Population and Quantitative geneticist with experience in gene mapping projects aimed to detect genes (QTLs) controlling quantitative complex traits.
Selected articles, out of more than 180 publications
Z. Granevitze, L. David, T. Twito, S. Weigend, M.Feldman, and J. Hillel, 2013, Phylogenetic resolution power of microsatellites and various SNP types assessed in ten divergent chicken populations. Animal Genetics 2014: 87-95.
Wells KL, Hadad Y, Ben-Avraham D, Hillel J, Cahaner A, Headon DJ, 2012, Genome-wide SNP scan of pooled DNA reveals nonsense mutation in FGF20 in the Scale-less line of featherless chickens. BMC Genomics. 2012 19;13(1):257. .
Twito T., Madeleine D., Perl-Treves R., Hillel J. and Lavi U., 2011, Comparative genome analysis with the human genome revealed chicken genes associated with fatness and body-weight, Animal Genetics ;42(6):642-9.
Twito T, Weigend S, Blum S, Granevitze Z, Feldman M.W, Perl-Treves R., Lavi U., Hillel J., 2007, Biodiversity of 20 Chicken Breeds Assessed by SNPs in coding regions, Cytogenetics and Genome Research 117: 319-326.
Shen, P., Lavi, T., Kivisild, T., Chou, V., Sengun, D., Gefel, D., Shpirer, I., Woolf, E., Hillel, J., Feldman, M., and Peter J. Oefner, P.J., 2004, Reconstruction of patri- and matri-lineages of Samaritans and other Israeli populations from Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA sequence variation, Human Mutation24:248-60.
Rosenberg, N.A., T. Burke, M.W. Feldman, P.J. Freidlin, A. M. Groenen, J. Hillel, A. Mäki-Tanila, M. Tixier-Boichard, A. Vignal, K. Wimmers, and S. Weigend, 2001. Empirical evaluation of genetic clustering methods using multilocus genotypes from 20 chicken breeds, Genetics 159: 699-713.
Plotsky, Y., Cahaner, A., Haberfeld, A., Lavi, U., Lamont, S.J., and Hillel, J., 1993, DNA fingerprint bands applied to linkage analysis with quantitative trait loci in chickens, Animal Genetics24(2):105-110.
Plotsky, Y., Cahaner, A., Haberfeld, A., Lavi, U., and Hillel, J., 1990, Analysis of genetic association between DNA fingerprint bands and quantitative traits by DNA mixes, in: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 133-136.
Peter J. Oefner, Georg Hölzl, Peidong Shen, Isaac Shpirer, Dov Gefel, Tal Lavi, Eilon Wolf, Jonathan Cohen, Peter A. Underhill, Noah A. Rosenberg, Jochen Hochrein, Julie M. Granka, Jossi Hillel, Marcus W. Feldman, 2013, Genetics and the history of the Samaritans: Y-chromosomal microsatellites and genetic affinity between Samaritans and Cohanim. Human Biology 2013: 825-857.
Lior David, Shmuel Rothbardc, Israel Rubinsteinc, Hila Katzmanb, Gideon Hulatad, Jossi Hillel and Uri Lavi, 2004, Aspects of red and black color inheritance in the Japanese ornamental (Koi) carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), Aquaculture 233/1-4:129-147.
Lahav T., G. Atzmon, S. Blum, G. Ben-Ari, S. Weigend, A. Cahaner, U. Lavi , J. Hillel, 2006, Marker assisted selection based on multi-trait economic index in chicken: experimental results and simulation, Animal Genetics 37: 482-488.
Kopelman N.M, L.C. Wang, D. Gefel, M.W Feldman, J. Hillel, and N.A. Rosenberg, 2009, Genomic microsatellites identify shared Jewish ancestry intermediate between Middle Eastern and European populations, BMC Genetics, 10:80doi:10.1186/1471-2156-10-80.
Jeffreys, A.J., Hillel, J., Hartley, N., Bulfield, G., Morton, D., Wilson, V., Wong, Z., and Harris, S., 1987, Hypervariable DNA and genetic fingerprint, Anim. Genet. 18:141-142.
Hillel, J., Verrinder Gibbins, A.M., Etches, R.J., and McQ. Shaver, D., 1993, Strategies for the rapid introgression of a specific gene modification into a commercial flock from a single carrier, Poult. Sci. 72:1197-1211.
Hillel, J., Schaap, T., Haberfeld, A., Jeffreys, A.J., Plotzky, Y., Cahaner, A., and Lavi, U., 1990, DNA fingerprints applied to gene introgression in breeding programs, Genetics 124:783-789.
Hillel, J., Plotzky, Y., Gal, O., Haberfeld, A., Lavi, U., Dunnington, E.A., Siegel, P.B., Jeffreys, A.J., and Cahaner, A., 1989, DNA fingerprints in chickens, in: Proceedings of the 31st British Poultry Breeders' Roundtable Reading, England, pp. 1-11.
Hillel, J., Plotsky, Y., Haberfeld, A., Lavi, U., Cahaner, A., and Jeffreys, A.J., 1989, DNA fingerprints of poultry, Animal Genetics 20:25-35.
Hillel, J., Haberfeld, A., Gal, O., Plotsky, Y., and Cahaner, A., 1990, Association between DNA fingerprints and fatness in broilers, in: The XXVIII-th annual convention of the Israeli branch of the world's poultry science association, Zichron Yaacov, Israel.
Hillel, J., Gefel, D., Kalman, R., Ben-Ari, G., David, L., Orion, O., Feldman, M. W., Bar-On, H., Blum, S., Raz, I., Schaap, T., Shpirer, I., Lavi, U., Shafrir, E., Ziv ,E., 2005, Evidence for a major gene affecting the transition from normoglycaemia to hyperglycaemia in Psammomys obesus, Heredity 95 (2): 158-165. See also the following editorial comment: P J Kaisaki and D Gauguier, 2005, Medical Genetics: Revenge of the thrift, Heredity 95, 337–338.
Hillel, J., E.A. Dunnington, A. Haberfeld, U. Lavi, A. Cahaner, O. Gal, Y.P., H.L Marks, and Siegel, P.B., 1992, Multi locus DNA markers: applications in poultry breeding genetic analyses, in: Manipulation of the Avian Genome (A. Verrinder-Gibbins, R.J. Etches, ed.), CRC Press, Florida, pp. 243-256.
Hillel, J., Dunnington, E.A., and Siegel, P.B., 1992, DNA markers in poultry breeding and genetic analysis, Poultry Science Reviews 4:169-186.
Hillel, J., Avner, R., Baxter-Jones, C., Dunnington, E.A., Cahaner, A., and Siegel, P.B., 1990, DNA fingerprints from blood mixes in chickens and turkeys, Anim. Biotech. 1:201-204.
Hillel, J., 1997, Map based Quantitative Trait Locus identification, Poult. Sci. 76:1115-1120.
Hillel, J., Groenen, M.A.M., Tixier-Boichard, M., Korol, A.B., David, L., Kirzhner, V.M., Burke, T., Barre-Dirie, A., Crooijmans, R.P.M.A., Elo, K., Feldman, M.W., Freidlin, P.J., Mäki-Tanila, A., Oortwijn, M., Thomson, P., Vignal, A., Wimmers, K., Weigend, S., 2003, Biodiversity of 52 chicken populations assessed by microsatellite typing of DNA pools, Genetics Selection and Evolution 35:533-557.
Hillel J., Z. Granevitze, T. Twito, D. Ben-Avraham, S. Blum, U. Lavi, L. David, M. W. Feldman, H. Cheng and S. Weigend, 2007, Molecular markers for the assessment of chicken biodiversity, World's Poultry Science Journal 63: 33-39.
Granevitze Z., J. Hillel, S. G. H. Chen, N. T. K. Cuc and S. Weigend, 2007, Genetic diversity within chicken populations from different continents and management histories. Animal Genetics 38: 576–583.
Granevitze Z., J. Hillel, M. Feldman, A. Six, H. Eding and S. Weigend, 2009, Genetic structure of a wide spectrum chicken gene pool, Animal Genetics, 686-93.
Granevitze Z, Blum S, Cheng H, Vignal A, Morisson M, Ben-Ari G, David L, Feldman M.W., Weigend S, and Hillel J, 2007, Female-specific DNA sequences in the chicken genome, J. Heredity 98: 238-242.
Dunnington, E.A., Stallard, L.C., Hillel, J., and Siegel, P.B., 1994, Genetic diversity among commercial chicken populations estimated from DNA fingerprints, Poult. Sci. 73:1218-1225.
Dunnington, E.A., Gal, O., Siegel, P.B., Haberfeld, A., Cahaner, A., Lavi, U., Plotsky, Y., and Hillel, J., 1991, Deoxyribonucleic acid fingerprint comparisons between selected populations of chickens, Poultry Science 70:463-467.
David L, Rosenberg N.A., Lavi U, Feldman M.W., and Hillel J. (2007) Genetic diversity and population structure inferred from the partially duplicated genome of domesticated carp, Cyprinus carpio L., Genet. Sel. Evol. 39: 319–340.
Cheng, H.H., Levin, I., Vallejo, R.L., Crittenden, L.B., Dodgson, J., Khatib, H., and Hillel, J., 1995, Genetic map of the chicken; development of a genetic map of the chicken with high utility markers, Poult. Sci. 74:1855-1874.
Ben-Avraham D., S. Blum, Z. Granevitze, S. Weigend, H. Cheng and J. Hillel, 2006, W-specific microsatellite loci detected by in silico analysis map to chromosome Z of the chicken genome, Animal Genetics 37:180-181.
Ben-Ari, G., David, L., Blum, S., Twito, T., Vignal, A., Weigend, S., Feldman, M. W., Lavi, U. and Hillel, J., 2005, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) in chicken: resources and possible applications, In: Second Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes, Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 433-438.
Ben-Ari G., Zenvirth D., Twito T., Blum S., Lavi T., David L., Sherman A., Fleischer H., Linial N., Friedman N., Hillel J., Simchen G., Lavi U., Discovery and genotyping of SNPs in yeast for gene hunting and the study of biodiversity, in: International Workshop on Application of Molecular Markers in Studies of Plants, Poland, Warsaw, September 25-29, 2002.
Ben-Ari G., D. Zenvirth, A. Sherman, L. David, M. Klutstein, U. Lavi, J. Hillel and G. Simchen, 2006, Four linked genes participate in controlling sporulation efficiency in budding yeast, PLoS Biology: Vol 2, Issue 11.
Ben-Ari G, D. Zenvirth, A. Sherman, G. Simchen, U. Lavi, and J. Hillel, 2005, Application of SNPs for assessing biodiversity and phylogeny among yeast strains, Heredity 95: 493-501.
Atzmon, G., Cassuto, D., Lavi, U., Cahaner, A., Zeitlin, G., and Hillel, J., 2002, DNA markers and crossbreeding scheme as means to select sires for heterosis in egg production of chickens, Animal Genetics 33:132-139.
Atzmon G., Y. I. Ronin, A. Korol, N. Yonash, H. Cheng and J. Hillel, 2006, QTLs associated with growth traits and abdominal fat weight and their interactions with gender and hatch in commercial meat-type chickens, Animal Genetics 37: 352-358.
Atzmon G., S. Blum, M. Feldman, U. Lavi, and J. Hillel, 2007, Detection of agriculturally important QTLs in chickens and analysis of the factors affecting genotyping strategy, Cytogenetics and Genome Research 117: 327-337.
Atzmon G., S. Blum, M. Feldman, A. Cahaner, U. Lavi, and J. Hillel, 2008, QTLs detected in a multigenerational resource chicken population, J. Heredity, 99: 528-538.
Rattner, D., and Hillel, J., 1990, The yaez, a goat x ibex cross, as a possible step in goat domestication, in: International Conference for Archaeozoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Voss, R., Ben-Simon, E., Avital, A., Godfrey, S., Zlotogora, J., Dagan, J., Tikochinski, Y., and J., H., 1989, Uniparental disomy of chromosome 7 and cystic fibrosis in man, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 45:373-380.
Rattner, D., Hillel, J., the late Moav, R., Levin, I., and Avidan, N., 1985, The yaez, a cross of the wild ibex with the domestic goat as a new farm animal, World Review of Animal Production21:59-64.
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