Plant signal transduction, regulation of plant membrane transport, plant ion channels, bundle sheath.
List of Publications
Moran N, Palti Y, Levitan E, Staempfli R (1980) Potassium ion accumulation at the external surface of the nodal membrane in frog myelinated fibers. Biophys. J. 32: 939-954 abstract
Huang LYM, Moran N, Ehrenstein G (1984) Gating kinetics of BTX-modified sodium channels in neuroblastoma cells determined from single-channel measurements. Biophys. J. 45: 515-322 article
Moran, N., Ehrenstein, G., Iwasa, K., Bare, C. and Mischke, C., 1984, Ion channels in plasmalemma of wheat protoplasts, Science, 226:835-838. abstract
Moran, N., Ehrenstein, G., Iwasa, K., Mischke, C., Bare, C. and Satter, R.L., 1988, Potassium channels in motor cells of Samanea saman: A patch-clamp study, Plant Physiol., 88:643-648 abstract
Satter, R.L. and Moran, N., 1988, Ionic channels in plant cell membranes, Physiol. Plant. 72:816-820 article
Satter, R.L., Morse, M.J., Lee, Y., Crain, R.C., Cote, G. and Moran, N., 1988, Light and clock-controlled leaflet movements in Samanea saman: A physiological, biophysical and biochemical analysis, Bot. Acta, 101:205-213 article
Ilan, N., Schwartz, A. and Moran, N., 1994, External pH effects on the depolarization-activated K channels in guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba. J. Gen. Physiol., 103:807-831 abstract
Manor, D., Moran, N., Segal, M. 1994. Interactions among calcium compartments in C6 glial cells: involvement of potassium channels. J. Physiol., 478:251-263 article
Manor D, Moran N. 1994. Modulation of small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in c6 glioma cells. J.Membr.Biol. 140: 69-79 article
Moran, N., Yueh,Y.G. and Crain, R.C., 1996, Signal transduction and cell volume regulation in plant leaflet movements. News Physiol. Sci., 11:108-114 article
Moran, N., 1996, Membrane-delimited phosphorylation enables the activation of the outward-rectifying K channels in a plant cell. Plant Physiol., 111:1281-1292 abstract
Suh, S., Moran, N. and Lee, Y., 2000. Blue light activates depolarization-dependent K channels in flexor cells from Samanea saman motor organs via two mechanisms. Plant Physiol., 123: 833-843 abstract
Homburg, S., Visochek, L., Moran, N., Dantzer, F., Priel, E., Asculai, E., Schwartz, D., Rotter, V., Dekel, N. and Cohen-Armon, M., 2000. A fast signal-induced activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase: A novel downstream target of Phospholipase C. J Cell Biol. 150:293-307 article
Moshelion, M. and Moran, N., 2000. Potassium-efflux channels in extensor and flexor cells of Samanea saman are not identical. Effects of cytosolic calcium. Plant Physiol. 124:911-919. (Corrected version reprinted in Feb. 2001) article
Yu, L., Moshelion M., Moran N., 2001. Extracellular protons inhibit the activity of inward-rectifying K channels in the motor cells of Samanea saman pulvini. Plant Physiol. 127:1310-1322 article
Jacoby B, Moran N (2001) Mineral nutrients transport in plants. In: Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, M Pessarakli, ed, 2nd Ed. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York article
Moshelion, M., Becker, D., Czempinski, K., Mueller-Roeber, B., Hedrich, R., Attali, B. and Moran, N., 2002. Diurnal and circadian regulation of putative potassium channels in a leaf-moving organ. Plant Physiol. 128:634-642 article
Moshelion, M., Becker, D., Hedrich, R., Biela, A., Otto, B., Levi, H., Moran, N. and Kaldenhoff, R., 2002. PIP aquaporins in the motor cells of Samanea saman: diurnal and circadian regulation. The Plant Cell. 14:727-739 article
Ben-Yair, L., Slaaby, R., Herman, A., Cohen, Y., Biener, E., Moran, N., Yoshimura, A., Whittaker, J., de Meyts, P., Herman, B., Gertler, A., 2002. Preparation and expression of biologically active prolactin and growth hormone receptors and suppressor of cytokine signaling proteins 1, 2, 3, and 6 tagged with cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins. Protein Expres. Purif., 25: 456-464 article
Jeong, J., Suh, S., Guan, C., Tsay, Y-F., Moran, N., Oh, C.J., An, C.S., Pawlowski, K., and Lee, Y., 2004. A nodule-specific dicarboxylate transporter from Alnus glutinosa is a member of the PTR family. Plant Physiol. 134:969-978 article
Moshelion, M., Moran, N., and Chaumont, F., 2004. Dynamic changes in the osmotic water permeability of protoplast plasma membrane. Plant Physiol. 135: 2301-2317 articlemodeling software
Yu, L., Becker, D., Levi, H., Moshelion, M., Hedrich, R., Lotan, I., Moran, A., Pick, U., Naveh, L., Libal, Y. and Moran N., 2006. Phosphorylation of SPICK2, an AKT2 channel homologue from Samanea motor cells. J. Exp. Bot. 57: 3583-3594 article
Moran N (2007) Rhythmic leaf movements: physiological and molecular aspects. In Rhythms in Plants: Phenomenology, Mechanisms, and Adaptive Significance, S Mancuso, S Shabala, eds. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 3-38 article
Moran N (2007) Osmoregulation of leaf motor cells. FEBS Lett 581: 2337-2347 article
Kim Y-Y, Kim D-Y, Shim D, Song W-Y, Lee J, Schroeder JI, Kim S, Moran N, Lee Y (2008) Expression of the novel wheat gene TM20 confers enhanced cadmium tolerance to bakers' yeast. J Biol Chem 283: 15893-15902 article
Ma X, Shor O, Diminshtein S, Yu L, Im YJ, Perera I, Lomax A, Boss WF, Moran N (2009) Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate Inhibits K+-efflux channel activity in NT1 tobacco cultured cells. Plant Physiol. 149: 1127-1140 reprint
Wigoda N, Ma X, Moran N (2010) Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)bisphosphate regulates plant K+ channels. Biochem Soc Trans 38(2): 705-709 article
Boss, W. F., Winter-Sederoff, H., Im, Y.Ju., Moran, N., Grunden, A.M., Perera, I.Y. 2010. Basal signaling regulates plant growth and development (Future Perspectives in Plant Biology). Plant Physiol 154(2): 439-443. article
Lamdan NL, Attia Z, Moran N & Moshelion M. (2012). The Arabidopsis-related halophyte Thellungiella halophila: boron tolerance via boron complexation with metabolites? Plant, Cell and Environment 35, 735-746 article
Ma X, Shatil-Cohen A, Ben-Dor S, Wigoda N, Perera I, Im Y, Diminshtein S, Yu L, Boss W, Moshelion M, Moran N (2014) Do phosphoinositides regulate membrane water permeability of tobacco protoplasts by enhancing the aquaporin pathway? Planta: 1-15
Yang T, Zhang S, Hu Y, Wu F, Hu Q, Chen G, Cai J, Wu T, Moran N, Yu L, Xu G (2014) The role of OsHAK5 in potassium acquisition and transport from roots to shoots in rice at low potassium supply levels Plant Physio l 166: 945-959
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