Peanut crop improvement, Sugar metabolism in melon fruits, Petunia flowers development, Effects of salt stress on citrus cultures.
Scientific Publications
Zamski, E. 1967. M.Sc. Thesis. Factors influencing the formation of resin ducts and resin secretion in Pinus_ halepensis Mill. Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Zamski, E. 1971. Ph.D. Thesis. Factors influencing the formation ofresin ducts and resin secretion in Pinus_ halepensis Mill. Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Werker, E. and Zamski, E. (eds.) 1986. Secretion and Secretory Structures in Plants. 395 pp., The Weizmann Science Press of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel.
Zamski, E. 1989. Cell Biology, Molecule, Organelle and Cell. (in Hebrew), 329 pp.
Zamski, E. 1992. Cell Biology, Molecule, Organelle and Cell. 2nd Ed. (in Hebrew), 487 pp.
Zamski, E. 1997. Cell Biology, Molecule, Organelle and Cell. 3rd Ed. (in Hebrew), 510 pp.
Zamski, E. and Schaffer, A. A. (eds.), 1996. Photoassimilate Distribution in Plants and Crops: Source-Sink Relationships. Marcel Dekker Inc. 928 pp.
Invited Reviews and Chapters in Books - (since 1994)
Zamski, E. 1995. Translocation and accumulation of carbohydrates in developing seeds: The seed as a sink. In: Seed Development and Germination. pp. 25-44. Kigel, C. and Galili, G. (eds.), Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. (reviewed).
Zamski, E. 1996. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of sink cells. In: Photoassimilate Distribution in Plants and Crops: Source-Sink Relationships. pp. 283-310. Zamski, E. and Schaffer, A. A. (eds.), Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. (reviewed).
Vishnevetsky, J., Zamski, E. and Ziv M. 1997. Bulb growth and carbohydrate metabolism in Nerine sarniensis cultured in vitro. In: Horticultural Biotechnology in vitro Culture and Breeding. Proceedings of the third International ISHS Symposium. pp. 213-214. Altman, A. and Ziv, M. (eds.). Acta Horticultrae Number 447.
Michelson, I., Zamir, D., Zamski, E. and Czosnek, H. 1997. Localization of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in susceptible and tolerant isogenic tomato lines. In: Horticultural Biotechnology in vitro Culture and Breeding. Proceedings of the third International ISHS Symposium. pp. 407-414. Altman, A. and Ziv, M. (eds.). Acta Horticultrae Number 447.
Reviewed Articles in Scientific Journals (since 1994)
Pressman, E., Schaffer, A.A., Compton, D. and Zamski, E. 1994. Carbohydrate content of young Asparagus plants affected by temperature regimes. J. Plant Physiol. 143: 621-624.
Shalmovitz, N., Ziv, M. and Zamski, E. 1994. Light, dark and growth regulator involvement in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea_ L.) pod development. Plant Growth Reg. 16: 37-42.
Zamski, E. and Grunberger , Y. 1995. Short- and long-spiked high-yielding hexaploid wheat cultivars: which has unexpressed potential for higher yield? Ann. Bot. 75: 501-506.
Zamski, E., Liu, K-C. and Shannon, J. 1995. The relationship between pyrophosphatase and branching enzyme activity with amyloplast size in maize endosperm. J. Plant Physiol. 146: 41-46.
Zamski, E. and Peretz, I. 1995. Cavity spot of carrots: I. Interactions between the host and pathogen related to the cell wall. Ann. Appl. Biol. 127: 23-32.
Zamski, E. and Peretz, I. 1996. Cavity spot in carrot: II. Cell-wall-degrading enzymes secreted by Pythium and_ pathogen-related proteins produced by the root cells. Ann. Appl. Biol. 128: 195-207.
Zamski, E. and Barnea, A. 1996. Characterization of sucrose-phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase and invertase in roots of two nearly isogenic carrot lines that differ in their capacity to accumulate sucrose. J. Plant Physiol. 149: 301-306.
Zamski, E., Yamamoto, Y., Williamson, J.D., Conkling, M.A. and Pharr, D.M. 1996. Immunolocalization of mannitol dehydrogenase in celery plants and cells. Plant Physiol. 112: 931-938.
Lechno, S., Zamski, E. and Tel-Or, E. 1997. Salt stress-induced responses in cucumber plants. J. Plant Physiol. 150: 206-211.
Almon, E., Horwitz, M., Wang, H-L., Lucas, W., Zamski, E. and Wolf, S. 1997. Phloem-specific expression of TMV-MP alters carbon metabolism and partitioning in transgenic potato plants. Plant Physiol. 115: 1599-1607.
Yamamoto, Y., Zamski, E., Williamson, J.D., Conkling, M.A. and Pharr, D.M. 1997. Subcellular localization of celery mannitol dehydrogenase: a cytosolic metabolic enzyme in nuclei. Plant Physiol. 115: 1397-1403.
Pharr, D.M., Prata, R.T.N., Jennings, D.B., Williamson, J.D., Zamski, E., Yamamoto, Y. and Conkling, M.A. 1997. Regulation of mannitol dehydrogenase: relationship to plant growth and stress tolerance. HortSci.
17. Vishnevetzky, J., Zamski, E. and Ziv, M. 1997. Bulb growth and carbohydrate metabolism in Nerine sarniensis cultured in vitro. Acta Hort. 447: 213-214.
Michelson, I., Zamir, D., Zamski, E. and Czosnek, H. 1998. Accumulation and translocation of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in a Lycopersicon esculentum breeding line containing the L. chilense TYLCV tolerance gene Ty-1. Acta Hort. 447: 407-414.
Zhifang, G., Petreikov, M., Zamski, E. and Schaffer, A.A. 1999. Carbohydrate metabolism during early fruit development of sweet melon (Cucumis melo L.). Physiol. Plant. 106: 1-8.
Abstracts of lectures in international conferences (Since 1994)
Michelson, I., Zamir, D., Zamski, E. and Czosnek, H. 1995. Accumulation and translocation of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in a Lycopersicon esculentum breeding line containing the L. chilense TYLCV tolerance gene Ty-1. In: Virus movement in cell plant and vector. Cambridge, England.
Michelson, I., Zeidan, M., Zamski, E., Zamir, D. and Czosnek, H. 1996. Tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus (TYLCV) is not limited to the phloem of infected leaves from susceptible and tolerant tomato lines. Third Int. Workshop on Basic and Applied Research in Plasmodesmatal Biology. Zichron-Yakov, Israel.
Almon, E., Horwitz, M., Zamski, E., Lucas, W. and Wolf, S. 1996. Phloem-specific expression of TMV-MP in transgenic potato plants alters carbohydrate metabolism and transport. Third Int. Workshop on Basic and Applied Research in Plasmodesmatal Biology. Zichron-Yakov, Israel.
Lechno, S., Zamski, E. and Tel-Or, E. 1996. Salt stress-induced responses in cucumber plants. Third Int. Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. Jerusalem, Israel
Vishnevetsky. J., Zamski, E. and Ziv, M. 1966. Bulb growth and carbohydrate metabolism in Nerine sarniensis cultured in vitro In: Horticultural Biotechnology in vitro Culture and Breeding. Proceedings of the third International ISHS Symposium. pp. 213-314.
Altman, A. and Ziv, M. (eds.). Acta Horticultrae Number 447.
Michelson, I., Zeidan, M., Zamir, D., Czosnek, H. and Zamski, E. 1997. Localization of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in susceptible and tolerant isogenic tomato lines. In: Horticultural Biotechnology in vitro Culture and Breeding. Proceedings of the third International ISHS Symposium. pp. 407-414.
Zamski, E., Yamamoto, Y., Williamson, J.D., Conkling, M.A. and Pharr, D.M. 1997. Immunolocalization of mannitol dehydrogenase in celery plants and cells. Plant Physiol. 114: 135 (suppl.).
Williamson, J.D., Prata, R.T.N., Yamamoto, Y.T., Zamski, E., Jennings, D.B., Conkling, M.A. and Pharr, D.M. 1997. Metabolic control of mannitol dehydrogenase: a key regulator of mannitol osmoprotection. Plant Physiol. 114: 12 (suppl.).
Vishnevetzky, J., Zamski, E. and Ziv, M. 1999. Some aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in in vitro grown bulbs of Nerine sarniensis. The Israeli Society of Plant Sciences. The Weizmann Institute of Science.
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