Contact Us


Mailing Address:
The Robert H. Smith Institute of
Plant Sciences and Genetics
in Agriculture
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, Israel

Neomi Maimon 
Tel: 972-8-948-9251,
Fax: 972-8-948-9899,

Secretary of teaching program:
Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Tel: 972-8-9489333

Prof. Naomi Ori
Tel: 972-8-948-9605


Dr. Smadar Harpaz-Saad

Plant Cell wall plays a major role in determining plants architecture and plant’s adaptation to different stresses.

Plant cell wall is composed mainly from polysaccharides, proteins and phenolic compounds. The cell wall polysaccharides have immense economic importance as they are central players in determining the mechanical and textural properties of food, wood, paper and textile fibers. Moreover, they serve as major source for the emerging industry of biofuels for renewable energy.

In our lab we use genetic, molecular biology and bioinformatic approaches aimed to identify novel elements involved in cell wall biosynthesis and modification.