Contact Us


Mailing Address:
The Robert H. Smith Institute of
Plant Sciences and Genetics
in Agriculture
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, Israel

Neomi Maimon 
Tel: 972-8-948-9251,
Fax: 972-8-948-9899,

Secretary of teaching program:
Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Tel: 972-8-9489333

Prof. Naomi Ori
Tel: 972-8-948-9605





PfFit (ver2.01) is a three-part program for the calculation of osmotic water permeability of cell membrane (Pf) from volume changes of a spherical, wall-less cell, evoked by a non-instantaneous change of osmolarity in the external medium. The Pf calculation takes into account the rate of the osmolarity change.

It is a stand-alone MATLAB program written by Nava Moran and Menachem Moshelion, with GUI written by Roy Novik, compiled with the help of Deborah Weisman.

List of Publications

  1. Moran N, Palti Y, Levitan E, Staempfli R (1980) Potassium ion accumulation at the external surface of the nodal membrane in frog myelinated fibers. Biophys. J. 32: 939-954 abstract

Prof. Nava Moran


Plant signal transduction, circadian rhythms, regulation of plant membrane transport, Phototransduction, regulation by llipids, regulation & structure-function relationship of ion channels, heavy-metal transport.

Current Research Projects:

Plant ion channels and their regulation by membrane lipids.

Structure-function relationship of plant channels.

List of Publications

1. Plaut, M., Marani, A. (1955). Experiments with fiber flax varieties. Ktavim 4:43-48.

2. Plaut, M., Marani, A., Bielorai, H. (1955). Experiments on the growing of Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) in Israel. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 4:388-391.

3. Marani, A. (1958). The relationship between time of harvesting and fibre production in flax under the conditions of Israel. Fibra 3:15-20.

4. Marani, A. (1961). Inheritance of yield components in a diallel cross of cotton. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 9D:195-196.

Prof. Avishalom Marani

1924 Born, Cernauti, Romania; in Israel since 1926.
1947 M.Sc. (Agr.) Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 
1955 Ph.D., Hebrew University, Jerusalem 
1955-56 Post-Doctoral Research at the Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, England.
1957 Lecturer 
1962-1963 Sabbatical at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA.
1963 Senior Lecturer 
1968-1974 Chairman, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops.
1969 Associate Professor 
1974-1975 Sabbatical at the Department of Genetics, University of Birmingham, England.

Prof. David Levy


  • 2003-present: The Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences.
  • 1993-2001: Head, Institute of Field and Garden Crops, The Volcani Center, ARO.
  • 1991-1993: Head, Department of Vegetable Crops, The Volcani Center, ARO.


Levy, D. and Rabinowitch H. D. 2017. Potatoes. In: Brian Thomas, Brian G. Murray and Denis J. Murphy (Editors in Chief), Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences, Vol 3, Waltham, MA, Academic Press, pp.39-44.

Prof. Gideon Ladizinsky

Born: 1933, Rehovot
Degrees: Ph.D. 1968, Hebrew Univ.; Sen. Lect. 1972; Assoc. Prof. 1980; Prof. 1985; 

Research Interests

Evolution of cultivated crops.
Chormosomal and genetic diversty in wild relatives.
Interspecific relationships in the genus Lens.
The anatomy and genetics interspecific hybrid embryo abortion.
Gene transfer between wild tetraploid oats and the cultivated hexaploid varaities.
Evolution in the genus Amygdalus. 

Research Projects

List of Publications

List of Publications 1990 - 2004

Tavori, G Abbo, S Kafkafi U and Schnug E 2004 Influence of nitrate- and sodium chloride on concentration and internal distribution of mineral elements in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) accepted for publishing in:
Landbauforschung Volkenrode (FAL Agricultural Research) 54 (4), in print

Xu, GH Kafkafi, U., 2003 Seasonal differences in mineral content, distribution and leakage of sweet pepper seeds ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, VL 143 (1) 45-52 

Chicken Biodiversity

In a project on biodiversity of chickens funded by the European Commission (EC), eight laboratories collaborated to assess the genetic variation within and between 52 populations from a wide range of chicken types.


Selected articles, out of more than 180 publications

  • Z. Granevitze, L. David, T. Twito, S. Weigend, M.Feldman, and J. Hillel, 2013, Phylogenetic resolution power of microsatellites and various SNP types assessed in ten divergent chicken populations. Animal Genetics 2014: 87-95.

Prof. Joseph (Jossi) Hillel

Professor emeritus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Population and Quantitative geneticist with experience in gene mapping projects. These projects were aimed to detect genes (QTLs) controlling quantitative complex traits.

In recent years, efforts were made to use Deep Sequencing technologies for QTLs detection and biodiversity studies. The detected QTLs were used to produce customized microarrays as tools in breeding programs based on Genomic Selection.

Prof. David Weiss

Research Interests:

Hormone signal transduction and responses

The plant hormones gibberellin regulates various developmental processes throughout the life cycle of the plant. Our lab studies the mechanisms of gibberellin signaling and responses, including root elongation in tomato and Arabidopsis. We also study the role of gibberellin in plant response to environmental stresses.