Amram Ashri

Prof. Amram Ashri

In Memoriam
Plant Science and Genetics


Prof. Amram Ashri

1929 - 2024

Plant breeding, preservation of the genetic resources, manpower-training in developing countries

Prof. Amram Ashri


Prof. Amram Ashri

1929 - 2024


CV Highlights

Born 1929, Haifa 
Ph.D. 1957, Univ. of Calif., Davis
Jacob and Rachel Liss Professor of Agronomy Emeritus 
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture

Research Interests

Optimal integrated plant breeding approaches. Breeding cultivars for low input conditions. Genetics and breeding of productive, determinate varieties of sesame -dehiscent and indehiscent. Improvement of mutation breeding techniques, using radiation and chemicals. Germ plasm resources in plant breeding. Enhancement, evaluation, documentation and preservation of the genetic resources of sesame, peanuts and safflower. Agricultural research and manpower-training in developing countries. 

Research Projects:

  • Sesame genetic resources: collection and evaluation.
  • Improved mutation breeding techniques in oil crops