

  1. Skaliter, O., Bednarczyk, D., Shor, E., Shklarman, E., Manasherova, E., Aravena-Calvo, J., Kerzner, S., Cna’ani, A., Jasinska, W., Masci, T., Dvir, G., Edelbaum, O., Rimon, B., Brotman, Y., Cohen, H. and Alexander Vainstein (2023). The R2R3-MYB transcription factor EVER controls the emission of petunia floral volatiles by regulating epicuticular wax biosynthesis in the petal epidermis The Plant Cell.


Abstracts of Current Research


Carotenoid-associated proteins useful for high carotenoid accumulation and production in plants and other organisms.

Method for enhancing plant scent.

Plant viral expression vectors and use of same for generating genotypic variations in plant genomes.

Generating genotypic variations in plant genomes by direct gamete infection.

Former Group Members

Former Students and Associates

Ronit Sharon, Photosynthetic apparatus in corollas of petunia and carnation M.Sc. 

Galil Tzuri, M.Sc. in collaboration with Prof. J. Hillel

Morly Fisher, M.Sc. in collaboration with Prof. M. Ziv

Iris Smirra, M.Sc. in collaboration with Prof. A. Halevy

Vered Canaan, Transgenic plants resistant to crown gall, MSc

Shamir Tznuert, Transformation system for Gypsophila, MSc


Intro to molecular biology 71065; BSc

Seminar 71187/8, MSc

Basic methods in molecular biology 71024, BSc

Research workshop in horticulture 71950, MSc

Classical and molecular approaches in plant breeding 71021, BSc

Biological membranes, 71978, MSc


Curriculum Vitae


Born 1957     Tbilisi, Georgia

1976 B.Sc.    State University of Tbilisi, USSR

1984 Ph.D.   The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

1986-1988    Postdoctorate, University of California at Los Angeles, USA


Employment history

1988-1993  Lecturer Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, HUJ

Prof. Alexander Vainstein

Research Interests

Genomic/metabolomic/proteomic approaches for identification of novel (regulatory and biosynthetic) aroma genes

Metabolic engineering of plants and yeast

Site-specific genome modification and genetic engineering in plants