
Open Positions

Open Positions

Opportunities for highly motivated and creative M.Sc. and Ph.D. students that are interested in understanding the biochemistry and physiology of plant stress response.

The lab is focused in the apex of abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction pathway and related physiological/cellular stress response. 
We use state-of-the-art biochemical and molecular biology approaches to genetically dissect the ABA pathway as well as analytical chemistry strategies to discover novel plant hormones and growth regulators.

Selected Publications

  1. Katz A., Oliva M, Mosquna A, Hakim O, and Ohad N. 2004. FIE and CURLY LEAF Polycomb Proteins Interact in the Regulation of Homeobox Gene Expression During Sporophyte Development. The Plant Journal. 37(5): 707-719.
  2. Mosquna A, Katz A, Shochat S, Grafi G, Ohad N. Interaction of FIE, a polycomb protein, with pRb: a possible mechanism regulating endosperm development. Mol Genet Genomics. 2004 Jul;271(6):651-7

Dr. Assaf Mosquna

Research Interest

Research in the Mosquna lab is focused on plants response to environmental stress; we are interested in the apex of abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction pathway and related cellular/physiological stress response. In addition we are kin to discover novel plant hormones and growth regulators, by an unbiased approach monitoring plant small molecule-protein interactions. Study of this regulatory scaffold is expected to be of long-term benefit to biotechnology and lead to innovations in agriculture.