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Dual-purpose production of genetically different chicken crossbreeds in Ethiopia. 2. Egg and meat production of the final-crossbreed females and males


Females and males of 7 commercial (ComCb) and 3 experimental (ExpCb) crossbreeds were produced by 6 imported parent stocks (PS) and 1 local PS. The ComCb were Dominant Red Barred (DR), Dominant Sussex (DS), Lohmann Brown (LB), Lohmann-Dual, NOVOgen Brown (NB), NOVOgen Color (NC), and local Koekoek (KK). The ExpCb were (dams × sires) DR × KK (R × K), DS × DR (S × R), and KK × DS (K × S). The females were reared to 60 wk of age, and recorded data included BW, BWG, feed intake, egg number, and egg weight, allowing the calculation of egg mass and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The males were reared to 16 wk of age and recoded data included feed intake, BW, FCR, and carcass characteristics. A total of 621 females and 516 males were tested in sex-separated trials, each with 3 replicated floor pens per crossbreed. The overall value of each crossbreed was determined by overall egg production, 60-wk BW and FCR of females, and by 16-wk BW, carcass yield, and FCR of males. The highest laying rate was exhibited by LB (68%) and NB (66%), followed by RxK and K × S (∼62%). The crossbreeds differed in feed intake and in females' FCR, with LB leading (2.74) followed by NB and S × R (3.07) then DR (3.18). In egg production, LB, followed by NB, were the best, as expected from specialized table-egg crossbreeds. The highest 16-wk BW of males and best FCR were exhibited by NC, followed by NB. In summary, LB was the best egg-producing crossbreed, but poor in meat production. Better choice for dual-purpose production would be NB, ranked second in egg production and in males' BW and FCR. NC was the best meat-producing (males and spent hens) crossbreed and the hens were second in egg-mass production. Hence, NC might be the best dual-purpose hybrid where artificial insemination is feasible and the consumers prefer large eggs and birds. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Poultry Science Association 2019.
