גרגר קטן - תקווה גדולה:
הטף עולה מאתיופיה לישראל

Selected Publications

  • Lin T-B., A. Schwartz and Y. Saranga. 1999. Photosynthesis and productivity of cotton under silverleaf whitefly stress. Crop Sci. 39:174-184.

  • Lin T-B., A. Schwartz and Y. Saranga. 1999. Non-stomatal factors limit cotton photosynthesis under silverleaf whitefly stress. Physiol. Plant. 107:303-311.

  • Lin T-B., S. Wolf, A. Schwartz and Y. Saranga. 2000. Silverleaf whitefly stress impair sugar transport from cotton source leaves. Physiol. Plant. 109:291-297.

  • Saranga Y., M. Menz, C. Jiang, R. Wright, D. Yakir, A. H. Paterson. 2001. Genomic dissection of genotype x environment interactions conferring adaptation of cotton to arid conditions. Genome Res. 11:1988-1995.

  • Paterson A. H., Y. Saranga, M. Menz, C. Jiang, R. Wright. 2003. QTL Analysis of genotype x environment interactions affecting cotton fiber quality. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:384-396.

  • Saranga Y., C. Jiang, R. Wright, D. Yakir, A. H. Paterson. 2004. Genetic dissection of cotton physiological responses to arid conditions and their inter-relationships with productivity. Plant Cell & Environ. 27:263-277.

  • Peleg Z., T. Fahima, S. Abbo, T. Krugman, E. Nevo, D. Yakir, Y. Saranga. 2005. Genetic diversity for drought resistance in wild emmer wheat and its ecogeographical association. Plant Cell & Environ. 28:176-191.

  • Peleg Z., Y. Saranga, T. Krugman, S. Abbo, E. Nevo and T. Fahima. 2008. Allelic diversity associated with aridity gradient in wild emmer wheat populations. Plant, Cell Environ. 31, 39-49.

  • Peleg Z., T. Fahima, T. Krugman, S. Abbo and Y. Saranga. 2008. Genetic structure of natural wild emmer wheat populations as reflected by transcribed vs. anonymous microsatellite markers. Genome, 51:187-195.

  • Peleg Z., Y. Saranga, T. Krugman, T. Suprunova, Y. Ronin, M.S. Röder, A. Kilian, A.B. Korol and T. Fahima. 2008. High-density genetic map of durum wheat × wild emmer wheat based on SSR and DArT markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117:103–115.

  • Levi A., A.H. Paterson, V. Barak, D. Yakir, B. Wang, P.W. Chee and Y. Saranga. 2009. Field evaluation of cotton near-isogenic lines introgressed with QTLs for productivity and drought related traits. Mol. Breeding 23: 179-195.

  • Abbo S., Y. Saranga, Z. Peleg, Z. Kerem, S. Lev-Yadun and A. Gopher. 2009. Reconsidering domestication of legumes versus cereals in the ancient Near East. Quart. Rev. Biol., 84: 29-50.

  • Levi A., L. Ovnat, A.H. Paterson and Y. Saranga. 2009. Photosynthesis of cotton near-isogenic lines introgressed with QTLs for productivity and drought related traits. Plant Sci. 177: 88-96.

  • Peleg Z., T. Fahima, T. Krugman, S. Abbo, D. Yakir, A.B. Korol and Y. Saranga. 2009. Genomic dissection of drought resistance in durum wheat × wild emmer wheat recombinant inbreed line population. Plant Cell Environ. 32: 758-779.

  • Peleg Z, I. Cakmak, L. Ozturk, A. Yazici, Y. Jun, H. Budak, A.B. Korol, T. Fahima, Y. Saranga. 2009. Quantitative trait loci conferring grain mineral nutrient concentrations in durum wheat × wild emmer wheat RIL population. Theor. Appl. Genet. 119:353-369.

  • Levi A., A.H. Paterson, I. Cakmak and Y. Saranga. 2011. Metabolite and mineral analysis of cotton near-isogenic lines introgressed with QTLs for productivity and drought related traits. Physiol, Plant. 141:265-275.

  • Peleg Z., T. Fahima, A.B. Korol, S. Abbo and Y. Saranga. 2011.  Genetic analysis of wheat domestication and evolution under domestication. J. Exp. Bot. 62:5051–5061.

  • Paterson A. H., et al.. 2012. Repeated polyploidization of Gossypium genomes and the evolution of spinnable cotton fibres. Nature, 492, 423–427.

  • Abbo S., R. Pinhasi van-Oss, A. Gopher, Y. Saranga, I. Ofner, and Z. Peleg. 2014. Plant domestication versus crop evolution: a conceptual framework for cereals and grain legumes. Trends Plant Sci., 19:351-360.

  • Merchuk-Ovnat L., V. Barak, T. Fahima, F. Ordon, G.A. Lidzbarsky, T. Krugman and Y. Saranga. 2016. Ancestral QTL alleles from wild emmer wheat improve drought resistance and productivity in modern wheat cultivars. Front Plant Sci 7:452. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00452

  • Merchuk-Ovnat L., T. Fahima, T. Krugman and Y. Saranga. 2016. Ancestral QTL alleles from wild emmer wheat improve productivity and photosynthesis across water availabilities in modern wheat. Plant Sci, 251, 23–34.

  • Merchuk-Ovnat L., T. Fahima, J.E. Ephrath, T. Krugman and Y. Saranga. 2017. Ancestral QTL alleles from wild emmer wheat enhance root development under drought in modern wheat. Front Plant Sci. 8:703, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00703

  • Naim-Feil E., M. Toren, G. Aubert, M. Rubinstein, A. Rosen, R. Eshed, A. Sherman, R. Ophir, Y. Saranga and S. Abbo. 2017. Drought response and genetic diversity in Pisum fulvum, a wild relative of domesticated pea. Crop Sci. 57: 1145-1159.

  • Ben-Zeev S., O. Rabinovitz, V. Orlov-Levin, A. Chen, N. Graff, Y. Goldwasser & Y. Saranga. 2020. Less is more: Lower sowing rate of irrigated tef (Eragrostis tef ) alters plant morphology and reduces lodging. Agronomy, 10:570, doi:10.3390/agronomy10040570

  • Hellwig T., A. Flor, Y. Saranga, C.J. Coyne, D. Main, A. Sherman, R. Ophir & S. Abbo. 2020. Environmental and genetic determinants of amphicarpy in Pisum fulvum, a wild relative of domesticated pea. Plant Sci. 298, 110566

  • Hellwig T., S. Abbo, A. Sherman, C. Coyne, Y. Saranga, S. Lev Yadun, D. Main, P. Zheng & R. Ophir. 2020. Limited divergent adaptation despite a substantial environmental cline in wild pea. Mol. Ecol. 29:4322–4336.

  • Gashu K., M. Halpern, I. Zipori, A. Bustan, Y. Saranga, U. Yermiyahu. 2020. Tef (Eragrostis tef) responses to nitrogen fertigation under semi-arid Mediterranean climate. Agronomy 10: 1870.

  • Ben-Zeev S., S. Kerzner, O. Rabinovitz, & Y. Saranga. 2020. Optimizing sowing depth of tef for irrigated Mediterranean conditions: from laboratory to field studies. Agronomy 10:1983.

  • Halpern M., K. Gashu, I. Zipori, Y. Saranga, U. Yermiyahu. 2021. Tef (Eragrostis tef) responses to Phosphorus and Potassium fertigation under semi-arid Mediterranean climate. Agronomy 11, 1588.