Prof. Alon Samach

Research Interest

We are interested in understanding how different plant species use different environmental cues (changes in temperature, photoperiod, light quality and light intensity) and internal cues (fruit load) to correctly time the transition to flowering. We have recently moved our focus to fruit trees.

We are currently interested in three directions:

1). How fruit load reduces flowering intensity, causing alternate bearing studying Olive and Apple.

2). How increased temperature, fruit load and light intensity affect flower development and fruit set in (Passiflora edulis (Passion fruit).

3). Breeding new cultivars of Passionfruit.



The Main Species We Are Working On In The Lab Are:


Arabidopsis thaliana

Passiflora edulis (Passion Fruit)



List of Publications

  1. Haberman A, Ackerman M, Crane O, Kelner JJ, Costes E, Samach A (2016) Different flowering response to various fruit loads in apple cultivars correlates with degree of transcript reaccumulation of a TFL1-encoding gene. The Plant Journal DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13190
  2. Tal Y, Anavi S, Reisman M, Samach A, Tirosh O, Troen A (2016) The neuroprotective properties of a novel variety of passion fruit. Journal of Functional Foods 23: 259-369
  3. Ackerman M, Samach A (2015) Doubts regarding carbohydrate shortage as a trigger toward abscission of specific Apple (Malus domestica) fruitlets. New Negatives in Plant Science: DOI:10.1016/j.neps.2015.1006.1003
  4. Freiman A, Golobovitch S, Yablovitz Z, Belasov E, Dehan Y, Peer R, Avraham L, Freiman Z, Evenor D, Reuveni M, Sobolev V, Edelman M, Shahak Y, Samach A, Flaishman MA (2015) Expression of flowering locus T2 transgene from Pyrus communis L.delays dormancy and leaf senescence in Malus x domestica Borkh, and causes early flowering in tobacco. Plant Science 241: 164-176
  5. Rocha DI, Monte-Bello C, Sobol S, Samach A, Dornelas MC (2015) Auxin and physical constraint exerted by the perianth promote the androgynophore bending in Passiflora mucronata L. (Passifloraceae). Plant Biology 10.1111/plb.12295
  6. Chayut N, Sobol S, Samach A (2014) Shielding flowers developing under stress: translating theory to field application. Plants 3: 304-323
  7. Sobol S, Chayut N, Nave N, Kafle D, Hegele M, Kaminetsky R, Wunsche JN, Samach A (2014) Genetic variation in yield under hot ambient temperatures spotlights a role for cytokinin in protection of developing floral primordia. Plant Cell and Environment 37: 643-657
  8. Ziv D, Zviran T, Zezak O, Samach A, Irihimovitch V (2014) Expression Profiling of FLOWERING LOCUS T-Like Gene in Alternate Bearing 'Hass' Avocado Trees Suggests a Role for PaFT in Avocado Flower Induction. PLoS ONE Published: October 17, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110613
  9. Samach A, Smith HM (2013) Constraints to obtaining consistent annual yields in perennials II: environment and fruit load affect flowering induction. Plant Sci 207: 168-176
  10. Smith HM, Samach A (2013) Constraints to obtaining consistent annual yields in perennials tree crops I: heavy fruit load dominates over vegetative growth. Plant Science 207: 158-167
  11. Winterhagen P, Tiyayon P, Samach A, Hegele M, Wunsche J (2013) Isolation and characterization of FLOWERING LOCUS T subforms and APETALA1 of the subtropical fruit tree Dimocarpus longan. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 71: 184-190
  12. Cutri L, Nave N, Ben Ami M, Chayut N, Samach A, Dornelas MC. (2012) Evolutionary, genetic, environmental and hormonal-induced plasticity in the fate of organs arising from axillary meristems in Passiflora sp. Mechanisms of Development. In press.
  13. Samach A. (2012) Congratulations, you have been carefully chosen to represent an important developmental regulator! Annal.Bot. In press.
  14. Freiman A, Shlizerman L, Golobovitch S, Yablovitz Z, Korchinsky R, Cohen Y, Samach A, Chevreau E, Le Roux P-M, Patocchi A, Flaishman M. (2012) Development of a transgenic early flowering pear (Pyrus communis L.) genotype by RNAi silencing of PcTFL1-1 and PcTFL1 -2. Planta: 235: 1239-1251.
  15. Goldenberg L, Feygenberg O, Samach A, Pesis E. (2012) Ripening Attributes of New Passion Fruit Line Featuring Seasonal Non-climacteric Behavior. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60: 1810-1821
  16. Saleh O, Issman N, Seumel GI, Stav R, Samach A, Reski R, Frank W, Arazi T. (2011) MicroRNA534a control of BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 mediates juvenile-to-adult gametophyte transition in Physcomitrella patens. The Plant Journal 65: 661-674
  17. Samach A. (2011) Control of flowering. Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture: Prospects for the 21st Century. Edited By Arie Altman, Paul Michael Hasegawa: 387-404
  18. Tiyayon P, Hegele M, Wunsche JN, Pongsriwat K, Sruamsiri P, Samach A. (2011) Studies on the molecular basis of flowering in Longan (Dimocarpus Longan). Acta Hort. 903: 979-985.
  19. Sharabi-Schwager M, Porat R, Samach A. (2011) Overexpression of the CBF2 transcriptional Activator Enhances Oxidative Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis Plants. International Journal of Biology 3: 94-105
  20. Nave N, Katz E, Chayut N, Gazit S, Samach A. (2010) Flower development in the passion fruit Passiflora edulis requires a photoperiod-induced systemic graft-transmissible signal. Plant Cell and Environment 33: 2065-2083
  21. Sharabi-Schwager M, Lers A, Samach A, Guy C, Porat R. (2010) Overexpression of the CBF2 transcriptional activator in Arabidopsis delays leaf senescence and extends plant longevity. J. Exp. Bot. 61: 261-273
  22. Sharabi-Schwager M, Samach A, Porat R. (2010) Overexpression of the CBF2 transcriptional activator in Arabidopsis counteracts hormone activation of leaf senescence. Plant Signal Behav 5: 296-299
  23. Sharabi-Schwager M, Samach A, Porat R. (2010) Overexpression of the CBF2 transcriptional activator in Arabidopsis suppresses the responsiveness of leaf tissue to the stress hormone ethylene. Plant Biol (Stuttg) 12: 630-638
  24. Berger Y, Harpaz-Saad S, Brand A, Melnik H, Sirding N, Alvarez JP, Zinder M, Samach A, Eshed Y, Ori N. (2009) The NAC-domain transcription factor GOBLET specifies leaflet boundaries in compound tomato leaves. Development 136: 823-832
  25. Sharabi-Schwager M, Lers A, Samach A, Porat R. (2009) Relationship between plant stress tolerance, senescence and life span. Stewart Postharvest Review 5: 1-6
  26. Samach, A., and Lotan, H. (2007). The transition to flowering in tomato. Plant Biotechnology 24, In Press.
  27. Wenkel, S., Turck, F., Singer, K., Gissot, L., Le Gourrierec, J., Samach, A., and Coupland, G.(2006). CONSTANS and the CCAAT Box Binding Complex Share a Functionally Important Domain and Interact to Regulate Flowering of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 18, 2971-2984.
  28. Ben-Naim, O., Eshed, R., Parnis, A., Teper-Bamnolker, P., Shalit, A., Coupland, G., Samach, A., and Lifschitz, E. (2006). The CCAAT binding factor can mediate between CONSTANS-like proteins and DNA. Plant Journal 46, 462-476.
  29. Hasdai, M., Weiss, B., Levi, A., Samach, A., and Porat, R. (2006). Differential responses of Arabidopsis ecotypes to cold, chilling and freezing temperatures. Annals of applied biology. 148: 113-120.
  30. Sapitnitskaya, M., Maul, P., McCollum, G.T., Guy, C.L., Weiss, B., Samach, A., and Porat, R. (2006). Postharvest Heat and Conditioning Treatments Activate Different Molecular Responses and Reduce Chilling Injuries in Grapefruit. J Exp Bot 57, 2943-2953.
  31. Paltiel, J., Amin, R., Gover, A., Ori, N., and Samach, A. (2006). Novel roles for GIGANTEA revealed under environmental conditions that modify its expression in Arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula. Planta 224, 1255-1268.
  32. Samach, A., and Wigge, P.A. (2005). Ambient temperature perception in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8, 483-486.
  33. Teper-Bamnolker, P., and Samach, A. (2005). The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Cell 17, 2661-2675.
  34. Yanai, O., Shani, E., Dolezal, K., Tarkowski, P., Sablowski, R., Sandberg, G., Samach, A., and Ori, N. (2005). Arabidopsis KNOXI Proteins Activate Cytokinin Biosynthesis. Curr Biol 15, 1566-1571.
  35. Porat, R., Rozenzvieg, D., Lurie, S., and Samach, A. (2005). Induction of chilling tolerance in grapefruit: Physiological and molecular aspects. Acta Hort. 682,475-480.
  36. Valverde, F., Mouradov, A., Soppe, W., Ravenscroft, D., Samach, A., and Coupland, G. (2004). Photoreceptor regulation of CONSTANS protein in photoperiodic flowering. Science 303, 1003-1006.
  37. Goldschmidt, E.E., and Samach, A. (2004). Aspects of Flowering in Fruit trees. Acta Hort. 653, 23-27.
  38. Rozentzvieg, D., Elmaci, C., Samach, A., Lurie, S., and Porat, R. (2004). Isolation of four heat shock protein cDNAs from grapefruit peel tissue: possible relation to heat induced chilling tolerance response. Physiologia Plantarum 121, 421-428.
  39. Porat, R., Pasentsis, K., Rozentzvieg, D., Gerasopoulos, D., Falara, V., Samach, A., Lurie, S., and Kanellis, A.K. (2004). Isolation of a dehydrin cDNA from orange and grapefruit citrus fruit that is specifically induced by the combination of heat followed by chilling temperatures. Physiologia Plantarum 120, 256-264.
  40. Ben-Sadeh, H., and Samach, A. (2003). Nuclear DNA amounts. In " Encyclopedia of Rose Science (A. V. Roberts, T. Debener & S. Gudin, eds), Academic Press, Elsevier Science London, UK., 279-285.
  41. Samach, A., and Pineiro, M. (2002). Molecular Control of Light Sensing in Plant Development. A. Vainstein (ed.) Breeding For Ornamentals: Classical and Molecular Approaches. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 219-238.
  42. Samach, A., and Gover, A. (2001). Photoperiodism: The consistent use of CONSTANS. Curr Biol 11, R651-654.
  43. Bellaoui, M., Pidkowich, M.S., Samach, A., Kushalappa, K., Kohalmi, S.E., Modrusan, Z., Crosby, W.L., and Haughn, G.W. (2001). The Arabidopsis BELL1 and KNOX TALE homeodomain proteins interact through a domain conserved between plants and animals. Plant Cell 13, 2455-2470.
  44. Samach, A., and Coupland, G. (2000). Time measurement and the control of flowering in plants. Bioessays 22, 38-47.
  45. Samach, A., Onouchi, H., Gold, S.E., Ditta, G.S., Schwarz-Sommer, Z., Yanofsky, M.F., and Coupland, G. (2000). Distinct roles of CONSTANS target genes in reproductive development of Arabidopsis. Science 288, 1613-1616.
  46. Fowler, S., Lee, K., Onouchi, H., Samach, A., Richardson, K., Morris, B., Coupland, G., and Putterill, J. (1999). GIGANTEA: a circadian clock-controlled gene that regulates photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis and encodes a protein with several possible membrane-spanning domains. Embo J 18, 4679-4688.
  47. Samach, A., Klenz, J.E., Kohalmi, S.E., Risseeuw, E., Haughn, G.W., and Crosby, W.L. (1999). The UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS gene of Arabidopsis thaliana is an F-box protein required for normal patterning and growth in the floral meristem. Plant J 20, 433-445.
  48. Schaffer, R., Ramsay, N., Samach, A., Corden, S., Putterill, J., Carre, I.A., and Coupland, G. (1998). The late elongated hypocotyl mutation of Arabidopsis disrupts circadian rhythms and the photoperiodic control of flowering. Cell 93, 1219-1229.
  49. Samach, A., Kohalmi, S.E., Motte, P., Datla, R., and Haughn, G.W. (1997). Divergence of function and regulation of class B floral organ identity genes. Plant Cell 9, 559-570.
  50. Reiser, L., Modrusan, Z., Margossian, L., Samach, A., Ohad, N., Haughn, G.W., and Fischer, R.L. (1995). The BELL1 gene encodes a homeodomain protein involved in pattern formation in the Arabidopsis ovule primordium. Cell 83, 735-742.
  51. Samach, A., Broday, L., Hareven, D., and Lifschitz, E. (1995). Expression of an amino acid biosynthesis gene in tomato flowers: developmental upregulation and MeJa response are parenchyma-specific and mutually compatible. Plant J 8, 391-406.
  52. Samach, A., Hareven, D., Gutfinger, T., Ken-Dror, S., and Lifschitz, E. (1991). Biosynthetic threonine deaminase gene of tomato: isolation, structure, and upregulation in floral organs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88, 2678-2682.


Lab Members

Revital Amin

Ravit Eshed

Yael Assouline

Ayala Gover

Hamutal Lotan

Kamy Singer

Judith Paltiel

Nahum Nave

Anat Elbaz


Paula Teper


Dr. Ehud Katz 
UC Davis