Prof. Naftaly Zieslin


Prof. Naftaly Zieslin

1930 - 2017


Curriculum Vitae

1930 - born in Leningrad, USSR; 
1947 – immigration to Israel; 
1963-1965 - Extension Service (Floriculture, Ministry of Agriculture); 
1966 - M.Sc. Agriculture, HUJI; 
1966-1967 - Senior Scientist, High Value Crops Research Center, ARO, Volcani Center; 
Since 1967 - Department of Floriculture and Greenhouse Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, HUJI:  
1970 – Instructor, 1974 - Ph.D.; 
1975 - Post Doc Fellowship with Prof. R.P. Pharis, Univ. of Calgary, Canada and Prof. H.C. Kohl, University of California, Davis, USA; 
1976 - Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, HUJI; 
1977 - Head Research Group, Postharvest Physiology of Rose Flowers, UC, Davis, USA; 
1978 – Sen. Lect., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 
1979-1981 - Chairman, Horticultural Division, Faculty of Agriculture, HUJI; 
1981-1982 - Research Fellow, Agricultural University, Norway; 
1982 – Assoc. Prof., HUJI; 
1986 - FAO Mission for Development of Tropical Floriculture, East Caribbean, Barbados, Commonwealth of Dominica, St. Vincent & St. Lucia; 
1986-1987 - Research Fellow, University of Guelph, Canada; 
1989 - Full Prof., HUJI; 
1993-1994 - Leader, Research and Development of Soilless Rose Cultivation, Tenerife, Canarian Islands, Spain; 
1994 - Head, Rose Research Unit, Kennedy-Leigh Centre for Horticultural Research, Rehovot, Israel; 
1998 - Rose Production in Soilless Media and Postharvest Flower Longevity. Integrated Project:
1) Instituto Valensiano Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA). 
2) Universidad Polytechnico, Valencia 
3) Elig Flor, Rose Production Co., Alicante.
4) Universal Plantas, Rose Breeding Co., Valencia

Past Teaching

1. Greenhouse Management 
2. Rose Plant Physiology and Cultivation (The only full semester course in the world) 
3) Production of Foliage and Flowering Potted Plants. 
4) Cultivation of Geophytes.


More than 120 reports concerning rose plant physiology and cultivation of greenhouse roses published in international scientific journals as well as numerous reports in the local Israeli magazines.