1924 Born, Cernauti, Romania; in Israel since 1926.
1947 M.Sc. (Agr.) Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1955 Ph.D., Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1955-56 Post-Doctoral Research at the Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, England.
1957 Lecturer
1962-1963 Sabbatical at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA.
1963 Senior Lecturer
1968-1974 Chairman, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops.
1969 Associate Professor
1974-1975 Sabbatical at the Department of Genetics, University of Birmingham, England.
1979-1980 Sabbatical at the Crop Simulation Research Unit, ARS, USDA, Mississippi State, MS, USA.
1986-1988 Chairman, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops.
1988-1989 Sabbatical at the Systems Research Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, MD, USA.
1990 Sabbatical at the Root Physiology Research Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Urbana, IL, USA.
1991 Emeritus.
1991-1997 Visiting Scientist at the Water Management Research Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Fresno, CA, USA.
Cotton physiology and breeding.
Moisture stress in field crops and their response to irrigation.
Quantitative genetics in plant breeding.
Heterosis in cotton and its role in breeding.
The use of interspecific crosses in cotton breeding.
Computer modeling of physiological and soil processes, and of agricultural activities.
Development of a comprehensive computer model of cotton.
Cotton2K simulation model Nisuy Anova Software
1. Plaut, M., Marani, A. (1955). Experiments with fiber flax varieties. Ktavim 4:43-48.
2. Plaut, M., Marani, A., Bielorai, H. (1955). Experiments on the growing of Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) in Israel. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 4:388-391.
3. Marani, A. (1958). The relationship between time of harvesting and fibre production in flax under the conditions of Israel. Fibra 3:15-20.
4. Marani, A. (1961). Inheritance of yield components in a diallel cross of cotton. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 9D:195-196.
5. Marani, A., Hurwitz, S., Lachover, D., Goldin, E. (1961). Growth and nutrient uptake of two varieties of groundnuts under irrigation in Israel. Qualit. Plant. et Mater. Vegetab. 8:241-260.
6. Marani, A., Dag, J. (1962). Inheritance of the ability of cotton seeds to germinate at low temperature in the first hybrid generation. Crop Sci. 2:243-245.
7. Marani, A., Dag, J. (1962). The germination of some cotton varieties at low temperature. Crop Sci. 2:267.
8. Bentur, S., Luboshitzki, G., Marani, A. (1962). Chemical criterion for evaluation of tobacco. Bull. Res. Counc. of Israel 11C:240-248.
9. Marani, A., Horwitz, M. (1963). Growth and yield of cotton as affected by the time of a single irrigation. Agron. J. 55:219-222.
10. Marani, A. (1963). Optimum plot size for experiments with oriental tobacco. Israel J. agric. Res. 13:111-116.
11. Marani, A. (1963). Estimation of optimum plot size using Smith's procedure. Agron. J. 55:503.
12. Miller, P.A., Marani, A. (1963). Heterosis and combining ability in diallel crosses of upland cotton. Crop Sci. 3:441-444.
13. Marani, A. (1963). Heterosis and combining ability for yield and components of yield in a diallel cross of two species of cotton. Crop Sci. 3:552-555.
14. Marani, A., Aharonov, B. (1964). Rate of nitrogen absorption and dry matter production by upland cotton grown under irrigation. Israel J. agric. Res. 14:3-10.
15. Marani, A. (1964). Heterosis and combining ability for height and developmental data in a diallel cross of two species of cotton. Crop Sci. 4:265-268.
16. Marani, A., Fuchs, Y. (1964). Effect of the amount of water applied as a single irrigation on cotton grown under dryland conditions. Agron. J. 56:281-282.
17. Marani, A. (1964). Some variety X environment interactions in oriental tobacco and their implications on variety testing methods. Israel J. agric. Res. 14:117-120.
18. Ellern, S.J., Marani, A. (1964). The influence of dalapon on growth and development of automn-sown sugar beet. Weed Res. 4:223-228.
19. Marani, A., Aboye, A. (1965). Flowering and boll formation in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of cotton. Israel J. agric. Res. 15:13-20.
20. Marani, A., Sachs, Y. (1966). Heterosis and combining ability in a diallel cross among nine varieties of oriental tobacco. Crop Sci. 6:19-22.
21. Marani, A. (1967). Heterosis and combining ability in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 7:519-522.
22. Marani, A. (1968). Inheritance of lint quality characteristics in intraspecific crosses among varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. and of G. barbadense L. Crop Sci. 8:36-38.
23. Marani, A. (1968). Heterosis and F2 performance in intraspecific crosses among varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. and of G. barbadense L. Crop Sci. 8:111-113.
24. Marani, A. (1968). Heterosis and inheritance of quantitative characters in interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 8:299-303.
25. Marani, A. (1968). Inheritance of lint quality characteristics in interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 8:653-657.
26. Sela, I., Marani, A. (1970). Heterogeneity among the uniform-size fragments obtained from TMV-RNA. Archs. Biochem. Biophys. 139:450.
27. Marani, A., Amirav, A. (1970). Effect of delinting and of genetic factors on the germination of cotton seeds at low temperatures. Crop Sci. 10:509-511.
28. Zur, M., Marani, A., Carmeli, R. (1971). Effect of CMH as compared with that of CCC on height, earliness and yield of cotton. Israel J. agric. Res. 20:133-134.
29. Marani, A., Amirav, A. (1971). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. I. The coastal plain region. Experimental Agriculture 7:213-224.
30. Shimshi, D., Marani, A. (1971). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. II. The northern Negev region. Experimental Agriculture 7:225-239.
31. Marani, A., Amirav, A. (1971). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. III. The Bet-Shean valley. Experimental Agriculture 7:289-301.
32. Marani, A., Fishler, G., Amirav, A. (1971). The inheritance of resistance to blue mold (Peronospora tabacina Adam) in two cultivars of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.). Euphytica 21:97-105.
33. Zur, M., Marani, A., Karadavid, B. (1972). Effect of growth retardants CCC and CMH on cotton. Cotton Grow. Rev. 49:250-257.
34. Marani, A., Avieli, A. (1973). Heterosis during the early phases of growth in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of cotton. Crop Sci. 13:15-18.
35. Marani, A. (1973). Effects of soil moisture stress on two varieties of upland cotton in Israel. IV. Effects of periods of stress occurrence, correlations and regressions. Experimental Agriculture 9:121-128.
36. Marani, A., Levi, D. (1973). The effect of soil moisture during early stages of development on growth and yield of cotton plants. Agron. J. 65:637-641.
37. Marani, A., Zur, M., Eshel, A., Zimmerman, H., Carmeli, R., Karadavid, B. (1973). Effect of time and rate of application of two growth retardants on growth, flowering and yield of upland cotton. Crop Sci. 13:429-432.
38. Marani, A., Ephrat, E., Dor, Z. (1974). Effect of wide plant spacing on six cultivars of upland cotton. Crop Sci. 14:271-273.
39. Ashri, A., Zimmer, D.E., Urie, A.L., Cahaner, A., Marani, A. (1974). Evaluation of the germ-plasm collection of safflower, C. tinctorius L. IV. Yield and yield components and their relationships. Crop Sci. 14:799-802.
40. Marani, A. (1975). Simulation of response of small self-fertilizing populations to selection for quantitative traits: Effect of number of loci, selection intensity and initial heritability under conditions of no dominance. Theor. and Appl. Genetics 46:221-231.
41. Marani, A., Yaacobi, Y.Z. (1976). Evaluation of Verticillium wilt tolerance in upland cotton relative to lint yield reduction. Crop Sci. 16:392-395.
42. Ashri, A., Knowles, P.F., Zimmer, D.E., Urie, A.L., Cahaner, A., Marani, A. (1977). Evaluation of the germ-plasm collection of safflower, C. tinctorius L. III. Oil content and iodine value and their associations with other characters. Economic Botany 31:38-46.
43. Wallach, D., Marani, A., Kletter, E. (1978). The relation of cotton crop growth and development to final yield. Field Crops Res. 1:283-294.
44. Marani, A. (1979). Growth rate of cotton bolls and their components. Field Crops Res. 2:169-175.
45. Marani,A., Ephrath, J. (1985). Penetration of radiation into cotton crop canopies. Crop Sci. 25:309-313.
46. Marani, A., Baker,D.N., Reddy, V.R., McKinion, J.M. (1985). The effect of water stress on canopy senescence and apparent photosynthesis in cotton. Crop Sci. 25:798-802.
47. Netzer, D., Tal, Y., Marani, A., Weintall, C. (1985). Resistance of interspecific cotton hybrids ( Gossypium hirsutum X G. barbadense containing G. harknessii cytoplasm) to Fusarium wilt. Plant Disease 69:312-313.
48. Wolf, S., Rudich, J., Marani, A., Rekah, Y. (1986). Predicting harvesting date of processing tomatoes by a simulation model. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 111:11-16.
49. Wolfson, D., Marani, A., Steinitz, B. (1987). Chilling sensitivity of roselle. Hortscience 22:954.
50. Halevy, J., Marani, A., Markovitz, T. (1987). Growth and NPK uptake of high-yielding cotton grown at different nitrogen levels in a permanent-plot experiment. Plant and Soil 103:39-44.
51. Olesinski, A.A., Wolf, S., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1989) Effect of leaf age and shading on photosynthesis in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Annals of Botany 64:643-650.
52. Olesinski, A.A., Wolf, S., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1989) The effect of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation frequency on photosynthesis of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Annals of Botany 64:651-657.
53. Ephrath, J.E., Shteinberg, D., Drieshpoun, J., Dinoor, A., Marani, A. (1989) Alternaria alternata in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv Acala: effects on gas exchange, yield components and yield accumulation. Neth. J. Plant Path. 95:157-166.
54. Wolf, S., Olesinski, A.A., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1990) Effect of high temperature on photosynthesis in potatoes. Annals of Botany 65:179-185.
55. Wolf, S., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1990). Effect of high temperature on assimilate partitioning in potatoes. Annals of Botany 66:513-520.
56. Ephrath, J., Marani, A., Bravdo, B.A. (1990) Effects of moisture stress on stomatal resistance and photosynthetic rate in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.). I. Constant levels of stress. Field Crops Research 23:117-131.
57. Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A,. Marani, A. (1990) Wheat disease control advisory, a decision support system for management of foliar diseases of wheat in Israel. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 12:195-203
58. Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A,. Marani, A. (1990) Evaluation of the single tillers method for yield loss assessment in wheat under Israeli conditions. Journal of Phytopathology 130: 331-341
59. Saranga, Y., Rudich, J., Marani, A. (1991) The relations between leaf water potential of cotton plants and environmental and plant factors. Field Crops Research 28:39-46.
60. Saranga, Y., Zamir, D., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1991) Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: field evaluation of Lycopersicon germplasm for yield and dry-matter production. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 116:1067-1071.
61. Wolf, S., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1991). Effect of temperature on carbohydrate metabolism in potato plants. J. Exp. Bot. 42:619-625.
62. Saranga, Y., Cahaner, A., Zamir, D., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1992) Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: inheritance of salt tolerance and related traits in interspecific population. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84:390-396.
63. Marani, A., G.E. Cardon, and C.J. Phene. (1992). CALGOS, a version of GOSSYM adapted for irrigated cotton. I. Drip irrigation, soil water transport and root growth. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1992: 1352-1357.
64. Marani, A., C.J. Phene. and G.E. Cardon. (1992). CALGOS, a version of GOSSYM adapted for irrigated cotton. II. Leaf water potential and the effect of water stress. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1992: 1358-1360.
65. Marani, A., C.J. Phene. and G.E. Cardon. (1992). CALGOS, a version of GOSSYM adapted for irrigated cotton. III. Leaf and boll growth routines. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1992: 1361-1363.
66. Marani, A., R.B. Hutmacher, and C.J. Phene. (1993). Validation of CALGOS simulation of leaf water potential in drip irrigated cotton. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conference 1993: 1225-1228.
67. Saranga, Y., Zamir, D., Marani, A., Rudich, J. (1993) Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: variations in ion concentrations associated with response to salinity. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 118:405-408.
68. Arazi, Y., Wolf, S., Marani, A. (1993). A prediction of developmental stages in potato plants based on the accumulation of heat units. Agric. Syst. 43:35-50.
69. Ephrath, J.E., Marani, A., Bravdo, B.A. (1993) Photosynthetic rate, stomatal resistance and leaf water potential in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) as affected by soil water and irradiance. Photosynthetica 29:63-71.
70. Ephrath, J.E., and Marani, A. 1993. Simulation of the effect of drought stress on the rate of photosynthesis in cotton. Agricultural Systems 42:327-341.
71. Ephrath, J.E., Goudriaan, J., Marani, A. 1996. Modelling diurnal patterns of air temperature, radiation, wind speed and relative humidity by equations from daily characteristics. Agricultural Systems 51:377-393.
Cotton2K is a cotton simulation model specially adapted for irrigated cotton production in arid regions. It was written by:
Avishalom Marani
Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Plant Science
School of Agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
P.O.Box 12, Rehovoth 76100, Israel
Cotton2K is actually the latest version of the CALGOS model, which was developed while working as a visiting scientist at the USDA-ARS Water Management Research Laboratory, Fresno, CA, USA. For more information about the model see: Description of Cotton2K
The model software may be downloaded for educational, extension and research oriented uses.
The source code of the model is now offered to all research and education workers who are interested in crop simulation modeling, as an "open source code". For more information, and for downloading the source code, go to the following link: Cotton2K Model Open Source Code
The following are the minimum requirements for installing and running Cotton2K:
PC with a Pentium II processor or better (Pentium 3 or higher recommended);
Windows 98 or Windows NT4 (Windows XP or 2000 recommended);
VGA or SVGA screen and video card (resolution 1024 x 768 or higher recommended);
at least 10 MB available on the hard disk;
a minimum of 256 MB RAM memory (512 MB recommended);
a color printer is recommended
Instructions on how to use the model can be found in the help file "CottonModel.chm" in the program folder.
Please send any comments, problems encountered, bug reports or suggestions for improvement to the following Email address: Avshalom.Marani@mail.huji.ac.il
This version (4.0) may be installed in a new folder, but it is recommended to install it in the same folder as the older version, using the following procedure:
Before starting the installation, delete only the files in the "..\HELP" subfolder. If the previous version is 1.1 or older, delete also the files in the "..\DATA" subfolder. Installation will keep all existing input and output files in the other subfolders.
Before running the program, all the input files from versions 1.1 or older must be upgraded to the new format. To do so, just open each file by the appropriate program and then save it.
Download Cotton2K Version 4.0 (2.70 Mb)
Last updated: 10th of October 2004
cotton2kver40setup.zip | 2.64 MB |
A. Marani
Version historyThe COTTON2K cotton simulation model is descended from GOSSYM-COMAX. Its main purpose was to make the model more useful for conditions of cotton production under irrigation in the arid regions of the Western USA. Since many changes have been made in the model, it has been given a new name: CALGOS (for CALifornia GOSsym). The present version, which is completely revised has been renamed COTTON2K.
The 1997 version of CALGOS had options both for Windows 3.1 and for Windows 95. The user interface had been compiled by Microsoft Visual C++ version 4, and the model itself by Microsoft PowerStation FORTRAN version 4.
The 1998 and 1999 versions could be run by Windows 95, 98 and Windows NT4 only. The user interface had been compiled by Microsoft Visual C++ version 5 and the model itself was compiled by Digital Visual Fortran version 5.
The COTTON2K user interface has been compiled by Microsoft Visual C++ version 6, and it makes more use of Windows 9x/NT conventions for editing, opening and saving files, etc. The model itself was compiled by Compaq Visual Fortran version 6.5 for the Windows environment.
In Versions 3.0 and later, the model itself has been translated from Fortran to C++, and both the user interface and the model itself have been compiled by Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003.
Version 4.0 has been optimized for Windows XP, but it can also be run by Windows 98, Windows NT4 and later versions of Windows.
Main characteristics of the Cotton2K modelThis is a process-level model. It simulates the processes occurring in the soil, plant, and in the microenvironment, and the interactions between these processes and the management inputs applied to the field.
The main characteristics of COTTON2K, with emphasize on the differences between it and GOSSYM, will be summarized here. Most of these modifications, which have made CALGOS and COTTON2K more suitable than GOSSYM, or other previous cotton models, for use in the irrigated arid regions, may be summarized as follows:
Potential evapotranspiration is computed on an hourly basis, using equations derived from those adopted by CIMIS (California Irrigation Management Information Service). In order to enhance the accuracy of the computation of potential evapotranspiration, a procedure for estimating hourly values of weather parameters from the daily values has been implemented. Note that in addition to the daily weather input parameters used by GOSSYM (global radiation, maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, wind) daily average dew-point temperatures are now also required as input.
The root sub model has been modified, especially concerning the responses of root growth and activity to differential soil moisture conditions. Average soil water potential is computed as an average for the whole root zone, weighted by root activity in each soil cell. This soil water potential is used for modifying the potential evapotranspiration and computing the actual transpiration by the plants.
Water movement in the soil is computed as a combination of implicit and explicit numerical procedures. This is done at an hourly time step.
Leaf water potential is computed on the basis of the average soil water potential, plant resistance to water transport, and potential transpiration. The leaf water potential is then used to compute empirical water-stress factors. These water-stress factors affect the growth rates of plant parts, aging rates of leaves and bolls, photosynthesis, and abscission rates of leaves, squares and bolls.
In addition to surface methods of irrigation (sprinklers, furrows), the option of drip irrigation has been implemented as input to the model.
The model can also be used to predict the irrigation requirements of the crop, under given weather scenarios and soil conditions, for drip as well as for other methods of irrigation.
The processes of nitrogen mineralization (from decomposing organic matter) and nitrification in the soil have been modified. Modules for denitrification, N immobilization under high C/N ratios, urea hydrolysis, and transport of nitrate and urea in the soil have been added.
Uptake of N by the plants is assumed to be affected by the growth requirements of each plant part, and it is simulated as a Michaelis-Menten procedure. New procedures have been devised to simulate the allocation and reallocation of nitrogen to all plant parts. Nitrogen stress factors are computed, and their effects on plant growth rates, aging of leaves and bolls, and abscission of squares and bolls are simulated.
Leaf growth is simulated separately for blades and petioles, using the monomolecular growth function. The parameters of the growth function are dependant on the node position of each leaf. The routines for leaf aging and abscission have also been completely revised.
Boll growth is simulated separately for seed-cotton and for burrs, using improved growth functions. The logistic function is used to simulate the growth of seedcotton, whereas burr growth is assumed to be linear for the first three weeks after flowering. The routines for boll aging, square and boll abscission, and boll opening have also been revised.
The rate of abscission of squares and bolls is assumed to be affected by carbon stress, water stress, and nitrogen stress. There is a time lag (usually 5 to 6 days, depending on temperature) between the occurrence of the physiological stress and the actual abscission caused by it. The susceptibility of each square or boll to shedding is simulated as a function of its physiological age and the severity of stress.
The temperature of the soil surface is computed by solving the energy balance equation at the soil surface: heat conductance in the soil, incoming short wave radiation, incoming long wave radiation (from sky and from canopy), outgoing long wave radiation, sensible heat transfer, and latent heat of evaporation.
The temperature of the plant canopy is similarly computed by solving the energy balance equation at the canopy interface with the air: incoming short wave radiation, incoming long wave radiation (from sky and from soil), outgoing long wave radiation, sensible heat transfer, and latent heat of transpiration.
Heat flux in the soil is computed as a combination of implicit and explicit numerical procedures. All these procedures are done at an hourly time step. The incorporation of these processes enables the model to simulate the effect of a plastic mulch covering the soil surface.
7. Time Steps used in the Model.
Most of the procedures in the model, as in many other models, are computed in a daily time step. However, in order to increase the accuracy of the simulation, we can now utilize the enormous computing power of today's personal computers, and compute some procedures in an hourly time step. Although weather input data are on a daily basis, the model can estimate the hourly values of these data. The "heat units" (or "physiological age") concept, used to express the effects of temperature on growth rates and phenology, is now computed at an hourly time step.
The following procedures are now computed at an hourly time step: transpiration and evaporation from the soil surface, water and nitrogen movement in the soil, heat flux in the soil, energy exchanges at the soil-plant-air interfaces, soil and canopy temperatures, prediction of plant germination and emergence.
Scientific principles on which the model is basedCotton Plant physiology
Growth rates are related to temperature, using the concept of ìheat unitsî also referred to as ìdegree daysî. This is, however, modified as follows: calculations are based on hourly heat unit accumulation, using computed hourly temperature values. The threshold value is assumed to be 12 C. One ìphysiological dayî is equivalent to a day with an average temperature of 26 C, and is therefore equal to the sum of heat units per day divided by 14.
A linear relationship is assumed between temperature and heat unit accumulation in the range of 12 C to 33 C. The effect of temperatures higher than 33 C is assumed to be equivalent to that of 33 C.
In addition to temperature, carbon stress, water stress, and nitrogen stress have a strong effect on all simulated rates of growth and development.
Carbon stress: Potential growth of each organ is driven by its age and position, as well as by temperature. These ìpotentialî growth rates are computed for roots, stems, each leaf blade and petiole, each square, and for seedcotton and burs in each boll. The sum of these potential growth rates is the ìcarbon sinkî.
Gross photosynthesis is computed from radiation, plant cover (radiation interception), temperature, CO2 content in the air, water stress, and nitrogen content in the leaf blade. Subtracting photorespiration, maintenance respiration and growth respiration results in net photosynthesis. This, together with the supply from mobilized starch stored in the leaves and in the taproots, is the ìcarbon sourceî.
When the carbon source is less than the carbon sink, the potential growth cannot be realized, resulting in a condition called ìcarbon stressî. This is numerically expressed as the ratio between source and sink (1 = no stress, and 0 = a most severe stress). There are usually two main periods of carbon stress in cotton:
When carbon stress occurs, growth is reallocated according to the priorities of the different plant organs. Highest priority is for square and boll growth, lowest priority for stem and root growth. Carbon stress also reduces the rates of appearance of new nodes, rate of stem growth in height, and is considered to be the main cause of square and boll shedding.
Water stress: Potential transpiration is computed by the modified Penman equation (CIMIS version). Actual transpiration is modified by the light interception factor of the plant canopy, and by the average soil water potential (which is computed for soil cells containing active roots only, an average weighted by the amount of active roots in each soil cell).
Early morning (maximum) leaf water potential is derived directly from the average soil water potential. The minimum leaf water potential occurs when transpiration rate is maximal (usually in the early afternoon). The product of the maximum transpiration rate and the total plant resistance to water transport decreases the minimum leaf water potential. These leaf water potential values are the basis for computing several empirical water stress factors (where 1 = no stress, 0 = most severe stress).
The water stress factors affect rates of photosynthesis, leaf aging, growth in height, shedding of bolls, rate of boll maturation, allocation of photosynthates, and growth rates of all organs.
Nitrogen stress: Cotton2k computes the rates of urea hydrolysis in the soil, mineralization of organic N, nitrification of ammonium N, denitrification of nitrate N, and movement of soluble N (nitrate and urea) in the soil. It also computes the uptake of N by plant roots.
The nitrogen in plant organs is computed in the following way. The model first computes the N requirements for growth. Then it calculates the supply of N from uptake and from reserves. The model then computes the allocation of N to the plant organs, and the concentrations of N in plant dry matter. If supply of N does not cover the requirements for growth, the model computes nitrogen stress factors. There is a feedback of computed N requirements to the N uptake routine. Nitrogen stress affects growth, new node production, leaf aging and abscission.
Cotton Plant Phenology
The model simulates the development of vegetative branches, fruiting branches, their nodes and the associated appearance of leaves and squares in each node. This involves a number of processes and rates: production of new pre-fruiting nodes and leaves; appearance of first square; production of new fruiting branches and new nodes on existing fruiting branches. These rates are a function of temperature, stresses, and in some cases also of population density.
Soil processes
The model simulates the capillary flow and gravity flow of water and nitrate and urea in the soil, redistribution of water and nitrate and urea after irrigation (surface or drip), and evaporation of water from the soil surface.
Using daily weather data in the input files, hourly values of temperature, global radiation, etc., are estimated, and used to compute evapotranspiration, soil temperatures and plant temperatures, as well as rates of growth and development.
Input data neededAlthough the model works in metric units, there are options for input and output in English units.
Climate data
For each day during the cotton season, the following weather data are needed: Radiation, Maximum air temperature, Minimum air temperature, Rainfall, Daily wind run (if not available ñ input of seasonal average is needed), and Dew point temperature (if not available ñ it will be estimated by the model).
There are two types of weather files: (1) actual weather ñ can be used when the simulation is run after the climate data were measured; (2) predicted weather ñ based on previously recorded weather scenarios.
Agricultural input data
The Agricultural Input File contains the following information about the agricultural input for a simulation run.
Irrigation application. For each irrigation that has been applied, or is planned to be applied, the following data are required: Date, Effective amount of water applied (in inches or mm), Method of irrigation (sprinkler, furrow, or drip), and Location of the drip tubes (if it is a drip system) - the horizontal distance is measured from the mid-point between two plant rows, and the vertical distance is measured from the soil surface (inches or cm may be used).
Irrigation prediction. The model can be used to predict the optimal irrigation regime. The following data are required for using this option: Dates of starting and stopping the predicted irrigation, Minimum number of days between successive irrigations, Maximum amount of water to apply in each irrigation, Method of irrigation (sprinkler, furrow, or drip), Location of the drip tubes (if it is a drip system), Required depth of soil to be wetted (if it is a furrow or a sprinkler system). The recommended wetting depth for cotton is usually 90 cm (or 36 inches).
Nitrogen fertilizer application. For each application that has been applied, or is planned to be applied, the following data are required: Date of application, Effective amount of nitrogen applied as NH4, NO3 or urea (in lbs. per acre or kg per hectare), Method of application (broadcast, side dressing, foliar, or drip), Location of the application (if the method is side dressing or drip).
Cultivation. For each cultivation the following data are required: Date of cultivation, Depth cultivation
Defoliation. For each application of defoliation the following data are required: Date of application, Method of application (broadcast, sprinkler, or banded), Band width (in cm or inches), if it is a banded application, Rate of application, Units of application rate (lbs. per acre, gal per acre, oz per acre, acre per lb., or acre per gal).
Defoliation prediction. The model can be used to predict the optimal defoliation regime. The following data are required for using this option: Percentage of boll opening at the first defoliation (usually between 65% and 90%), The date to defoliate even if boll opening has not reached the defined level.
Pix application. For each application of Pix the following data are required: Date of application, Method of application (broadcast, sprinkler, or banded), Band width, if it is a banded application, Rate of application, Units of application rate (lbs. per acre, gal per acre, oz per acre, acre per lb., or acre per gal).
Water table and salinity data. For cases of shallow water table conditions (less than 2 m), or saline soils, the following data are required: Date (of start of this water table or salinity condition), Depth of water table (in cm below soil surface), Soil salinity, from saturated soil extract, measures in milimhos per cm (dS/m in SI units), averaged for the soil layers with active roots
Soil characteristic data
General Soil Properties (common to all soil layers):Soil Water potential at field capacity - The default value for this property is -0.3 bars, but it may vary in extreme sandy or clay soils. Use bar units.Soil Water potential for free drainage - The default value for this property is -0.15 bars, but it may vary in extreme sandy or clay soils. Use bar units.
Properties specific for each soil profile layer: Up to nine layers can be defined. If there is no detailed information about this soil, at least one layer should be defined.Depth to the end of this soil layer.Parameters for the 'van Genuchten' equation - This equation relates the soil water potential to the soil water content. There are four parameters: Residual water content (by volume); Saturated water content (by volume); Alpha coefficient; Beta coefficient.Hydraulic conductivity - Input at least either the saturated conductivity, or the conductivity at field capacity. This will be the basis for computing the relationship of actual hydraulic conductivity with soil water content. Use cm per day units. Soil Bulk density.Clay and Sand content - percent by weight of dry soil.
Soil initial data
Soil data at the start of a simulation run. The data are for eleven successive 15 cm (or 6 inches) deep layers of the soil, and a 12th layer which extends down to the bottom of the soil slab (total of 200 cm, or 80 inches):
Water content, as percent of field capacity.Soil nitrate and soil ammonium content, as kg per ha, or lbs. per acre of N for each layer.Soil organic matter, as percent of soil dry weight.
Simulation Profile data
The profile file defines a single simulation run. It points to the other input files used for this simulation. Other data needed for this file:
Site location: Latitude and longitude (degrees), elevation above sea level.
Dates: Start and end of simulation, Planting or Emergence.
Crop Data: The cultivar used (a number of cultivars, for which the model has been calibrated, are available now. If another variety is actually used, choose the calibrated variety that is most similar in its phenology and morphology).
Site: Choose one of several availables sites. (The climate functions have been calibrated for the California San Joaquin Valley, the Arizona Phoenix-Tucson area, and the Israel coastal plain and upper Galil. Choose the site closest to your actual climatic conditions).
Field data: Row spacing, Number of Plants per Row Unit, Skip-rows (Yes or No; if Yes - input skip row width). Skip row width is the smaller distance between two adjacent rows. When skip rows are defined, "row spacing" will mean the average distance between rows.
The profile file is also used to indicate the required optional outputs (some basic output will always be produced), and the units of the output (English or metric units). It also indicates if site numbers and weights of plant parts will be output on a per plant or per unit area basis.
The output dataThere are three types of output files:
1. Text files : Summary of results; summary of input; detailed daily output; plant maps; plant vigor data.
2. Charts : graphs of 18 output variables.
3. Soil maps: two-dimensional graphs of the soil slab.
Problems of calibration for new cultivars or new areasThe model has been validated using extensive data sets from California, Arizona and Israel. It has presently been calibrated for the following cultivars: Acala SJ-2, GC-510, Maxxa, Deltapine 61, Deltapine 77, and Sivon.
Cotton cultivars differ in many of their properties. This is expressed in the model by the values of parameters used in equations describing the following:Rates of leaf growth, stem growth, square and boll growth.Rates of appearance of new nodes (prefruiting, main stem, fruiting branch).Time to square, to flower, and to open boll.Susceptibility of abscission to stresses.
The weather related procedures have been tested and calibrated for the following regions: California San Joaquin Valley, Arizona (Phoenix - Tucson area), Israel Coastal Plain, and Israel Upper Galil (Hula valley area).
Differences between sites (geographical areas) are expressed in the model by the values of parameters used in equations describing the following:Estimates of hourly wind speeds and hourly dew point temperatures.Estimates of cloud type correction for computing hourly long wave radiation emitted from the sky.Difference between time of daily maximum temperature and solar noon.Estimates of daily deep soil temperatures (at 2 m depth).Estimate of hourly relative humidities.
The latest version of Cotton2K enables advanced users to create their own calibration files for a new cultivar or for a new site.
Possible uses of the model by extension staff and growersEducation: Use output files and charts to show the response of cotton to different irrigation or nitrogen fertilizer regimes, planting dates, plant density, or to different weather scenarios.
Management: Use the ëirrigation predictioní option for planning irrigation regime for different soil types and weather scenarios. Try to eliminate Nitrogen stress by modifying the fertilizer regime (Hint: disregard N stress that coincides with C stress). Use the ëdefoliation predictioní option to get an idea when to defoliate.
Using plant mapping results : As a result of pests or diseases, or deficiencies in P or K or other nutrients, or incorrect input data ñ actual plant development in the field may be significantly different from model predictions. In this case, create a ë*.MAPí file from plant mapping results, and rerun the model any time during the growing season, using this file as input. Also, actual weather data will replace the predicted weather data for any rerun during the growing season.
The source code of Cotton2K is hereby made available for research and education purposes. As many other crop simulation models, this model simulates processes involving weather elements, soil water, soil nitrogen, soil temperature, root growth, plant growth, plant phenology, plant water relations, plant nitrogen, etc. Some of these simulated processes are unique to the cotton crop, but most of them can be used (unchanged, or with some modifications) in simulation models of other crops.
Scientists who try to develop crop simulation models often spend a lot of their time in developing the framework of the model, and in repeating tasks that have already been done by other scientists. Programming is a very time - consuming effort (if done by scientists or graduate students), or expensive (if done by hired programmers). Progress in crop modeling would therefore be greatly enhanced if some modelers will be willing to share their efforts, and other modelers will be able to use some existing "building blocks" and add to them their own contribution. The concept of "object oriented programming", which is now used in all modern programming languages, makes it easy to transfer code segments from one model to another.
For general information about the cotton2Kmodel see: Description of Cotton2K
I hope some segments of this code will be found useful by members of the crop modelling community. Please do not hesitate to write me if you have any questions, comments or criticism.
The code is written in C++, and compiled by Microsoft Visual C++.Net 2003. Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) are used for deriving the framework of the model, but most of the functions are class-free and may probably be compiled by any C++ compiler. The code is commented to add explanations for most of the code segments. Local variables are defined when declared in each function. The 'file scope' variables are defined at the beginning of each file. The 'global' variables are defined in file 'global.cpp'.
This program (version 4.0) has been written in 2004 by
Avishalom Marani
Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Plant Science
School of Agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
P.O.Box 12
Rehovoth 76100
Email address: Avshalom.Marani@mail.huji.ac.il
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To receive a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA, or contact http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
The following is adapted from parts of the document created by the Free Software Foundation.
You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.
If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission.
The code of program CottonModel includes the following files and functions:
Package A. General Framework:Package B. Input Routines:
Package C. Climate:
Package E. Soil Temperature:
Package F. The Root System:
Package G.The Cotton Plant:
Package H. Output Routines:
All the source code files can be downloaded at once (file size 208 KB). Another option is to download each or some of the packages separately . To get the list of files in each package see List of files and functions . In this case, it is recommended not to exclude Section A, which contains the header files and the dictionary of global variables.Downloading Information
The downloaded files are stored as *.zip files. Unzip before attempting to read these files. Read these files by any text editor (like Notepad) or any C++ compiler.
Section A contains some files, specific for the compiler, which are needed for compilation. If compilation is not needed, only files of type *.cpp, *.h, or *.rc have to be read.
To download All the files of the source code: Download Source Code of Cotton2K
To download individual sections of the source code:
Package A - Download General Framework
Package B - Download Input Routines
Package C - Download Climate Routines
Package D - Download Soil Routines
Package E - Download Soil Temperature Routines
Package F - Download Root System Routines
Package G - Download Cotton Plant Routines
Package H - Download Output Routines
NisuyWin is a Windows version of the old DOS program "Nisuy". This program computes Analysis of Variance and Multiple Range tests. It is specially adapted for analyzing agricultural field experiments, but it can also be used for other types of experiments. "NisuyWin" is the English version, for details about downloading the Hebrew version of the program read below.
In version 4.0, which is an upgrade of previous version 3.0, some minor errors have been corrected.
The program was written by
Avishalom Marani
Professor Emeritus at the School of Agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
P.O.Box 12, Rehovoth 76100, Israel
The software may be downloaded freely for educational, extension and research oriented uses.
The following are the minimum requirements for installing and running NisuyWin:
PC with a Pentium processor or better (Pentium III or higher recommended);
Windows 98 or Windows NT4 or later versions of Windows (Windows XP or 2000 recommended);
VGA or SVGA screen and video card (resolution 1024 x 768 or higher recommended);
at least 4 MB available on the hard disk;
a minimum of 64 MB RAM memory (256 MB or more recommended);
Download NisuyWin English Version 4.0 (1.92 Mbyte)
After downloading the "zip" file, unzip it to a temporary folder.
If you have a previous version of NisuyWin, uninstall it.
Run Setup.exe and follow instructions of the guided installation process.
Instructions on how to use the program can be found in the help file "NisuyWin.chm" (double-click it after installation).
Please send any comments, problems encountered, bug reports or suggestions for improvement to the following Email address:
מידע על הורדת התוכנה NisuyWinHeb Version 4.0
NisuyWinHeb היא הגרסה העברית של תוכנת "ניסוי" לחלונות, שהיא עיבוד של גרסת דוס הישנה. תוכנה זו מיועדת לחישוב ניתוח השונות ומבחני תחום בתוצאות ניסויי שדה , אך היא שימושית גם לניתוח של ניסויים אחרים. ראה לעיל הוראות להורדת הגרסה האנגלית NisuyWin
גרסה 4.0 מחליפה את הגרסה הקודמת 3.0, והוכנסו בה כמה תיקוני שגיאות. התוכנה נכתבה על ידי
פרופ' אבישלום מראני
הפקולטה למדעי החקלאות המזון והסביבה
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
ת"ד 12, רחובות, 76100
מותר להשתמש בתוכנה ללא תשלום לצרכי הוראה, הדרכה ומחקר.
דרישות חומרה ותוכנה
כמו לתוכנה בגירסתה האנגלית, ראה לעיל. מערכת ההפעלה צריכה להיות כמובן מסוגלת לעבוד בעברית.
התקנת התוכנה NISUYWINHEB
הורדת NisuyWinHeb הגירסה העברית 4.0 (1.92 Mbyte)
נא לשלוח הערות, הודעה על שגיאות או בעיות שהתגלו, או הצעות לשיפור, בדואר אלקטרוני לכתובת הבאה: Avshalom.Marani@mail.huji.ac.il
Last updated: 10 October 2004
nisuywinver40.zip | 1.93 MB | |
nisuywinheb4h.zip | 1.93 MB |