
List of Publications

List of Publications 1990 - 2004

Tavori, G Abbo, S Kafkafi U and Schnug E 2004 Influence of nitrate- and sodium chloride on concentration and internal distribution of mineral elements in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) accepted for publishing in:
Landbauforschung Volkenrode (FAL Agricultural Research) 54 (4), in print

Xu, GH Kafkafi, U., 2003 Seasonal differences in mineral content, distribution and leakage of sweet pepper seeds ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, VL 143 (1) 45-52 


Prof. Uzi Kafkafi

In Memoriam
Plant Science and Genetics in Agriculture


Prof. Uzi Kafkafi

1934 - 2024

Nutrient consumption of field crops.