Avishalom Marani

Prof. Avishalom Marani

In Memoriam
Plant Science and Genetics


Prof. Avishalom Marani

1924 - 2020

Cotton physiology and breeding; Moisture stress in field crops; Quantitative genetics in plant breeding; Heterosis in cotton.

List of Publications

1. Plaut, M., Marani, A. (1955). Experiments with fiber flax varieties. Ktavim 4:43-48.

2. Plaut, M., Marani, A., Bielorai, H. (1955). Experiments on the growing of Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) in Israel. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 4:388-391.

3. Marani, A. (1958). The relationship between time of harvesting and fibre production in flax under the conditions of Israel. Fibra 3:15-20.

4. Marani, A. (1961). Inheritance of yield components in a diallel cross of cotton. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 9D:195-196.

5. Marani, A., Hurwitz, S., Lachover, D., Goldin, E. (1961). Growth and nutrient uptake of two varieties of groundnuts under irrigation in Israel. Qualit. Plant. et Mater. Vegetab. 8:241-260.

6. Marani, A., Dag, J. (1962). Inheritance of the ability of cotton seeds to germinate at low temperature in the first hybrid generation. Crop Sci. 2:243-245.

7. Marani, A., Dag, J. (1962). The germination of some cotton varieties at low temperature. Crop Sci. 2:267.

8. Bentur, S., Luboshitzki, G., Marani, A. (1962). Chemical criterion for evaluation of tobacco. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 11C:240-248.

9. Marani, A., Horwitz, M. (1963). Growth and yield of cotton as affected by the time of a single irrigation. Agron. J. 55:219-222.

10. Marani, A. (1963). Optimum plot size for experiments with oriental tobacco. Israel J. agric. Res. 13:111-116.

11. Marani, A. (1963). Estimation of optimum plot size using Smith's procedure. Agron. J. 55:503.

12. Miller, P.A., Marani, A. (1963). Heterosis and combining ability in diallel crosses of upland cotton. Crop Sci. 3:441-444.

13. Marani, A. (1963). Heterosis and combining ability for yield and components of yield in a diallel cross of two species of cotton. Crop Sci. 3:552-555.

14. Marani, A., Aharonov, B. (1964). Rate of nitrogen absorption and dry matter production by upland cotton grown under irrigation. Israel J. agric. Res. 14:3-10.

15. Marani, A. (1964). Heterosis and combining ability for height and developmental data in a diallel cross of two species of cotton. Crop Sci. 4:265-268.

16. Marani, A., Fuchs, Y. (1964). Effect of the amount of water applied as a single irrigation on cotton grown under dryland conditions. Agron. J. 56:281-282.

17. Marani, A. (1964). Some variety X environment interactions in oriental tobacco and their implications on variety testing methods. Israel J. agric. Res. 14:117-120.

18. Ellern, S.J., Marani, A. (1964). The influence of dalapon on growth and development of automn-sown sugar beet. Weed Res. 4:223-228.

19. Marani, A., Aboye, A. (1965). Flowering and boll formation in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of cotton. Israel J. agric. Res. 15:13-20.

20. Marani, A., Sachs, Y. (1966). Heterosis and combining ability in a diallel cross among nine varieties of oriental tobacco. Crop Sci. 6:19-22.

21. Marani, A. (1967). Heterosis and combining ability in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 7:519-522.

22. Marani, A. (1968). Inheritance of lint quality characteristics in intraspecific crosses among varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. and of G. barbadense L. Crop Sci. 8:36-38.

23. Marani, A. (1968). Heterosis and F2 performance in intraspecific crosses among varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. and of G. barbadense L. Crop Sci. 8:111-113.

24. Marani, A. (1968). Heterosis and inheritance of quantitative characters in interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 8:299-303.

25. Marani, A. (1968). Inheritance of lint quality characteristics in interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 8:653-657.

26. Sela, I., Marani, A. (1970). Heterogeneity among the uniform-size fragments obtained from TMV-RNA. Archs. Biochem. Biophys. 139:450.

27. Marani, A., Amirav, A. (1970). Effect of delinting and of genetic factors on the germination of cotton seeds at low temperatures. Crop Sci. 10:509-511.

28. Zur, M., Marani, A., Carmeli, R. (1971). Effect of CMH as compared with that of CCC on height, earliness and yield of cotton. Israel J. agric. Res. 20:133-134.

29. Marani, A., Amirav, A. (1971). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. I. The coastal plain region. Experimental Agriculture 7:213-224.

30. Shimshi, D., Marani, A. (1971). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. II. The northern Negev region. Experimental Agriculture 7:225-239.

31. Marani, A., Amirav, A. (1971). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. III. The Bet-Shean valley. Experimental Agriculture 7:289-301.

32. Marani, A., Fishler, G., Amirav, A. (1971). The inheritance of resistance to blue mold (Peronospora tabacina Adam) in two cultivars of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.). Euphytica 21:97-105.

33. Zur, M., Marani, A., Karadavid, B. (1972). Effect of growth retardants CCC and CMH on cotton. Cotton Grow. Rev. 49:250-257.

34. Marani, A., Avieli, A. (1973). Heterosis during the early phases of growth in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 13:15-18.

35. Marani, A. (1973). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. IV. Effects of periods of stress occurrence, correlations and regressions. Experimental Agriculture 9:121-128.

36. Marani, A., Levi, D. (1973). The effect of soil moisture during early stages of development on growth and yield of cotton plants. Agron. J. 65:637-641.

37. Marani, A., Zur, M., Eshel, A., Zimmerman, H., Carmeli, R., Karadavid, B. (1973). Effect of time and rate of application of two growth retardants on growth, flowering and yield of upland cotton. Crop Sci. 13:429-432.

38. Marani, A., Ephrat, E., Dor, Z. (1974). Effect of wide plant spacing on six cultivars of upland cotton. Crop Sci. 14:271-273.

39. Ashri, A., Zimmer, D.E., Urie, A.L., Cahaner, A., Marani, A. (1974). Evaluation of the germ-plasm collection of safflower, C. tinctorius L. IV. Yield and yield components and their relationships. Crop Sci. 14:799-802.

40. Marani, A. (1975). Simulation of response of small self-fertilizing populations to selection for quantitative traits: Effect of number of loci, selection intensity and initial heritability under conditions of no dominance. Theor. and Appl. Genetics 46:221-231.

41. Marani, A., Yaacobi, Y.Z. (1976). Evaluation of Verticillium wilt tolerance in upland cotton relative to lint yield reduction. Crop Sci. 16:392-395.

42. Ashri, A., Knowles, P.F., Zimmer, D.E., Urie, A.L., Cahaner, A., Marani, A. (1977). Evaluation of the germ-plasm collection of safflower, C. tinctorius L. III. Oil content and iodine value and their associations with other characters. Economic Botany 31:38-46.

43. Wallach, D., Marani, A., Kletter, E. (1978). The relation of cotton crop growth and development to final yield. Field Crops Res. 1:283-294.

44. Marani, A. (1979). Growth rate of cotton bolls and their components. Field Crops Res. 2:169-175.

45. Marani,A., Ephrath, J. (1985). Penetration of radiation into cotton crop canopies. Crop Sci. 25:309-313. 

46. Marani, A., Baker,D.N., Reddy, V.R., McKinion, J.M. (1985). The effect of water stress on canopy senescence and apparent photosynthesis in cotton. Crop Sci. 25:798-802.

47. Netzer, D., Tal, Y., Marani, A., Weintall, C. (1985). Resistance of interspecific cotton hybrids ( Gossypium hirsutum X G. barbadense containing G. harknessii cytoplasm) to Fusarium wilt. Plant Disease 69:312-313.

48. Wolf, S., Rudich, J., Marani, A., Rekah, Y. (1986). Predicting harvesting date of processing tomatoes by a simulation model. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 111:11-16.

49. Wolfson, D., Marani, A., Steinitz, B. (1987). Chilling sensitivity of roselle. Hortscience 22:954.

50. Halevy, J., Marani, A., Markovitz, T. (1987). Growth and NPK uptake of high-yielding cotton grown at different nitrogen levels in a permanent-plot experiment. Plant and Soil 103:39-44.

51. Olesinski, A.A., Wolf, S., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1989) Effect of leaf age and shading on photosynthesis in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Annals of Botany 64:643-650.

52. Olesinski, A.A., Wolf, S., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1989) The effect of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation frequency on photosynthesis of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Annals of Botany 64:651-657.

53. Ephrath, J.E., Shteinberg, D., Drieshpoun, J., Dinoor, A., Marani, A. (1989) Alternaria alternata in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv Acala: effects on gas exchange, yield components and yield accumulation. Neth. J. Plant Path. 95:157-166. 

54. Wolf, S., Olesinski, A.A., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1990) Effect of high temperature on photosynthesis in potatoes. Annals of Botany 65:179-185.

55. Wolf, S., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1990). Effect of high temperature on assimilate partitioning in potatoes. Annals of Botany 66:513-520.

56. Ephrath, J., Marani, A., Bravdo, B.A. (1990) Effects of moisture stress on stomatal resistance and photosynthetic rate in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.). I. Constant levels of stress. Field Crops Research 23:117-131.

57. Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A,. Marani, A. (1990) Wheat disease control advisory, a decision support system for management of foliar diseases of wheat in Israel. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 12:195-203

58. Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A,. Marani, A. (1990) Evaluation of the single tillers method for yield loss assessment in wheat under Israeli conditions. Journal of Phytopathology 130: 331-341

59. Saranga, Y., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1991) The relations between leaf water potential of cotton plants and environmental and plant factors. Field Crops Research 28:39-46.

60. Saranga, Y., Zamir, D., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1991) Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: field evaluation of Lycopersicon germplasm for yield and dry-matter production. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 116:1067-1071.

61. Wolf, S., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1991). Effect of temperature on carbohydrate metabolism in potato plants. J. Exp. Bot. 42:619-625.

62. Saranga, Y., Cahaner, A., Zamir, D., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1992) Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: inheritance of salt tolerance and related traits in interspecific population. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84:390-396.

63. Marani, A., G.E. Cardon, and C.J. Phene. (1992). CALGOS, a version of GOSSYM adapted for irrigated cotton. I. Drip irrigation, soil water transport and root growth. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1992: 1352-1357.

64. Marani, A., C.J. Phene. and G.E. Cardon. (1992). CALGOS, a version of GOSSYM adapted for irrigated cotton. II. Leaf water potential and the effect of water stress. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1992: 1358-1360.

65. Marani, A., C.J. Phene. and G.E. Cardon. (1992). CALGOS, a version of GOSSYM adapted for irrigated cotton. III. Leaf and boll growth routines. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1992: 1361-1363.

66. Marani, A., R.B. Hutmacher, and C.J. Phene. (1993). Validation of CALGOS simulation of leaf water potential in drip irrigated cotton. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1993: 1225-1228.

67. Saranga, Y., Zamir, D., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1993) Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: variations in ion concentrations associated with response to salinity. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 118:405-408.

68. Arazi, Y., Wolf, S., Marani, A. (1993). A prediction of developmental stages in potato plants based on the accumulation of heat units. Agric. Syst. 43:35-50.

69. Ephrath, J.E., Marani, A., Bravdo, B.A. (1993) Photosynthetic rate, stomatal resistance and leaf water potential in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) as affected by soil water and irradiance. Photosynthetica 29:63-71.

70. Ephrath, J.E., and Marani, A. 1993. Simulation of the effect of drought stress on the rate of photosynthesis in cotton. Agricultural Systems 42:327-341.

71. Ephrath, J.E., Goudriaan, J., Marani, A. 1996. Modelling diurnal patterns of air temperature, radiation, wind speed and relative humidity by equations from daily characteristics. Agricultural Systems 51:377-393.