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The Robert H. Smith Institute of
Plant Sciences and Genetics
in Agriculture
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Neomi Maimon 
Tel: 972-8-948-9251,
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Secretary of teaching program:
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Tel: 972-8-9489333

Prof. Naomi Ori
Tel: 972-8-948-9605



Idan Efroni

Congratulations to Dr Idan Efroni

10 May, 2017

Congratulations to  Dr Idan Efroni on being chosen as an  HHMI International Research Scholar.

Idan is unraveling the mystery of plants’ impressive regenerative abilities.

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 He uses tomatoes to study how plants generate new stem cells and meristems  to replace damaged or missing roots. Insight into this process might  reveal clues about tissue regeneration in other organisms, and help  scientists boost plant production for agriculture.  

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Butenko, Y. ; Lin, A. ; Naveh, L. ; Kupervaser, M. ; Levin, Y. ; Reich, Z. ; Adam, Z. . Differential Roles Of The Thylakoid Lumenal Deg Protease Homologs In Chloroplast Proteostasis. Plant Physiol 2018, 178, 1065-1080.
Deg proteases are involved in protein quality control in prokaryotes. Of the three Arabidopsis () homologs, Deg1, Deg5, and Deg8, located in the thylakoid lumen, Deg1 forms a homohexamer, whereas Deg5 and Deg8 form a heterocomplex. Both Deg1 and Deg5-Deg8 were shown separately to degrade photosynthetic proteins during photoinhibition. To investigate whether Deg1 and Deg5-Deg8 are redundant, a full set of Arabidopsis knockout mutants were generated and their phenotypes were compared. Under all conditions tested, mutants were affected more than the wild type and and mutants. Moreover, overexpression of Deg5-Deg8 could only partially compensate for the loss of Deg1. Comparative proteomics of mutants revealed moderate up-regulation of thylakoid proteins involved in photoprotection, assembly, repair, and housekeeping and down-regulation of those that form photosynthetic complexes. Quantification of protein levels in the wild type revealed that Deg1 was 2-fold more abundant than Deg5-Deg8. Moreover, recombinant Deg1 displayed higher in vitro proteolytic activity. Affinity enrichment assays revealed that Deg1 was precipitated with very few interacting proteins, whereas Deg5-Deg8 was associated with a number of thylakoid proteins, including D1, OECs, LHCBs, Cyt , and NDH subunits, thus implying that Deg5-Deg8 is capable of binding substrates but is unable to degrade them efficiently. This work suggests that differences in protein abundance and proteolytic activity underlie the differential importance of Deg1 and Deg5-Deg8 protease complexes observed in vivo.
Czosnek, H. ; Hariton-Shalev, A. ; Sobol, I. ; Gorovits, R. ; Ghanim, M. . The Incredible Journey Of Begomoviruses In Their Whitefly Vector. Viruses 2017, 9.
Begomoviruses are vectored in a circulative persistent manner by the whitefly The insect ingests viral particles with its stylets. Virions pass along the food canal and reach the esophagus and the midgut. They cross the filter chamber and the midgut into the haemolymph, translocate into the primary salivary glands and are egested with the saliva into the plant phloem. Begomoviruses have to cross several barriers and checkpoints successfully, while interacting with would-be receptors and other whitefly proteins. The bulk of the virus remains associated with the midgut and the filter chamber. In these tissues, viral genomes, mainly from the tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) family, may be transcribed and may replicate. However, at the same time, virus amounts peak, and the insect autophagic response is activated, which in turn inhibits replication and induces the destruction of the virus. Some begomoviruses invade tissues outside the circulative pathway, such as ovaries and fat cells. Autophagy limits the amounts of virus associated with these organs. In this review, we discuss the different sites begomoviruses need to cross to complete a successful circular infection, the role of the coat protein in this process and the sites that balance between virus accumulation and virus destruction.
Galkin, E. ; Dalal, A. ; Evenko, A. ; Fridman, E. ; Kan, I. ; Wallach, R. ; Moshelion, M. . Risk-Management Strategies And Transpiration Rates Of Wild Barley In Uncertain Environments. Physiol Plant 2018, 164, 412-428.
Regulation of the rate of transpiration is an important part of plants' adaptation to uncertain environments. Stomatal closure is the most common response to severe drought. By closing their stomata, plants reduce transpiration to better their odds of survival under dry conditions. Under mild to moderate drought conditions, there are several possible transpiration patterns that balance the risk of lost productivity with the risk of water loss. Here, we hypothesize that plant ecotypes that have evolved in environments characterized by unstable patterns of precipitation will display a wider range of patterns of transpiration regulation along with other quantitative physiological traits (QPTs), compared to ecotypes from less variable environments. We examined five accessions of wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) from different locations in Israel (the B1K collection) with annual rainfall levels ranging from 100 to 900 mm, along with one domesticated line (cv. Morex). We measured several QPTs and morphological traits of these accessions under well-irrigated conditions, under drought stress and during recovery from drought. Our results revealed a correlation between precipitation-certainty conditions and QPT plasticity. Specifically, accessions from stable environments (very wet or very dry locations) were found to take greater risks in their water-balance regulation than accessions from areas in which rainfall is less predictable. Notably, less risk-taking genotypes recovered more quickly than more risk-taking ones once irrigation was resumed. We discuss the relationships between environment, polymorphism, physiological plasticity and fitness, and suggest a general risk-taking model in which transpiration-rate plasticity is negatively correlated with population polymorphism.
Calahorra, Y. ; Datta, A. ; Famelton, J. ; Kam, D. ; Shoseyov, O. ; Kar-Narayan, S. . Nanoscale Electromechanical Properties Of Template-Assisted Hierarchical Self-Assembled Cellulose Nanofibers. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 16812-16821.
Cellulose, a major constituent of our natural environment and a structured biodegradable biopolymer, has been shown to exhibit shear piezoelectricity with potential applications in energy harvesters, biomedical sensors, electro-active displays and actuators. In this regard, a high-aspect ratio nanofiber geometry is particularly attractive as flexing or bending will likely produce a larger piezoelectric response as compared to axial deformation in this material. Here we report self-assembled cellulose nanofibers (SA-CNFs) fabricated using a template-wetting process, whereby parent cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) introduced into a nanoporous template assemble to form rod-like cellulose clusters, which then assemble into SA-CNFs. Annealed SA-CNFs were found to exhibit an anisotropic shear piezoelectric response as directly measured using non-destructive piezo-response force microscopy (ND-PFM). We interpret these results in light of the distinct hierarchical structure in our template-grown SA-CNFs as revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

Welcome Dr Ittai Herrmann

20 November, 2018

We welcome Dr Ittai Herrmann to the Institute. 

Dr. Hermanni is setting up the Plant Sensing Laboratory. The lab will use remote and proximal sensing techniques, both in the field and in controlled environments, to nondestructively assess plant traits, detect stress, redict yield and assess plant phenology.

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