Prof. Arie Altman

Born in Israel, July 8, 1937

M.Sc. 1964, Ph.D. 1970, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Lecturer 1970; Senior Lecturer 1977; Associate Professor 1982; Professor 1989. Emeritus

Guest Professor, Culture Research, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Married to Judith (deceased 2009), a daughter (Orly) and a son (Ron).

Hebrew University and local: Founder and President, Israeli Society of Plant Propagation. (1979-1981); Chairman, Teaching Board, The Faculty of Agriculture (1986-1989); Director, The Otto Warburg Center of Biotechnology in Agriculture (1992 1998); Member, Standing Committee and Academic Policy Committee, HU (1997-2000); Member, National Committee for Biotechnology and Chairman, National Sub-Committee for Plant Genomics (2000- ); Founding Chairperson, Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture (1999-2005).

International : Chairman, Organizing Committee, International Symposium "Frontiers of Biotechnology in Agriculture (1991); Chairman, In Vitro Culture Working Group, International Society of Horticultural Science (1994-1997); Chairman, Organizing Committee, Second International Symposium on the Biology of Root Formation, Jerusalem (1996); President, International Association of Biotechnology (IAPB) (1994-1998); Executive Committee, IAPTC&B (1998-2002) and International Advisory Committees.

Sabbatical leaves/Invited Professor: Dept. of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, USA; Dept. of Biochemistry, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, USA; Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA; Dept. of Botany, University of Natal, South Africa; INRA, Versailles, France; Dept. of Plant Morphogenesis, University of Paris VI, France; Dept. of Plant Ecology and Physiology, Amsterdam Free University, The Netherlands, University College of London Institute of Archaeology. 

Editorial Boards: Plant Physiology (1987-1991); Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (1994-1998); Annual Review of Plant Biotechnology and Applied Genetics (1997-2005); Israel Journal of Plant Sciences (1995-2004); In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant; Electronic Journal of Biotechnology; Editor: Plant Cell Reports.