Prof. Zvi Peleg

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Research Interests

Wheat production under climate changes: The highly variable and unpredicted rainfall within and between seasons, which characterize the Mediterranean region, results in significant yield losses. Our research focuses on improving wheat production under changing climate.

Cereals adaptation to abiotic stress combinations:Under field conditions, plants routinely subjected to combinations of environmental stresses. Plant response(s) to stress combinations differ from the response(s) to individual stress condition. We use the model grass Brachypodium to study genes and gene networks involved in plants adaptation to multiple environmental stresses.

Herbicides resistant in grasses weedsLolium rigidum Gaudin (annual ryegrass), is a major grass weed infesting cereal crops in Israel.  In recent years, L. rigidum resistant to ACCase, ALS and EPSPS inhibitors is spreading worldwide. Our research aims to elucidate the mechanisms of resistant involves in resistant populations.