Born in Basra, Iraq, 1939. Immigrated to Israel in 1951.
Joined the faculty of agriculture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1973 as a Lecturer in biometrical genetics and breeding; promoted to the positions of senior lecturer, associate professor and full professor in 1978, 1989 and 1992 respectively.
During the years 1978-9, 1985-6, 1992, 1993, 1999 and 2001 spent sabbatical leaves at:
1) ABRO, Edinburgh, Scotland;
2) Leicester, England;
3) Guelph,Canada;
4) VPI, Virginia; and
5-6) Stanford University, USA.
Since 1985, his lab was focused in mapping projects and phylogenetic analyses. During these years, efforts were made to detect QTLs controlling complex traits, using several kinds of molecular markers in various species. In recent years, Deep Sequencing technologies were used for QTLs detection and biodiversity studies. The detected QTLs were used to produce customized microarrays as tools in breeding programs of chickens and turkeys.