
Curriculum Vitae

June 29, 2023

Goldschmidt, Eliezer E.

The Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture,
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
P. O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel.
Tel: 972-8-9489353; Fax: 972-8-9489899; Email:

Date of birth:  July 15, 1938
Place of birth: Jerusalem, Israel
Marital Status: Married + 6


1. Zait Y., Assmann S.M. (2022) Salty or sweet? Guard cell signaling and osmotic control under saline conditions. Advances in Botanical Research, 103: 61-87.

2. Markovich O., Zexer N., Negin B., Zait Y., Blum S., Ben-Gal A., Elbaum R. (2022) Low Si combined with drought causes reduced transpiration in sorghum. Lsi1 mutant, Plant and Soil,

Dr. Hila Toporik

The research in the lab is focused on understanding the structure and function of the membrane supercomplexes from the photosynthetic machinery in different photosynthetic organisms. Moreover, we pursue the elucidation of the biogenesis and assembly of these intricate biological machines. To this end, we use cyanobacteria as a photosynthetic model organism and employ different methods such as molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology.

HUJI Seminar

Dynamic regulation of leaf vascular hydraulics: molecular, cellular, and environmental factors

UC Davis Talk

Diurnal stomatal apertures and density ratios affect whole-canopy stomatal conductance, drought response, water-use efficiency and yield


  1. Skaliter, O., Bednarczyk, D., Shor, E., Shklarman, E., Manasherova, E., Aravena-Calvo, J., Kerzner, S., Cna’ani, A., Jasinska, W., Masci, T., Dvir, G., Edelbaum, O., Rimon, B., Brotman, Y., Cohen, H. and Alexander Vainstein (2023). The R2R3-MYB transcription factor EVER controls the emission of petunia floral volatiles by regulating epicuticular wax biosynthesis in the petal epidermis The Plant Cell.