
Modrego, A. ; Pasternak, T. ; Omary, M. ; Albacete, A. ; Cano, A. ; Pérez-Pérez, J. M. ; Efroni, I. . Mapping Of The Classical Mutation Rosette Highlights A Role For Calcium In Wound-Induced Rooting. Plant Cell Physiol 2022, pcac163. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Removal of the root system induces the formation of new roots from the remaining shoot. This process is primarily controlled by the phytohormone auxin, which interacts with other signals in a yet unresolved manner. Here, we study the classical tomato mutation rosette (ro), which lacks shoot-borne roots. ro plants were severely inhibited in forming wound-induced roots and have reduced auxin transport rates. We mapped ro to the tomato ortholog of the Arabidopsis thaliana BIG and the mammalians UBR4/p600. RO/BIG is a large protein of unknown biochemical function. In A. thaliana, BIG was implicated in regulating auxin transport and calcium homeostasis. We show that exogenous calcium inhibits wound-induced root formation in tomato and A. thaliana ro/big mutants. Exogenous calcium antagonized the root-promoting effects of the auxin IAA but not of 2,4-D, an auxin analog that is not recognized by the polar transport machinery, and accumulation of the auxin transporter PIN1 was sensitive to calcium levels in the ro/big mutants. Consistent with a role for calcium in mediating auxin transport, both ro/big mutants and calcium-treated wild-type plants were hypersensitive to treatment with polar auxin transport inhibitors. Subcellular localization of BIG suggests that, like its mammalian ortholog, it is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Analysis of subcellular morphology revealed that ro/big mutants exhibited disruption in cytoplasmic streaming. We suggest that RO/BIG maintain auxin flow by stabilizing PIN membrane localization, possibly by attenuating the inhibitory effect of Ca2+ on cytoplasmic streaming.
Omary, M. ; Matosevich, R. ; Efroni, I. . Systemic Control Of Plant Regeneration And Wound Repair. New Phytologist 2022, n/a. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary Plants have a broad capacity to regenerate damaged organs. The study of wounding in multiple developmental systems has uncovered many of the molecular properties underlying plants' competence for regeneration at the local cellular level. However, in nature, wounding is rarely localized to one place, and plants need to coordinate regeneration responses at multiple tissues with environmental conditions and their physiological state. Here, we review the evidence for systemic signals that regulate regeneration on a plant-wide level. We focus on the role of auxin and sugars as short‑ and long-range signals in natural wounding contexts and discuss the varied origin of these signals in different regeneration scenarios. Together, this evidence calls for a broader, system-wide view of plant regeneration competence.
Moutasem, O. ; Naama, G. - Y. ; Chen, Y. ; Evyatar, S. ; Anat, H. ; Efroni, I. . A Conserved Superlocus Regulates Above- And Belowground Root Initiation. Science 2022, 375, eabf4368. Publisher's Version
Israeli, A. ; Ben-Herzel, O. ; Burko, Y. ; Shwartz, I. ; Ben-Gera, H. ; Harpaz-Saad, S. ; Bar, M. ; Efroni, I. ; Ori, N. . Coordination Of Differentiation Rate And Local Patterning In Compound-Leaf Development. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 2021, 229.Abstract
The variability in leaf form in nature is immense. Leaf patterning occurs by differential growth, taking place during a limited window of morphogenetic activity at the leaf marginal meristem. While many regulators have been implicated in the designation of the morphogenetic window and in leaf patterning, how these effectors interact to generate a particular form is still not well understood. We investigated the interaction among different effectors of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) compound-leaf development, using genetic and molecular analyses. Mutations in the tomato auxin response factor SlARF5/SlMP, which normally promotes leaflet formation, suppressed the increased leaf complexity of mutants with extended morphogenetic window. Impaired activity of the NAC/CUC transcription factor GOBLET (GOB), which specifies leaflet boundaries, also reduced leaf complexity in these backgrounds. Analysis of genetic interactions showed that the patterning factors SlMP, GOB and the MYB transcription factor LYRATE (LYR) coordinately regulate leaf patterning by modulating in parallel different aspects of leaflet formation and shaping. This work places an array of developmental regulators in a morphogenetic context. It reveals how organ-level differentiation rate and local growth are coordinated to sculpture an organ. These concepts are applicable to the coordination of pattering and differentiation in other species and developmental processes.
Ackerman-Lavert, M. ; Fridman, Y. ; Matosevich, R. ; Khandal, H. ; Friedlander-Shani, L. ; Vragović, K. ; El, R. B. ; Horev, G. ; Tarkowská, D. ; Efroni, I. ; et al. Auxin Requirements For A Meristematic State In Roots Depend On A Dual Brassinosteroid Function. Current Biology 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary Root meristem organization is maintained by an interplay between hormone signaling pathways that both interpret and determine their accumulation and distribution. The interacting hormones Brassinosteroids (BR) and auxin control the number of meristematic cells in the Arabidopsis root. BR was reported both to promote auxin signaling input and to repress auxin signaling output. Whether these contradicting molecular outcomes co-occur and what their significance in meristem function is remain unclear. Here, we established a dual effect of BR on auxin, with BR simultaneously promoting auxin biosynthesis and repressing auxin transcriptional output, which is essential for meristem maintenance. Blocking BR-induced auxin synthesis resulted in rapid BR-mediated meristem loss. Conversely, plants with reduced BR levels were resistant to a critical loss of auxin biosynthesis, maintaining their meristem morphology. In agreement, injured root meristems, which rely solely on local auxin synthesis, regenerated when both auxin and BR synthesis were inhibited. Use of BIN2 as a tool to selectively inhibit BR signaling yielded meristems with distinct phenotypes depending on the perturbed tissue: meristem reminiscent either of BR-deficient mutants or of high BR exposure. This enabled mapping of the BR-auxin interaction that maintains the meristem to the outer epidermis and lateral root cap tissues and demonstrated the essentiality of BR signaling in these tissues for meristem response to BR. BR activity in internal tissues however, proved necessary to control BR levels. Together, we demonstrate a basis for inter-tissue coordination and how a critical ratio between these hormones determines the meristematic state.
Matosevich, R. ; Efroni, I. . The Quiescent Center And Root Regeneration. J Exp Bot 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Since its discovery by F.A.L Clowes, extensive research has been dedicated to identifying the functions of the quiescent center (QC). One of the earliest hypotheses was that it serves a key role in regeneration of the root meristem. Recent works provide support for this hypothesis and began to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. There are two scenarios to consider when assessing the role of the QC in regeneration. One, when the damage leaves the QC intact, and the other, when the QC itself is destroyed. In the first scenario, multiple factors are recruited to activate QC cell division in order to replace damaged cells, but whether the QC has a role in the second scenario is less clear. Using both gene expression studies and following cell division pattern has shown that the QC is assembled gradually, only to appear as a coherent identity late in regeneration. Similar late emergence of the QC was observed during the de novo formation of the lateral root meristem. These observations can lead to the conclusion that the QC has no role in regeneration. However, activities normally occurring in QC cells, such as local auxin biosynthesis, are still found during regeneration but occur in different cells in the regenerating meristem. Thus, we explore an alternative hypothesis, that following destruction of the QC, QC-related gene activity is temporarily distributed to other cells in the regenerating meristem, only coalesce into a distinct cell identity when regeneration is complete.
Hendelman, A. ; Zebell, S. ; Rodriguez-Leal, D. ; Dukler, N. ; Robitaille, G. ; Wu, X. ; Kostyun, J. ; Tal, L. ; Wang, P. ; Bartlett, M. E. ; et al. Conserved Pleiotropy Of An Ancient Plant Homeobox Gene Uncovered By Cis-Regulatory Dissection. Cell 2021, 184, 1724-1739.e16. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Divergence of gene function is a hallmark of evolution, but assessing functional divergence over deep time is not trivial. The few alleles available for cross-species studies often fail to expose the entire functional spectrum of genes, potentially obscuring deeply conserved pleiotropic roles. Here, we explore the functional divergence of WUSCHEL HOMEOBOX9 (WOX9), suggested to have species-specific roles in embryo and inflorescence development. Using a cis-regulatory editing drive system, we generate a comprehensive allelic series in tomato, which revealed hidden pleiotropic roles for WOX9. Analysis of accessible chromatin and conserved cis-regulatory sequences identifies the regions responsible for this pleiotropic activity, the functions of which are conserved in groundcherry, a tomato relative. Mimicking these alleles in Arabidopsis, distantly related to tomato and groundcherry, reveals new inflorescence phenotypes, exposing a deeply conserved pleiotropy. We suggest that targeted cis-regulatory mutations can uncover conserved gene functions and reduce undesirable effects in crop improvement.
Radhakrishnan, D. ; Shanmukhan, A. P. ; Kareem, A. ; Aiyaz, M. ; Varapparambathu, V. ; Toms, A. ; Kerstens, M. ; Valsakumar, D. ; Landge, A. N. ; Shaji, A. ; et al. A Coherent Feed-Forward Loop Drives Vascular Regeneration In Damaged Aerial Organs Of Plants Growing In A Normal Developmental Context. DEVELOPMENT 2020, 147.Abstract
Aerial organs of plants, being highly prone to local injuries, require tissue restoration to ensure their survival. However, knowledge of the underlying mechanism is sparse. In this study, we mimicked natural injuries in growing leaves and stems to study the reunion between mechanically disconnected tissues. We show that PLETHORA (PLT) and AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) genes, which encode stem cell-promoting factors, are activated and contribute to vascular regeneration in response to these injuries. PLT proteins bind to and activate the CUC2 promoter. PLT proteins and CUC2 regulate the transcription of the local auxin biosynthesis gene YUC4 in a coherent feed-forward loop, and this process is necessary to drive vascular regeneration. In the absence of this PLT-mediated regeneration response, leaf ground tissue cells can neither acquire the early vascular identity marker ATHB8, nor properly polarise auxin transporters to specify new venation paths. The PLT-CUC2 module is required for vascular regeneration, but is dispensable for midvein formation in leaves. We reveal the mechanisms of vascular regeneration in plants and distinguish between the wound-repair ability of the tissue and its formation during normal development.
Israeli, A. ; Ben-Herzel, O. ; Burko, Y. ; Shwartz, I. ; Ben-Gera, H. ; Harpaz-Saad, S. ; Bar, M. ; Efroni, I. ; Ori, N. . Coordination Of Differentiation Rate And Local Patterning In Compound-Leaf Development. New Phytologist 2020, n/a. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Summary The variability in leaf form in nature is immense. Leaf patterning occurs by differential growth, taking place during a limited window of morphogenetic activity at the leaf marginal meristem. While many regulators have been implicated in the designation of the morphogenetic window and in leaf patterning, how these effectors interact to generate a particular form is still not well understood. We investigated the interaction among different effectors of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) compound-leaf development, using genetic and molecular analyses. Mutations in the tomato auxin response factor SlARF5/SlMP, which normally promotes leaflet formation, suppressed the increased leaf complexity of mutants with extended morphogenetic window. Impaired activity of the NAC/CUC transcription factor GOBLET (GOB), which specifies leaflet boundaries, also reduced leaf complexity in these backgrounds. Analysis of genetic interactions showed that the patterning factors SlMP, GOB and the MYB transcription factor LYRATE (LYR) coordinately regulate leaf patterning by modulating in parallel different aspects of leaflet formation and shaping, This work places an array of developmental regulators in a morphogenetic context. It reveals how organ-level differentiation rate and local growth are coordinated to sculpture an organ. These concepts are applicable to the coordination of pattering and differentiation in other species and developmental processes.
Matosevich, R. ; Cohen, I. ; Gil-Yarom, N. ; Modrego, A. ; Friedlander-Shani, L. ; Verna, C. ; Scarpella, E. ; Efroni, I. . Local Auxin Biosynthesis Is Required For Root Regeneration After Wounding. Nature Plant 2020, 6, 1020 - 1030. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The root meristem can regenerate following removal of its stem-cell niche by recruitment of remnant cells from the stump. Regeneration is initiated by rapid accumulation of auxin near the injury site but the source of this auxin is unknown. Here, we show that auxin accumulation arises from the activity of multiple auxin biosynthetic sources that are newly specified near the cut site and that their continuous activity is required for the regeneration process. Auxin synthesis is highly localized while PIN-mediated transport is dispensable for auxin accumulation and tip regeneration. Roots lacking the activity of the regeneration competence factor ERF115, or that are dissected at a zone of low regeneration potential, fail to activate local auxin sources. Remarkably, restoring auxin supply is sufficient to confer regeneration capacity to these recalcitrant tissues. We suggest that regeneration competence relies on the ability to specify new local auxin sources in a precise temporal pattern.
Radhakrishnan, D. ; Shanmukhan, A. P. ; Kareem, A. ; Aiyaz, M. ; Varapparambathu, V. ; Toms, A. ; Kerstens, M. ; Valsakumar, D. ; Landge, A. N. ; Shaji, A. ; et al. A Coherent Feed Forward Loop Drives Vascular Regeneration In Damaged Aerial Organs Growing In Normal Developmental-Context. Development 2020.Abstract
Aerial organs of plants being highly prone to local injuries, require tissue restoration to ensure their survival. However, knowledge of the underlying mechanism is sparse. In this study, we mimicked natural injuries in growing leaf and stem to study the reunion between mechanically disconnected tissues. We show that ()/ () genes, which encodes stem cell promoting factors, are activated and contribute to vascular regeneration in response to these injuries. PLT proteins bind to and activate the CUC2 promoter. Both PLT and CUC2 regulate the transcription of the local auxin biosynthesis gene YUC4 in a coherent feed forward loop, and this process is necessary to drive vascular regeneration. In the absence of this PLT mediated regeneration response, leaf ground tissue cells can neither acquire early vascular identity marker ATHB8, nor properly polarize auxin transporters to specify new venation paths. The PLT-CUC2 module is required for vascular regeneration, but is dispensable for midvein formation in leaf. We reveal the mechanisms of vascular regeneration in plants and distinguishes the wound repair ability of the tissue from its formation during normal development.
Mello, A. ; Efroni, I. ; Rahni, R. ; Birnbaum, K. D. . The Selaginella Rhizophore Has A Unique Transcriptional Identity Compared With Root And Shoot Meristems. New Phytologist 2019, 222, 882-894. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The genus Selaginella resides in an early branch of the land plant lineage that possesses a vasculature and roots. The majority of the Selaginella root system is shoot borne and emerges through a distinctive structure known as the rhizophore, the organ identity of which has been a long-debated question. The rhizophore of Selaginella moellendorffii – a model for the lycophytes – shows plasticity to develop into a root or shoot up until 8 d after angle meristem emergence, after which it is committed to root fate. We subsequently use morphology and plasticity to define the stage of rhizophore identity. Transcriptomic analysis of the rhizophore during its plastic stage reveals that, despite some resemblance to the root meristem, rhizophore gene expression patterns are largely distinct from both shoot and root meristems. Based on this transcriptomic analysis and on historical anatomical work, we conclude that the rhizophore is a distinct organ with unique features. © 2019, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lieberman-Lazarovich, M. ; Yahav, C. ; Israeli, A. ; Efroni, I. . Deep Conservation Of Cis-Element Variants Regulating Plant Hormonal Responses. The Plant Cell 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Phytohormones regulate many aspects of plant life by activating transcription factors (TF) that bind sequence-specific response elements (RE) in regulatory regions of target genes. Despite their short length, REs are degenerate with a core of just 3-4bp. This degeneracy is paradoxical, as it reduces specificity and REs are extremely common in the genome. To study whether RE degeneracy might serve a biological function we developed an algorithm for the detection of regulatory sequence conservation and applied it to phytohormones REs in 45 angiosperms. Surprisingly, we found that specific RE variants are highly conserved in core hormone response genes. Experimental evidence showed that specific variants act to regulate the magnitude and spatial profile of hormonal response in Arabidopsis and tomato. Our results suggest that hormone-regulated TFs bind a spectrum of REs, each coding for a distinct transcriptional response profile. Our approach has implications for precise genome editing and for rational promoter design.
Israeli, A. ; Capua, Y. ; Shwartz, I. ; Tal, L. ; Meir, Z. ; Levy, M. ; Bar, M. ; Efroni, I. ; Ori, N. . Multiple Auxin-Response Regulators Enable Stability And Variability In Leaf Development. Curr Biol 2019.Abstract
Auxin-signal transduction is mediated by the antagonistic activity of transcriptional activators and repressors. Both activators and repressors belong to gene families, but the biological importance of this complexity is not clear. Here, we addressed this question using tomato leaf development as a model by generating and analyzing mutants in multiple auxin-response components. In developing compound tomato leaves, auxin promotes leaflet formation and blade growth, and in the intercalary regions between leaflets, auxin response is inhibited by the Aux/IAA protein ENTIRE (E). e mutants form simple leaves due to ectopic blade growth in the intercalary domain. Using this unique loss-of-function phenotype and genome editing of auxin-response factor (ARF) genes, encoding auxin-response activators, we identified the contribution of specific ARFs to the e phenotype. Mutations in the related ARFs SlMP, SlARF19A, and SlARF19B, but not SlARF7, reduced the leaf blade and suppressed the e phenotype in a dosage-dependent manner that correlated with their relative expression, leading to a continuum of shapes. While single e and slmp mutants affected blade growth in an opposite manner, leaves of e slmp double mutants were similar to those of the wild type. However, the leaf shape of e slmp was more variable than that of the wild type, and it showed increased sensitivity to auxin. Our findings demonstrate that the existence of multiple auxin-response repressors and activators stabilizes the developmental output of auxin and that tuning their activity enables shape variability. The increased complexity of the auxin response therefore balances stability and flexibility in leaf patterning.
Mello, A. ; Efroni, I. ; Rahni, R. ; Birnbaum, K. D. . New Phytol 2018.Abstract
The genus Selaginella resides in an early branch of the land plant lineage that possesses a vasculature and roots. The majority of the Selaginella root system is shoot borne and emerges through a distinctive structure known as the rhizophore, the organ identity of which has been a long-debated question. The rhizophore of Selaginella moellendorffii - a model for the lycophytes - shows plasticity to develop into a root or shoot up until 8 d after angle meristem emergence, after which it is committed to root fate. We subsequently use morphology and plasticity to define the stage of rhizophore identity. Transcriptomic analysis of the rhizophore during its plastic stage reveals that, despite some resemblance to the root meristem, rhizophore gene expression patterns are largely distinct from both shoot and root meristems. Based on this transcriptomic analysis and on historical anatomical work, we conclude that the rhizophore is a distinct organ with unique features.
Efroni, I. ; Prasad, K. . Insights Into The Art Of Recreation. Dev Biol 2018, 442, 1-2.
Efroni, I. . A Conceptual Framework For Cell Identity Transitions In Plants. Plant Cell Physiol 2018, 59, 691-701.Abstract
Multicellular organisms develop from a single cell that proliferates to form different cell types with specialized functions. Sixty years ago, Waddington suggested the 'epigenetic landscape' as a useful metaphor for the process. According to this view, cells move through a rugged identity space along genetically encoded trajectories, until arriving at one of the possible final fates. In plants in particular, these trajectories have strong spatial correlates, as cell identity is intimately linked to its relative position within the plant. During regeneration, however, positional signals are severely disrupted and differentiated cells are able to undergo rapid non-canonical identity changes. Moreover, while pluripotent properties have long been ascribed to plant cells, the introduction of induced pluripotent stem cells in animal studies suggests such plasticity may not be unique to plants. As a result, current concepts of differentiation as a gradual and hierarchical process are being reformulated across biological fields. Traditional studies of plant regeneration have placed strong emphasis on the emergence of patterns and tissue organization, and information regarding the events occurring at the level of individual cells is only now beginning to emerge. Here, I review the historical and current concepts of cell identity and identity transitions, and discuss how new views and tools may instruct the future understanding of differentiation and plant regeneration.
Efroni, I. ; Birnbaum, K. D. . The Potential Of Single-Cell Profiling In Plants. 2016, 17, 65. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Single-cell transcriptomics has been employed in a growing number of animal studies, but the technique has yet to be widely used in plants. Nonetheless, early studies indicate that single-cell RNA-seq protocols developed for animal cells produce informative datasets in plants. We argue that single-cell transcriptomics has the potential to provide a new perspective on plant problems, such as the nature of the stem cells or initials, the plasticity of plant cells, and the extent of localized cellular responses to environmental inputs. Single-cell experimental outputs require different analytical approaches compared with pooled cell profiles and new tools tailored to single-cell assays are being developed. Here, we highlight promising new single-cell profiling approaches, their limitations as applied to plants, and their potential to address fundamental questions in plant biology.
Efroni, I. ; Mello, A. ; Nawy, T. ; Ip, P. - L. ; Rahni, R. ; DelRose, N. ; Powers, A. ; Satija, R. ; Birnbaum, K. D. . Root Regeneration Triggers An Embryo-Like Sequence Guided By Hormonal Interactions. 2016, 165, 1721 - 1733. Publisher's VersionAbstract
SummaryPlant roots can regenerate after excision of their tip, including the stem cell niche. To determine which developmental program mediates such repair, we applied a combination of lineage tracing, single-cell RNA sequencing, and marker analysis to test different models of tissue reassembly. We show that multiple cell types can reconstitute stem cells, demonstrating the latent potential of untreated plant cells. The transcriptome of regenerating cells prior to stem cell activation resembles that of an embryonic root progenitor. Regeneration defects are more severe in embryonic than in adult root mutants. Furthermore, the signaling domains of the hormones auxin and cytokinin mirror their embryonic dynamics and manipulation of both hormones alters the position of new tissues and stem cell niche markers. Our findings suggest that plant root regeneration follows, on a larger scale, the developmental stages of embryonic patterning and is guided by spatial information provided by complementary hormone domains.
Rahni, R. ; Efroni, I. ; Birnbaum, K.  D. . A Case For Distributed Control Of Local Stem Cell Behavior In Plants. 2016, 38, 635 - 642. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The root meristem has a centrally located group of mitotically quiescent cells, to which current models assign a stem cell organizer function. However, evidence is emerging for decentralized control of stem cell activity, whereby self-renewing behavior emerges from the lack of cell displacement at the border of opposing differentiation gradients. We term this a “stagnation” model due to its reliance on passive mechanics. The position of stem cells is established by two opposing axes that reciprocally control each other's differentiation. Such broad tissue organization programs would allow plants, like some animal systems, to rapidly reconstitute stem cells from non-stem-cell tissues.