Yonatan Elkind

Application of genetic engineering to plant breeding and physiology.
Molecular biology and genetic engineering: specifically, gene expression in transgenic plants.
Transposon tagging of polygenes and of agronomically important traits.
Genetics and physiology or pepper, tomato, squash and melon, with special emphasis on tomato fruit quality traits, Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) resistance and pepper fruit set under low temperatures.
Breeding and production of greenhouse pepper.
Genotype by night temperature interaction on pepper fruit quality. Funding: Ministry of Agriculture.
Breeding or pepper varieties for greenhouse production in Spain. Funding: Hazera Seed Co.
Pepper fruit quality. Funding: Marks & Spencer (UK).
Breeding of pepper hybrids for greenhouse production in the Arava. Funding: Zeraim Seed Co.
Transposon tagging of polygenes and argonomically important traits in tomato.
Quantitative and physiological aspects of transgene expression.