Landraces Vs. Modern Wheat Genotypes Under A Mediterranean Climate. Plants 2021, 10. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The Near East climate ranges from arid to a Mediterranean, under which local wheat landraces have been grown for over millennia, assumingly accumulating a unique repertoire of genetic adaptations. In the current study, we subjected a subset of the Israeli Palestinian Landraces (IPLR) collection (n = 19: durum and bread wheat landraces, modern wheat cultivars, and landraces mixtures) to full-field evaluation. The multifield experiment included a semiarid site (2018–2019, 2019–2020) under low (L) and high (H) supplementary irrigation, and a Mediterranean site (2019–2020). Water availability had a major impact on crop performance. This was reflected in a strong discrimination between environments for biomass productivity and yield components. Compared to landraces, modern cultivars exhibited significantly higher grain yield (GY) across environments (+102%) reflecting the effect of the Green Revolution. However, under the Gilat19 (L) environment, this productivity gap was significantly reduced (only +39%). Five excelling landraces and the durum mix exhibited good agronomic potential across all trails. This was expressed in relatively high GY (2.3–2.85 t ha−1), early phenology (86–96 days to heading) and lodging resistance. Given the growing interest of stakeholders and consumers, these might be considered future candidates for the local artisanal wheat grain market. Yet, this step should be taken only after establishing an adjustable field management protocol.
Mishra, R. ; Shteinberg, M. ; Shkolnik, D. ; Anfoka, G. ; Czosnek, H. ; Gorovits, R. . Interplay Between Abiotic (Drought) And Biotic (Virus) Stresses In Tomato Plants. Molecular Plant Pathology 2021, n/a. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Abstract With climate warming, drought becomes a vital challenge for agriculture. Extended drought periods affect plant?pathogen interactions. We demonstrate an interplay in tomato between drought and infection with tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). Infected plants became more tolerant to drought, showing plant readiness to water scarcity by reducing metabolic activity in leaves and increasing it in roots. Reallocation of osmolytes, such as carbohydrates and amino acids, from shoots to roots suggested a role of roots in protecting infected tomatoes against drought. To avoid an acute response possibly lethal for the host organism, TYLCV down-regulated the drought-induced activation of stress response proteins and metabolites. Simultaneously, TYLCV promoted the stabilization of osmoprotectants' patterns and water balance parameters, resulting in the development of buffering conditions in infected plants subjected to prolonged stress. Drought-dependent decline of TYLCV amounts was correlated with HSFA1-controlled activation of autophagy, mostly in the roots. The tomato response to combined drought and TYLCV infection points to a mutual interaction between the plant host and its viral pathogen.
Tzohar, D. ; Moshelion, M. ; Ben-Gal, A. . Compensatory Hydraulic Uptake Of Water By Tomato Due To Variable Root-Zone Salinity. VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL 2021, 20.Abstract
Plant root systems are exposed to spatial and temporal heterogeneity regarding water availability. In the long-term, compensation, increased uptake by roots in areas with favorable conditions in response to decreased uptake in areas under stress, is driven by root growth and distribution. In the short-term (hours-days), compensative processes are less understood. We hypothesized hydraulic compensation where local lowered water availability is accompanied by increased uptake from areas where water remains available. Our objective was to quantify instantaneous hydraulic root uptake under conditions of differential water availability. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants were grown in split-root weighing-drainage lysimeters in which each half of the roots could alternatively be exposed to short-term conditions of salinity. Uptake was quantified from each of the two root zone compartments. One-sided exposure to salinity immediately led to less uptake from the salt-affected compartment and increased uptake from the nontreated compartment. Compensation occurred at salinity, caused by NaCl solution of 4 dS m(-1), that did not decrease uptake in plants with entire root systems exposed. At higher salinity, 6.44 dS m(-1), transpiration decreased by similar to 50% when the total root system was exposed. When only half of the roots were exposed, total uptake was maintained at levels of nonstressed plants with as much as 85% occurring from the nontreated compartment. The extent of compensation was not absolute and apparently a function of salinity, atmospheric demand, and duration of exposure. As long as there is no hydraulic restriction in other areas, temporary reduction in water availability in some parts of a tomato's root zone will not affect plant-scale transpiration.
Kam, D. ; Braner, A. ; Abouzglo, A. ; Larush, L. ; Chiappone, A. ; Shoseyov, O. ; Magdassi, S. . 3D Printing Of Cellulose Nanocrystal-Loaded Hydrogels Through Rapid Fixation By Photopolymerization. LANGMUIR 2021, 37, 6451-6458.Abstract
New ink compositions for direct ink writing (DIW) printing of hydrogels, combining superior rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and a water-compatible photoinitiator, are presented. Rapid fixation was achieved by photopolymerization induced immediately after the printing of each layer by 365 nm light for 5 s, which overcame the common height limitation in DIW printing of hydrogels, and enabled the fabrication of objects with a high aspect ratio. CNCs imparted a unique rheological behavior, which was expressed by orders of magnitude difference in viscosity between low and high shear rates and in rapid high shear recovery, without compromising ink printability. Compared to the literature, the presented printing compositions enable the use of low photoinitiator concentrations at a very short build time, 6.25 s/mm, and are also curable by 405 nm light, which is favorable for maintaining viability in bioinks.
Doron, S. ; Lampl, N. ; Savidor, A. ; Katina, C. ; Gabashvili, A. ; Levin, Y. ; Rosenwasser, S. . Spear: A Proteomics Approach For Simultaneous Protein Expression And Redox Analysis. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2021, 176, 366-377.Abstract
Oxidation and reduction of protein cysteinyl thiols serve as molecular switches, which is considered the most central mechanism for redox regulation of biological processes, altering protein structure, biochemical activity, subcellular localization, and binding affinity. Redox proteomics allows global identification of redox-modified cysteine (Cys) sites and quantification of their reversible oxidation/reduction responses, serving as a hypothesis-generating platform to stimulate redox biology mechanistic research. Here, we developed Simultaneous Protein Expression and Redox (SPEAR) analysis, a new redox-proteomics approach based on differential labeling of reversibly oxidized and reduced cysteines with light and heavy isotopic forms of commercially available isotopically-labeled N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The presented method does not require enrichment for labeled peptides, thus enabling simultaneous quantification of Cys reversible oxidation state and protein abundance. Using SPEAR, we were able to quantify the in-vivo reversible oxidation state of thousands of cysteines across the Arabidopsis proteome under steady-state and oxidative stress conditions. Functional assignment of the identified redox-sensitive proteins demonstrated the widespread effect of oxidative conditions on various cellular functions and highlighted the enrichment of chloroplastic proteins. SPEAR provides a simple, straightforward, and cost-effective means of studying redox proteome dynamics. The presented data provide a global quantitative view of the reversible oxidation of well-known redox-regulated active sites and many novel redox-sensitive sites whose role in plant acclimation to stress conditions remains to be further explored.
Mandelmilch, M. ; Livne, I. ; Ben-Dor, E. ; Sheffer, E. . Mapping Phosphorus Concentration In Mediterranean Forests Using Different Remote-Sensing Methods. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 2021, 42, 5698-5718.Abstract
Mineral nutrition is essential for optimal plant growth. Phosphorus (P) is a relatively small component of leaf dry weight, with a concentration in plant foliage of less than 1%. Despite its low concentration, P is an essential element in plants, mainly used for energy transfer. Mapping P concentration using traditional methods is expensive and usually limited to a small area; it is time-consuming and covers only a few plant individuals or species. In this study, we demonstrate the use of remote-sensing (RS) data acquired from the feld and airborne hyperspectral sensors to predict and map the P concentration in leaves of different woody Mediterranean plant species. Comprehensive field work included leaf sampling, laboratory analyses, and spectral measurements using a visible, near-infrared and shortwave-infrared (VIS-NIR-SWIR) field spectrometer. Using different spectral configurations, we built accurate models to predict P concentration in leaf samples. The models were built using a NIR data analysis technique with the data mining software PARACUDA II. This software allowed us to identify the correlative wavelengths for P-bearing molecules in selected woody Mediterranean plant species. The hyperspectral-based model for leaf P concentration was extracted from the reflectance data acquired using a manned aircraft carrying a hyperspectral sensor (Specim AisaFenix 1 K). The model gave a reliable correlation between points extracted from the hyperspectral image and samples measured in the field. We believe that the methodology used in this study will help forest ecologists better understand the concentration of P in the foliage of woody Mediterranean plant species.
Hadidi, A. ; Czosnek, H. ; Randles, J. W. . Editorial: Next-Generation Sequencing And Crispr-Cas Editing In Plant Virology. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2021, 12.
Goldwasser, Y. ; Rabinovitz, O. ; Gerstl, Z. ; Nasser, A. ; Paporisch, A. ; Kuzikaro, H. ; Sibony, M. ; Rubin, B. . Imazapic Herbigation For Egyptian Broomrape (Phelipanche Aegyptiaca) Control In Processing Tomatoes-Laboratory And Greenhouse Studies. PLANTS-BASEL 2021, 10.Abstract
Parasitic plants belonging to the Orobanchaceae family include species that cause heavy damage to crops in Mediterranean climate regions. Phelipanche aegyptiaca is the most common of the Orobanchaceae species in Israel inflicting heavy damage to a wide range of broadleaf crops, including processing tomatoes. P. aegyptiaca is extremely difficult to control due to its minute and vast number of seeds and its underground association with host plant roots. The highly efficient attachment of the parasite haustoria into the host phloem and xylem enables the diversion of water, assimilates and minerals from the host into the parasite. Drip irrigation is the most common method of irrigation in processing tomatoes in Israel, but the delivery of herbicides via drip irrigation systems (herbigation) has not been thoroughly studied. The aim of these studies was to test, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, the factors involved in the behavior of soil-herbigated imazapic, and the consequential influence of imazapic on P. aegyptiaca and tomato plants. Dose-response Petri dish studies showed that imazapic does not impede P. aegyptiaca seed germination and non-attached seedlings, even at the high rate of 5000 ppb. Imazapic applied to tomato roots inoculated with P. aegyptiaca seeds in a PE bag system revealed that the parasite is killed only after its attachment to the tomato roots, at concentrations as low as 2.5 ppb. Imazapic sorption curves and calculated Kd and Koc values indicated that the herbicide Kd is similar in all soils excluding a two-fold higher coefficient in the Gadash farm soil, while the Koc was similar in all soils except the Eden farm soil, in which it was more than twofold lower. In greenhouse studies, control of P. aegyptiaca was achieved at >2.5 ppb imazapic, but adequate control requires repeated applications due to the 7-day half-life (t(1/2)) of the herbicide in the soil. Tracking of imazapic in soil and tomato roots revealed that the herbicide accumulates in the tomato host plant roots, but its movement to newly formed roots is limited. The data obtained in the laboratory and greenhouse studies provide invaluable knowledge for devising field imazapic application strategies via drip irrigation systems for efficient and selective broomrape control.
Matzrafi, M. ; Peleg, Z. ; Lati, R. . Herbicide Resistance In Weed Management. Agronomy 2021, 11. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Herbicides are the most efficient and cost-effective means of weed management [...]
Uni, D. ; Groner, E. ; Soloway, E. ; Hjazin, A. ; Johnswick, S. ; Winters, G. ; Sheffer, E. ; Rog, I. ; Wagner, Y. ; Klein, T. . Unexpectedly Low Delta C-13 In Leaves, Branches, Stems And Roots Of Three Acacia Species Growing In Hyper-Arid Environments. JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY 2021, 14, 117-131.Abstract
Aims In plant eco-physiology, less negative (enriched) carbon 13 (C-13) in the leaves indicates conditions of reducing leaf gas exchange through stomata, e.g. under drought. In addition, C-13 is expected to be less negative in non-photosynthetic tissues as compared with leaves. However, these relationships in delta C-13 from leaves (photosynthetic organs) to branches, stems and roots (non-photosynthetic organs) are rarely tested across multiple closely related tree species, multiple compartments, or in trees growing under extreme heat and drought. Methods We measured leaf-to-root C-13 in three closely related desert acacia species (Acacia tortilis, A. raddiana and A. pachyceras). We measured delta C-13 in leaf tissues from mature trees in southern Israel. In parallel, a 7-year irrigation experiment with 0.5, 1.0 or 4.0 L day(-1) was conducted in an experimental orchard. At the end of the experiment, growth parameters and delta C-13 were measured in leaves, branches, stems and roots. Important Findings The delta C-13 in leaf tissues sampled from mature trees was ca. -27 parts per thousand, far more depleted than expected from a desert tree growing in one of the Earth's driest and hottest environments. Across acacia species and compartments, delta C-13 was not enriched at all irrigation levels (-28 parts per thousand to ca. -27 parts per thousand), confirming our measurements in the mature trees. Among compartments, leaf delta C-13 was unexpectedly similar to branch and root delta C-13, and surprisingly, even less negative than stem delta C-13. The highly depleted leaf delta C-13 suggests that these trees have high stomatal gas exchange, despite growing in extremely dry habitats. The lack of delta C-13 enrichment in non-photosynthetic tissues might be related to the seasonal coupling of growth of leaves and heterotrophic tissues.
Allelign Ashagre, H. ; Zaltzman, D. ; Idan-Molakandov, A. ; Romano, H. ; Tzfadia, O. ; Harpaz-Saad, S. . Fasciclin-Like 18 Is A New Player Regulating Root Elongation In Arabidopsis Thaliana. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2021, 12.Abstract
The plasticity of root development represents a key trait that enables plants to adapt to diverse environmental cues. The pattern of cell wall deposition, alongside other parameters, affects the extent, and direction of root growth. In this study, we report that FASCICLIN-LIKE ARABINOGALACTAN PROTEIN 18 (FLA18) plays a role during root elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using root-specific co-expression analysis, we identified FLA18 to be co-expressed with a sub-set of genes required for root elongation. FLA18 encodes for a putative extra-cellular arabinogalactan protein from the FLA-gene family. Two independent T-DNA insertion lines, named fla18-1 and fla18-2, display short and swollen lateral roots (LRs) when grown on sensitizing condition of high-sucrose containing medium. Unlike fla4/salt overly sensitive 5 (sos5), previously shown to display short and swollen primary root (PR) and LRs under these conditions, the PR of the fla18 mutants is slightly longer compared to the wild-type. Overexpression of the FLA18 CDS complemented the fla18 root phenotype. Genetic interaction between either of the fla18 alleles and sos5 reveals a more severe perturbation of anisotropic growth in both PR and LRs, as compared to the single mutants and the wild-type under restrictive conditions of high sucrose or high-salt containing medium. Additionally, under salt-stress conditions, fla18sos5 had a small, chlorotic shoot phenotype, that was not observed in any of the single mutants or the wild type. As previously shown for sos5, the fla18-1 and fla18-1sos5 root-elongation phenotype is suppressed by abscisic acid (ABA) and display hypersensitivity to the ABA synthesis inhibitor, Fluridon. Last, similar to other cell wall mutants, fla18 root elongation is hypersensitive to the cellulose synthase inhibitor, Isoxaben. Altogether, the presented data assign a new role for FLA18 in the regulation of root elongation. Future studies of the unique vs. redundant roles of FLA proteins during root elongation is anticipated to shed a new light on the regulation of root architecture during plant adaptation to different growth conditions.