
List of Publications

  • Bar M, Israeli A, Levy M, Ben-gera H, Jiménez-Gómez J, Kouril S, Tarkowski P, Ori N. (2016). CLAUSA is a MYB Transcription Factor that Promotes Leaf Differentiation by Attenuating Cytokinin Signaling. The Plant Cell. Jul;pii: tpc.00211.2016.
  • Shwartz I, Levy M, Ori N, Bar M. Hormones in tomato leaf development. (2016). Developmental Biology. Jun;pii:S0012-1606(16)30107-5.

Major Projects

  1. The balance between morphogenesis, growth and differentiation in leaf development, and the interaction between transcription factors and hormones in regulating this balance.
  2. Patterning of the leaf margin: Differential growth at the leaf margins enables enormous variability of leaf shape. We investigate the regulators of leaf patterning. Specifically, we investigate the role of auxin and its regulators in leaf patterning.
  3. Regulation of fruit set in tomato.