
List of Publications

List of Publications (Hebrew publications and abstracts are not included)

Rubin, B. and Y. Eshel (1971). Phytotoxicity of fluometuron and its derivatives to cotton and weeds. Weed Science 19:294-295.

Eshel, Y. and B. Rubin (1972). Metabolism of fluometuron in cotton and weeds as a basis for selective action. In: Pesticide Chemistry: Herbicides, Fungicides, Formulation Chemistry. (A. S. Tahory, ed.)  5:113-124. Gordon and Breach, Science Publication.


1972 Grant and Award from the "Histadrut" for Outstanding Young Scientists.
1976 Grant and Award from "Mifal-Hapays" for Outstanding Young Scientists.
1981-1982 Awards and Research Grant from E. D. Bergman Fund.
1981 Grant and Award from D. Ben-Gurion Fund.


Margulies, L; Y. El-Nahhal; B. Rubin; S. Nir. (1996). Slow release formulations of pesticides: Israel Patent No. 119142; Europe - WO 98 08380; US Patent No. 6,261,997 B1.

S. Nir; B. Rubin; Y. Mishael; T. Undabeytia; O. Rabinovitz; T. Polubesova (2006). Controlled release formulations of anionic herbicides. US patent no. US-7,030,062; EP patent 1363491, AU patent 2002219479.

Curriculum Vitae

Emeritus Professor of Agronomy and Weed Science. R. H. Smith Institute of Plant Science and Genetics in Agriculture, R. H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.


Herbicide resistance in weeds and in transgenic crops: