We are interested in understanding how different plant species use different environmental cues (changes in temperature, photoperiod, light quality and light intensity) and internal cues (fruit load) to correctly time the transition to flowering. We have recently moved our focus to fruit trees.
We are currently interested in three directions:
1). How fruit load reduces flowering intensity, causing alternate bearing studying Olive and Apple.
2). How increased temperature, fruit load and light intensity affect flower development and fruit set in (Passiflora edulis (Passion fruit).
3). Breeding new cultivars of Passionfruit.
Arabidopsis thaliana
Passiflora edulis (Passion Fruit)
Revital Amin |
Ravit Eshed |
Yael Assouline |
Ayala Gover |
Hamutal Lotan |
Kamy Singer |
Judith Paltiel |
Nahum Nave |
Anat Elbaz
Paula Teper
Dr. Ehud Katz