Selected Publications
Lindahl M., Tabak S., Cseke L, Pichersky E, Andersson B. & Adam Z. (1996). Identification, characterization, and molecular cloning of a homologue of the bacterial FtsH protease in chloroplasts of higher plants. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 29329-29334.
Adam Z. (1996). Protein stability and degradation in chloroplasts - a mini-review. Plant Mol. Biol. 32: 773-783.
Ostersetzer O. & Adam Z. (1997). Light-stimulated degradation of an unassembled Rieske FeS protein by a thylakoid-bound protease: the possible role of the FtsH protease. Plant Cell 9: 957-965.
Itzhaki H., Naveh L., Lindahl M., Cook M. & Adam Z. (1998). Identification and characterization of DegP, a serine protease associated with the lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 7094-7098.
Lindahl M., Spetea C., Hundal T., Oppenheim A., Adam Z. & Andersson B. (2000). The Thylakoid FtsH protease plays a role in the light-induced turnover of the photosystem II D1 protein. Plant Cell 12: 419-431.
Adam Z., Adamska I., Nakabayashi K., Ostersetzer O., Haussuhl K., Manuell A., Zheng B., Vallon O., Rodermel S.R., Shinozaki K. & Clarke A.K. (2001). Chloroplast and Mitochondrial Proteases in Arabidopsis thaliana: A Proposed Nomenclature. Plant Physiol. 125:1912-1918.
Chassin Y., Kapri E., Sinvany G., Arad, T. & Adam Z. (2002). Expression and characterization of the thylakoid lumen protease DegP1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 130: 857-864.
Adam Z. & Clarke A.K. (2002). Cutting edge of chloroplast proteolysis. Trends Plant Sci. 17: 451-456.
Sakamoto W., Zaltsman A., Adam Z. & Takahashi Y. (2003). Coordinated regulation and complex formation of YELLOW VARIEGATED1 and YELLOW VARIEGATED2, chloroplastic FtsH metalloproteases involved in the repair cycle of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thylakoid membranes. Plant Cell 15: 2843-2855.
Sinvany-Villalobo G., Davydov O., Ben-Ari G., Zaltsman A., Raskind A. & Adam Z. (2004). Expression in multi-gene families: Analysis of chloroplast and mitochondrial proteases. Plant Physiol. 135: 1336-1345.
Zaltsman A., Feder A. & Adam Z. (2005). Developmental and light effects on the accumulation of FtsH protease in Arabidopsis chloroplasts - implications for thylakoid formation and photosystem II maintenance. Plant J. 42: 609-617
Zaltsman A., Ori N. & Adam Z. (2005). Two types of FtsH protease subunits are required for chloroplast biogenesis and photosystem II repair in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17: 2782-2790.
Adam Z. , Rudella A. & van Wijk K. (2006). Recent advances in the study of Clp, FtsH and other proteases located in chloroplasts. Curr. Op. Plant Biol. 9: 234-240.
Kapri-Pardes E., Naveh L. & Adam Z. (2007). The thylakoid lumen protease Deg1 is involved in the repair of photosystem II from photoinhibition in Arabidospsis. Plant Cell 19: 1039-1047.
Kley J., Schmidt B., Boyanov B., Stolt-Bergner P.C., Kirk R., Ehrmann M., Knopf R.R., Naveh L., Adam Z. & Clausen T. (2011). Structural adaptation of the plant protease Deg1 to repair photosystem II during light exposure. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 18: 728-731
Adam Z., Frottin F., Espagne C., Meinnel T. & Giglione C. (2011). Interplay between N-terminal methionine excision and FtsH protease is essential for normal chloroplast development and function. Plant Cell 23: 3745-3760.
Charuvi D., Kiss V., Nevo R., Shimoni E., Adam Z. & Reich Z. (2012). Gain and loss of photosynthetic membranes during plastid differentiation in the shoot apex of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 1143-1157.
Moldavski O., Levin-Kravets O., Ziv T., Adam Z. & Prag G. (2012). The hetero-hexameric nature of a chloroplast AAA+ FtsH protease contributes to its thermodynamic stability. PLoS ONE 7 (4): e36008.
Rimon Knopf R., Feder A., Mayer K., Lin A., Rozenberg M., Schaller A., & Adam Z. (2012). Rhomboid proteins in the chloroplast envelope affect the level of allene oxide synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 72: 559-571.
Adam Z. (2013). Emerging roles for diverse intramembrane proteases in plant biology. BBA-Biomembranes 1828: 2933-2936.
Adam Z. (2015). Plastid intramembrane proteolysis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1847:910-914.
Knopf R.R. & Adam Z. (2018). Lumenal exposed regions of the D1 protein of PSII are long enough to be degraded by the chloroplast Deg1 protease. Sci. Rep. 8:5230.
Butenko Y., Lin A., Naveh L., Kupervaser M., Levin Y., Reich Z. & Adam Z. (2018). Differential roles of the thylakoid lumenal Deg protease homologs in chloroplast proteostasis. Plant Physiol. 178: 1065-1080.
Tamary E., Nevo R., Naveh L., Levin-Zaidman S., Kiss V., Savidor A., Levin Y., Eyal Y., Reich Z. & Adam Z. (2019). Chlorophyll catabolism precedes changes in chloroplast structure and proteome during leaf senescence. Plant Direct 3: 1-18.
Adam Z., Aviv-Sharon E., Keren-Paz A., Naveh L., Rozenberg M., Savidor A. & Chen J. (2019). The chloroplast envelope protease FTSH11 - interaction with CPN60 and identification of potential substrates. Front. Plant Sci. 10: 428.