
List of Publications

  1. Haberman A, Ackerman M, Crane O, Kelner JJ, Costes E, Samach A (2016) Different flowering response to various fruit loads in apple cultivars correlates with degree of transcript reaccumulation of a TFL1-encoding gene. The Plant Journal DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13190
  2. Tal Y, Anavi S, Reisman M, Samach A, Tirosh O, Troen A (2016) The neuroprotective properties of a novel variety of passion fruit. Journal of Functional Foods 23: 259-369

Prof. Alon Samach

Research Interest

We are interested in understanding how different plant species use different environmental cues (changes in temperature, photoperiod, light quality and light intensity) and internal cues (fruit load) to correctly time the transition to flowering. We have recently moved our focus to fruit trees.

We are currently interested in three directions:

1). How fruit load reduces flowering intensity, causing alternate bearing studying Olive and Apple.