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Prof. David Levy


  • 2003-present: The Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences.
  • 1993-2001: Head, Institute of Field and Garden Crops, The Volcani Center, ARO.
  • 1991-1993: Head, Department of Vegetable Crops, The Volcani Center, ARO.


Levy, D. and Rabinowitch H. D. 2017. Potatoes. In: Brian Thomas, Brian G. Murray and Denis J. Murphy (Editors in Chief), Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences, Vol 3, Waltham, MA, Academic Press, pp.39-44.

Levy, D. and Coleman, W. K. 2014. Plant-Water Relations and Irrigation Management of Potato. In: The Potato: Botany, Production and Uses (R. Navarre and M. J. Pavek, eds.), CABI, UK, pp. 103-114.

Levy, D., Coleman, W. K. and Veilleux, R. E. 2013. Adaptation of Potato to Water Shortage: Irrigation Management and Enhancement of Tolerance to Drought and Salinity- A Review. American Journal of Potato Research, 90:186-206.

Levy, D. and Veilleux R.E. 2007. Adaptation of Potato to High Temperatures and Salinity-A Review. American Journal of Potato Research 84:437-456

Rabinowitch, H.D. and Levy, D. 2001. Biology and Physiology of the Potato. In: Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Potatoes and Production of Seed Potatoes. pp. 19-37 (G. Loebenstein, P.H. Berger, A.A. Brunt and R.H. Lawson, Eds.)

Levy, D. 2000. Achievements in Potato Breeding in Diverse Climates. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Potato, New Delhi, India. pp. 122-128.

Levy, D. (ed.) 1998. Potatoes in Hot Climates. Israel Agrisearch 9(1), ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. (English abstracts), 141 pp.

Levy, D. 1992. The Potato Crop. In: The Encyclopedia of Agriculture, vol. 6. Vegetable Crops, II, pp. 3-27 (I. Arnon and S. Meller, eds.). The Encyclopedia of Agriculture Tel-Aviv, Israel (in Hebrew).

Levy, D. and Kedar, N. 1985. Potatoes and Related Species. In: Handbook of Flowering Vol. IV. pp. 363-366 (A.H. Halevy, ed.) CRC Press., USA.


Rotem, N., Shtein, C., Rosner, A., Levy, D. and Rabinowitch H. D. 2016. Detection and Differentiation of Potato Virus Y strains by melting analysis of an oligonucleotide virus probe. American Journal of Potato Research, 93:620-625.

Lapidot, D., Dror, R., Vered, E., Mishli O., Levy, D. and Helman, Y. 2015. Disease protection and growth promotion of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) by Paenibacillus dendritiformis.  Plant Pathology, 64:545-551.

Anfoka, G., Haj Ahmad, F., Altaleb, M., Abadi, M., Abubaker, S., Levy, D., Rosner, A. and Czosnek, H. 2014. First Report of Recombinant Potato virus Y Strains Infecting Potato in Jordan. Plant Disease Journal, 98:1017.

Levy, D. and Tai, C. C. 2013. Differential response of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to salinity in an arid environment and field performance of the seed tubers grown with fresh water in the following season. Agricultural Water Management, 116:122-127.

Levy, D., Kedar, N. and Levy Naomi, 2006. Pepino (Solanum muricatum Aiton): Breeding in Israel for better taste and aroma. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 54:205-213

Levy, D., Fogelman, E., Itzhak, Y., Ma, Q., Turner, D.W. and Cowling, W.A. 2006. Osmotic adjustment in leaves of Brassica oilseed in response to water deficit. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 86:389-397.

Ma, Q., Turner, D.W., Levy, D., Cowling, W. 2004. Solute accumulation and osmotic adjustment in leaves of Brassica oilseed in response to soil water deficit. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 55, 939-945.

Van Dam, J., Levin, I., Struik, P.C. and Levy, D. 2003. Identification of epinastic Interaction affecting glycoalkaloid content in tubers of tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Euphytica 134:353-360.

Boluarte-Medina, T., Fogelman, E., Chani, E., Miller, A.R., Levin, I., Levy, D. and Veilleux, R.E. 2002. Identification of molecular markers associated with leptine in reciprocal backcross families of diploid potato. Theor. Appl. Genet.105:1010-1018.

Levy, D., Itzhak, Y., Fogelman, E., Margalit, E. and Veilleux R.E. 2001. Ori, Idit, Zohar and Zahov: Tablestock and Chipstock Cultivars Bred for Adaptation to Israel. Amer. J. Potato Res. 77: 1-5.

Ashkenazi, V., Chani, E., Lavi, U., Levy, D., Hillel, J. and Veilleux, R. E. 2001. Development of microsatellite markers in potato and their use in phylogenetic and fingerprinting analysis. Genome 44:50-62.

Van Dam, J., Levin, I., Struik, P.C. and Levy, D. 1999. Genetic characterization of tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) emphasising genetic control of total glycoalkaloid content in the tubers. Euphytica 110: 67-76.

Rosner, A., Sara Spiegel, Ludmila Maslenin and Levy, D. 1998. The use of S1 nuclease treatment of hybrid PCR products for the differentiation between PVY isolates. Ann. Appl. Biol. 132:107-114.

Veilleux, R.E., Paz, Margarita M. and Levy, D. 1997. Potato germplasm development for warm climates: genetic enhancement of tolerance to heat stress. Euphytica 98: 83-92.

Dimenstein, L., Lisker, N., Kedar, N. and Levy, D. 1997. Accumulatin of steroidal glycoalkaloids in potato tubers grown in the field and in the greenhouse under different conditions of light, temperature and daylength. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 50: 391-402.

Levy, D., Edna Fogelman, Alexandra Levine and Itzhak, Y. 1995. Tuberization in vitro and dormancy of potato (Solanum tuberosum) microtubers. In: M. Terzi et al. (eds.), Current Issues in Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology: 123-125. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.

Tai, G.C.C., Levy, D. and Coleman, W.K. 1994. Path analysis of genotype-environment interactions of potatoes exposed to increasing warm-climate constrains. Euphytica 75: 49-61.

Levy, D., Fogelman, Edna and Izhak, Y. 1993. Influence of water and soil salinity on emergence and early development of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars and effect of physiological age of seed tubers. Potato Res. 36: 335-340.

Levy, D., Seabrook, J.E.A. and Coleman, S. 1993. Enhancement of tuberization of axillary shoot buds of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars cultured in vitro. J.Expt. Bot. 44: 381-386.

Seabrook, J.E.A., Coleman, S. and Levy, D. 1993. Effect of photoperiod on in vitro tuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult. 34: 43-51.

Shomer, I., Rao, M.A., Bourne, M.C. and Levy, D. 1993. Impact of temperature and cellulase treatments on rehological behavior of potato tuber cell suspensions. J. of Sci. Food Agric. 63: 245-250.

Levy, D. 1992. Osmotic potential of potatoes subjected to a single cycle of water deficit. Potato Res. 35: 17-24.

Levy, D. 1992. The response of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to salinity: plant growth and tuber yields in the arid desert of Israel. Ann. Appl. Biol. 120: 547-555.

Levy, D. and Marco, S. 1991. Indices of water deficit in susceptible and resistant cucumbers in response to infection by cucumber mosaic virus. Ann. Appl. Biol. 119: 381-386.

Levy, D., Kastenbaum, E. and Itzhak, Y. 1991. Evaluation of parents and selection for heat tolerance in the early generations of a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding program. Theor. Appl. Genet. 82: 130-136.

Levy, D., Genizi, A. and Goldman, A. 1990. Compatibility of potatoes to contrasting seasonal conditions, to high temperatures and to water deficit: The association with time of maturation and yield potential. Potato Res. 33: 325-334.