גרגר קטן - תקווה גדולה:
הטף עולה מאתיופיה לישראל

Contact Us


Mailing Address:
The Robert H. Smith Institute of
Plant Sciences and Genetics
in Agriculture
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, Israel

Neomi Maimon 
Tel: 972-8-948-9251,
Fax: 972-8-948-9899,
E-mail: neomim@savion.huji.ac.il

Secretary of teaching program:
Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Tel: 972-8-9489333
E-mail: Iris.Izenshtadt@mail.huji.ac.il

Prof. Naomi Ori
Tel: 972-8-948-9605
E-mail: naomi.ori@mail.huji.ac.il


Prof. Yehoshua Saranga

Research Interests

Physiological and genetic aspects of crop adaptation to stress conditions.

Genetic mapping of stress adaptive traits.

Optimization of crop production under arid conditions.

New crops for arid regions.

Sustainable agriculture.