
  1. Skaliter, O., Bednarczyk, D., Shor, E., Shklarman, E., Manasherova, E., Aravena-Calvo, J., Kerzner, S., Cna’ani, A., Jasinska, W., Masci, T., Dvir, G., Edelbaum, O., Rimon, B., Brotman, Y., Cohen, H. and Alexander Vainstein (2023). The R2R3-MYB transcription factor EVER controls the emission of petunia floral volatiles by regulating epicuticular wax biosynthesis in the petal epidermis The Plant Cell.
  2. Wang, Y., Fan, Z., Zhai, Y, Huang, H., Vainstein, A. and Ma, H. (2023) Polygalacturonase gene family analysis identifies FcPG12 as a key player in fig (Ficus carica L.) fruit softening.  BMC Plant Biology
  3. Shor, E., Skaliter, O., Sharon, E., Kitsberg, Y., Bednarczyk, D., Kerzner, S., Vainstein, D., Tabach, Y. and Vainstein, A. (2023). Developmental and temporal changes in petunia petal transcriptome reveal scent-repressing plant-specific RING–kinase–WD40 protein.  Front. Plant Sci. (
  4. Shor, E., Ravid, J., Masci, T., Shklarman, E., Skaliter, O., Sharon, E., Edelbaum, O. and Vainstein, A. (2023). SCARECROW-like GRAS protein PES and phytochrome A positively regulate petunia floral scent production. Plant Phys.
  5. Skaliter, O., Livneh, Y., Agron, S., Shafir, S. and Vainstein, A. (2022). A whiff of the future: functions of phenylalanine-derived aroma compounds and advances in their industrial production. Plant Biotech. Journal.
  6. Yanlei Z., Cui1, Y., Song, M., Vainstein, A., Chen, S. and Huiqin Ma, H. (2021). Papain-like cysteine protease gene family in fig (Ficus Carica L.): genome-wide analysis and expression patterns. Front. Plant Sci. 12:681801. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.681801.
  7. Firsov, A., Pushin, A., Motyleva, S., Pigoleva, S., Shaloiko, L., Vainstein, A. and Dolgov, S. (2021). Heterologous biosynthesis of artemisinin in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Separations 8, 75.
  8. Skaliter, O., Kitsberg, Y., Sharon, E., Shklarman, E., Shor, E., Masci, T., Yue, Y., Arien, Y., Tabach, Y., Shafir, S. and Vainstein, A. (2021). Spatial patterning of scent in petunia corolla is discriminated by bees and involves the ABCG1 transporter. Plant J. DOI:
  9. Firsov, A., Shaloiko, L., Kozlov, O., Vainstein, A. and Dolgov. S. (2021). Tomatoes expressing thaumatin II retain their sweet taste after salting and pickling processing. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. DOI:
  10. Singh, T., Yadav, S.K., Vainstein, A. and Kumar, V. (2020). Genome recoding strategies to improve cellular properties: mechanisms and advances. aBIOTECH. DOI:
  11. Braun, M., Sharon, E., Unterman, I., Miller, M., Mellul Shtern, A., Benenson, S., Vainstein, A and Tabach, Y. (2020). ACE2 co-evolutionary pattern suggests targets for pharmaceutical intervention in the COVID-19 pandemic. ISCIENCE. DOI:
  12. Firsov, A., Mitiouchkina, T., Shaloiko, L., Pushin, A., Vainstein, A. and Dolgov, S. (2020). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of chrysanthemum with artemisinin biosynthesis pathway genes. Plants (Basel) 9/537. DOI:10.3390/plants9040537.
  13. Skaliter, O., Ravid, J., Shklarman, E., Ketrarou, N., Shpayer, N., Ben Ari, J., Dvir, G., Farhi, M., Yue, Y. and Vainstein, A. (2019). Ectopic expression of PAP1 leads to anthocyanin accumulation and novel floral color in genetically engineered goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.). Front. Plant Sci. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2019.01561.
  14. Friederike, J., Lynch, J.H., Kappel, C., Höfflin, J., Skaliter, O., Wozniak, N., Sicard, A., Sas, C., Adebesin, F., Ravid, J., Vainstein, A., Hilker, M., Dudareva, N. and Lenhard, M. (2019). Retracing the molecular basis and evolutionary history of the loss of benzaldehyde emission in the genus Capsella. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.16103.
  15. Cui, Y., Wang, Z., Chen, S., Vainstein, A. and Ma, H. (2019). Proteome and transcriptome analyses reveal key molecular differences between quality parameters of commercial-ripe and tree-ripe fig (Ficus carica L.). BMC Plant Biology 19:146.
  16. Skaliter, O., Ravid, J., Cna'ani, A., Dvir, G., Knafo, R. and Vainstein, A. (2018). Isolation of intact vacuoles from petunia petals and extraction of sequestered glycosylated phenylpropanoid compounds. Bio-protocol 8(13): e2912. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2912.
  17. Firsov, A., Tarasenko, I., Mitiouchkina, T., Shaloiko, L., Kozlov, O., Vinokurov, L., Rasskazova, E., Murashev, A., Vainstein A. and Dolgov, S. (2018). Expression and immunogenicity of M2e peptide of avian influenza virus H5N1 fused to ricin toxin B chain produced in duckweed plants. Front. Chem. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00022
  18. Cna'ani, A., Ravit, J., Aravena-Calvo, J., Scaliter, O., Masci, T. and Vainstein, A. (2017) Phenylpropanoid scent compounds in Petunia x hybrida are glycosylated and accumulate in vacuoles. Front. Plant Sci. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01898.
  19. Ravid, J., Spitzer-Rimon, B., Takebayashi, Y., Seo, M., Cna'ani, A., Aravena-Calvo, J., Masci, T., Farhi, M., Vainstein, A. (2017). GA as a regulatory link between the showy floral traits color and scent. New Phytologist. 215: 411-422.
  20. Wang, Z., Cui, Y., Vainstein, A., Chen, S. and Ma, H. (2017). Regulation of fig (Ficus carica L.) fruit color: metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway.  Front. Plant Sci. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01990
  21. Firsov, A., Shaloiko, L., Kozlov, O., Vinokurov, L., Vainstein, A. and Dolgov, S.  (2016). Purification and characterization of recombinant supersweet protein thaumatin II from tomato fruit. Protein Expression and Purification. doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2016.03.002.
  22. Tzin, V., Rogachev, I., Meir, S., Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Masci, T., Vainstein, A., Aharoni, A. and Galili, G. (2015) Altered levels of aroma and volatiles by metabolic engineering of shikimate pathway genes in tomato fruits. AIMS Bioengineering 2: 75-92.
  23. Cna'ani, A., Spitzer-Rimon, B., Ravid, J., Farhi, M., Masci, T., Aravena-Calvo, J., Ovadis, M. and Vainstein, A. (2015) Two showy traits, scent emission and pigmentation, are finely co-regulated by the MYB transcription factor PH4 in petunia flowers. New Phytologist 208: 708-714 (cover).
  24. Honig, A., Marton, I., Rosenthal, M., Smith J.J., Nicholson, M.G., Jantz, D., Zuker, A. and Vainstein A. (2015) Transient expression of virally delivered meganuclease in planta generates inherited genomic deletions  Mol. Plant 8: 1292-1294.
  25. Firsov, A., Tarasenko, I., Mitiouchkina, T., Ismailova, N., Shaloiko, L., Vainstein, A.  and Dolgov, S. (2015) High-yield expression of M2e peptide of avian influenza virus H5N1 in transgenic duckweed plants. Mol. Biotechnol. 57: 653-661.
  26. Peer, R., Rivlin, G., Golobovitch, S., Lapidot, M., Gal-On, A., Vainstein, A., Tzfira, T., Flaishman, M.A. (2015) Targeted mutagenesis using zinc-finger nucleases in perennial fruit trees. Planta 241: 941-951.
  27. Cna'ani, A., Mühlemann, J.K., Ravid, J., Masci, T., Klempien, A., Nguyen, T.T.H., Dudareva, N., Pichersky, E. and Vainstein, A. (2015) Petunia x hybrida floral scent production is negatively affected by high-temperature growth conditions. Plant, Cell and Environ. 38: 1333-1346.
  28. Tzin, V., Rogachev, I., Meir, S., Moyal, Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Masci, T., Vainstein, A., Aharoni, A. and Galili, G. (2013) Tomato fruits expressing a bacterial feedback-insensitive 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase of the shikimate pathway possess enhanced levels of multiple specialized metabolites and upgraded aroma. J. Exp. Botany 64: 4441-4452.
  29. Alon, M., Malka, O., Eakteiman, G., Elbaz, M., Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Vainstein, A. and Morin, S. (2013) Activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway in Nicotiana tabacum improves the performance of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci via reduced jasmonate signaling. Plos One 8(10): e76619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076619
  30. Marton, I., Honig, A., Omid, A., De Costa, N., Marhevka, M., Cohen, B., Zuker, A. and Vainstein, A. (2013) From Agrobacterium to viral vectors: genome modification of plant cells by rare cutting restriction enzymes. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 57: 639-650.
  31. Barberini, S., Savona, M., Raffi, D., Leonardi, M., Pistelli, La., Stochmal, A., Vainstein, A, Pistelli, Lu. and Ruffoni B. (2013) Molecular cloning of SoHPPR encoding a hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase, and its expression in cell suspension cultures of Salvia officinalis. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 114: 131-138.
  32. Spitzer-Rimon, B., Cna’ani, A. and Vainstein, A. (2013) Virus-aided gene expression and silencing using TRV for functional analysis of floral scent-related genes. Methods in Molecular Biology 975: 139-148.
  33. Farhi, M., Kozin, M., Duchin, S. and Vainstein, A. (2013) Metabolic engineering of plants for artemisinin synthesis. Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews 29: 135-148.
  34. Spitzer, B., Farhi, M., Albo, B., Cna’ani, A., Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Masci, T., Edelbaum, O.,  Yu, Y.,  Shklarman, E., Ovadis, M. and A., Vainstein, A. (2012) The R2R3-MYB–like regulatory factor EOBI,  acting downstream of EOBII, regulates scent production by activating ODO1 and structural scent-related genes.  Plant Cell 24: 5089-5105.
  35. Vainstein, A., Marton, I., Zipin Rotman, A., De Costa, N., Honig, A., Marhevka, E., Omid A. and Zuker A. (2012) Permanent genome modifications in plant cells by transient viral vectors. Acta Horticulturae 953: 31-36
  36. Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Shklarman, E., Masci, T., Kalev, H., Debener, T., Shafir, S., Ovadis, M. and Vainstein, A. (2012) PAP1 transcription factor enhances production of phenylpropanoid and terpenoid scent compounds in rose flowers. New Phytologist 195:335-345.
  37. Chernin, L., Toklikishvili, N., Dandurishvili, N., Tediashvili, M. and Vainstein, A. (2012) Suppression of crown gall disease by rhizosphere bacteria and Agrobacterium-specific bacteriophages. In “Molecular Microbial Ecology of The Rhizosphere” (Frans J. de Bruijn, ed.), Wiley-Blackwell, v. 2, pp. 607-613.
  38. Alon, M., Elbaz, M., Moyal Ben-Zvi, M., Feldmesser, E., Vainstein, A. and Morin, S. (2012) Insights into the transcriptomics of polyphagy: Bemisia tabaci adaptability to phenylproapnoids involves coordinated expression of defense and metabolic genes. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 42:251–263.
  39. Tzfira, T., Weinthal, T., Marton, I., Zeevi, V., Zuker, A. and Vainstein, A. (2012) Genome modifications in plant cells by custom-made restriction enzymes. Plant Biotech. Journal 10:373-389.
  40. Farhi, M., Marhevka, E., Ben-Ari, J., Algamas-Dimantov, A., Liang, Z., Zeevi, V., Edelbaum, O., Spitzer-Rimo, B., Abeliovich, H., Schwartz, B., Tzfira, T. and Vainstein, A. (2011) Generation of the potent anti-malarial drug artemisinin in tobacco. Nature Biotechnology 29:1072–1074.
  41. Chernin, L., Toklikishvili, N., Ovadis, M., Kim, S., Ben-Ari, J., Khmel, J. and Vainstein, A. (2011) Quorum-sensing quenching by rhizobacterial volatiles. Environmental Microbiology Reports 3:698-704.
  42. Farhi, M., Marhevka, E., Masci, T., Marcos, E., Eyal, Y., Ovadis, M., Abeliovich, H. and Vainstein, A. (2011) Harnessing yeast subcellular compartments for the production of plant terpenoids. Metabolic Eng. 13:474-481.
  43. Vainstein, A., Marton, I., Zuker, A., Danziger, M and Tzfira, T. (2011) Permanent genome modifications in plant cells by transient viral vectors. Trends in Biotech. 26:363-369
  44. Zeng L., Wang Z., Vainstein A., Chen S. and Ma H. (2011) Cloning, localization and expression analysis of a new tonoplast monosaccharide transporter from Vitis vinifera L.  J. Plant Growth Regul. 30:199–212.          
  45. Krichevsky, A., Meyers, B., Vainstein, A., Maliga, P. and Citovsky, V. (2010) Autoluminescent Plants. PLoS ONE 5(11): e15461. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015461
  46. Marton I., Zuker A., Shklarman E., Zeevi V., Tovkach A., Roffe S., Ovadis M., Tzfira T. and Vainstein A. (2010) Non-transgenic genome modification in plant cells. Plant Physiol. 154:1079-1087.
  47. Dandurishvili N., Toklikishvili N., Ovadis M., Eliashvili P., Giorgobiani N., Keshelava R., Tediashvili M., Vainstein A., Khmel I., Szegedi E. and Chernin L. (2010) Broad-range antagonistic rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens and Serratia plymuthica suppress Agrobacterium crown-gall tumors on tomato plants. J. Appl. Microbiol. 110:341-352.
  48. Toklikishvili, N., Dandurishvili, N., Vainstein, A., Tediashvili, M., Giorgobiani, N., Lurie, S., Szegedi, E., Glick, B.R. and Chernin, L. (2010) ACC deaminase-producing bacteria inhibit crown gall formation in tomato plants infected by Agrobacterium tumefaciens or A. vitis. Plant Pathology 59:1023-1030.
  49. Spitzer-Rimon, B., Marhevka, E., Barkai, O., Marton, I., Edelbaum, O., Masci, T., Prathapani, N., Shklarman, E., Ovadis, M. and Vainstein, A. (2010) EOBII, a gene encoding a flower-specific regulator of phenylpropanoid volatiles' biosynthesis in petunia. Plant Cell 22:1961-1976.
  50. Farhi, M., Lavie, O., Masci, T., Hendel-Rahmanim, K., Weiss, D., Abeliovich, H. and Vainstein, A. (2010) Identification of rose phenylacetaldehyde synthase by functional complementation in yeast. Plant Mol. Biol. 72:235–245.
  51. Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Zuker, A., Ovadis, M., Shklarman, E., Ben-Meir, H., Zenvirt, S. and Vainstein, A. (2008) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata L.) Mol. Breeding 22:543-553.
  52. Dafny-Yelin, M., Tzfira, T., Vainstein, A. and Adam, Z. (2008) Non-redundant functions of sHSP-CIs in acquired thermotolerance and their role in early seed development in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. 67:363-373.
  53. Moyal Ben Zvi , M., Negre-Zakharov, F., Masci, T., Ovadis, M., Shklarman, E., Ben-Meir, H., Tzfira, T., Dudareva, N., Vainstein, A. (2008) Interlinking showy traits: co-engineering of scent and color biosynthesis in flowers. Plant Biotech. Journal 8:403-415.
  54. Glick, A., Philosoph-Hadas, S., Vainstein, A., Meir, A., Tadmor Y., Meir S. (2007) Methyl jasmonate enhances color and carotenoid content of yellow-pigmented cut rose flowers. Acta Hort. 755:243-250.
  55. Hendel-Rahmanim, K., Masci, T., Vainstein, A.,·Weiss, D. (2007) Diurnal regulation of scent emission in rose flowers. Planta 226:1491-1499.
  56. Spitzer, B., Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Ovadis, M., Marhevka, E., Barkai, O., Edelbaum, O., Marton, I., Masci, T., Alon, M., Morin, S., Rogachev, I., Aharoni, A., Vainstein, A. (2007) Reverse genetics of floral scent: application of TRV-based gene silencing in petunia. Plant Physiol. 145:1241–1250.
  57. Ben-Zvi, M., Spitzer, B. and Vainstein, A. (2005) Secrets of floral scent. Flower World (Hebrew) 12:42-44.
  58. Citovsky, V., Lee, L-Y., Vyas, S., Glick, E., Chen, M-H., Vainstein, A., Gafni, Y., Gelvin, S.B., Tzfira, T. (2006) Subcellular localization of interacting proteins by bimolecular fluorescence complementation in planta. J Mol. Biol. 362:1120-1131.
  59. Leitner-Dagan, Y., Ovadis, M., Shklarman, E., Elad, Y., Rav David, D., Vainstein, A. (2006) Spatial and temporal regulation of plastid lipid-associated protein CHRC supports its dual role. Plant Physiol. 142:233-244.
  60. Kaminaga, Y., Schnepp, J., Peel, G., Kish., C, Ben-Nissan., G, Weiss, D., Orlova, I., Lavie, O., Rhodes, D., Wood, K., Porterfield, DM., Cooper, AJL., Pichersky, E., Vainstein, A. and Dudareva, N. (2006) Phenylacetaldehyde synthase from Petunia hybrida is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the efficient coupling of phenylalanine decarboxylation to phenylethylamine oxidation. J. Biol. Chem. 281:23357-23366.
  61. Moyal Ben Zvi, M., Spitzer, B., and Vainstein, A. (2006) Navigating the network of floral scent production. Acta Hort. 714:143-154.
  62. Leitner-Dagan, Y., Ovadis, M., Zuker, A., Shklarman, E., Ohad, I., Tzfira, T., Vainstein, A. (2006) CHRD, a plant member of the evolutionarily conserved YjgF family, is involved in photosynthesis and chromoplastogenesis. Planta 225:89-102.
  63. Farhi, M., Dudareva, N., Masci, T., Weiss, D., Vainstein, A. and Abeliovich, H. (2006) Synthesis of the food flavoring methyl benzoate by genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae Journal of Biotech. 122:307-315.
  64. Guterman, I., Masci, T., Chen, X., Negre, F., Pichersky, E., Dudareva, N., Weiss, D. and Vainstein, A. (2006) Generation of phenylpropanoid pathway-derived volatiles in transgenic plants: rose alcohol acetyltransferase produces phenylethyl acetate and benzyl acetate in petunia flowers. Plant Mol. Biol. 60: 555-563.
  65. Li, J., Vaidya, M., White, C., Vainstein, A., Citovsky, V. and Tzfira, T. (2005) Involvement of KU80 in T-DNA integration in plant cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:19231-19236.
  66. Zaffryar, S., Zimerman, B., Abu-Abied, M., Belausov, E., Lurya, G., Vainstein, A., Kamenestky, R. and Sadot, E. (2007) Developmental specific association of microtubules with amyloplasts in scale cells of Narcissus tazetta. Protoplasma 230:153-163.
  67. Lacroix, B., Tzfira, T., Vainstein, A. and Citovsky, V. (2006) A case of promiscuity: Agrobacterium’s endless search for partners. Trends Genet. 22:29-37.
  68. Ben Zvi, M. and Vainstein, A. (2007) Carnation. In "Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Transgenic Crops VI" (Pua E.C. and Davey, M.R., eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin, v. 61, pp. 241-252.
  69. Dafny-Yelin, M., Guterman, I., Menda, N., Ovadis, M., Shalit, M., Pichersky, E., Zamir, D., Lewinsohn, E., Adam, Z., Weiss, D. and Vainstein, A. (2005) Flower proteome—changes in protein spectrum during the advanced stages of rose petal development. Planta 222:37-46.
  70. Tzfira, T., Tian, G.W., Lacroix, B., Vyas, S., Li, J., Leitner-Dagan, Y., Krichevsky, A., Taylor, T., Vainstein, A. and Citovsky, V. (2005) pSAT vectors: a modular series of plasmids for fluorescent protein tagging and expression of multiple genes in plants. Plant Mol. Biol. 58: 503-516.
  71. Vainstein, A., Lewinsohn, E. and Weiss, D. (2005) A genomics approach for identification of floral scent genes in rose. In "Biology of Floral Scent" (Dudareva, N. and Pichersky, E, eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 91-102.
  72. Casanova, E., Trillas, M.I., Moysset, L. and Vainstein, A. (2005) Influence of rol genes in floriculture. Biotech. Adv. 23:3-39.
  73. Shalit, M., Shafir, S., Larkov, O., Bar, E., Kaslassi, D., Adam, Z., Zamir, D., Vainstein, A., Weiss, D., Ravid, U. and Lewinsohn, E. (2004) Volatile compounds emitted by rose cultivars:fragrance perception by man and honey bees. Isr. J. Plant Sci. 52:245-255.
  74. Casanova, E, Valdés,, A.E., Zuker, A., Fernández, B., Vainstein, A., Trillas, M.I., Moysset, L. (2004) rolC-transgenic carnation plants: adventitious organogenesis and levels of endogenous auxin and cytokinins. Plant Sci. 167:551-560.
  75. Vainstein, A., Lewinsohn, E., Adam, Z., Pichersky, E., Zamir, D. and Weiss, D. (2003) Rose fragrance: genomic approaches and metabolic engineering. Acta Hort. (Forkmann, G., Hauser, B. and Michaelis, S., eds.) 612:105-111.
  76. Vainstein, A., Zamir, D. and Weiss, D. (2003) Rose fragrance--from gene to function. In “Encyclopedia of Rose Science” (Roberts, A., etc., eds.) Academic Press, Elsevier Science London, UK, pp. 263-265.
  77. Scovel, G. and Vainstein, A. (2003) Flowering in carnation and ways to manipulate flower characteristics. Flowering Newsletter 35: 34-40.
  78. Shalit, M., Guterman, I., Volpin, H., Bar, E., Tamari, T., Menda, N., Adam, Z., Zamir, D., Vainstein, A., Weiss, D, Pichersky, E. and Lewinsohn E. (2003) Volatile ester formation in roses: identification of an Acetyl-CoA:geraniol/citronellol acetyltransferase in developing rose petals. Plant Physiol. 131: 1868-1876.
  79. Casanova, E., Zuker, A., Trillas, M., Moysset, L. and Vainstein, A. (2003) The rolC gene in carnation exhibits cytokinin- and auxin-like activities. Scientia Horticulturae 97: 321-331.
  80. Guterman, I., Shalit, M., Menda, N., Piestun, D., Dafny-Yelin, M., Shalev, G., Davydov, O., Ovadis, M., Emanuel, M., Wang, J., Adam, Z., Pichersky, E., Lewinsohn, E., Zamir, D., Vainstein, A. and Weiss, D. (2002) Rose scent: genomic approach to discover novel floral fragrance-related genes. Plant Cell 14: 2325-2338.
  81. Lavid, N., Wang, J., Shalit, M., Guterman, I., Bar, E., Beuerle, T., Menda, N., Shafir, S., Zamir, D., Adam, Z., Vainstein, A., Weiss, D., Pichersky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2002) O-Methyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of volatile phenolic derivatives in rose petals. Plant Physiol. 129: 1899-1907.
  82. Lavy, M., Zuker, A., Lewinsohn, E., Larkov, O., Ravid, U., Vainstein, A. and Weiss, D. (2002) Linalool and linalool oxide production in transgenic carnation flowers expressing the Clarkia breweri linalool synthase gene. Mol. Breeding 9: 103-111.
  83. Vainstein, A. (ed.) (2002) Breeding for ornamentals: classical and molecular approaches Kluwer Academic Publishers, 392 pp., Dordrecht, the Netherlands
  84. Ben-Meir, H., Zuker, A., Weiss, D. and Vainstein, A. (2002) Molecular control of floral pigmentation: anthocyanins. In “Breeding for ornamentals: classical and molecular approaches” (Vainstein, A., ed.) Kluwer Academic Press, the Netherlands, pp. 253-272.
  85. Zuker, A., Tzfira, T., Ben-Meir, H., Ovadis, M., Shklarman, E., Itzhaki, H., Forkmann, G., Martens, S., Neta-Sharir, I., Weiss, D. and Vainstein, A. (2002) Modification of flower color and fragrance by antisense suppression of the flavanone 3-hydroxylase gene. Mol. Breeding 9:33-41.
  86. Guterman, I., Dafny-Yelin, M., Shalit, M., Emanuel, M., Shaham, N., Piestun, D., Zuker, A., Ovadis, M., Lavi, M., Lavid, N., Lewinsohn E., Pichersky, E., Vainstein, A., Zamir, D., Adam, Z. and Weiss, D. (2001) An integrated genomic approach to discovering fragrance-related genes in rose petals. Flowering Newsletter 32:31-37.
  87. Scovel, G., Ovadis, M., Reuven, M., Ben-Yephet, Y. and Vainstein, A. (2001) Marker assisted selection for resistance to fusarium oxysporum in the greenhouse carnation. Acta Hort. (Van Huylenbroeck J., Van Bockstaele, E. and Debergh P., eds) 552:151-156.
  88. Vainstein, A., Lewinsohn, E., Pichersky, E. and Weiss, D. (2001) Floral fragrance—new inroads into an old commodity. Plant Physiol. 127:1383-1389.
  89. Zuker, A., Shklarman, E., Scovel, G., Ben-Meir, H., Ovadis, M., Neta-Sharir, I., Ben-Yephet, Y., Weiss, D., Watad A. and Vainstein, A. (2001) Genetic engineering of agronomic and ornamental traits in carnation. Acta Hort. (Sorvari, S., Karhu, S., Kanervo, E. and Pihakaski, S., eds.) 560:91-94.
  90. Zuker A., Tzfira T., Scovel G., Ovadis A., Shklarman E., Itzhaki h. and Vainstein A. (2001) RolC-transgenic carnation with improved agronomic traits: quantitative and qualitative analyses of greenhouse-grown plants. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 126:13-18.
  91. Zuker, A., Tzfira, T., Ahroni, A., Shklarman, E., Ovadis, M., Itzhaki, H., Ben-Meir, H. and Vainstein, A. (2001) Genetic engineering of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus). In "Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry" (Bajaj, Y.P.S., ed.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 48:70-83.
  92. Scovel G., Altshuler T., Liu Z. and Vainstein A. (2000) The evergreen gene is essential for flower initiation in carnation. J. Heredity 91:487-491.
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