Genomic dissection of productivity, lodging, and morpho-physiological traits in Eragrostis tef under contrasting water availabilities


Alemu, M. Demelie; Ben-Zeev, S. ; Hellwig, T. ; Barak, V. ; Shoshani, G. ; Chen, A. ; Razzon, S. ; Herrmann, I. ; Vorobyova, A. ; Hubner, S. ; et al. Genomic Dissection Of Productivity, Lodging, And Morpho-Physiological Traits In Eragrostis Tef Under Contrasting Water Availabilities. Plants, People, Planet 2024, 1-19.


Underutilized species (also known as orphan crops) present opportunities to increase crop diversity and food security. Such crops lack modern genetic tools and knowledge to facilitate efficient modern breeding approaches. A wide collection of tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) genotypes was used to identify genomic regions associated with productivity, lodging, and morpho-physiological traits under contrasting water availabilities. The obtained results are expected to enhance modern breeding and improve tef productivity under traditional and modern cropping systems, thus improving farmers' livelihood and food security.

Publisher's Version

Last updated on 05/10/2024