Genetics and breeding of a black-bone and blue eggshell chicken line. 1. Body weight, skin color, and their combined selection


Wang, H. ; Cahaner, A. ; Lou, L. ; Zhang, L. ; Ge, Y. ; Li, Q. ; Zhang, X. . Genetics And Breeding Of A Black-Bone And Blue Eggshell Chicken Line. 1. Body Weight, Skin Color, And Their Combined Selection. POULTRY SCIENCE 2021, 100.

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{{An experimental population of chickens was developed from the cross between 2 indigenous Chinese breeds, Dongxiang blue eggshell and Jiangshan black-bone. This breeding was aimed at eventually combining dark heavy black-bone body and blue eggshell, into a single dual-purpose breed. BW was recorded and skin L*, a*, and b* color parameters were measured by a Chroma Meter at several ages (56, 105, 150, 200, 250, and 300 d). At 250 d, 3 independent observers classified skin darkness using a 3-level visual scale (1 = light