Prof. Meira Ziv


Prof. Meira Ziv

1931 - 2024


Marital status - Married August 19, 1951 to the late Gideon Ziv, Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology; widowed November 7, 1997. Three children.
Date of Birth - 22 November 1931, Tel Aviv, Israel
Military service - Nahal, Erez Settlement, 1949-1951 

University Degrees:

1954 - University of California, Davis, CA., U.S.A. - B.Sc. with highest honors.
1966 - University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MINN., U.S.A. - M.Sc Thesis on "Mechanism of Phosphate Absorption in Rhizoctonia solani" (supervised by Prof. T.W. Sudia).
1978 - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel - Ph.D. Thesis on "Physiological Background Associated with Regulation of Genetically Controlled Growth Habit in Arachis hypogaea L." (supervised by Profs. D. Koller and A.H. Halevy). 

Research and Professional Experience:

1955-1956 - Teaching Assistant, Botany Department, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia.
1957-1959 - Teaching Assistant, Botany Department, University of Queensland, QLD., Australia.
1959-1963 - Lecturer in Plant Physiology at the Ruppin Institute of Agriculture.
1965-1966 - Research Assistant in Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MINN., U.S.A.
1967-1971 - Research Assistant in the Departments of Floriculture and Vegetable Crops; Lecturer in Plant Physiology. Courses organized by the Ministry of Agriculture.
1972-1974 - Teaching Assistant, Department of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
1975-1976 - Study leave, Department of Horticulture, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Holland.
1975-1978 - Instructor, Department of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel.
1979-1982 - Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
1980-1981 - Sabbatical leave at the Radiation Biology Laboratory, Smithsonian Institute, Rockville and at the Cell Culture Laboratory ARS USDA Beltsville MD., U.S.A.
1982 - Senior Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel.
1987 - Sabbatical leave, Department of Horticulture, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, U.S.A.
???? - Visiting Professor, established a study program in Plant Tissue Culture, at the Center for Biotechnology, Leigh University, Bethlehem, PA, U.S.A.
1990 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.
1993 - Sabbatical leave, Department of Plant Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, U.S.A.
1997 - Sabbatical leave, University of London, Kensington, UK. 

Professional Appointments and Scientific Activities:

Since 1983 - Member of the Founding Committee of the Israeli Society for Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology.
1983-1985 - Vice Chairman of the Israeli Society for Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology.
1985-1987 - Chairman of the Israeli Society for Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology.
1985-1987 - National correspondent to the International Association for Plant Tissue Culture.
1985 - Advisor for the Friends of the Hebrew University and FIRA del Banco de Mexico to organize and conducted workshops for the development of plant tissue culture in Mexico.
1986-1990 - Member of the Research Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1986 - Member of the organizing committee of the Otto Warburg Center in Agricultural Biotechnology 1st Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot.
1987 - Invited to conduct a course in Plant Tissue Culture, at the Department of Biotechnology, Lehigh University, Bet-Lehem, PENN. as part of a Scientists Exchange Programm with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1988-1991 - Member of the Recreation and Sports Cener Committee at the Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1988-1991 - Head, Agricultural Botany Study Division, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1989 - Member of the organizing committee of the Otto Warburg Center in Agricultural Biotechnology 3rd Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot.
1989-1995 - Dean of Students at the Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot.
1989-1995 - Member of a students-lecturers discipline committee, headed by the Dean and the Chairman of the Teaching Committee.
1990-1994 - Associate editor for the Journal of 'Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture', Kluwer Academic Pub.
1991-1993 - Representative of senior lecturers and associate professors to the Hebrew University Senate
1991-1994 - Member of the Teaching Committee of the Biotechnology Study Division, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1993 - Nominated by the ISHS Council - member of the Commission Biotechnology of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences
1993-1998 - Member and the Israeli representative of commison biotechnology of ISHS.
1994-1996 - Vice Chairman of the Teaching Committee of the Biotechnology Study Division, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1995-1996 - Representative of senior lecturers and associate professors to the Hebrew University Senat.
1995-1998 - Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Plant Tissue Culture (IAPTC).
1995-1998 - Editor, 'Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology', the IAPTC Journal.
1995 - Member of the Committee for Israeli-Jordanian Cooperation in Natural Sciences and Agriculture (Amman, Jordan).
1995-1996 - Convenor and member of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Symposium on "In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding", 1996, Jerusalem, Israel.
1995-1996 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the Bulb Symposium, 1996, Jerusalem, Israel.
1995-1996 - Member of the Plant Physiology Science Committe for promotions awarding tenure at the Faculty of Agriculture and at the Life Sciences Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1996 - Member of an exchange mission in Agricultural Biotechnology to Beijin, China.
1996-1998 - Member of the Scientific Committee for the IX IAPTC Congress "Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century", to be held in 1998, Jerusalem, Israel.

Membership in Professional Societies:

Israel Society of Botany
Israel Society for Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology
Israel Society of Plant Propagators
International Association for Plant Tissue Culture
Internation Society of Horticulture Science
Internation Society for Plant Molecular Biology
Society for the In Vitro Bioloy (Formerly TCA)
European Society of Plant Physiology


Disposable plastic bioreactor Life Reactor , licensed to 'Osmotek' Ltd.
'Aklamazin' - hardening polymers developed for Plant Biotech Industries.


Smithsonian Institute presentation - 1981.
Florizel 1st prize best lecture presentation, Arlan - 1987.
Isael Flower Growers scholarships foundation.
"Reach for Recovery" - 10 year volunteer award - Israel Cancer Association.

Invited Lectures and Workshop Chairing (18 since last promotion):

IAPTC congresses, Amsterdam (1990), Florence (1994), Jerusalem (1998).
ISHS congresses, Florence (1992), Kyoto (1995).
Tutorial session on plant tissue culture for engineers at the ASAE Winter Meeting in Chicago.
EAPP and Belgian IAPTC, Antwerpen - Planary lecture. Australian IAPTC, Queensland (1996).
Plant Growth Substances Cnngress, Amsterdam (1991).
SIUB, Wshington DC (1991), Colorado, USA (1993).
Agricultural Biotechnology, Beijing, China (1996).
Transplant Production Systems, Yokohama, Japan (1992).
Agricultural Biodiversity and Biotechnology - Jordanian Israeli Workshop, Amman, Jordan (1995).
Cost meeting, EEC, Sanremo (1996).

Chairperson in Workshops:

1992, Yokohama
1993, Colorado
1994, Florence
1995, Kyoto
August 1998 


1. Plant Biology (for non-plant science students, lectures and exercises). Undergraduate. 
2. Plant Physiology (lectures and laboratory course). Undergraduate 
3. Experimental Plant Physiology. Undergraduate. 
4. Plant Tissue Cultures (lectures and exercises). Graduate. 
5. Experimental Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture (laboratory course). 
6. Agricultural Biotechnology. Graduate. 
7. Selected topics in Biotechnology. Graduate. 
8. Graduate student seminars. 
9. Workshop - Biology of Geophytes. Graduate. 
10. International course in Plant Biotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, External Studies Unit, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Supervision of M.Sc. Students (last five years):

Ilan, A. The effect of aeration and the gaseous phase in regeneration and acclimatization of Brodieae plants from liquid cultures (with A.H. Halevy). 
Carmi-Tarnopolsky, T. Bud differentiation and growth from apsen (Populus tremula) root and bud explants oin liquid cultures (with A. Altman). 
Kalman-Rotem, N. Shoots and tubers development of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in vitro as affected by the carbohydrates content and concentration and by growth regulators (with S. Wolf). 
Nadler Hassar, T. Characterization of the effect of bean PAL in transtggeniic tobacco plants and Calli (with Y. Elkind). 
Samueloff L. Improving water holding capacity and availability of soil water to plants using PAM (with Y. Chen, R. Wallach). 
Zipman, S. (with S.W. Applebaum) - Tissue Culture and cloning of the Neem tree. 

Work in Progress
Salame, N. Bud regeneration and proliferation in liquid cultured Spatiphylium. 
Vinokor B. Bud regeneration from transformed roots of Aspen (with A. Altman). 
Finkman, S. Transformation of vitis for seedless fruit traits. (With A. Perl, not final). 
Israeli, A. Bud and corm development in newly introduced Brodiea plants. 
Zmiri, N. Physiology of root development in woody plants in vitro. 

Supervision of Ph.D. Students:

Konsens, I. The effects of environmental and hormonal factors on contractile root formation in Gladiolus. 

Work in Progress
Visnevetski, J. (with E., Zamski) Morphology and physiology of bulb development in Nerine. 
Chen Jianxin, Developmentl aspects of somatic embryogenesis (not finalized). 
Kees Veldhuijzen. Morphogenesis of regenerating Narcissus in vitro. Training program from the "International College of Agriculture Larnstein, Velp. The Netherlands. 

Research Projects:

1. Developmental patterns of bulb forming plants (Nerine, Dubium, Amaryllis) in liquid cultures. Flower Growers Board (1993-1995 - $ 20,000). 
2. Enhanced regeneration and bulb formation in Narcissus. Ministry of Agriculture (1994-1996, with H. Lilien-Kipnis - $ 45,000). 
3. The development of storage organs in Narcissus (and related geophytes) cultured in liquid medium. Robert Szold Institute, HU R&D Authority (1995-1998, with E. Zamski - $ 35,000). 
4. Production of growth inhibiting secondary metabolites in liquid cultured geophytes. Yissum (IBR, 1995-1996 - $ 33,000). 
5. Propagation and bioinsecticide production in tissue cultured Neem (Applied Research Funds H.U. R&D Authority (1994-1996 with S. Appelbaum - $ 30,000). 
6. Disposable presterilized bioreactors for scaled-up plant micropropagation Robert Szold Institute H.U. R&D (1996-1998 - $ 55,000). 
7. Development and improved methods for production of plant propagation material in vitro. H.U. R&D and the Authority for Higher Education (1994-1995 - $ 15,000). 
8. Environmental control and aeration apparatus improvements for micropropagation in disposable bioreactors. H.U. R&D Authority (Osmotek Ltd. 1997-1998 - $ 5,000). 
9. Propagation, growth and acclimatization of recalcitrant geophytes. Flower Growers Board. (1997-1998 - $ 12,500). 
10. Transformation in Vitis vinifera for the induction of seedless fruit production. Ministry of Agriculture (1995-1997 with A. Perl - $ 17,000). 
11. Graduate Students' research scholarships. The Production and Marketing Board of Ornamental Plants (1990-1998 - $ 29,000).

Current Publications:

1. Ziv, M, 1978. Physiological background associated with regulation of genetically controlled growth habit in Arachis hypogaea L. Ph.D. Thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (supervised by Prof. D. Koller and Prof. A.H. Halevy). Scientific Papers in Reviewed Journals (last five years): 
2. Alchanatis, V., Peleg, K. and Ziv, M.. 1994. Morphological control and mensuration of potato plantlets from tissue culture, Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture. 36:331-338. 
3. Ziv, M. Kahany, S. and Lilien-Kipnis, H. 1994. Scaled-up proliferation and regeneration of Nerine in liquid cultures. part I. The induction and maintenance of proliferating meristematic clusters by paclobutrazol in bioreactors. Plant Cell. Tissue and Organ Culture 39:111-117. 
4. Lilien-Kipnis, H. Azizbekova, N. and Ziv, M.. 1994. Scaled-up proliferation and regeneration of Nerine in liquid cultures. Part II. Ontogeny of somatic embryos and bulblet regeneration. Plant Cell. Tissue and Organ Culture. 39:119-125. 
5. Shlamovitz, N., Ziv, M. and Zamski E. 1994. Light, dark and growth regulator involvement in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) pod development. Plant Growth Regul. 14:1-6. 
6. Ziv, M.. Shemesh, D. 1996. Propagation and tuberization of potato bud clusters from bioreactor culture in vitro. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 32:31-36. 
7. Ilan, A., Ziv, M.. and Halevy A.H. 1996. Propagation and corm development of Brodiaea in liquid culture. Scientia Hortic. 63:101-112. 
8. Vishnevetsky, J., Lilien-Kipnis, H., Azizbekova, N. and Ziv, M. 1997. Bulb and inflorescence development in Nerine sarniensis. Isr. J. Plant Sci. 45: 13-18. b Ziv, M., Ronen, G. and Raviv, M. 1998. Proliferation of meristematic clusters in disposable presterilized plastic bioreactors for the large-scale micropropagation of plants. In Vitro Cell Develop. Biol. Plant 34(2): 152-158. 
10. Wolf, S., Kalman-Rotem, N., Yakir, D. and Ziv, M. 1998. Autotrophy and heterotrophy of in vitro grown potato. J. Pl. Physiol. (in press). Chapters in Books and Proceedings (last five years): 
11. Ziv, M. and Ariel, T. 1994. 'Vitrification in relation to stomatal deformation and malfunction in carnation leaves in vitro', in P.J. Lumsden, J. Nicholas and W.J. Davies (Eds.), Physiology, Growth and Development of Micropropagated Plants, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 143-154. 
12. Ziv, M. 1995. The control of bioreactor environment for plant propagation in liquid culture. Acta Hortic. 393:25-38. 
13. Ziv, M. Kahany, S. and Lilien-Kipnis, H. 1995. Somatic embryos and bulblet development from bioreactor regenerated meristematic clusters of Nerine. Acta Hortic. 393:203-212 
14. Zypman, S., Ziv, M. and Applebaum, S. 1997. Tissue culture methods and cloning of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) for bioinsecticide production. Acta Hortic. 447: 235-236. 
15. Altman, A. and Ziv, M.. 1997. Introduction: horticultural biotechnology: a historical perspective and future prospects. Acta Hortic. 447: 31-35. 
16. Carmi T., Ziv, M. and Altman, A. 1997. Bud regeneration growth and proliferation of aspen (Populus tremula) roots in liquid cultures. Acta Hortic. 447: 669-670. 
17. Ziv, M. and Lilien-Kipnis, H. 1997. The inflorescence stalk: a source of highly regenerative explants for micropropagation of geophytes. Acta Hortic. 447: 107-111. 
18. Vishnevetsky, J., Azizbekova, N., Ziv, M. and Lilien-Kipnis, H. 1997. Development of the bulb and inflorescence in outdoor grown Nerine sarniensis. Acta Hortic. 430: 147-153. 
19. Ziv, M. and Lilien-Kipnis, H. 1997. Bud cluster proliferation in bioreactor cultures of Ornithogalum dubium. Acta Hortic. 430: 307-310. 
20. Ziv, M. 1997.Recent advancements in tissue culture and future challenges. In: Tissue Culture: Towards The Next Century (Taji A. and Williams R., Eds.), University of New England Publications Unit, Australia, pp. 17-22. 
21. Vishnevetsky, J., Zamski, E. and Ziv, M.. 1997. Bulb growth and carbohydrate metabolism in Nerine sarniensis cultured in vitro. Acta Hortic. 447: 213-214. 
22. Ziv, M. 1997. The contribution of biotechnology to breeding propagation and disease resistance in geophytes. Acta Hortic. 430:247-258. 
23. Ziv, M. 1998. Plant proliferation and micropropagation in bioreactors. In: Janick, J. (Ed.) Horticultural Reviews. John Wiley & Sons Inc. (in press). 
24. Ziv, M. 1998. Developmental and structural patterns of in vitro plants. In: Morphogenesis in Tissue Culture. Soh, W.Y. and Bhojwani, S.S. (Eds.) Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht (in press). 
25. Ziv, M. and Plessner, O. 1998. In vitro propagation and corm production of the Saffron Crocus. In: Negbi, M. (Ed.) Hardwood Acad. Pub. GMBH Chur Switzerland. (in press). BOOKS: 
26. Altman, A. and Ziv, M. 1996. Horticultural Biotechnology In Vitro Breeding. Acta Hortic. 447: 674 p. 
27. Altman, A., Ziv, M. and Izhar, S. 1998. Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology ub the 21st Century. Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, 680 p. (in press). 
28. Jacoby, B. and Ziv, M. 1998. Principles of Plant Physiology. Magnes Pub. Jerusalem, 385 p. (in press). Publications in Hebrew (last five years) Vishnevezki, J., Lilien-Kipnis, H., Azizbekova, N. and Ziv, M. 1995. Nerine: inflorescence and bulb development. Dapey Meida 1: 77-80.