Prof. Haim D. Rabinowitch

Major Research Interests

Physiology, genetics and breeding for yield, disease resistance, quality, flavor and long-shelf-life in tomatoes and in short-day onions. 

Floral and fertility restoration in garlic. 

Oxygen toxicity in plants: the role of oxygen-free radicals in physiological disorders. 

Seed production: physiology and genetics of pollination and fertilization processes. 

Soil solarization: physiological response of plants grown on solarized soils. 

Plant genetic resources. 

Crop improvement in developing countries, including yield, quality and tolerance to biotic and a-biotic stress conditions.


1974-5 -British Council Fellowship

1983 -Recipient of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHA) National Food Processing Association (NFPA) Award in raw products research

1994 -Recipient of the Hebrew University Kaye Prize for Innovative Developments for  the Development of Long-Shelf-Life Tomatoes

1998 -Recipient of the Mashov Award for Distinguished contribution to Israeli Agriculture

2002 -Recipient of the Rothschild Prize

2007 -Doctor Honoris Causa Universite Jean Moulin, Lion 3, France

Special Breeding Achievements

1976 to date -Release of a great number of short-day onion hybrids excelling in yield, quality, and storage-life under ambient conditions in warm climate countries; and of short- day, high-yielding, high-solids onion hybrids for processing (Jointly with Agr. A. Harazy, and Hazera Genetics Seed Company).

1963-1973 -Release of numerous greenhouses and open field tomato hybrids excelling in and

1988 to-date yield, quality, and keeping-ability under ambient conditions (Jointly with N. Kedar and our breeding team).

1997 to date -Introduction of Chinese Chives to Israeli agriculture and release of cultivars adapted to subtropical conditions.

1998 to date -Release of a number of hybrids shallots propagated from seeds suitable for short-day production in tropical and subtropical countries.

2001 to date -Restoration of garlic fertility and its propagation from seeds, thus opening the avenues for genetic studies and active breeding.

 International Training Courses

1975 – 2001 Annual course at the International Agricultural Center, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Annual International Course on Vegetable Production Under Hot and Humid conditions.

1990 to 2001  International Master's Course on Plant Sciences, the Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot, Israel.


Special Interests and Achievments

  • Basic genetics and physiology studies of the spontaneous mutations of ripening inhibitor genes in tomatoes and the consequent exploitation of the knowledge resulted in the original development of long shelf-life tomatoes, thus revolutionizing the fresh market industry.
  • Basic physiology studies of shallot resulted in the consequent exploitation of the knowledge for the original breeding and development of seed propagated hybrid short-day shallots, thus eliminating biotic factors transmitted continuously by the vegetative propagules, and doubling the yields.
  • Basic physiology of flowering in Allium, with special emphasis on garlic, resulted in the consequent restoration of fertility and production of viable seeds.
  • Basic biochemistry and physiology on the defense mechanisms against oxygen-free radicals in green plant tissues resulted in the consequent determination of cross-protection mechanism in algae and higher plants.
  • Plant genetic resources, with special emphasis on short-day vegetatively propagated Alliums. Curator of the International Field Gene Bank for short-day vegetatively propagated Alliums.
  • Crop improvement in, and for tropical and subtropical conditions, including:
    • initiation and successful implantation of in situ projects for increase in yields of short-day onions (Thailand, Sri-Lanka, Egypt, Kenya and other East Africa countries) and tomatoes (Thailand);
    • improved tolerance to biotic stress (white rot, fusarium and pink-root in onions – Egypt, bacterial wilt in tomatoes - Thailand);
    • 30 years of organizing and teaching in training courses to a total of more than 1,000 experts from developing countries in: Physiology of Vegetable Crops Under Hot and Humid conditions, and Breeding for Warm Climate Production, in both Israel (Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Rehovot) and Holland (International Agricultural Center, Wageningen), and transfer of knowledge through local workshops (e.g., The 1st Eastern Africa Regional Allium Workshop, #4 in the list of publications).

Personal Data and Appointments

Personal Data

Major Activities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Personal Data
1940 Born in Israel.
1973 Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1974-1976 Visiting Researcher, Department of Applied Genetics (with Professor D. R. Davies),
John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK. British Council Scholarship.

Invited Lecturer, International Course on Vegetable Growing Under Tropical and Subtropical Conditions, International Agricultural Center (IAC), Wageningen, The Netherlands.

1976-1981 Lecturer, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1981-1982 Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry (with Professor I. Fridovich), Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.
1982-1986 Senior Lecturer, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1986-1991 Associate Professor, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1986-1987 Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry (with Professor I. Fridovich), Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.
1988-2004 Israeli representative to the ECP\GR Allium Working Group.
1990-1992 Chairman, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture,  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1992-1993 Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry (with Professor I. Fridovich), Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.
1992 to date Professor, Department of Field Crops, Vegetables and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1993-1996 Head of the Faculty of Agriculture Research Committee (elect).
1994-2002 Head of the Academic Committee of the Israeli Gene Bank.
1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences (elect).
2001-2008 Rector (Provost), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (elect)
2006 to date Member, the Consultation Board of the American-Asian Journal of Scientific Research, (the International Digital Organization for Scientific Information).

Major Activities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1990-1992 Chairman, Department of Field Crops, Vegetables and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture (elect).
1990-1992 Chairman, Department of Field Crops, Vegetables and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture (elect).
1991 Faculty of Agriculture, Ad hoc Committee for Planning the Faculty's Physical Program.
1994-1997 Head of the Faculty of Agriculture Research Committee (elect).
1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences (elect).
2001–2004 Rector (Provost), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (elect).


Books  |  Papers   |   Gene publications   |   Patents  



  1. Rabinowitch, H.D., Brewster, J.L. eds. (1990). Onions and Allied Crops. I. Botany, Physiology, and Genetics. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA, 273 pp.
  2. Rabinowitch, H.D., Brewster, J.L. eds. (1990). Onions and Allied Crops. II. Agronomy, Biotic Interactions, Pathology, and Crop Protection. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA 320 pp.
  3. Brewster, J.L., Rabinowitch H.D. eds. (1990). Onions and Allied Crops. III. Biochemistry, Food Science, and Minor Crops. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA, 265 pp.
  4. Rabinowitch, H. D., Kimani, P.M., Peters, R. eds. (1997). Proceedings of the First Eastern Africa Regional Allium Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-22 September, 1994. xvii + 131 pp.
  5. Rabinowitch, H.D., Currah, L. eds. (2002). Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances. CABI, Wallingford, U.K. 515pp.


  1. Rabinowitch, H.D., Rudich, J., Kedar, N. (1970). Effect of ethrel on ripening of tomato and melon fruits. Isr. J. Agric. Res. 20: 47-54.
  2. Rabinowitch, H.D., Rudich, J. (1972). Effects of ethephon and CPTA on color development of tomato fruit at high temperatures. HortScience 7: 76-77.
  3. Retig, Nira, Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar, N. (1973). A simplified method of determining the resistance of tomato seedlings to Fusarium and Verticillium wilts. Phytoparasitica 1:111-114.
  4. Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar, N., Budowski, P. (1974). Induction of sunscald damage in tomatoes under natural and controlled conditions. Scientia Hortic. 2: 265-272.
  5. Rudich, J., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1974). The effect of chlorflurenol on set and concentrated yield of processing tomatoes. HortScience 9: 142-143.
  6. Kedar, N., Rabinowitch, H.D., Budowski, P. (1975). Conditioning of tomato fruit against sunscald. Scientia Hortic. 3: 83-87.
  7. Rabinowitch, H.D., Budowski, P., Kedar, N. (1975). Carotenoids and epoxide cycles in mature-green tomatoes. Planta (Berlin). 122: 91-97.
  8. Rabinowitch, H.D., Hedley, C. L., Arthur, A.E. (1976). Variation in budding and flowering of commercial cultivars of Antirrhinum majus.  Scientia Hortic. 5: 287-291.
  9. Arthur, A.E., Hedley, C.L., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1977). The effects of nitrogen level on the performance of Antirrhinum cultivars grown in greenhouse conditions. Euphytica 26:755-760.
  10. Hedley, C.L., Arthur, A.E., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1977). The effect of artificially extended daylengths and of sowing dates on Antirrhinum majus. Scientia Hortic.  6: 149-155.
  11. Rabinowitch, H.D., Arthur, A.E., Hedley, C.L. (1977). Biometrical analysis of some economically important characters in Antirrhinum majus. Theor. Appl. Genet. 49:35-42.
  12. Levy, A., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar, N. (1978). Morphological and physiological characters affecting flower drop and fruit set of tomatoes at high temperatures. Euphytica 27: 211-218.
  13.  Rabinowitch, H.D., Retig Nira, Kedar, N. (1978). The mechanism of preferential fertilization in tomatoes carrying the I-allele for Fusarium resistance. Euphytica 27: 219-224.
  14. Kopeliovitch, E., Rabinowitch, H.D., Mizrahi, Y., Kedar, N. (1979). The potential of ripening mutants for extending the storage life of the tomato fruit. Euphytica 28:99-104.
  15. Kopeliovitch, E., Mizrahi, Y., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar, N. (1979). Physiology of the tomato mutant Alcobaca Physiol. Plant. 48:307-311.
  16. Rabinowitch, H.D. (1979). Doubling of onion bulbs as affected by size and planting date of sets. Ann. Appl. Biol. 93: 63-66.
  17. Kedar, N., Adler, J., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1980). The potential of tomato F2-hybrids for processing. Acta Horticulturae 100: 364-371.
  18. Naamni, F., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar, N. (1980). The effect of GA3 application on flowering and seed production in onion (Allium cepa L.). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 105:164-167.
  19. Rabinowitch, H.D., Sklan, D. (1980). Sunscald tolerance in tomatoes: Role of superoxide dismutase. Planta (Berlin). 148: 162-167.
  20. Kopeliovitch, E., Rabinowitch, H.D., Mizrahi, Y. Kedar, N. (1981). Mode of inheritance of alcobaca, a tomato fruit ripening mutant. Euphytica 30: 223-225.
  21. Rabinowitch, H.D., Katan, J., Rotem, I. (1981). The response of onion to solar heating, agricultural practices and pink root disease. Scientia Hortic. 15: 331-340.
  22. Rabinowitch, H.D., Sklan, D. (1981). Superoxide dismutase activity in ripening cucumber and pepper fruits. Physiol. Plant. 52: 380-384.
  23. Sklan, D., Rabinowitch, H.D., Donoghue, S. (1981). Superoxide dismutase: Effect of vitamins A and E. Nutr. Rept. Intern. 24: 551-556.
  24. Kopeliovitch, E., Mizrahi, Y., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar, N. (1982). Effect of the fruit ripening mutant genes rin and nor on the flavor of tomato fruit. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 107: 361-364.
  25. Rabinowitch, H.D., Sklan, D., Budowski, P. (1982). Photooxidative damage in the ripening tomato fruit: protective role of superoxide dismutase. Physiol. Plant. 54: 369-374.
  26. Rabinowitch, H.D., Clare, D.A., Crapo, J.D., Fridovich, I. (1983). Positive correlation between superoxide dismutase and resistance to paraquat toxicity in the green alga Chlorella sorokiniana Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 225: 640-648.
  27. Rabinowitch, H.D., Fridovich, I. (1983). Superoxide radicals, superoxide dismutases and oxygen toxicity in plants. Photochem. Photobiol. 37: 679-690 (Invited review).
  28. Rabinowitch, H.D., Friedmann, M., Ben-David, B. (1983). Sunscald damage in attached and detached pepper and cucumber fruits at various stages of maturity. Scientia Hortic. 19:9-18.
  29. Clare, D.A., Rabinowitch, H.D., Fridovich, I. (1984). Superoxide dismutase and chilling injury in Chlorella ellipsoidea. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 231:158-163.
  30. Margalith (Rapp), R., Lensky, Y., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1984). An evaluation of BeelineÒ as a honeybee attractant to cucumbers and its effect on hybrid seed production. J. Apic. Res. 23:50-54.
  31. Yakir, D., Sadovski, A., Rabinowitch, H.D., Rudich, J. (1984). Effect of high temperature on quality of processing tomatoes of various genotypes ripened on the vine. Scientia Hortic. 24:33-43.
  32. Yakir, D., Sadovski, A., Rabinowitch, H.D., Rudich, J. (1984). Effect of high temperature on quality of processing tomatoes of various genotypes ripened off the vine. Scientia Hortic. 24:323-330.
  33. Rabinowitch, H.D., Friedlander Batya, Peters, R. J. (1984). Inheritance and characterization of dwarf scape in onions: A progress report. EUCARPIA, 3rd Allium Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands. September 4-6, 1984. pp. 83-89.
  34. Peters, R. J., Netzer, D., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1984). A progress report: Pink root resistance in Allium cepa L. x Allium fistulosum L. hybrids and progeny. Eucarpia, 3rd Allium Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands. September 4-6, 1984. pp. 70-73.
  35. Rabinowitch, H.D., Zeltzer Orna (1984). Collection, preservation, characterization and evaluation of Allium species growing wild in Israel: Selected Examples. Eucarpia, 3rd AlliumSymposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands. September 4-6, 1984. pp. 27-36.
  36. Harazy, Ada, Leshem, B., Cohen, A., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1985). In vitro propagation of Staticeas an aid to breeding. HortScience 20:361-362.
  37. Netzer, D., Rabinowitch, H.D., Weintal, Ch. (1985). Greenhouse technique to evaluate onion resistance to pink-root. Euphytica 34:385-391.
  38. Rabinowitch, H.D. (1985). Flowering of onion and other edible Alliums. In: Halevy, A.H. ed. CRC Handbook of Flowering. CRC Press, Inc., FL, USA. Vol. 1. pp. 398-409.
  39. Rabinowitch, H.D., Fridovich, I. (1985). Growth of Chlorella sorokiniana in the presence of sulfite elevates cell content of superoxide dismutase and imparts resistance towards paraquat. Planta 164:524-528.
  40. Rabinowitch, H.D., Ben David, B., Friedmann, M. (1986). Light is essential for sunscald induction in cucumber and pepper fruits, whereas heat conditioning provides protection. Scientia Hortic. 29:21-30.
  41. Rabinowitch, H.D., Sklan, D. (1986). The possible participation of beta-carotene in the defense mechanism against superoxide in plants. In: Rotilio, G. ed. Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine. Elsevier Science Publishers. Amsterdam, pp. 487-489.
  42. Rubin, B, Adler, U., Varsano, R., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1986). Effect of ethofumesate on the epicuticular waxes of onion leaves and the response of plants to foliage applied herbicides. Ann. Appl. Biol. 108:365-371.
  43. Rabinowitch, H.D., Privalle, C.T., Fridovich, I. (1987). Effects of paraquat on the green alga Dunaliella salina: protection by the mimic of superoxide dismutase, desferal-MnIV. Free Radical Biol. & Medicine 3:125-131.
  44. Rabinowitch, H.D., Rosen, G.M., Fridovich, I. (1987). Contrasting fates of the paraquat monocation radical in Escherichia coli B and in Dunaliella salina. Arch.  Biochem. Biophys. 257:352-356.
  45. Rabinowitch, H.D. (1988). Genetics and breeding of Allium spp: state of the art (or: Too slow but not too late). EUCARPIA 4th Allium Symposium, Riggs, T.J., Astley, D., Brewster, J.L., Dawson, P.R., Maude, R.B., Eds., Institute of Horticultural Research, Wellesbourne, UK. pp. 57-69 (invited paper).
  46. Satour, M.M., Grinstein, A., Rabinowitch, H.D., Abdel-Rahim, M.F., Katan, J., El-Yamani, T., Radwan, A. (1989). Soil solarization in onion fields in Egypt and Israel: Short- and long-term effects. Acta Hortic. 255:151-159.
  47. Rabinowitch, H.D., Rosen, G.M., Fridovich, I. (1989). A mimic of superoxide dismutase activity protects Chlorella sorokiniana against the toxicity of sulfite. Free Radical Biol. & Medicine 6:45-48.
  48. Rabinowitch, H.D., Zig, U. (1989). Leaf and root degeneration in early maturing onions: A physiological disorder. Ann. Appl. Biol. 115:533-540.
  49. Brewster, J.L., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1990). Garlic agronomy. In: J.L. Brewster, H.D. Rabinowitch eds. Onions and Allied Crops. Vol. III. Biochemistry, Food Sciences, and Minor Crops. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 147-157.
  50. Rabinowitch, H.D. (1990). Physiology of Flowering. In: H.D. Rabinowitch, J.L.  Brewster eds. Onions And Allied Crops. Vol. I. Botany, Physiology, and Genetics. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 113-134.
  51. Rabinowitch, H.D. (1990). Seed development. In: H.D. Rabinowitch, J.L. Brewster eds. Onions and Allied Crops. Vol. I. Botany, Physiology, and Genetics. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 151-159.
  52. Askira, Y., Rubin, B., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1991). Differential response to the herbicidal activity of δ-aminolevulinic acid in plants with high and low SOD activity. Free Radical Res. Commun. 12:837-843.
  53. Paterson, A.H., Damon, S. Hewitt, J.D., Zamir, D., Rabinowitch, H.D., Lincoln, S.E., Lander, E.S., Tanksley, S.D. (1991). Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits in tomato: comparison across species, generations, and environments. Genetics 127:181-197.
  54. Rabinowitch, H.D., Friedlander, Batya, Peters, R. (1991). Dwarf flower stalk in onion (Allium cepa L.): characterization, genetic control and physiological response to ethephon and to gibberellic acid. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 116:574-579.
  55. Steinberg, Miriam, Rabinowitch, H.D. (1991). The role of oxygen in thermo-photodynamic processes leading to sunscald-like damage in green tissues. Free Radical Res. Commun. 12:809-817.
  56. Zakay, Y., Navot, N., Zeidan, M., Kedar, N., Rabinowitch, H.D., Czosnek, H., Zamir, D. (1991). Screening Lycopersicon accessions for resistance to tomato leaf curl virus: presence of viral DNA and symptom development. Plant Disease 75:279-281.
  57. Rabinowitch, H.D., Harazy, Ada. (1992). Genebank for vegetatively propagated Allium spp. Experience and conclusions. The Genus Allium - Taxonomic Problems and Genetic Resources. In: Hanelt, P., Hammer, K., Knupfer, H. (eds.) Institut fur Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, Germany. pp. 271-279.
  58. Sklan, D., Berner, Y. N., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1992). The effect of dietary onion and garlic on hepatic lipid concentrations and antioxidative enzymes activity in chicks. J. Nutr. Biochem. 3:322-325.
  59. Varsano, R., Rabinowitch, H. D., Rubin, B. (1992). Mode of action of piperonyl butoxideas herbicide synergist of atrazine and terbutryn in maize. Pesticide Biochem. Physiol. 44:174-182.
  60. Varsano, R., Rubin, B., Rabinowitch, H.D., Klinowski, E. Berner, Y. (1992). Superoxide dismutase activity in morphine- and meperidine-addicted mice and their response to paraquat poisoning. Freseniun Environ. Bull. 1(S):54-59.
  61. Viterbo, A., Altman, A., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1992). In vitro propagation and cold storage of Allium trifoliatum genotypes. Proc. Italian Soc. Hort. Sci. Conf. on In vitro culture for micropropagation in horticulture.  Cesena, June 2 1989, pp. 281-284.
  62. Viterbo, A., Rabinowitch, H.D., Altman, A. (1992). Plant regeneration from callus of Allium trifoliatum subsp. hirsutum, and assessment of genetic stability by isozyme polymorphism. Plant Breed. 108:265-273
  63. Czosnek, H., Kheyr-Pour A, Gronenborn B, Remetz E, Zeidan M, Altman A, Rabinowitch H.D., Vidavsky S, Kedar N, Gafni Y and Zamir D (1993).  Replication of tomato yellow leaf curl virus DNA in agroinoculated leaf discs from various tomato genotypes. Plant Mol. Biol. 22:995-1005.
  64. Gruenzweig, J.M., Rabinowitch, H.D., Katan, J. (1993). Physiological and developmental aspects of increased plant growth on solarised soils. Ann. Appl. Biol. 122:579-591.
  65.  Pluda, D., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kafakafi, U. (1993). Pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum Ait) quality parameters as affected by nitrogen nutrition and salinity. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 103:86-91.
  66. Pluda, D., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kafakafi, U. (1993). Fruit set and yield of pepino dulce response to nitrate-nitrogen and salinity levels and thinning of side branches and trusses. J. Plant Nutr. 16:2121-2134.
  67. Rabinowitch, H.D., Fahn, A., Meir, T. Lensky, Y. (1993). Flower and nectar attributes of pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants in relation to their attractiveness to honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Ann. Appl.  Biol. 123:221-232.
  68. Rabinowitch, H.D., Sklan, D., Chace, D.H., Stevens, R.D., Fridovich, I. (1993). Escherichia coliproduces linoleic acid during late stationary phase. J. Bact. 175:5324-5328.
  69. Dax, E., Livneh, O., Edelbaum, O., Kedar, N., Gavish, N., Karchi, H., Milo, J., Sela, I., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1994). A random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular marker for the Tm-2a gene in tomato. Euphytica 74:159-163.
  70. Hershko, V., Rabinowitch, H. D., and Nussinovitch, A.A.  (1994). Tensile characteristics of ripe tomato skin. Lebensm. -Wiss. u. -Technol. 27:386-389.
  71. Kimani, P. M., Kariuki, L. L. W., Peters, R., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1994). Potential of onion seed production in a tropical environment. Acta Hortic. 358:341-348.
  72. Kowithyakorn, T., Chlard, T., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1994). The effect of date of harvest on shelf life of onions stored by hanging from leaves. Acta Hortic. 358:365-368
  73. Levin, I., Cahaner, A., Rabinowitch, H. D., Elkind, Y. (1994). Effect of the ms10 gene, polygenes and their interaction on pistil and anther-cone lengths in tomato flowers. Heredity 73:72-77.
  74. Peters, R. J., Kowithyakorn, T., Chlard, T., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1994). The effect of date of harvest on shelf life of onions stored by hanging from leaves. Acta Hortic. 358:365-368. 
  75. Viterbo, A., Altman, A., Rabinowitch, H.D.  (1994). In vitro propagation and germplasm cold storage of fertile and male sterile Allium trifoliatum subsp. hirsutum. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 41:87-98.
  76. Zamir, D., Ekstein-Michelson, I., Zakay, Y., Navot, N., Zeidan, M., Sarfatti, M., Eshed, Y., Harel, E., Pleban, T., van-Oss, H., Kedar, K. Rabinowitch, H. D., Czosnek, H. (1994). Mapping and introgression of a tomato yellow leaf curl virus tolerance gene, Ty-1. TAG 88:141-146.
  77. Cohen, A., Harazy, A., Rabinowitch, H. D. and Stav, R. 1995. Selection for early flowering in blue statice - (Limonium sinuatum Mill.). Acta Hortic. 420:118-124
  78. Rabinowitch, H.D. (1996). Onion breeding in Israel: a historical account. Allium Improvement Newsletter. 1:42-45.
  79. Bendavid-Val, R., Rabinowitch, H.D., Katan, J., Kapulnik, Y. (1997). Viability of VA-mycorrhizal fungi following soil solarization and fumigation. Plant and Soil. 195:185-193.
  80. Danin-Poleg, Y., Paris, H.S., Cohen, S., Rabinowitch, H.D. Karchi, D. (1997). Oligogenic inheritance of resistance to zucchini yellow mosaic virus in melons. Euphytica 93:331-337.
  81. Kariuki, J. W., Kimani, P.M., Peters, R., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1997). Potential of onion seed production in Kenya. In: Rabinowitch, H. D., P. M. Kimani and R. Peters (eds.). Proceedings of the First Eastern Africa Regional Allium Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya, 21-22 September, 1994. xvii + 131 pp.
  82. Grunzweig, J.M., Rabinowitch, H.D., Katan, J., Wonder, M., Ben Tal, Y. (1997). Endogenous gibberellins in foliage of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Phytochemistry 46:811-815.
  83. Rabinowitch, H. D. 1997. Breeding alliaceous crops for pest resistance. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 433:223-245 (Invited review).
  84. Shainberg, O., Libal-Weksler, Y., Rubin,B.,  Rabinowitch,, HD, Tel Or, E. (1997) Acquired tolerance to oxidative stresses in beans. Plant Physiol. 114, 196-196 Suppl. S3
  85. Krontal, Y., Kamenetsky, R.,  Rabinowitch, H.D. (1998). Lateral development and florogenesis of a tropical shallot -- a comparison with bulb onion. Int. J. Plant Sci. 159:57-64.
  86. Vidavsky, F., Leviatov, S., Milo, J., Rabinowitch, H.D., Kedar N., Czosnek, H. (1998). Response of tolerant breeding lines of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, originating from three different sources (L. peruvianum, L. pimpinellifolium and L. chilense) to early controlled inoculation by tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). Plant Breeding 117:165-169.
  87. Dax, E., Livneh, O., Aliskevicius, E., Edelbaum, O., Kedar, N., Gavish, N., Milo, J., Geffen, F. Blumenthal, A., Rabinowitch, H.D.  Sela, I.  (1998). A SCAR marker linked to the ToMV resistance gene, Tm22, in tomato. Euphytica 101:73-77.
  88. Grunzweig, J.M., Katan J., Ben Tal, Y., Rabinowitch, H.D. (1999). The role of mineral nutrients in the increased growth response of tomato plants in solarized soil.  Plant and Soil. 206:21-27.
  89. Grunzweig, J.M., Rabinowitch, H.D., Katan, J., Wodner, M. and Ben-Tal, Y. (1999).  Involvement of endogenous gibberellins in the regulation of increased tomato shoot growth in solarized soil.  Plant Growth Regulation 30:233-239.
  90. Shainberg, O., Rubin, B., Rabinowitch, H.D., Libal-Weksler, Y. and Tel Or E. (1999). Adjustment to low light intensity enhances susceptibility of bean leaves to oxidative stress. J. Plant Physiol. 155:393-398.
  91. Zemah, H., Bendel, P., Rabinowitch, H.D. and Kamenetsky, R. (1999). Visualization of morphological structure and water status during storage of Allium aflatunense bulbs by NMR imaging.  Plant Science 147:65-73.
  92. Baitulin, I.O., Agafonova , G., Rabinowitch, H.D. and Kamenetsky, R. (2000). Creation of germplasm bank of Central Asia Allium L. species, their biology and economic traits. In: State and perspectives of scientific collaboration Kazakhstan-Israel (Granovsky, E.I. and Fain, E.E., eds.). Almaty, Kazakhstan, pp.87-94 (in Russian).
  93. Kamenetsky, R.; Zemah, H.; Toorn, A. van der; Rabinowitch, H.D.; van As, H.; Bendel, P. (2000). Morphological structure and water status in tulip bulbs during their transition from dormancy to active growth: visualization by NMR imaging. In: Dormancy in plants, from whole plant behaviour to cellular control. In: J.D. Viemont and J. Crabbe. - New York: CABI Publishing, p. 121 - 13895.
  94. Krontal, Y., Kamenetsky, R. and Rabinowitch, H.D. (2000). Flowering physiology and some vegetative traits of short-day shallot: A comparison with bulb onion.  J. Hort. Sci. & Biotech. 75:35-41.
  95. Shainberg, O. B. Rubin, H. D. Rabinowitch, and E. Tel-Or (2000). Acclimation of beans to oxidative stress by treatment with sublethal iron levels. Journal of Plant Physiology 157: 93-99.
  96. Buttery, R. G., Takeoka, G. R., Naim, M. Rabinowitch, H.D. and Nam, Y. (2001). Analysis of furaneol in tomato using dynamic headspace sampling with sodium sulfate. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: 4349-4351.
  97. Kamenetsky R., and Rabinowitch, H.D. (2001). Floral development in bolting garlic. Sex. Plant. Reprod. 13:235-241.
  98. Rabinowitch, H.D. and Levy, D. (2001). Physiology of the potato. In: Loebenstein, G., Berger, P.H., Brunt, A.A. and Lawson, R.H. 2001. (eds.) Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Potatoes and Production of Seed-Potatoes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London. pp. 1-19. (invited).
  99. Shainberg, O. B. Rubin, H. D. Rabinowitch, and E. Tel-Or (2001). Loading beans with sublethal levels of copper enhances conditioning to oxidative stress. J. Plant Physiol. 158:1415-1421.
  100. Shiboleth, Y. M. Gal-On, A., Koch, M., Rabinowitch, H. D., and Salomon, R. (2001). Molecular characterisation of Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) infecting garlic (Allium sativum L.) in Israel: Thermotherapy inhibits virus elimination by meristem tip culture. Ann. Appl. Biol. 138: 187-195.
  101. Zemah, H., Rabinowitch, H.D. and Kamenetsky, R. (2001). Florogenesis and flowering physiology of ornamental geophyte Allium aflatunense. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotech. 76, 507-513.
  102. Kamenetsky, R. and Rabinowitch, H.D. (2002). Florogenesis. In: Rabinowitch, H.D., Currah, L. eds. Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances. CABI, Wallingford, U.K. pp. 31-57.
  103. Mayer F, Takeoka G. R., Buttery R, Nam Y, Naim M, Bezman Y, Rabinowitch H (2002). Aroma of fresh field tomatoes.  In: Freshness and Shelf Life of Foods; Cadwallander, K. Weenen, H. (eds.) ACS Symposium Series No. 836. American Chemical Society. Washington DC, Chapter 11, pp. 144-161.
  104. Rabinowitch, H.D. and Kamenetsky, R. (2002).  Shallot (Allium cepa, Aggregatum group). In: Rabinowitch, H.D., Currah, L. eds. Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances. CABI, Wallingford, U.K.  pp. 409-430.
  105. Bezman, Y., Mayer, F., Takeoka, G.R., Buttery, R.G., Ben Oliel, G., Rabinowitch, H.D. and Naim, M. (2003). Differential effects of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill) matrix on the volatility of important aroma compounds. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 722-726.
  106. Kamenetsky, R., London Shafir, I., Baizerman, M., Khassanov, F., Kik, C. and H.D. Rabinowitch (2003). Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and its wild relatives from Central Asia: evaluation for fertility potential. Proc. XXVIth Internl. Hortic. Congr., Acta Hort. (ISHS) 637:83-91
  107. Ben Oliel, G., Kant Surya, Naim, M. Rabinowitch, H. D., Takeoka, G. R., Buttery, R. G. and Kafkafi, U. (2004). Effects of ammonium to nitrate ratio and salinity on yield and fruit quality of large and small tomato fruit hybrids. J. Plant Nutr. 27:1795-1812.
  108. Kamenetsky, R., London Shafir, I., Zemah, H., Barzilay, A. and Rabinowitch, H. D. (2004). Environmental Control of Garlic Growth and Florogenesis. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129:144-151.
  109. Mayer, F.; Takeoka, G.; Buttery, R.; Whitehand, L.; Bezman, Y.; Naim, M.; Rabinowitch, H. D. (2004) Differences in the aroma of selected fresh tomato cultivars. In Handbook of Flavor Characterization: Sensory Analysis, Chemistry, and Physiology (Food Science and Technology 131); Deibler, K. D.; Delwiche, J., Eds.; Marcel Dekker: New York, pp 189-205.
  110. Kamenetsky, R., London Shafir, I., Khassanov, F., Kik, C., van Heusden, A.W., Vrielink-van Ginkel, M., Burger-Meijer, K., Auger, J., Arnault, I. and Rabinowitch, H.D. (2005). Diversity in fertility potential and organo-sulphur compounds among garlics from Central Asia. J. Biodiversity Conservation 14:281-295.,2,20;journal,4,103;linkingpublicationresults,1:100125,1
  111. Kamenetsky, R., Gilad, Z., Hovav E., Sandler-Ziv, D. and Rabinowitch, H. D. (2006). Life cycle and florogenesis of the Israeli native geophytes Allium aschersonianum. Isr. J. Plant Sci. 54:249-255.
  112. Kamenetsky, R. and Rabinowitch, H.D. (2006). The Genus Allium: A developmental and horticultural analysis. Hort. Rev. 32:329-378.
  113. Kamenetsky, R., F. Khassanov, F., Rabinowitch, H. D., Auger, J. and Kik, K. (2007). Garlic biodiversity and genetic resources. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 1:1-5.
  114. Matsui, K., Ishii, M., Sasaki, M., Rabinowitch, H.D. and G. Ben-Oliel (2007). Identification of an allele attributable to formation of cucumber-like flavor in wild tomato species (Solanum pennellii) that was inactivated during domestication. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55:4080-4086.
  115. Rotem, N., Shemesh, E, Peretz, Y., Akad, F., Edelbaum, O., Rabinowitch1, H.D., Sela1, I. and Kamenetsky1, R. (2007). Reproductive development and phenotypic differences in garlic are associated with expression and splicing of leafy homologue gaLFY. J. Exptl. bot. 58:1133-1141.
    1 = equal contribution.
  116. Zheng, S-J., Kamenetsky, R., Fereol, L., Barandiaran, X., Rabinowitch, H. D., Chovelon, V., and Kik, C. (2007). Garlic biodiversity and genetic resources. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 1:6-15.
  117. Mayer, F., Takeoka, G., Buttery, R., Whitehand, L., Naim, M., Rabinowitch, H.D. (2008) Studies on the Aroma of Five Fresh Tomato Cultivars and the Precursors of the Cis- and Trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenals and Methional. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56:3749-3757.
  118. Peretz, Y., Levy, M., Avisar, E., Edelbaum, O., Rabinowitch, H. and Sela, I. (2008). A T7-driven silencing system in transgenic plants expressing T7 RNA polymerase is a nuclear process. Transgenic Res. 17:655-677.
  119. Shemesh, E., Scholten, O., Rabinowitch1, H.D. and Kamenetsky1, R. (2008) Unlocking variability: inherent variation and developmental traits of garlic plants originated from sexual reproduction. Planta 227:103-1024. 
    1 = Authorship shared equally
  120. Cohen, D., Sandler Ziv, D., Fintea, C., Ion, A., Forer, I., Rabinowitch, H. D. and Kamenetsky, R. (2009). New varieties of paperwhite Narcissus: Florogenesis and forcing requirements.  Isr. J. Plant Sci. 58:335-345.
  121. Golberg, A., Rabinowitch1, H. D. and Rubinsky, B. (2009). Galvanic apparent internal impedance; an intrinsic tissue property. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 389:168-171.
    1 = corresponding author.
  122. Rekah, Y., Rabinowitch, H. D.  and Katan, J. (2009). Evaluation of Resistance of Tomato Plants to Fusarium Wilt (Race 2): Three Approaches. Acta Hortic. 808:41-44.
  123. Golberg, A., Rabinowitch1, H. D. and Rubinsky, B. (2010). Zn/Cu- vegetative batteries, bioelectrical characterizations and primary cost analyses. J. Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2, 033103 (2010); doi:10.1063/1.3427222 (11 page)
    1 = corresponding author.
  124. Deepu M., Forer, Y., Rabinowitch1, H. D. and Kamenetsky, R. (2011). Effect of long photoperiod on the reproductive and bulbing processes in garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 71:166-173. doi:10.10.16/envexpbot.2010.11.008
  125. Golberg, A., Laufer, S., Rabinowitch, H. D. and Rubinsky, B. (2011). In vivo non-thermal irreversible electroporation impact on rat liver galvanic apparent internal resistance. Physics in Medicine and Biology 56: 951-963
    1 = corresponding author.
  126. Rotem, N., David-Schwartz, R.,  Peretz, Y., Sela, I. Rabinowitch, H. D. Flaishman, M. and  Kamenetsky, R. (2011). Flower development in garlic: the ups and downs of gLlfy expression. Planta 233:1063-1072.
  127. Rabinowitch H. D. and Cohen, R. (2012). Genetics and breeding for resistance and grafting for protection against Fusarium oxysporum wilts. Gullino L. M., Katan, J. and Garibaldi, A. (eds.). Fusarium Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. Part II: Management. APS PRESS
  128. Shemesh Mayer, E., Winiarczyk, K., Błaszczyk, L., Kosmala, A., Rabinowitch H. D. and Kamenetsky, R.  (2013). Male gametogenesis and sterility in garlic: barriers on the way to fertilization and seed production. Planta 237:103-120.
  129. Ofer Gover; Yuval Peretz; Rita Mozes-Koch; Eyal Maori; Haim D. Rabinowitch; Ilan Sela. (2014). Only minimal regions of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) are required for, replication, expression and movement. Corroboration of the tale of a plasmid becoming a virus. Arch. Virol. 159:2263–2274.
    doi: 10.1007/s00705-014-2066-7
  130. Kamenetsky, R. Faigenboim, A.  Shemesh Mayer, E. Ben Michael, T., Gershberg, C.  Kimhi, K., Esquira, I., Rohkin Shalom, S., Eshel, D., Rabinowitch, H. D., Sherman, A. (2015). An integrated transcriptome catalogue and organ-specific profiling of gene expression in fertile garlic (Allium sativum L.), BMC Genomics.16:12 doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1212-2.
  131. Shemesh Mayer, E., Ben-Michael, T., Rotem, N., Rabinowitch, H. D., Faigenboim, A., Kosmala, A., Perlikowski, D., Sherman, A. and Kamenetsky, R. (2015). Garlic (Allium sativum L.) fertility: transcriptome and proteome analyses provide insight into flower and pollen development. Frontiers in Plant Science.
  132. Shemesh Mayer, E.#, Ben-Michael, T.,Kimhi, K., Forer, I., Rabinowitch, H. D., and Kamenetsky, R. Effects of different temperature regimes on flower development, microsporogenesis and fertility in bolting garlic (Allium sativum). Functional Plant Biol.
    # Equal contribution
  133. Naschitz, S., Naor, A., Sax, Y., Shahak, S., Rabinowitch, H. D. (2015). Photo-oxidative sunscald of apple: Effects of temperature and light on fruit peel photoinhibition, bleaching and short-term tolerance acquisition. Scientia Horticul. 197:5-16.
  134. Levy, D. and Rabinowitch, H. D. (2016). Potatoes. Thomas, B.,  Murphy, D. and Murray, B. eds.  Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences. Elsevier Science. Pages 39-44.
  135. Kamenetsky, R. and Rabinowitch, H. D. (2016). Physiology of Domesticated Alliums: Onions, Garlic, Leek, and Minor Crops. Thomas, B.,  Murphy, D. and Murray, B. eds.  Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences. Elsevier Science. Pages 255-261.
  136. Rotem, N, Shtein, C. Rosner, A. Levy, D. and Rabinowitch, H. D. (2016). Detection and differentiation of potato virus y strains by melting analysis of an oligonucleotide virus probe. American J. Potato Research 93:620–625.
  137.  Mozes-Koch, R., Tanne, E., Brodezki, A., Yehuda, Y., Gover, O., Rabinowitch, H. D.and Sela, I. (2017). Expression of the entire polyhydroxybutyrate operon of Ralstonia eutropha in plants. Journal of Biological Engineering. 11:44 (9 pp).

Gene publications

  1. Rotem, N., Shemesh, E., Akad, F., Edelbaum, O., Kamenetsky, R., Rabinowitch, H.D. and Sela, I. (2004).Allium sativum LEAFY mRNA, spliced 1
  2. Rotem, N., Shemesh, E., Akad, F., Edelbaum, O., Kamenetsky, R., Rabinowitch, H.D. and Sela, I. (2004). FRIGIDA (Allium sativum)
  3. Rotem, N., Shemesh,E., Akad, F., Edelbaum,O., Kamenetsky,R., Rabinowhich, H.D. and Sela, I. (2004). Vernalization 2 protein homolog Allium sativum
  4. Rotem, N., Shemesh, E., Akad, F., Edelbaum, O., Kamenetsky, R., Rabinowhich, H.D. and  Sela, I. (2004).   Allium sativum LEAFY homolog DNA

Patents (2005 onwards)

  • 1. Galvanic apparent internal impedance: an intrinsic tissue property
  • 2. Introducing DNA to plants
  • 3. Expression of an entire bacterial PRN operon in plants
  • 4. Edible coatings for foods excluding morpholine