
Prof. Uzi Kafkafi

In Memoriam
Plant Science and Genetics in Agriculture


Prof. Uzi Kafkafi

1934 - 2024

Nutrient consumption of field crops.

List of Publications

List of Publications 1990 - 2004

Tavori, G Abbo, S Kafkafi U and Schnug E 2004 Influence of nitrate- and sodium chloride on concentration and internal distribution of mineral elements in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) accepted for publishing in:
Landbauforschung Volkenrode (FAL Agricultural Research) 54 (4), in print

Xu, GH Kafkafi, U., 2003 Seasonal differences in mineral content, distribution and leakage of sweet pepper seeds ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, VL 143 (1) 45-52 

Xu, GH. Kafkafi, U. Wolf, S. and Sugimoto, Y. 2002 Mother plant nutrition and growing condition affect amino and fatty acid compositions of hybrid sweet pepper seeds. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 25 (8) 1645-1665

Ben-Oliel, G. Kafkafi, U. 2002
TI Melon fruit quality as affected by timing, duration, and concentration of phosphate and nitrogen sources in recycled hydroponic system. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 25 (7) 1563-1583/

An, P, Inanaga, S, Cohen, Y, Kafkafi, U, Sugimoto, Y 2002. Salt tolerance in two soybean cultivars. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 25 (3) 407-423.

Xu, GH Wolf, S Kafkafi, U 2002. Ammonium on potassium interaction in sweet pepper. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 25 (4) 719-734.

An, P Inanaga, S Kafkafi, U Lux, A Sugimoto, Y 2001
Different effect of humidity on growth and salt tolerance of two soybean cultivars
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 44 (3) 405-410.

Xu, GH Wolf, S Kafkafi, U 2001 Effect of varying nitrogen form and concentration during growing season on sweet pepper flowering and fruit yield JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 24 (7) 1099-1116

Xu, GH Wolf, S Kafkafi, U 2001 Interactive effect of nutrient concentration and container volume on flowering, fruiting, and nutrient uptake of sweet pepper
Xu, GH Magen, H Tarchitzky, J Kafkafi, U (Review ) 2000 Advances in chloride nutrition of plants ADVANCES IN AGRONOMY, VOL 68, 97-150

Bonfil, DJ Kafkafi, U 2000 Wild wheat adaptation in different soil ecosystems as expressed in the mineral concentration of the seeds EUPHYTICA 114, (2) 123-134

Zipelevish, E Grinberge, A Amar, S Gilboa, Y Kafkafi, U 2000 Eggplant dry matter composition fruit yield and quality as affected by phosphate and total salinity caused by potassium fertilizers in the irrigation solution. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 23, (4) 431-442

Ali, IA Kafkafi, U Yamaguchi, I Sugimoto, Y Inanaga, S 2000. Growth, transpiration, root-born cytokinins and gibberellins, and nutrient compositional changes in sesame exposed to low root-zone temperature under different ratios of nitrate : ammonium supply JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 23 (1) 123-140

Henkin, Z Seligman, NG Noy-Meir, I Kafkafi, U 1999. Secondary succession after fire in a Mediterranean dwarf-shrub community. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 10 (4) 503-514

Yermiyahu, U Nir, S Ben-Hayyim, G Kafkafi, U Scherer, GFE Kinraide, TB 1999. Surface properties of plasma membrane vesicles isolated from melon (Cucumus melo L.) root cells differing in salinity tolerance COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 14 (1-4) 237-249

Henkin, Z Seligman, NG Kafkafi, U Prinz, D 1998. End-of-season soil water depletion in relation to growth of herbaceous vegetation in a sub-humid Mediterranean dwarf-shrub community on two contrasting soils PLANT AND SOIL
202 (2) 317-326

Ali, IEA Kafkafi, U Yamaguchi, I Sugimoto, Y Inanaga, S 1998 Response of oilseed rape plant to low root temperature and nitrate : ammonium ratios JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 21(7) 1463-1481

Bar, Y, Apelbaum, A Kafkafi, U Goren, R 1998. Ethylene association with chloride stress in citrus plants SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 73 (2-3) 99-109

Henkin, Z Seligman, NG Noy-Meir, I Kafkafi, U Gutman, M 1998 Rehabilitation of Mediterranean dwarf-shrub rangeland with herbicides, fertilizers, and fire JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT 51 (2) 193-199

Henkin, Z Seligman, NG Kafkafi, U Noy-Meir, I 1998 'Effective growing days': a simple predictive model of the response of herbaceous plant growth in a Mediterranean ecosystem to variation in rainfall and phosphorus availability JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 86 (1) 137-148

Saranga, Y Landa, A Shekel, Y Bosak, A Kafkafi, U 1998 Near-infrared analysis of cotton leaves as a guide for nitrogen fertilization AGRONOMY JOURNAL 90 (1) 16

Ali, IA Kafkafi, U Yamaguchi, I Sugimoto, Y Inanaga, S 1997 Gibberellin, cytokinins, nitrate content and rate of water transport in the stem in response to root temperature (Reprinted from Plant nutrition for sustainable food production and environment, 1997) SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 43 1085-1090

Pivonia, S Cohen, R Kafkafi, U BenZeev, IS Katan, J 1997 Sudden wilt of melons in Southern Israel: Fungal agents and relationship with plant development PLANT DISEASE 81 (11) 1264-1268

Imas, P BarYosef, B Kafkafi, U GanmoreNeumann, R 1997 Release of carboxylic anions and protons by tomato roots in response to ammonium nitrate ratio and pH in nutrient solution PLANT AND SOIL 191 (1) 27-34

Imas, P BarYosef, B Kafkafi, U GanmoreNeumann, R 1997 Phosphate induced carboxylate and proton release by tomato roots PLANT AND SOIL 191 (1) 35-39

Yermiyahu, U Nir, S BenHayyim, G Kafkafi, U Kinraide, TB 1997. Root elongation in saline solution related to calcium binding to root cell plasma membranes PLANT AND SOIL 191 (1) 67-76

Bar, Y Apelbaum, A Kafkafi, U Goren, R 1997 Relationship between chloride and nitrate and its effect on growth and mineral composition of avocado and citrus plants

Kafkafi, U GanmoreNeumann, R 1997 Ammonium in plant tissue: Real or artifact?

Blachinski, D Shtienberg, D Dinoor, A Kafkafi, Sujkowski, LS Zitter, TA Fry, WE 1997 Influence of foliar application of nitrogen and potassium on Alternaria diseases in potato, tomato and cotton PHYTOPARASITICA 24 (4) 281-292

Henkin, Z NoyMeir, I Kafkafi, U Gutman, M Seligman, N 1996 Phosphate fertilization primes production of rangeland on brown rendzina soils in the Galilee, Israel AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 59 (1-2) 43-53

Yermiyahu, U Nir, S BenHayyim, G Kafkafi, U Kinraide, T 1996 Root elongation in saline solution of two melon cultivars related to calcium binding to root cell plasma membranes PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 111 (2) Suppl. S 494-494

Yermiyahu, U Nir, S BenHayyim, G Kafkafi, U Scherer, G 1996 Surface properties of plasma membrane vesicles isolated from melon (Cucumus melo L) root cells differing in salinity tolerance 1996 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 111 (2) Suppl. S 495-495

Bar, Y Apelbaum, A Kafkafi, U Goren, R 1996 Polyamines in chloride-stressed Citrus plants: Alleviation of stress by nitrate supplementation via irrigation water
121 (3) 507-513

Ali, IA Kafkafi, U Yamaguchi, I Sugimoto, Y Inanaga, S 1996 Effects of low root temperature on sap plow rate, soluble carbohydrates, nitrate contents and on cytokinin and gibberellin levels in root xylem exudate of sand-grown tomato JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 19 (3-4) 619-634

Kafkafi, U 1994 Combined irrigation and fertilization in arid zones ISRAEL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES 42 (4) 301-320

Ali, IA Kafkafi, U Sugimoto, Y Inanaga, S 1994 Response of sand-grown tomato supplied with varying ratios of nitrate/ammonium to constant and variable root temperatures JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 17 (11) 2001-2024

Yermiyahu, U Nir, S Ben Hayyim, G Kafkafi, U 1994 Quantitative competition of calcium with sodium or magnesium for sorption sites on plasma-membrane vesicles of melon (cucumis-melo l) root-cells JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY
138 (1) 55-63

Henkin, Z Noy-Meir, I Kafkafi, U Seligman, N Gutman, M 1994 Soil-phosphorus in a managed mediterranean woodland ecosystem - herbage response and cattle grazing effects AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 47 (4) 299-311

Pluda, D Rabinowitch, HD Kafkafi, U 1993 Fruit-set and yield of pepino dulce response to nitrate-nitrogen and salinity levels and thinning of side branches and trusses JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 16 (11) 2121-2133

Bartal, A Bar-Yosef, B Kafkafi, U 1993 Modeling pepper seedling growth and nutrient-uptake as a function of cultural conditions AGRONOMY JOURNAL
85 (3) 718-724

Sharon, A Aharonson, N Kafkafi, U 1993 Sxtended terbutryn persistence and herbicidal activity effected by superphosphate fertilizer PHYTOPARASITICA
21 (2) 111-122

Pluda, D Rabinowitch, HD Kafkafi, U. 1993 Pepino dulce (solanum-muricatum ait) quality characteristics respond to nitrogen nutrition and salinity JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE 118 (1) 86-91

Bar, Y Kafkafi, U 1992 Nitrate-induced iron-deficiency chlorosis in avocado (Persea-americana Mill.) rootstocks and its prevention by chloride JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 15 (10) 1739-1746

Kafkafi, U Siddiqi, MY Ritchie, RJ Glass, ADM Ruth, TI 1992 Reduction of nitrate ((NO3)-N13) influx and nitrogen (N13) translocation by tomato and melon varieties after short exposure to calcium and potassium-chloride salts JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 15 (6-7) 959 975

Hernandez, JJM Bar-Yosef, B Kafkafi, U 1991 Effect of surface and subsurface drip fertigation on sweet corn rooting, uptake, dry-matter production and yield IRRIGATION SCIENCE 12 (3) 153-159

Kafkafi, U 1990 Root temperature, concentration and the ratio NO3-/NH4+ effect on plant development JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION 13 10 1291-1306

Bartal, A Bar Yosef, B Kafkafi, U 1990 Pepper transplant response to root volume and nutrition in the nursery AGRONOMY JOURNAL 82 (5) 989-995

Bartal, A Bar Yosef, B Kafkafi, U 1990 Pepper seedling response to steady and transient nitrogen and phosphorus supply AGRONOMY JOURNAL 82 (3) 600-606

Book: Waisel, Y., A. Eshel and U. Kafkafi (Eds.) Plant Roots, The Hidden Half. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York . 2nd Edition 1996.