
List of Publications

Wigoda N., Ben-Nissan G., Granot D., Schwartz A. and Weiss D. (2006) 
The gibberellin-induced, cysteine-rich protein GIP2 from Petunia hybrida exhibits in-planta antioxidant activity.
Plant J. 48: 796-805.

Maseyk KS., Lin T., Rotenberg E., Grünzweig JM., Schwartz A., Yakir D (2008) 
Physiology-phenology interactions in a productive semi-arid pine forest 
New Phytologist 178: 603-616


The students who conducted the experiments deserve all the credit:

Post Doc.:   Dr. Yishai Netzer    Or Shapira 

Ph.D.:   Ron Seligmann    Ran Arael    Or Sperling 

M.Sc.:   Idan Baht    Sarel Munitz    Dror Dotan    Yotam Zit    Yechiam Gets    Amit Haklai    David Yelin


Table and wine grapes: Dr. Yishai Netzer Post Doc., Idan Baht, Sarel Munitz and Dror Dotan M.Sc. students. 

Prof. Amnon Schwartz


Research Interests:

Plant water relations, Calcium transport and distribution in the whole plant, Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, Irrigation scheduling based on physiological parameters.